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How George Carlin Stirred Up Controversy

Comedians respect George Carlin’s tithes and offerings. Moreover, George Carlin greatly contributed to society with his witty observations and realism. He saw life neither as a fairy tale or a reality show.
It is impossible to agree with all of Carlin’s controversial views and insights. But admire the funnyman’s fearlessness and tenacity. The legend lambasted corporations and institutions, who really run the world- NOT girls…sorry Beyonce.
Furthermore, it took big balls for George to go against feminism. Remember standup comedy is tongue-in-cheek. Carlin supported empowering women in the same way that Mark Twain advocated emancipating slaves. Remind yourself comedy is more figurative than literal.
Additionally, exceptional comedians can persuade crowds better than illusionists with their timely words and naughty gestures. 
George Carlin explained the game and broke the rules. He was the complete standup comic. The celebrity disseminated information to the tired, poor, and huddled masses. It might seem odd but he engaged both mainstream and underground fan bases. In other words, George had money flowing on bridges and inside tunnels- from all directions.
George Carlin’s comedy wasn’t too extreme like Russell Brand’s erotic escapades. Carlin couldn’t compete with Jim Carrey’s loose movements and crazy facial expressions. However, George Carlin was an original entertainer and arguably the best. 
 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Before Bill Maher came on the scene and pissed off Christians, George Carlin pissed off all religions first and foremost. Yes, Bill borrowed material from George. Comics steal jokes because it is a rite of passage. It’s actually insulting when your comedy isn’t recycled. Dave Chappelle reworks Richard Pryor’s comedy in the same way Kobe Bryant stole Michael Jordan’s jumper.
I feel George Carlin was the Larry Bird of standup comedy. You will always recall his impact on the game. Sometimes, he stepped out of bounds on purpose. Plus, George Carlin intentionally delivered flagrant fouls.
7 Words
Final thought, George Carlin is most famous for constructing a list of seven dirty words you can never say on television.
1.         Shit
2.         Piss
3.         Fuck
4.         Cunt
5.         Cocksucker
6.         Motherfucker
7.         Tits

George Carlin stirred up controversy with a silver spoon.

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Louis C.K. Rolled Into 1 Big Fattie


Do you watch Louie on FX? I used to binge watch episodes every now and then. Louis C.K. is George Carlin, George Lopez, and Jerry Seinfeld rolled into 1 big fattie. The comedian observes life from another lens and a different scope.
Who are your top 10 comedians working today? Louis C.K. makes my top 10 because of his nonchalant style. I like him better than Kevin Hart, who goes overboard sometimes.
Louis C.K. is old fashioned and distinguishable. He gives you just enough. Louie won’t wave a big juicy steak in your face because then you’ll bite off more than you can chew. He’ll feed you one forkful at a time like a true gentleman.
If you appreciate the comedic genius of Kevin James, then Louie is your guy. Comedy is weak without a strong personality. Louis C.K. lays in the cut, but lives on the edge. FX labels his Louie material TVMA (Mature) for this reason.   

The comedy business has changed significantly since yesterday. It’s no longer the hardest gig in the entertainment industry. Talented actors have a much harder time than talented comics. You’re not going to make it unless you look like Olivia Wilde and act like Julia Roberts, sorry.
Let’s campaign for more Louis C.K. movies?
Can you imagine Louis C.K., Jim Carrey, and Ricky Gervais in the same movie? Tell me you would go see that flick.
You see Louis C.K. became a standup comic when the tough got going. Back in his day, getting attention from the media (they called it press) was a science. Nowadays, anything can potentially go viral. 

I admire Louis C.K.’s brand of comedy. Louis C.K. blew up. Who could have predicted that he would get this huge? I highly recommend his standups because they tell the truth and nothing but lies.

