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How George Carlin Stirred Up Controversy

Comedians respect George Carlin’s tithes and offerings. Moreover, George Carlin greatly contributed to society with his witty observations and realism. He saw life neither as a fairy tale or a reality show.
It is impossible to agree with all of Carlin’s controversial views and insights. But admire the funnyman’s fearlessness and tenacity. The legend lambasted corporations and institutions, who really run the world- NOT girls…sorry Beyonce.
Furthermore, it took big balls for George to go against feminism. Remember standup comedy is tongue-in-cheek. Carlin supported empowering women in the same way that Mark Twain advocated emancipating slaves. Remind yourself comedy is more figurative than literal.
Additionally, exceptional comedians can persuade crowds better than illusionists with their timely words and naughty gestures. 
George Carlin explained the game and broke the rules. He was the complete standup comic. The celebrity disseminated information to the tired, poor, and huddled masses. It might seem odd but he engaged both mainstream and underground fan bases. In other words, George had money flowing on bridges and inside tunnels- from all directions.
George Carlin’s comedy wasn’t too extreme like Russell Brand’s erotic escapades. Carlin couldn’t compete with Jim Carrey’s loose movements and crazy facial expressions. However, George Carlin was an original entertainer and arguably the best. 
 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Before Bill Maher came on the scene and pissed off Christians, George Carlin pissed off all religions first and foremost. Yes, Bill borrowed material from George. Comics steal jokes because it is a rite of passage. It’s actually insulting when your comedy isn’t recycled. Dave Chappelle reworks Richard Pryor’s comedy in the same way Kobe Bryant stole Michael Jordan’s jumper.
I feel George Carlin was the Larry Bird of standup comedy. You will always recall his impact on the game. Sometimes, he stepped out of bounds on purpose. Plus, George Carlin intentionally delivered flagrant fouls.
7 Words
Final thought, George Carlin is most famous for constructing a list of seven dirty words you can never say on television.
1.         Shit
2.         Piss
3.         Fuck
4.         Cunt
5.         Cocksucker
6.         Motherfucker
7.         Tits

George Carlin stirred up controversy with a silver spoon.

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Best Blog Celebrity Chi-Raq comedy Dave Chappelle Eddie Murphy Funny Guru Jay Jamie Foxx Katt Williams Kevin Hart Marlon Wayans Movies Nick Cannon Richard Pryor Russell Brand Standup Comedians

Who’s Laughing? Dave Chappelle, Marlon Wayans, and Nick Cannon


Previously, I asked who’s wilder and crazier than Russell Brand. Let’s begin with Dave Chappelle. Have you seen Chappelle’s Show? Maybe, you’re like me and have watched every episode.
In one episode, Dave loses a movie role to Nick Cannon (who I will discuss later). It was extremely wild and crazy. Who remembers Wayne Brady’s notable appearances on that TV show? 
I first learned about Chappelle’s Show in high school. The show had just started, and my math teacher kept saying, “I’m Rick James, bitch!” In addition, Chappelle is widely known for his portrayal of Prince.
I believe Dave Chappelle is the funniest standup comic in history. Most people acknowledge Richard Pryor as the most iconic comedian. Without question, all great standups borrow from Pryor. 
I’m not knocking Eddie Murphy, Kevin Hart, or Katt Williams. I study comedy and the people I’ve mentioned are professors. Everybody should appreciate a variety of selections.

Also, we must acknowledge madman Marlon Wayans. The Wayans Brothers sitcom was a classic. Shout out to John Witherspoon.
Marlon Wayans is one of the wildest and craziest comedians in show business. A Haunted House 2 is out of control. When we went to see it, every jaw in the theater dropped. This guy makes thugs with mean mugs crack smiles. He’s off the wall.
No one has a more hilarious Twitter page than Marlon Wayans. That’s why I retweet him often. Plus, he has tweeted over 61,000 times.
Last but not least, Nick Cannon deserves recognition for Wild ‘N Out, America’s Got Talent, and Drumline. Did you know Nick is on radio too? How does he get any sleep?

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Moreover, I recommend watching his Showtime specials.
The versatile Nick Cannon is similar to Jamie Foxx. Like Foxx, Cannon has used TV, radio, movie, and Internet platforms to market his brand. While it may seem that he is grandpa’s age, he is actually only 35 years old.
Nick Cannon and Dave Chappelle star in a new “Spike Lee Joint” called Chi-Raq. Samuel L. Jackson (Not Laurence Fishburne) narrates the movie. It debuts December 4th. 
Who’s laughing?

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Actor Blog Celebrity comedians comedy Entertainment Fun Website Funny Get Him To the Greek Gossip Guru Jay Hollywood Stars Movies Russell Brand Showbiz standup TV Hosts Twitter Wild and Crazy

Who’s Wilder And Crazier Than Russell Brand?


