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Jason Bourne Movie Review


Jason Bourne Movie Review

Matt Damon does it again. This time around as Jason Bourne, he is the best ever. Tommy Lee Jones and Alicia Vikander play an excellent supporting cast. Everything about this movie is excellent. That’s why I give it an A, 5 stars out of 5.

I feel Jason Bourne is redemption in more ways than one. First, Matt Damon redeems the movie franchise. Second, Jason Bourne redeems David Webb.

Throughout the movie, the main character is searching for answers. In a sense, he finds an answer within himself. At times he encounters challenging questions.

What role did his father play in the program? Where does he go from here? Who can he trust? All these questions and more are answered by Jason Bourne himself.

The cinematographers delivered incredible images. Plus, Jason Bourne tells an interesting story. Give credit to spectacular writing and directing. I thoroughly enjoyed the fight scenes. There’s a reason why Matt Damon is considered the best action movie star alongside Tom Cruise.

If you’re fascinated with technology, the CIA, or politics, then watch Jason Bourne at your earliest convenience. It’s the best movie I’ve seen all year. It’s complete with a whole lot of finesse and power. There isn’t any extra stuff cluttering the feed.

No one could have worked the CIA Director’s part better than Tommy Lee Jones, except Morgan Freeman. Moreover, Alicia Vikander is almost perfect. Her accent only throws you off a tiny bit.

Lastly, Jason Bourne ends terrifically. I won’t spoil it for you. All I’ll say is you can never count Bourne out. He’ll get to the bottom of it one way or another.

Get off the fence about seeing Jason Bourne, and get your butt in a seat. Don’t miss out on premium entertainment. Once again, Matt Damon does it, only this time better.  

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Steven Spielberg Vs. J.J. Abrams


Steven Spielberg and JJ Abrams are arguably the best directors. But who’s the best? Spielberg seems to be slowing down in the realm of directing but not executive producing. On the other hand, it’s full speed ahead for JJ Abrams.

Who recalls that 2 billion dollar movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens?

Without question these two filmmakers are in A League of Their Own. They produce cream of the crop material consistently.

Imagination is the key to unlocking genius. How do you capture the unimaginable? You must organize chaos.

Steven Spielberg is worth a zillion dollars for a reason. You can count on him to deliver exceptional quality of results. Don’t bet against him because the odds are always in his favor.  

Who hasn’t seen at least one Speilberg movie? Have you seen The BFG yet? I don’t blame you if you don’t go see it because it’s a blatant rip-off of James and the Giant Peach. I’m all in for imagination but re-creation is not the same thing. Now this doesn’t take away from Spielberg’s brilliance.

Furthermore, am I the only one who noticed the Star Trek director also directed Star Wars? On a side note, which movie franchise do you like better? Back to the topic-> How does this happen? J.J. Abrams clearly made history by directing both.

JJ Abrams may in turn direct Avatar at the rate he’s going. All I know is James Cameron has steep competition from the Bad Robot executive producer.

It’s clear Hollywood follows a formula. A script is an arranged statement of instructions. To answer my question, Steven Spielberg is the better instructor. However, J.J. Abrams is the best curriculum designer.

Let me put it this way… Spielberg could never direct Star Wars and Abrams could never direct Jurassic Park. Still, both are at the top of their game.

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Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino Movies

