Actors Ashton Kutcher Celebrities Charlie Sheen Emma Watson Guru Jay Hollywood Jim Carrey Leonardo DiCaprio Lindsay Lohan Movies Neil Patrick Harris Russell Brand Stephen Fry Tom Hanks Top Ten Twitter

Top Ten Twitter Actors

Who are the most followed actors on Twitter?
Are you ready? My list excludes musicians and Bollywood. Let’s start the countdown…

10. Lindsay Lohan 8.84 Million

If you’re throwing a party, invite LiLo to make an appearance. Not only can Lindsay boogie on down, she’s a major attraction. The tenth most followed Twitter actor soaks in the limelight and receives re-tweets galore.
9. Stephen Fry 8.91 Million

Englander Stephen Fry comes in at number nine. Furthermore, Fry is one of the most engaging Tweeters because Stephen is influential as a gay rights spokesperson. The actor is literally a Twitter giant standing at a whopping 6’5”.
8. Russell Brand 9.23 Million

Fellow Englishman Russell Brand brings energy to the Top 10 list. In my opinion, Brand makes a better actor than comedian. Don’t get me wrong, Russell’s funny like Fry. But, I’m biased because I believe Americans are funnier and naughtier by nature. “You down with O.P.P.? Yeah, you know me!”
7. Tom Hanks 9.49 Million

Lucky number seven on Twitter is arguably the greatest actor of all time- Tom Hanks. The actor saved the movie industry. He deserved to win Oscars for Forrest Gump, Green Mile, Philadelphia, and Saving Private Ryan. 
6. Charlie Sheen 11.4 Million

Charlie Sheen comes in sixth. Want some fun? Follow Charlie because he’s picking beef with cows. Check out Who’s Winning? Charlie Sheen Vs. Rihanna.
5. Leonardo DiCaprio 12.3 Million

Reportedly, Leonardo DiCaprio aka Romeo threw Rihanna an elaborate surprise birthday festivity. All of entertainment’s movers and shakers showed up to the occasion. Tread lightly Charlie, because DiCaprio and Rihanna have gotten into a serious relationship. And the fifth most followed Twitter actor has friends in high places.
4. Jim Carrey 13.9 Million

Canadian actor/comedian Jim Carrey currently ranks fourth. The movie star showed a different side in the Number 23. While we’re discussing digits, Carrey will soon pass 14 million followers.
3. Neil Patrick Harris 14.2 Million

This multi-talented and triple threat celebrity happens to go by three names. Neil Patrick Harris personifies Hollywood’s finest. Obviously, hosting the Oscars is his career highlight. But, his cameos in the Harold and Kumar franchise are beyond hilarious.
2. Ashton Kutcher 16.7 Million

Before every celebrity, brand, and business joined Twitter, Ashton Kutcher shamelessly promoted and plugged his account. That’s why today Ashton ranks second among the most followed Twitter actors. As of now, @aplusk has 16.7 million followers.
1. Emma Watson 16.8 Million

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Emma Watson, who is the youngest person in the top 10, doesn’t even have 1,000 tweets.  Yet, the actress turning 25 this April amassed more Twitter followers than any other actor. Watson leads more people than Cuba’s Castro.
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
10 Celebrities E.L. James Howard Stern James Patterson Jerry Bruckheimer Lady Gaga Madonna Michael Bay Simon Cowell Steven Spielberg Top Ten

Top 10 Celebrities with the Most to Lose!

By: Guru Jay
10 Celebrities With the Most 2 Lose

Celebrities lose a lot of stuff. Some lose their minds. Some lose their keys to their Airplanes, Jets or Yachts. Some lose their mansions and limousines due to foreclosure and repossession.

Celebrities have it rough. Whenever Britney Spears goes to Starbucks, the cameras constantly flash. Celebrities don’t have privacy.

Here are the facts. Lady Gaga who is 10th on our list made more money last year than the top three highest paid actresses combined. Take a moment to digest what this mean. She is worth more than Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lawrence, and Kristen Stewart put together.

I am fascinated by statistics. I have a love affair with words and numbers. The fact is letters and digits are powerful.

Lady Gaga, Steven Spielberg and Madonna rank high in the top 50 celebrities around the entertainment world. 

Shahrukh Khan ranks first in India. He is someone to look to for financial advice. A conservative estimation of his net worth is $600 Million

Shahrukh Khan

What would you do with $600 million?