It’s never too early or too late to start doing standup comedy. Fans expect comics to come on stage and tell hilarious stories. Who tells wilder and crazier stories than Russell Brand?
Although he’s a fun and playful celebrity, there is also a serious side to the man. Russell Brand is waging war against income inequality. As an activist, he is outspoken about wage slavery.
Taking a stance against powerful corporations is extremely risky. Then again, Russell Brand doesn’t mind losing out. And that’s why he’s a winner.
Russell raises eyebrows and drops jaws, because he’ll say what he feels like saying. He isn’t filtering his word choices like most celebrities. While many celebs commonly erase their Tweets, Brand hardly hits the delete button.

An authentic comedian won’t apologize for anything or to anyone. Russell Brand is a celeb with balls. He wears his hair long. He dons a full beard. This is symbolic to how Russell lives his life- to the fullest.
People are fond of him because he’s hosted TV shows, acted in movies, and performed on stage. You should consider watching Get Him to the Greek.
Russell Brand can make you comfortable and uncomfortable in a matter of minutes. He regularly challenges the status quo. What great comedian is politically correct? It’s the comic’s duty to get under people’s skin.
I admire Brand’s style and delivery. He doesn’t give it to you all at once. Joke by joke, sketch by sketch, the great Brit takes spectators on a trip.
You see Russell Brand thrives on controversy. That’s why he means everything to the comedy world. He is someone who bridges gaps.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

His intellect allows him to relate to a range of mentalities. You know it is important to widen your scope. I look forward to the comedic actor’s movies because of his uniqueness.
You won’t find a wilder and crazier jokester.
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Actors Ashton Kutcher Celebrities Charlie Sheen Emma Watson Guru Jay Hollywood Jim Carrey Leonardo DiCaprio Lindsay Lohan Movies Neil Patrick Harris Russell Brand Stephen Fry Tom Hanks Top Ten Twitter

Top Ten Twitter Actors

Who are the most followed actors on Twitter?
Are you ready? My list excludes musicians and Bollywood. Let’s start the countdown…

10. Lindsay Lohan 8.84 Million

If you’re throwing a party, invite LiLo to make an appearance. Not only can Lindsay boogie on down, she’s a major attraction. The tenth most followed Twitter actor soaks in the limelight and receives re-tweets galore.
9. Stephen Fry 8.91 Million

Englander Stephen Fry comes in at number nine. Furthermore, Fry is one of the most engaging Tweeters because Stephen is influential as a gay rights spokesperson. The actor is literally a Twitter giant standing at a whopping 6’5”.
8. Russell Brand 9.23 Million

Fellow Englishman Russell Brand brings energy to the Top 10 list. In my opinion, Brand makes a better actor than comedian. Don’t get me wrong, Russell’s funny like Fry. But, I’m biased because I believe Americans are funnier and naughtier by nature. “You down with O.P.P.? Yeah, you know me!”
7. Tom Hanks 9.49 Million

Lucky number seven on Twitter is arguably the greatest actor of all time- Tom Hanks. The actor saved the movie industry. He deserved to win Oscars for Forrest Gump, Green Mile, Philadelphia, and Saving Private Ryan. 
6. Charlie Sheen 11.4 Million

Charlie Sheen comes in sixth. Want some fun? Follow Charlie because he’s picking beef with cows. Check out Who’s Winning? Charlie Sheen Vs. Rihanna.
5. Leonardo DiCaprio 12.3 Million

Reportedly, Leonardo DiCaprio aka Romeo threw Rihanna an elaborate surprise birthday festivity. All of entertainment’s movers and shakers showed up to the occasion. Tread lightly Charlie, because DiCaprio and Rihanna have gotten into a serious relationship. And the fifth most followed Twitter actor has friends in high places.
4. Jim Carrey 13.9 Million

Canadian actor/comedian Jim Carrey currently ranks fourth. The movie star showed a different side in the Number 23. While we’re discussing digits, Carrey will soon pass 14 million followers.
3. Neil Patrick Harris 14.2 Million

This multi-talented and triple threat celebrity happens to go by three names. Neil Patrick Harris personifies Hollywood’s finest. Obviously, hosting the Oscars is his career highlight. But, his cameos in the Harold and Kumar franchise are beyond hilarious.
2. Ashton Kutcher 16.7 Million

Before every celebrity, brand, and business joined Twitter, Ashton Kutcher shamelessly promoted and plugged his account. That’s why today Ashton ranks second among the most followed Twitter actors. As of now, @aplusk has 16.7 million followers.
1. Emma Watson 16.8 Million

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Emma Watson, who is the youngest person in the top 10, doesn’t even have 1,000 tweets.  Yet, the actress turning 25 this April amassed more Twitter followers than any other actor. Watson leads more people than Cuba’s Castro.
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Betty White Celebrities commercial Easter healthy Jessica Chastain Kristen Bell Natalie Portman Ne-Yo Nutrition Russell Brand Thom Yorke Usher V8 Veganism Vegans Venus Williams

Part 3: 33 Celebrity Vegans



If you’re like a lot of people, you probably will eat an Easter Ham on Sunday. Before you take your first bite, read my story. You may think twice about chowing down on meat.

You get a thump on your head every time you could’ve had a V8. There are no exceptions to the rule. In other words, eat more fruits and vegetables.