Where is the love? All I feel around me is hate. The longer I live and reflect, the more I realize there wasn’t any love in the first place.
Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino create dark art. From the Departed to the Hateful Eight, these 2 directors make graphic material containing violence and strong language. When a Scorsese or Tarantino movie comes on, you better believe that the “viewer discretion is advised message” will pop up onscreen, because mature content certainly follows.
Tarantino and Scorsese understand the reality is that life isn’t a fairy tale. In the words of Tupac, “It’s hard to carry on when no one loves you.” Tarantino should direct the Tupac movie because he would ensure an authentic character, voice, and tone.
One of my all time favorite films is Pulp Fiction. It could have been based on a true story because Pulp Fiction is real to the core. Quentin Tarantino believes in providing high quality pictures. I admire high quality people like him. Also, Kill Bill and DJango Unchained are great movies.
Martin Scorsese movies have a similar effect. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, cupcake. I remember renting the Departed from Blockbuster back in the day. It is a long movie but nothing was drawn out.
 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Everyone says Tarantino is a genius. Well, Scorsese is brilliant in his own right. I enjoyed every minute of the Wolf of Wall Street. Moreover, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, and Casino should be preserved in the Library of Congress.
How do you describe in words the intangible value of their movies? After watching one of their films, you’ll be entertained for a week. What are your favorite Scorsese and Tarantino movies?
Directors don’t receive as much love as actors. However, when a movie sucks who becomes the scapegoat? It’s true celebrities cultivate popular culture. Don’t forget directors are celebrities themselves. The man standing behind the camera lenses can change the dimensions of society.
In closing, Scorsese and Tarantino tell it like it is. They utilize film making as an outlet to tell the truth. I utilize my blog for the same reasons.


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Why Jared Leto Is Rare


Jared Leto is many things- a singer, actor, and all-around entertainer. He loses himself in the moment and perfectly performs onstage or onscreen. Plus, Leto is a noted vegetarian.
Let’s acknowledge him for taking on challenging projects such as Dallas Buyers Club. His coworkers have noticed his dedication as well. If Hollywood were Wal-Mart, Jared Leto would win employee of the month every time.
The Thirty Seconds To Mars bandleader leads by example. Although he isn’t usually a lead actor, Leto influences the direction of movies. He plays Joker in Suicide Squad starring Will Smith.

Celebrities have special qualities. Leto is committed to perfection. I don’t believe Matthew McConaughey would have won an Oscar without a pushing toward greatness.
Never underestimate the power of a superior supporting actor. Moreover, Leto played inferior roles such as a heroin addict in Requiem for a Dream. Like Christian Bale, the Academy Award winning Jared Leto is a rare method actor.
Finally, Leto is receiving credit for his brilliance. The Edge of the Earth musician will go to the extreme if that’s what it takes. What is more, he could have dumped his band and went solo like Justin Timberlake and Beyoncé.
Fortunately, Thirty Seconds To Mars has produced 4 studio albums to date. And the music group has amassed 1.6 million Twitter followers. Jared Leto went from an unknown to a Very Important Person.
In 20 years, he’s become a household name, because he relentlessly pursues his passion. Did you know Jared Leto started as a director? In fact, he graduated from the School of Visual Arts. Everything happens for a reason.
If I were advising him, I would encourage him to focus on directing. You see directing is like playing golf. You can be a director or golfer almost forever.
I know Leto knows what to do. He is more than a jack-of-all-trades. Jared Leto is rare because he is a master of many trades.

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Not Denying Hollywood Heiress Drew Barrymore and Accepting Ben Affleck as Batman


People like Drew Barrymore because she can be the girl next door or an heiress. Did you know Barrymore is one of Hollywood’s biggest families? Can you imagine going on the Barrymore family retreat?
I like Drew Barrymore because she is inconspicuous. You could talk to her for hours and never know she’s famous. Most real actors aren’t begging for attention. That’s why reality TV stars receive a bad rap.
As we look back and forward at Drew Barrymore’s career, let’s appreciate her valuable and intangible assets. How much is the perfect smile worth? Isn’t happiness priceless?
I’m not denying Drew got a head start. What I am saying is I won’t hold it against her. People can’t control whether they’re born rich, poor, black, or white. You see labels do not define Barrymore and that’s why she is an amazing actress.

Picture Barrymore playing the role of Hillary Clinton in the politician’s biopic. Speaking of powerful women, did you know Drew is a director? She started directing before Angelina Jolie. I would like Drew to dye her follicles jet-black like Angelina’s hairdo.
If Barrymore makes the right decisions, she could become a legendary filmmaker. The beautiful Hollywood heiress can use her connections to further advance her career. However, in Barrymore’s defense, she’d rather gather recognition according to her merits.
The Sony Hack uncovered system wide institutional corruption in the entertainment industry. Hopefully, Sony, Disney, New Corp and other corporations will create positive and lasting changes. Drew Barrymore keeps her name clean and she doesn’t complicate being a celebrity.
Many celebrities crave attention. There is nothing wrong with desiring love. But the problem is excess.