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Why Jim Carrey Is the Einstein of Comedy


Canada brews amazing beer like LaBatt Blue and Molson. Also, Canada breeds superior comedians. Case in point, Jim Carrey came out of Canada. The Liar Liar actor plays memorable characters because the man himself makes a lasting impression on you. All of his impressions (including his first one) are great.
Do you remember his dynamic impersonations and sketches on the In Living Color TV series? Did you know Jamie Foxx and Jennifer Lopez became famous on In Living Color as well? Like TV screens, opportunities come in all shapes and sizes.
Everybody has seen a Jim Carrey movie. This celebrity’s popularity spans the globe. Moreover, Jim turns the comedy world on its axis. He plays God in Bruce Almighty. Of course Morgan Freeman, who’s well known for authoritative roles, hands over his supernatural power to the Unnatural standup comedian. Plus, Jennifer Aniston plays a perfect wife.
Don’t get me started recommending Jim Carrey movies because I find tremendous value in most of his work. My middle school gym teacher lived by the motto “Do what you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” I believe Jim Carrey loves comedy, acting and entertaining. That’s why his movies habitually break the box office bank.

Like me, passion guides Jim Carrey’s direction. His confidence enables him to complete his missions. I’ve studied Jim Carrey for several years.
I’ve concluded that his brain is hardwired differently. Stephen Hawking has one of the smartest minds. And Jim Carrey has one of the funniest minds.
Although he’s known for Dumb and Dumber, Jim Carrey is the Einstein of comedy. You got me started. I highly recommend the following movies for entertainment: Yes Man, Fun with Dick and Jane, The Mask, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Truman Show, and The Cable Guy.
Finally, let’s discuss Jim Carrey movies in the comments. After all these years, how amazing is it that Jim Carrey keeps in touch? He consistently creates great content. I create original entertainment stories and Jim Carrey is an original entertainer.

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Actors Ashton Kutcher Celebrities Charlie Sheen Emma Watson Guru Jay Hollywood Jim Carrey Leonardo DiCaprio Lindsay Lohan Movies Neil Patrick Harris Russell Brand Stephen Fry Tom Hanks Top Ten Twitter

Top Ten Twitter Actors

Who are the most followed actors on Twitter?
Are you ready? My list excludes musicians and Bollywood. Let’s start the countdown…

10. Lindsay Lohan 8.84 Million

If you’re throwing a party, invite LiLo to make an appearance. Not only can Lindsay boogie on down, she’s a major attraction. The tenth most followed Twitter actor soaks in the limelight and receives re-tweets galore.
9. Stephen Fry 8.91 Million

Englander Stephen Fry comes in at number nine. Furthermore, Fry is one of the most engaging Tweeters because Stephen is influential as a gay rights spokesperson. The actor is literally a Twitter giant standing at a whopping 6’5”.
8. Russell Brand 9.23 Million

Fellow Englishman Russell Brand brings energy to the Top 10 list. In my opinion, Brand makes a better actor than comedian. Don’t get me wrong, Russell’s funny like Fry. But, I’m biased because I believe Americans are funnier and naughtier by nature. “You down with O.P.P.? Yeah, you know me!”
7. Tom Hanks 9.49 Million

Lucky number seven on Twitter is arguably the greatest actor of all time- Tom Hanks. The actor saved the movie industry. He deserved to win Oscars for Forrest Gump, Green Mile, Philadelphia, and Saving Private Ryan. 
6. Charlie Sheen 11.4 Million

Charlie Sheen comes in sixth. Want some fun? Follow Charlie because he’s picking beef with cows. Check out Who’s Winning? Charlie Sheen Vs. Rihanna.
5. Leonardo DiCaprio 12.3 Million

Reportedly, Leonardo DiCaprio aka Romeo threw Rihanna an elaborate surprise birthday festivity. All of entertainment’s movers and shakers showed up to the occasion. Tread lightly Charlie, because DiCaprio and Rihanna have gotten into a serious relationship. And the fifth most followed Twitter actor has friends in high places.
4. Jim Carrey 13.9 Million

Canadian actor/comedian Jim Carrey currently ranks fourth. The movie star showed a different side in the Number 23. While we’re discussing digits, Carrey will soon pass 14 million followers.
3. Neil Patrick Harris 14.2 Million