Simon Cowell holds the number one spot in Britain. His net worth is growing. According to the Celebrity Net Worth, Cowell has an estimated value of $400 million.

There’s two weeks until tax day (April 15), which is an unofficial holiday for accountants, tax attorneys and tax preparers. Everybody has an Uncle named Sam.

No one is above Tax Law. So, don’t find out the hard way. Many celebrities have found out the delicates of taxes the difficult method.

If I were a celebrity (hey, I can dream right?) If I were a celebrity, I would be frugal like Warren Buffett. I’d cash in on the free stuff and perks.

But if you think I’m going to buy a vacation property in the Bahamas, you’re the one dreaming. I’d create a collective time-share, and vacation virtually everywhere.

I’m curious to see how the warm beige Brazilian beach sand feels between my toes. I want to travel to India and meet my fellow Guru Shahrukh Khan. Perhaps, I’d study under his tutelage and bring his good graces back to the Americas.

If I were a celebrity I would have a lot to lose. The life of a celebrity is challenging. Every day presents possibilities.

Today your agent asks you do you want to endorse Pepsi. Tomorrow he tells you Coca-Cola will give you $250,000 more than PepsiCo. What do you do?

Which one tastes better? To be exact, Coke is $250,000 richer in taste. Hey, I’m human. I have physical, emotional, and financial needs.

Celebrity Losers

Celebrities have a lot to lose. Because of my inquisitive nature, I researched the Forbes Celebrity 100. If you have never been on the site, there is a nifty ranking tool.

You can organize celebrity data on Forbes. Please don’t forget to pay your taxes. You don’t want to be reminded by the IRS. 

I just wanted to show the hard numbers. I don’t want to give you opinions.  I want to give you a perspective.

I don’t want to name names, but there are gossip columns that make money off of defaming celebrity characters. That’s wrong.What?

You don’t have anything positive to say? Oh, but you watch his movies, listen to his music, and subscribe to his channel. But, he’s the scum of the earth?

Seriously, these so called “entertainment experts” need to shut up and keep their mouths closed. Don’t speak until we speak to you?

Chelsea Lately, Perez Hilton, and Wendy Williams think they own the entertainment world. They think they can say whatever they want. Guess what? We have the power to change the channel and go to a better blog.

We don’t have to listen to your garbage every time.  Those three, of all people, should understand celebrities have a lost to lose. Yet, they make a fortune off of telling you misinformation.

Here’s the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. Perez Hilton was on Wendy William’s show defaming Lindsay Lohan’s character to the core. I shouldn’t even repeat half of what he said about Lohan.

So, Perez Hilton told Wendy Williams Lindsay Lohan doesn’t have a soul. We want to know who died and made Perez Hilton God. Also, who is watching this trash on TV?

Chelsea Handler is a so called comedian/model who exercises her first amendment right to hate on celebrities and anyone else who is Gay, Jewish, Black, Latino, Asian or Arab.

I haven’t watched her show in over three years. And, I won’t ever watch her. She needs to get her act together ASAP. Give us more than gossip!

Chelsea Handler, Perez Hilton and Wendy Williams are so called “celebrities” who have lost credibility in the entertainment world. What celebrity wants to do an interview with these three stooges? AKA Celebrity Losers.

What would you do if you were a celebrity?

In my How To Be Justin Bieber blog post, I defend Bieber from character assassination. He’s not even 21 years old but they talk about him like he’s a lifelong criminal.

Al Capone was treated better in the media than Justin Bieber is right now. I want to know what gives these hooligans the audacity to berate entertainers on a daily basis. I don’t get it.

Chime in on the discussion and share the love. Share the love because there’s too much hate going around. More people need to get the message.

Come Back

Madonna is coming back.  At 55 years, she is still famous because of her legacy. Remember, it takes time to build a brand.

Steven Spielberg was rejected from the USC School of Cinema Arts. Now, Steven Spielberg is the greatest film director of all time. It shows you the stupidity of college admissions.

If you ever get rejected, don’t let it get you down. You could be the Steven Spielberg of writing, music, sports or business. In other words, keep dreaming.

Actors Box Office Famous Harrison Ford Highest Grossing Morgan Freeman Movies Samuel L. Jackson Tom Cruise Tom Hanks Top Ten

Top 10 Actors


Wannabe Famous

How many actors wish they had won an Oscar? Every actor dreams about accepting an Academy Award. Half of them have already prepared their speeches.

