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Ciara, Trey Songz, and the Laws of Self-Preservation and Attraction


If the first law of nature is self-preservation, then the second law is attraction. Through the years, Ciara and Trey Songz have preserved their talents and attracted large crowds. Today, they are both firmly established superstars.

I’ve listened to Ciara since junior high school. All the girls envied the young entertainer. You see, Ciara put herself in a dominant position in the beginning. That’s why she still maintains a high profile more than a decade later.
While others have faded into irrelevancy, Ciara resurfaces at the perfect time. At night she glows in the dark, and in the morning she is your sunshine. All she has to do is smile to lighten up your day.
At a party, the DJ turns up Ciara’s music because like John Lennon, Ciara’s lyrics hypnotize you. I’m confident ‘Body Party’ will put you in a trance. Moreover, the seductive twerker can move her body better than a professional belly dancer and stripper.

Plus, Ciara has a curvaceous and athletic figure. What record label wouldn’t want to grab up all her property? Clearly, the entertainer’s amazing sex appeal and sultry voice is an unbeatable formula.
Figuring out this celebrity is comparable to discovering the Da Vinci Code. Who else performs and produces at her level? Ciara makes Amway and Avon jealous, because the multitalented businesswoman creates dynamic downlines.
Trey Songz

I own Trey Songz’s debut album. However, the cd skips considerably. That’s why I recommend digitally downloading music in order to preserve content. It’s all about maintaining.
Trey Songz magnetizes attractive women. They lose control at his concerts because the music superstar is Casanova 2030. Additionally, the celebrity experiences longevity because he’s not scared to take a vacation.
Some people work themselves into early retirement. They forget the importance of self-preservation. Remember to stop and smell the roses, because winter comes sooner than later.
Trey Songz is a seasoned singer capable of competing with the absolute best musicians. Trey’s unique sound and ability is a mixture between Usher and R. Kelly. Songz is like Stevie Wonder. But he chooses texting rather than just calling to say “I love you.”
Plus, Trey Songz keeps up appearances in public. The media rarely paints an unflattering portrait of this music artist. Unfortunately, they hold celebrities to higher standards. I believe they should only hold celebrities accountable.
Fortunately, Ciara and Trey Songz abide by the laws of self-preservation and attraction.
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actors Annie Celebrities comedy DJango Unchained extraordinary family Funny Golden Globes Grammys Guru Jay Hollywood Jamie Foxx Movies multitalented Musicians Oscars Ray sitcom Stars

How Jamie Foxx Became Extraordinary


Ordinary people settle for mediocrity. Extraordinary individuals believe in their abilities and never get complacent. Jamie Foxx became extraordinary by making his dreams come true.
Do you watch the Jamie Foxx show? That sitcom serves as perfect example of Foxx’s trajectory. From the beginning, determined and ambitious Jamie King chased Francesca (Fancy) all around the hotel. In the finale, Jamie marries Fancy and all is well.
At my elementary school, classmates and I would practice Jamie Foxx’s tagline during recess. The genius of Jamie’s comedy is that it’s capable of reaching everybody. Have you seen the Annie remake starring the multitalented celebrity?

Anyone who can perform standup comedy, act in a variety of roles, and sing Hip-Hop with perfection is special. Furthermore, the complete entertainer hosts a radio program called the Foxx Hole.
Plus, the actor/singer/comedian tickles the ebonies and ivories similar to Alicia Keys. You see Jamie enjoys making money and the celebrity’s creativity is off the charts. People give their undivided attention to Foxx because he has established himself as a one-stop entertainment shop.

If you still don’t believe Jamie Foxx isn’t extraordinary tell that to the Grammys, Golden Globes, and Oscars committees because they all awarded him the highest honors. Do you think Jamie is a better actor, comedian, or singer? I considered him best at acting, then singing, and lastly comedy.
The fact of the matter is Jamie can do it all exceptionally well. Like Jim Carrey and Jennifer Lopez, Kennan Ivory Wayans and In Living Color opened opportunities for Foxx. Plus, Def Comedy Jam gained the comedian more exposure. Watching Jamie perform is like seeing LeBron James play basketball.

What are your favorite Jamie Foxx films? I recommend Ray, the Soloist, Law Abiding Citizen, and Django Unchained. Because of his authentic gifts, Jamie Foxx belongs in the conversation among the greatest entertainers of all time.
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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