This multi-talented and triple threat celebrity happens to go by three names. Neil Patrick Harris personifies Hollywood’s finest. Obviously, hosting the Oscars is his career highlight. But, his cameos in the Harold and Kumar franchise are beyond hilarious.
2. Ashton Kutcher 16.7 Million

Before every celebrity, brand, and business joined Twitter, Ashton Kutcher shamelessly promoted and plugged his account. That’s why today Ashton ranks second among the most followed Twitter actors. As of now, @aplusk has 16.7 million followers.
1. Emma Watson 16.8 Million

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Emma Watson, who is the youngest person in the top 10, doesn’t even have 1,000 tweets.  Yet, the actress turning 25 this April amassed more Twitter followers than any other actor. Watson leads more people than Cuba’s Castro.
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Actors Best British Canadian Celebs Christian Bale Colin Farrell comedians comedy Daniel Day-Lewis Funny Hollywood Jim Carrey Michael Caine Mike Myers Movies Russell Peters Sean Connery Seth Rogen UK

God Save the Queen, O Canada: Who Are The Best British (UK) Actors and Canadian Comedians?


Everybody considers a career in acting and comedy. So, you have the chops, but do you have the X factor? What is different about you? Are you British or Canadian?

British actors and Canadian comedians have taken over Hollywood. I won’t say they are the best in the business. But, these actors and comedians are special.

British actors were born to be movie stars. Canadian comedians were born to be wild. I like to start the conversation off by discussing Daniel Day-Lewis.

Daniel Day-Lewis

Photo By: Muckster

By all standards, he is the greatest actor of all time. The Brit is the only thespian to win 3 Best Actor Academy Awards. That’s more wins than: Marlon Brando, Tom Hanks, Dustin Hoffman, Jack Nicholson, and Sean Penn.

What actor doesn’t fantasize about accepting the Oscar statue?Daniel Day-Lewis is fantastic. I recommend watching the London native in There Will Be Blood.

If you are an acting aspirant study Daniel like the bible. Try to transform into your characters. If you respect this craft, you will gain the adulation of your peers and fans.

Christian Bale

Photo By: Asim Bharwani

Christian Bale owns real estate on Hollywood Boulevard. He is a big ticket at the box office. What is more, there is a method to his madness. He is a fine method actor.

The thespian is true to his art. He goes to the extreme with his preparation. And, directors and producers love this about him. No one is more dedicated than a Christian.

There won’t be a better Batman than Christian Bale. Ben Affleck is swimming in deep water, when he needs to tread lightly in a lake. YES, Affleck is a great actor, but he is NO Christian Bale.

Colin Farrell

Photo By: David Shankbone

The fighting Irishman Colin Farrell is a worthy contender. His popularity has soared ever since the notorious sex tape surfaced. 
A lot of actors coast by on their good looks and sex appeal.

Colin Farrell is guilty as charged. He is a former Hollywood heavyweight champion. Plus he is a prince of the underground entertainment world.

Colin Farrell’s filmography is rated R. He’s a niche actor, which is not a knock. In fact, he is one of the greatest modern day crime genre actors. If you haven’t seen Miami Vice, go see it.

Sean Connery

Sean Connery also known as James Bond #007 is a living legend. 

If you can name 1 bad Connery movie, you deserve a handsome reward. Seriously, you should study Sir Sean like a final exam.

You can spend a week watching Sean Connery’s movies. Connery is the reason why Pierce Branson was the best James Bond.  Connery has helped many movie stars reach the next level.

I admire how Sir Thomas Sean Connery stayed true to his roots. Most foreign actors have to develop a phony American accent in order to compete. Connery broke the rules and succeeded.

Seth Rogen

Photo By: Philkon

Like most comics, Seth Rogen is a funny person. Who can forget Rogen’s performance in Funny People starring Adam Sandler?  I also liked Pineapple Express. Seth’s stock is rising like Facebook.