I’m not in show business but I have an Oscar speech ready if I ever decide to write a movie script. I have seriously thought about what I would say. I know many others have done the same as me.

Millions of young men fantasize about playing basketball in the NBA. Growing up, I used to practice shooting like Kobe Bryant, dribbling like Allen Iverson and dunking like Shaquille O’Neal.

Since I was a boy, I loved watching and playing basketball. When I was in eighth grade the Los Angeles Lakers were playing the Philadelphia 76ers. My two favorite players, Bryant and Iverson were going head-to-head.

Iverson would drive to the basket. And, Shaquille O’Neal would foul him hard. Iverson literally took a beating from Shaq in the 2001 NBA Finals. It’s one of the memories that have stuck with me.

I wanted to be famous. When we were young, becoming famous was a challenge. Nobody had a reality show yet. If you really wanted to be a celebrity, you only had a few options: actor, athlete, singer, and politician.

If you were born before 1990, your idea of fame is a lot different than the next generation. Right now, it’s so easy to get famous. All you have to do is make your content go viral.

If you absolutely want to be famous, you can. Give it a day and the whole world will know your name.

Tom Hanks, Al Pacino, and Russell Crowe have all won Oscars. They are identified in movie trailers as “Academy Award Winning Actors.” Why does winning an Oscar carry so much weight?

A better question to ask is why do actors want an Oscar so badly. And, the answer is simple. Actors are no different from you and me. By winning the Award their pay increases by 81 percent.

The Forbes article shows a thorough breakdown of the effects of winning an Oscar. Not only do actors benefit financially, they benefit socially. There are not many social functions an Oscar winning actress cannot attend.

It is important to remember that Los Angeles is a business district. Hollywood Boulevard is just like Wall Street. Movie executives share similar interests with Fortune 500 CEOS.

It’s all about the mean green machine. Cash is king. The Dollar is the kingmaker. The following actors are the highest grossing thespians on the silver screen.

As a side note, the list will update soon. Samuel L. Jackson’s rank has improved to number 1.

Listen to For the Love of Money for more entertainment.

Click on the Highlighted Actor’s name for more information.

Top Ten Actors


He is held in high esteem for his craft. The Iron Man and the Sherlock Holmesseries is the real reason he makes the list. Also, he has been in show business since he was a child. Longevity is the key to making our list.


Whenever I think of Depp scoring big at the box office I always think about his several blockbuster hits. If I’m being honest, I couldn’t tell you the difference between Johnny Depp and Johnny Bravo until Pirates of the Caribbean was released.


Robin Williams is the definition of humor. What more can I say? He is a duo threat. He is the best at doing both comedy and drama.


Bruce Willis is my mom’s favorite actor. He is one of the best action stars in my book. I’m sure he has a high page-rank in your book too. If you’re deciding to make a movie, make Bruce Willis your star. You’ll see a big box office jump.


He defines action. He also is not too shabby at drama and suspense. You can’t deny his talent on the silver screen. When he’s not jumping on couches, he’s making movies that are making crazy money.


Samuel L. Jackson is the right man for the job if you need a tough guy. Most of his characters are bold, strong and witty. He is a fine actor.


Eddie Murphy was crowned king of show business in the 1980s. Since then, he still has done reasonably well at the box office. He is the best comedic actor ever. He’s pretty good at drama also.


Why doesn’t someone give Harrison Ford an Oscar? What is wrong with the entertainment world? Why didn’t he win an Academy Award for the Fugitive?

Man, I’m so upset right now. This man is one of the best actors the world has ever seen. He ought to be giving the Academy board members awards!


Morgan Freeman

The filmography of Morgan Freeman is priceless. You have got to respect the man for his roles. In every movie, he is in a position of power. He calls his own shots.

Every movie executive wants to make a film with Freeman. First of all, his voice should get trademark. Furthermore, he commands attention from everyone. He is a legend.


Tom Hanks is number one out of ten. According to the list, no other actor has grossed higher at the box office. He has been in a multitude of influential films.

Not all his movies were successful. But hey, you live and you learn.

Look up actor in the dictionary, and chances are Tom Hanks’s picture is next to the word. His career has been amazing. All actors should study his body of work.

