Binge Watching Bisexual Crazy Eyes Dascha Polanco drama Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood Laura Prepon Lesbian Netflix OITNB Orange Is the New Black Prison Season 3 Taylor Schilling TV

Are You Binge Watching Orange Is the New Black Season 3?

Netflix decided to release Orange Is the New Black (OITNB) Season 3 earlier than expected. It makes perfect sense to me. You see, you get let out of prison early for good behavior.
OITNB is good TV. Give the writers and producers their credits for excellent character developments. Seeing Piper (Taylor Schilling), and Alex (Laura Prepon), rekindle their relationship is a nice turn of events.
Laura Prepon reminds me of a nice girl I chilled with in my dormitory. Ironically, she was an actress and bisexual too. There was also a lesbian, who acted exactly like Crazy Eyes.

Why does Crazy Eyes always steal the show?
Also, Dascha Polanco plays an interesting role. I look forward to the Diaz character developing. Unfortunately, her story is the most saddening.
The program goes deeply inside criminal minds exposing their harsh memories. The reality of it all is that, these inmates are beating themselves up mentally. That’s why the new drama class is important to their survival. Moreover, it is crucial that the inmates express their emotions and feelings.

Have the 13 episodes lived up to the hype? I’ve tediously watched 4 shows so far. When I give a critique or review, I analyze every detail.

OITNB has stories abound. That’s why it never bores you. It’s always fun and witty.
The series has taken over social media. You’ll see thousands of tweets related to Season 3. That’s why it’s back, in full force, by popular demand.
Have you heard the expression, “there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians?” In this case there are too many Indians (inmates) and not enough chiefs (guards).

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Orange Is the New Black Season 3 has proven to be the best of the series without question. Who are your favorite characters? Are you binge watching OITNB? If so, let’s fade to orange. 

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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House of Cards Season 3: Episode 3 Recap


Starring as President Underwood, Kevin Spacey is setting the tone for season 3. In episode 3, Underwood meets with Russian President Petrov, first at the State Dinner, then at the Oval office. The recently divorced Petrov is the world’s most eligible bachelor.
At first glance, Underwood and his highly esteemed guest hit it off until Petrov starts screwing with the First Lady. From that point forward, Underwood scrutinizes the Russian President’s every action.
Petrov leads invited politicians and celebrities in drinking games. The leader insists this is according to Russian tradition, but I don’t buy that baloney. Everyone keeps drinking, obeying Petrov’s command, and accepting Communism except for Pussy Riot.

Pussy Riot disrupts President Petrov’s toast making an unforgettable exit.
When will Michael Kelly’s character former White House Chief of Staff Doug Stamper get the message? The administration has written Stamper off as a liability. Recall Stamper started the season helpless in a hospital. Now, he can’t sit still because the character wants to continue working for Underwood.
President Frank makes good on his promise and the First Lady becomes the United Nations Ambassador. Claire develops a strategic and romantic relationship with Secretary of State Catherine Durant. Jayne Atkinson plays secretaries like Maggie Gyllenhaal, Hillary Clinton, and Condoleezza Rice combined.
Additionally, Underwood plans to make the Solicitor General a Supreme Court Justice. However, an elderly justice who’s in the early stages of the Alzheimer’s disease, doesn’t want to relinquish his position. The evil pork-loving President effectively threatens to publicly expose the Justice’s illness.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Although the POTUS told the Democratic leadership and America he rather govern than campaign for office nobody really believes him. Understand Underwood engages in doublespeak and secretly worships Satan. Democrats remind the President no one elected him every blue moon.  

This House of Cards episode not only shows the importance of strong foreign policy but how easily outside forces influence the United States government and how corruption spreads rampant.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Celebrities dirty politics drama Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood House of Cards Kevin Spacey Michael Kelly Netflix political thriller President Recap Review Robin Wright Season 3 TV White House

House of Cards Season 3: Episode 1 Recap


Kevin Spacey, who plays President Francis Underwood, kicks off the season with an iron foot. In the beginning, Underwood visits his father’s gravesite and urinates on the tombstone. This is just the tip of the iceberg foreshadowing future events.
Former White House Chief of Staff Doug Stamper survives last season’s devastating injuries and awakens from a coma. It is December 2014 and Stamper must regain his motor skills and memory. After Stamper starts functioning, First Lady Claire instructs him to lie to investigators.
Unsurprisingly, while at the White House the President loses his temper. Underwood is upset that unemployment has spiraled out of control. Furthermore, there are 10 million jobless Americans, who are clearly frustrated. Therefore, Underwood wants to overhaul programs, slash entitlements, repeal policies, and reform. The President assembles an economic team to solve the financial crisis.
But team leader Paul mistakenly interrupts the disciplinarian executor. And current White House Chief of Staff Remy Denton immediately fires Paul for speaking out of turn. Obviously, the executive branch won’t tolerate disapproval.
Meanwhile President Frank Underwood monitors Doug Stamper’s situation making sure authorities don’t discover the truth. Underwood has a secret closet filled with skeletons and his devotee Doug feels guilty. Clearly, the President is spying on Stamper but the blind follower can’t distinguish reality from fiction.
The President’s approval numbers have plummeted to single digits. What is more, he has an unhappy First Lady who desires the United Nations ambassadorship. Still determined, Underwood tells his wife he will not go down in history as a placeholder president. But Claire keeps pressing the issue and Frank finally responds.
Michael Kelly is House of Cards’ diamond in the rough. In the first episode of Season 3, Michael shined brighter than everyone except Spacey. I will watch this episode again, largely because of Kelly’s brilliant performance. I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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