Juicing fruits and veggies is a way of life for millions. Why not join the fun? Jump on the bandwagon of health nuts, fitness freaks and vegetarians.

I’ll admit to falling off the wagon sometimes. But, I always get back on and try again. We’re in for a wild ride and I’m riding until the wheels fall off this thing.

Becoming healthy is a process. Staying healthy is a process of elimination. If you want to be healthier you have to give up junk food, red meat and bad calories.

You may choose to give up meat and animal products. If so, you join 168 million vegans worldwide. Be proud of your accomplishment.

In part 1  I feature the first 11 celebrities. Part 2 consists of 12 – 22 celebrities. You’re reading part 3, the conclusion of the series. Now let’s get to the good stuff. Drum roll please…

V8 Commercial

Celebrities must take good care of their bodies. I appreciate celebrities who decided to go vegan. My post celebrates celebrities who made healthy choices.

You see, celebrities have star power. They can influence their fans to go vegan as well, which is totally awesome. Veganism is a lifestyle. Like all lifestyles veganism take hard work.

Don’t Thump My Forehead

23. Usher

Photo By: Loren Wohl

At number 23, superstar Usher is a famous vegan. I remember the time before Usher rose atop of the music world. He recorded a song called Nice and Slow. When I think of this song, it reminds me to put things in perspective.

If you ever feel like building Rome in a day, don’t forget to take it nice and slow. It works for Usher.
And, it may very well work for you.

24. Natalie Portman

Photo By: Courtney

Natalie Portman is number 24. Just look at her silhouette. She was fantastic in Black Swan. If you want to look like Natalie, chose to become a vegan.

It sounds simple, but it’s not. However, with the right mindset you can be healthier and happier. You will never see Portman getting a thump on her head.

She is vegan for the long haul. If you are committed to an idea, you can do anything. There’s no reason your body can’t feel like Natalie Portman’s.

You won’t get there overnight. But give it 6 months to a year. You’ll be healthy and fit as a bull or ox.

25. Thom Yorke

Photo By: Goldberg

You’re not thumping Thom Yorke’s Radiohead either.  He is number 25 of 33 celebrity vegans. Thom would probably tell you that vegan life is hard.

Yorke can handle it. After all, he is a Rock star. Being a Rock star is difficult, because Rock fans are the hardest to please. Thom Yorke is rare. Most Rock stars naturally lead unhealthy lives, but not Thom.

26. Alanis Morissette

Photo By: livepict

Alanis Morissette comes in at number 26. I am not surprised the vocal singer is a vegan. Judging by her music, she is socially aware and conscience of her decisions.

We need more entertainers like Morissette in the business. While I am not a fan of all her music, I like her main message. So much music is pointless, but Morissette has a socially responsible story.

27. Venus Williams

At number 27, it is Venus Williams. This tennis icon is amazing. Just take a look at her body of work. Like all vegans and vegetarians, she is a winner.

As a vegan, Venus is a good role model for the youth. She shows you can have the best of both worlds. You can be healthy and happy.

28. Jennifer Connelly

Photo By: GlynLowe

How exactly has Jennifer Connelly lasted so long in show business? For starters, she is a vegan. By choosing to live healthier and happier, you can receive the same benefits as Jennifer.

29. Kristen Bell

Photo By: Mr. O

The actress Kristen Bell is number 29 of 33 celebrities, It’s encouraging to see a young individual such as Kristen choose the vegan way of life. Too much news coverage is focused on the negative aspect of the millennial generation.

30. Jessica Chastain

Photo By: Georges Biard

I know what you’re thinking. You want to thump Jessica Chastain in the head. Don’t we all?

Unfortunately, we can’t thump Jessica’s sexy forehead since she is a vegan. She makes the list at number 30. The versatile actress is on a strict diet.

Vegans stick together like a gang. When you’re a vegan, you’re a vegan all the way. From you’re last cigarette to your last living day. You are well protected. Yeah, I improvised a few lines from the West Side Story.

31. Ne-Yo

Singer Ne-Yo is number 31 of celebrity vegans not eating Easter Ham. Doesn’t he look younger these days? Can you guess his age? He is in fact 31 years old.

It wouldn’t surprise me if the singer still gets carded at clubs and bars. Some of it is genetics. I look much younger than my age. If I were vegan, I probably could pass as a teenager.

32. Russell Brand

Photo By: Eva Rinaldi 

Comedian Russell Brand is 32 of 33 celebrity vegans not eating Easter ham. I was shocked when I confirmed that Brand switched to the vegan lifestyle. I would have never guessed it.

Everybody wants to be healthy and happy. If you don’t choose veganism, at least choose to be healthier and happier.  If Brand can do it, I know you can.

33. Betty White

Photo By: David Shankbone

Respect your elders. The sweet and beautiful Betty White is the 33rdcelebrity vegan not eating Easter

Ham today. She is living proof the vegan lifestyle has rewards. White is a burst of energy in Hot in
Cleveland. She inspires me to try veganism.

And so, there you have it. My video sums up all three parts. Watch and enjoy!

33 Celebrity Vegans Not Eating Easter Ham

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