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How Kid Cudi Takes You Up a Notch


I’m convinced that Cleveland, Ohio contains a secret ingredient in their water. Look at LeBron James as a prime example. I don’t blame him for returning to this city anymore.
Carrie Underwood said “there is something in the water.” Of course, Cleveland is strategically located by the Great Lake Erie. Did you know Kid Cudi was born and raised there? Not in the water silly! on land; he’s not Aquaman.
What are your favorite Kid Cudi songs? I suggest Day ‘N’ Nite, Pursuit of Happiness, and Up, Up & Away. In addition, the musician received two Grammys for All of the Lights.

Not enough bloggers pay tribute to Kid Cudi and his heavy impact on music. The average consumer listens to Drake, Kendrick Lamar, and J. Cole in that order. Let me introduce you to a little variety, because isn’t life all about taking it up a notch?

Kid Cudi brings back the days of Woodstock. I’ve said it before, if I could time travel, I’d go back to 1970 and save Jimi Hendrix. Because I can’t break through the time continuum right now, I’ll see a few Cudi concerts while technology advances.

First off, Kid Cudi is underrated because he goes against the grain like Common, Mos Def, and Nas. He understands that Hip-Hop isn’t Pop. Rappers like Cudi are supposed to be vocal about social issues. Yes, pick and choose your battles, but don’t sellout and act cowardly. That’s what Iggy Azalea hasn’t learned. 

Kid Cudi proves that making positive Hip-Hop music is possible. What is more, properly produced motivational songs can in fact be profitable. Cudi demonstrates why more artists should incorporate spiritual and uplifting lyrics instead of superficial and materialistic nonsense.

Aren’t you sick and tired of the rubbish you hear on the radio? Why not try something different? Listen to Kid Cudi on Pandora, iTunes, and YouTube.

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How Jamie Foxx Became Extraordinary


Ordinary people settle for mediocrity. Extraordinary individuals believe in their abilities and never get complacent. Jamie Foxx became extraordinary by making his dreams come true.
Do you watch the Jamie Foxx show? That sitcom serves as perfect example of Foxx’s trajectory. From the beginning, determined and ambitious Jamie King chased Francesca (Fancy) all around the hotel. In the finale, Jamie marries Fancy and all is well.
At my elementary school, classmates and I would practice Jamie Foxx’s tagline during recess. The genius of Jamie’s comedy is that it’s capable of reaching everybody. Have you seen the Annie remake starring the multitalented celebrity?

Anyone who can perform standup comedy, act in a variety of roles, and sing Hip-Hop with perfection is special. Furthermore, the complete entertainer hosts a radio program called the Foxx Hole.
Plus, the actor/singer/comedian tickles the ebonies and ivories similar to Alicia Keys. You see Jamie enjoys making money and the celebrity’s creativity is off the charts. People give their undivided attention to Foxx because he has established himself as a one-stop entertainment shop.

If you still don’t believe Jamie Foxx isn’t extraordinary tell that to the Grammys, Golden Globes, and Oscars committees because they all awarded him the highest honors. Do you think Jamie is a better actor, comedian, or singer? I considered him best at acting, then singing, and lastly comedy.
The fact of the matter is Jamie can do it all exceptionally well. Like Jim Carrey and Jennifer Lopez, Kennan Ivory Wayans and In Living Color opened opportunities for Foxx. Plus, Def Comedy Jam gained the comedian more exposure. Watching Jamie perform is like seeing LeBron James play basketball.

What are your favorite Jamie Foxx films? I recommend Ray, the Soloist, Law Abiding Citizen, and Django Unchained. Because of his authentic gifts, Jamie Foxx belongs in the conversation among the greatest entertainers of all time.
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Bill Gates Britney Spears Celebrities Entertainment Guru Jay Inspiration Jazz Kenny G Marilyn Manson Microsoft Music Musicians poetry positivity safer world Saxophones Saxophonist Smooth Jazz

How Saxophonist Kenny G Perfected Smooth Jazz


I learned how to write poetry in the 5th grade. My teachers entered my poems into statewide contests. Fortunately I won a few of those.
Poetry stretches the creative mind and imagination. Picture life without words, rhythm, metaphors, and pentameters. How would you make sense of living and reality?
While growing up, I rarely listened to rock or rap music. I played jazz in my old portable CD player. Do you remember the Walkman?
Right after listening to Kenny G, I would write poetry because the saxophonist inspired me. Inspirational music serves multiple purposes. First of all, more souls seek daily inspiration. Second, motivational music itself cures boredom, frustration, and negativity.
Has Kenny G even played a negative note? Kenny mostly orchestrates positive moods, good spirits, and good vibrations. What is more, his long and illustrious career speaks volumes about his musical influence.
By my 15thbirthday- early 2000s, I heard every Kenny G album in existence. There is still something magical about saxophones. The jazz musician breathes life into his instruments.
Kenny G is a poet who specializes in smooth jazz on the soprano saxophone. His style is similar to the magnetic Adam Levine. He makes his hardware sound like Christina Aguilera.
Kenny G built his fandom by becoming the Microsoft of smooth jazz. Yes, Bill Gates created a monopoly with Windows. And, in the same way, Kenny G was the foremost saxophonist.
Christmas 2000, my mother asked me “What do you want for a present?” I’ll never forget receiving more than what I asked for. My parents gave me the Britney Spears Oops!…I Did It Again album, a stereo, and a Yamaha keyboard. I’ve always loved music since a youngster because music improves your quality of life.