As a result of smart work, Seth is in rocket high demand.
Does it take a rocket scientist to tell Seth is Canadian? I stand by my statement: Canadian comedians are special.

Vancouver is Seth Rogen’s hometown. I didn’t even realized that they spoke English over there. Still Seth Rogen commands the English tongue like Captain Ahab commanded the seas.

Mike Myers

Photo By: Joella Marano

Celebrity net worth estimates Mike Myers’ net worth at $175 million. Like it or not he is my colleague and The Love Guru.  
I’ll be frank, Myers can pick and choose his projects.

The Scarborough native is the perfect pedigree. He is a Canadian born to be wild. The Shrek franchise alone is valued at almost $1.5 BillionAnother all time top film franchise is Austin Powers.

I want to see more of Mike Myers. Come out of your semi-retirement and do a few movies with your Canadian pals. Please.

Howie Mandel

Photo By: Matt Ottosen

He’s opposed to high fives, handshakes and germs in general. Howie Mandel is a humorous character. He can turn on the funny like a remote controller. He has a good brand and a motormouth.

Howie is goofy. For the record, I hated Deal or No Deal. I thought it was one of the dumbest shows. I still watched it though because my family did. For some reason, the bald one is a good host.

Today, you’ll find the Toronto homey on America’s Got Talent…It’s a much better show by the way. I like it because it’s fun. Also, Howie Mandel is the gel (no-pun) that holds the hair together.

Jim Carrey

Photo By: Georges Biard

Jim Carreyis Canada’s finest production. In all fairness, Justin Bieber and Drake are just beginning. Carrey can call it quits whenever he feels like it. Jim is Mike Myers + 1.

Carrey never retired. And, as a result he never gets tired. He’s highly active and always on the scene. I wonder if his mouth ever got stuck while making those silly faces

His name pops up whenever I write about comedy. Technically, Jim Carrey is an American citizen. And so, I claim Jim Carrey.

This list is not exhaustive. I did not intend to identify all the greats. I desired to give you a good overview and feel. I didn’t mention Anthony Hopkins, Michael Caine or James MaCavoy. I also didn’t mention comedians Martin Short, Russell Peters or Michael Cera.

The next time you are watching a British actor or Canadian comedian perform, realize this is a special moment. I don’t know what it is about the United Kingdom and Canada. But, I do know I can text Christian Bale and Seth Rogen and they will reply.

Maybe Leona Lewis will sing “God Save the Queen” as a personal favor. While I’m at it, I’ll have Celine Dion sing “O Canada.” In the words of Austin Powers, yeah baby!

Here’s a riddle. What is sexier than a British accent? And, what is funnier than a Canadian joke? Answer: This is The Guru Jay.

This is The Guru Jay launching off to outer space in 5-4-3-2-1. Feel free to comment and ask questions. Thank you for reading and sharing. Meet me @ Mars.

40 Year-Old Virgin American Pie Austin Powers Bad Boys Bruce Almighty comedy Harold and Kumar Jim Carrey Men in Black Movies Rush Hour Talladega Nights The Hangover Top 10 Will Ferrell Will Smith

Top 10 Comedy Movies


Top 10 Comedy Movies

What’s so funny?  I can hear you laughing through your webcam. Are you on YouTube watching that funny Van Wilder scene?

Van Wilder is great. Of course, it is a loose remake of the classic Animal House. Animal House is the # 1 college comedy of all time. But, that’s another story.

By the way, I’m just joking. I’m not spying on you. I leave that to the governments of the world. Their job is to keep you in line. My job is to entertain you.

Hopefully, my story will make you laugh to the point you start crying. Don’t you love tears of joy? So, ease up, relax your shoulders and have fun.

Movie Analyst

I am the first ever Movie Analyst.  Don’t ever call me a movie critic. Why?

No offense to movie critics, but who pays attention to you? Rotten Tomatoes doesn’t affect the box office results. If a movie has a big enough budget it won’t fail. And, that’s why I’m not a movie critic.