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Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Blockbuster Chinese Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Foreign Language Films French Hero International movies Italian Jet Li Life is Beautiful Mexican Movies Netflix Top Ten

Top 10 Foreign Language Films

By: Guru Jay


The best films have universal appeal. As a child, I remember one time staying awake the whole night watching movies with my brothers and a friend. Both brothers fell into a deep sleep.

We watched a lot of films that night. However, the one I most remember is Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story.

In those days, we saw rented movies on VCR tapes. The most popular video store at the time was Blockbuster. I used to like Blockbuster, because you could rent movies there as well as video games.

At Blockbuster, you would find the highest grossing films. True to its name, the video giant kept the best movies on their shelves. Thanks to Netflix, Blockbuster went bankrupt. 

In the 1990’s, Blockbuster’s profits were unbelievable. Slowly but surely, the company lost customers to Netflix.
Now- myself, you, and 30 million others are subscribed to NetflixLet’s be clear, I stayed with Blockbuster to the very end.

I used to ride my bicycle to Blockbuster as a boy. It was only ten minutes from my house. And suddenly, overnight the video store chain had accounting problems.

Our generation watched many movies with Blockbuster. Blockbuster symbolized the 1990’s. Blockbuster presented an alternative for moviegoers.

As an adult, I still stay awake all night watching movies on apps. I love high quality entertainment. You can appreciate the work that goes into making a film great.

I plan to become fluent in a second language in the immediate future. I love learning lingo. Furthermore, I watch many films in foreign languages.

You will find that many of the best films are in foreign languages. Here is the Top Ten List featuring the highest grossing foreign language films of all time.

Click on the movie’s title for a synopsis from Box Office Mojo.

Top Ten Foreign Language Films

La Cage aux Folles   
La Cage aux Folles comes in at number ten for the genre of Foreign Language. This French comedy premiered in 1979 and grossed over $20 million at the box office. Unfortunately, it wasn’t distributed worldwide.
Like Water for Chocolate

Like Water for Chocolate is a Mexican film that debuted in 1993. The movie racked in more than $21 million. It ranks 9 in the Foreign Language area. Also, the foreign film is fifth all time in the Cooking genre.
Il Postino
The Italian film Il Postino delivered close to $22 million at the box office in the summer of 1995. The success of Il Postino is impressive. It is the second Italian movie in the top ten.
Jet Li’s Fearless 
Directed by Ronny Yu and starring Jet Li (himself) Fearless earned $25 million domestically, and $43 million internationally, for a total of $68 million worldwide. It is the second highest Chinese film on the list.
The French made Amelie was a major box office success. The producers made the movie with a modest budget of $10 million. They never fathomed grossing $33 million domestically and $174 million worldwide.
The impact of Amelie cannot be overstated. It is the highest ranked French movie on the list for a good reason.
Pan’s Labyrinth 
The gory Pan’s Labyrinth out of Mexico is the fifth best. Writer, Director, and Producer Guillermo del Toro created a classic. Although the film’s domestic total is higher than Amelie at $37 million, Pan’s Labyrinth grossed far less worldwide. (only $83 million)
Instructions Not Included
The 2013 Mexican comedy, Instructions Not Included is a phenomenon. The film grossed $44 million domestically and $85 million worldwide.
It is the highest ranked Mexican (Foreign Language) film of all time. What’s more, the comedy was made with a $5 million budget.

Hero wins the bronze medal. It was successful on two levels: financially and critically. Directed by Yimou Zhang and starring Jet Li, Hero is a Chinese classic.

It is the second highest Chinese film on the list. In total, the film gathered $54 million at the domestic box office. Additionally, Hero collected $123 million internationally.
Life Is Beautiful
Life is Beautiful comes in second. The 1998 movie grossed $50 million at the box office. In addition, the film made $229 million in total worldwide.

Life is Beautiful is the second best Foreign Language film of all time. Financially, it is the best Italian foreign movie ever produced. Life is Beautiful won three out of seven Oscar nominations.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon comes in first place. The Taiwanese film garnered attention from everyone. It won the Academy Award for best Foreign Language Film.

In total, the movie made $128 million at the domestic box office. In addition, it eclipsed the $200 million mark worldwide.

As a side note, I watched Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon again before writing this piece. I can say emphatically it is one of the best films of all time.

As a movie buff, I appreciate all the special effects. Furthermore, the film is beautiful because of its accuracy and precision. There are your top ten foreign language films.
Tomorrow’s Blog: Celebrities

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