Wouldn’t the world be a safer place if more young people listened to Kenny G and smooth jazz instead of Marilyn Manson?

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Blurred Lines gold diggers Guru Jay Joe Cocker Justin Timberlake Magic Music original platinum pop Robin Thicke Sex Therapy Songs studio booth style superior the Evolution Treasure Island Usher

Why Robin Thicke Is Superior


I remember the first time hearing Robin Thicke sing Lost Without You on the airwaves while driving to work. YouTube had just been invented and I was surprised when I watched the video, because I honestly thought Robin was African American. The next week I researched Robin Thicke like an employer investigating and screening potential workers.
Hence, the second Robin Thicke music video I watched was When I Get You Alone, a blatant sample of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. In the video, Robin’s long hair looked like Jesus’s hairdo. Thicke clearly passed the background check after much deliberation with family, friends, and coworkers.
The next time I shopped at Target, I purchased the Evolution of Robin Thicke CD. Till this day, I still periodically listen to the album. What is more, through the years Robin Thicke has stayed relevant by perfecting onstage performances and always crowd-pleasing.

By the way, the Evolution was certified platinum. Thicke should have received 5 Grammys but the Academy rather give Beck praises. Kanye West was right; giving Beck the Grammy for Best Album was an atrocity.

How can I best describe Robin’s unique sound? Robin Thicke sounds similar to Justin Timberlake, Usher, and the late great Joe Cocker. Still, Thicke has an original style separating him from his peers like the aforementioned musicians. 
Robin Thicke doesn’t get his feathers ruffled because Thicke identifies with ordinary people. When Robin enters the studio booth, music is the only thing on his mind. That’s why I say, find something you’re passionate about, ride your love to the wheels fall off, and the money will eventually come provided you adequately prepared yourself.

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What are your favorite Robin Thicke songs? I like Blurred Lines, Sex Therapy, and Magic the most. Digging up the musician’s catalog is like reading Treasure Island. Robin Thicke is superior because his smooth style captivates millions of gold-diggers.

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House of Cards Season 3: Episode 3 Recap


Starring as President Underwood, Kevin Spacey is setting the tone for season 3. In episode 3, Underwood meets with Russian President Petrov, first at the State Dinner, then at the Oval office. The recently divorced Petrov is the world’s most eligible bachelor.
At first glance, Underwood and his highly esteemed guest hit it off until Petrov starts screwing with the First Lady. From that point forward, Underwood scrutinizes the Russian President’s every action.
Petrov leads invited politicians and celebrities in drinking games. The leader insists this is according to Russian tradition, but I don’t buy that baloney. Everyone keeps drinking, obeying Petrov’s command, and accepting Communism except for Pussy Riot.

Pussy Riot disrupts President Petrov’s toast making an unforgettable exit.
When will Michael Kelly’s character former White House Chief of Staff Doug Stamper get the message? The administration has written Stamper off as a liability. Recall Stamper started the season helpless in a hospital. Now, he can’t sit still because the character wants to continue working for Underwood.
President Frank makes good on his promise and the First Lady becomes the United Nations Ambassador. Claire develops a strategic and romantic relationship with Secretary of State Catherine Durant. Jayne Atkinson plays secretaries like Maggie Gyllenhaal, Hillary Clinton, and Condoleezza Rice combined.
Additionally, Underwood plans to make the Solicitor General a Supreme Court Justice. However, an elderly justice who’s in the early stages of the Alzheimer’s disease, doesn’t want to relinquish his position. The evil pork-loving President effectively threatens to publicly expose the Justice’s illness.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Although the POTUS told the Democratic leadership and America he rather govern than campaign for office nobody really believes him. Understand Underwood engages in doublespeak and secretly worships Satan. Democrats remind the President no one elected him every blue moon.  

This House of Cards episode not only shows the importance of strong foreign policy but how easily outside forces influence the United States government and how corruption spreads rampant.