I’m a Movie Analyst. Movie critics do not have clout. On the other hand, as a movie analyst I have a small amount of sway. I analyze films for my audience.

I love movies. You see filmmaking is an art, a science and a business. If you love movies too, there is a job for you. It takes an army to make a movie.

I appreciate fine arts. And, I present the finest material. I am your source for entertainment, celebrities and pop culture. 

The following list consists of my favorite comedy movies. I analyzed all these films to their inner core. These are the funniest films of our generation. Enjoy.

#10 Bruce Almighty

It’s no secret Morgan Freeman thinks he’s God. Seriously, Morgan’s huge ego stems from Bruce Almighty. Anyway, Freeman is believable as God.

Bruce Almighty is one of my favorite Jim Carrey movies. We forget Jim was God too. I like this movie because of the clever concept. It is somewhat original.

The film is superbly written. The acting is fantastic. What more do you want?

#9 Bad Boys

Bad Boys starring Martin Lawrence and Will Smith is a hidden gem. Lawrence and Smith play two budding police partners. In the movie, Martin is jealous of Will’s money, success and luck with women.

Smith is called a bad boy because he magnetizes ladies. On the flip side, Martin is unlucky and unhappy and he is bad for a different reason. Martin and Will are a great combination.

#8 American Pie

American Pie was an instant classic. Iggy Azalea would have named it the new classic. But you see the film had a unique flavor of sour green Apple Pie.

You have never tasted a movie quite like American Pie. It is the second greatest comedic ensemble of our generation. Here’s a clip for your viewing pleasure.

#7 40 Year-Old Virgin

40 Year-Old Virgin is the movie that made Steve Carrel famous. The film is in its own class. It is very original. Can you name another movie just like it?

I applaud creativity in the entertainment industry. It is real difficult to do something that has never been done. But 40 Year-Old Virgin is an exception.

#6 Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

Austin Powers is an absolute must-see. The movie is a parody of the James Bondsfilm series. Mike Meyers plays an eccentric character with a sweet spot.

Austin Powers is definitely the goofiest movie on my list. Sometimes though goofy is funny. Mike Myers is the man about town. This is his magnum opus.

#5 Men in Black

Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith play super secret agents. They are so secret no one knows they exist. In other words, they make sure you don’t know the truth.

With a push of a button, the Men in Black can erase your memories. They are so called “galaxy defenders.” Anyway, Men in Black is the perfect summer comedy.

#4 Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle

I don’t care if you are a vegan or vegetarian. After watching Harold and Kumar, you will crave White Castle like Prince William. John Cho and Kal Penn deserve royalties from the fast food chain.

Harold and Kumar touches on sensitive material such as racism, sexism and drug use. The script is solid. And what’s more, the jokes are funny and timely.

#3 Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

Did you say Saturday Night Live? Forget that. You mean Talladega Nights.

Will Ferrell is one of the funniest men on planet Earth because of The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. You don’t have to be remotely interested in NASCAR in order to appreciate the film. Talladega Nights takes funny business to a higher level.

#2 Rush Hour

“Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?” Watch a clip from Rush Hour. Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker are the funniest cop partners in cinematic history. They come from different worlds.

I liked Rush Hour 2 and 3 almost just as much. But, the first one is always the best. You’re introduced to new characters and you have no idea what to expect.

#1 The Hangover

The Hangover set and broke records. It is the funniest movie of our generation. In my mind, nothing comes close. From start to finish, the script is flawless.

One word: Galifianakis. Heck, even the actor’s name is humorous. Pop a beer can and some popcorn while you watch the film. You’re in for a treat with The Hangover. You will be entertained beyond belief. 

If I could see only one comedy movie for the rest of my life, The Hangover would be that one. If you haven’t seen it, you don’t know what you’re missing. Everybody makes a valuable contribution- even Doug!

What are your favorite comedy movies? Do you have a favorite comedian?

This is The Guru Jay launching off to outer space in 5-4-3-2-1. Feel free to comment and ask questions. Thank you for reading and sharing. Meet me @ Mars.

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