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Actors Ashton Kutcher Celebrities Charlie Sheen Emma Watson Guru Jay Hollywood Jim Carrey Leonardo DiCaprio Lindsay Lohan Movies Neil Patrick Harris Russell Brand Stephen Fry Tom Hanks Top Ten Twitter

Top Ten Twitter Actors

Who are the most followed actors on Twitter?
Are you ready? My list excludes musicians and Bollywood. Let’s start the countdown…

10. Lindsay Lohan 8.84 Million

If you’re throwing a party, invite LiLo to make an appearance. Not only can Lindsay boogie on down, she’s a major attraction. The tenth most followed Twitter actor soaks in the limelight and receives re-tweets galore.
9. Stephen Fry 8.91 Million

Englander Stephen Fry comes in at number nine. Furthermore, Fry is one of the most engaging Tweeters because Stephen is influential as a gay rights spokesperson. The actor is literally a Twitter giant standing at a whopping 6’5”.
8. Russell Brand 9.23 Million

Fellow Englishman Russell Brand brings energy to the Top 10 list. In my opinion, Brand makes a better actor than comedian. Don’t get me wrong, Russell’s funny like Fry. But, I’m biased because I believe Americans are funnier and naughtier by nature. “You down with O.P.P.? Yeah, you know me!”
7. Tom Hanks 9.49 Million

Lucky number seven on Twitter is arguably the greatest actor of all time- Tom Hanks. The actor saved the movie industry. He deserved to win Oscars for Forrest Gump, Green Mile, Philadelphia, and Saving Private Ryan. 
6. Charlie Sheen 11.4 Million

Charlie Sheen comes in sixth. Want some fun? Follow Charlie because he’s picking beef with cows. Check out Who’s Winning? Charlie Sheen Vs. Rihanna.
5. Leonardo DiCaprio 12.3 Million

Reportedly, Leonardo DiCaprio aka Romeo threw Rihanna an elaborate surprise birthday festivity. All of entertainment’s movers and shakers showed up to the occasion. Tread lightly Charlie, because DiCaprio and Rihanna have gotten into a serious relationship. And the fifth most followed Twitter actor has friends in high places.
4. Jim Carrey 13.9 Million

Canadian actor/comedian Jim Carrey currently ranks fourth. The movie star showed a different side in the Number 23. While we’re discussing digits, Carrey will soon pass 14 million followers.
3. Neil Patrick Harris 14.2 Million

This multi-talented and triple threat celebrity happens to go by three names. Neil Patrick Harris personifies Hollywood’s finest. Obviously, hosting the Oscars is his career highlight. But, his cameos in the Harold and Kumar franchise are beyond hilarious.
2. Ashton Kutcher 16.7 Million

Before every celebrity, brand, and business joined Twitter, Ashton Kutcher shamelessly promoted and plugged his account. That’s why today Ashton ranks second among the most followed Twitter actors. As of now, @aplusk has 16.7 million followers.
1. Emma Watson 16.8 Million

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Emma Watson, who is the youngest person in the top 10, doesn’t even have 1,000 tweets.  Yet, the actress turning 25 this April amassed more Twitter followers than any other actor. Watson leads more people than Cuba’s Castro.
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Conqueror Danny Strong drama duet Empire Estelle Fox Guru Jay Jussie Smolett Lee Daniels musical soap opera Taraji P. Henson Terrence Howard Trai Byers TV Unto the Breach Willie Hutch

Who’s Watching Empire? Recap Part III- Brother’s Gonna Work It Out


Empire goes by the slogan “Have everybody talking Thursday.” Well, Guru Jay will talk about it Wednesday. In my opinion, Unto the Breach is the second best episode.
Here’s an off the cuff response for your reading pleasure.
Empire proves that all families have problems. What is more, society must confront pressing issues with compassion and empathy.
Unfortunately, every empire eventually collapses. However, Lucious Lyon and family are just beginning. I predict the IPO will happen. And Anika Calhoun will change sides once again.
You see Empire puts the fun in dysfunctional. We all can relate to these characters in someway. Furthermore, we’ve dealt with scheming and shiesty snakes such as: bitter Baretti. Maybe, you are one tough Cookie yourself.
Andre, played by Trai Byers, is bipolar and experienced a mental breakdown causing involuntary hospitalization. What an emotional ending…
Meanwhile, Baretti clarifies to Anika that his quarrel with Lucious is extremely personal. Now, understand there is a Saint Louis but not a Saint Lucious.
Lucious’ past haunts him every night. While I sympathize with ALS, Lyon is a stone cold killer. Not to mention, he’s stuck on stupid with his outdated ideas and preconceived notions.
Clearly, the spotlight shined on Trai Byers tonight. His performance warrants an Emmy. The elevator scene with the three brothers shook millions of living rooms.
Moreover, Jussie Smollett and Estelle’s Conqueror duet delivered a timely and positive message.
The writers and actors are in sync. This TV show has superb synergy.
I started the discussion earlier than usual because I want to be first this time. Also, Empire deserves more than just an honorable mention. Lee Daniels and Danny Strong win blue ribbons.
Truly, I don’t know what will happen but I’m fascinated by what could transpire. The three brothers are more united. Willie Hutch was right; brothers will work it out.

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