Finally, I’ve accepted Ben Affleck as Batman. Yes, I said Matt Damon would make a better Bruce Wayne. However, his good friend Ben is phenomenal.
Ben looks like Batman and appearances mean the world. Let’s do Affleck a favor and don’t compare him to Christian Bale. It’s not apples and oranges.  
It’s kiwis and coconuts. Plus, Ben Affleck has momentum on his side. It is always a good sign when the media is talking about you.
Like Barrymore, Affleck is a great director and excellent actor. I understand that the movie business is tough work. So, I won’t deny Drew Barrymore her inheritance. And at the same time, I will accept the fact Ben Affleck is Batman.

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Actors Box Office Celebrities Departed directors Entertainment Great Gatsby Guru Jay Hollywood Inception Leonardo DiCaprio Movies producers Scorsese Spielberg Tarantino Titanic Wolf of Wall Street

Why Leonardo DiCaprio Is the Best


Do you think Leonardo DiCaprio is the best actor alive? How can you argue with his gigantic box office numbers and amazing body of work? Leonardo DiCaprio has developed into a powerful and unstoppable force in Hollywood, because he delivers great performances at will.
What director doesn’t want to associate with DiCaprio? Leonardo is the most talented and naturally gifted actor in the industry. Scorsese, Spielberg, Tarantino, and Eastwood practically got on both knees in order to work with DiCaprio.
What actor doesn’t dream of working alongside Leonardo? Jonah Hill worships at DiCaprio’s throne. While filming Wolf of Wall Street, Jonah latched onto Leonardo like a parasite.
DiCaprio’s name matters like Nicholson, De Niro, Pacino, and Clooney. Internationally, Leonardo’s brand is highly visible.

What are the best Leonardo DiCaprio movies?
Besides the Titanic, I recommend Inception, the Departed, and the Great Gatsby. Anything that DiCaprio touches turns to gold, silver, or bronze. Leonardo is an Olympian who competes in acting and film producing.

Hopefully, in the future DiCaprio will direct. He’s too talented not to teach aspiring actors. Leonardo is the best because the celebrity makes his colleagues perform better.
Watch the Wolf of Wall Street, and you’ll see how much Margot Robbie and Kyle Chandler lean on Leonardo DiCaprio’s gesturing, movements, and expertise. DiCaprio mastered the game since 2000 with the Beach movie. In 2002, Daniel Day-Lewis played supporting actor, while Leonardo starred in Gangs of New York. Furthermore, no movie star supersedes DiCaprio…not Channing Tatum, Brad Pitt, or Johnny Depp.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

By participating in several lucrative projects, overtime the veteran actor has positioned himself as Hollywood’s King. According to Box Office Mojo, DiCaprio has generated over $6.3 billion in box office receipts. What is more, Leonardo doesn’t record voiceovers for animation. If Leonardo DiCaprio isn’t the best, who’s better?

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Best George Clooney Movies


Every actor aspires to reach George Clooney’s level. His legacy can be likened to Marlon Brando and John Wayne. That’s why casting directors are looking for the next George Clooney.
To those thespians that aspire to be Brad Pitt, take into account that Brad Pitt aspires to be George Clooney. What is more, Clooney established an unshakable reputation in show business. At this point in his career, Sir George can pick and choose roles at leisure.
In the traditional sense, he doesn’t have to audition to win the graces of directors and casting heads alike. He calls the shots and makes bold moves. George seems to give you a piece of himself in every character.
The mysterious celebrity looks the part and acts the role. What are the best George Clooney movies? Have you seen the Michael Clayton movie?
Michael Clayton is one of my favorites. Based on this movie alone, I’d signup my family for a Clooney acting class. Incredibly, Clooney’s filmography consists of a variety of successful box office hits. For instance, Gravity generated $716 million in theater ticket sales.

The well-rounded George Clooney thinks outside the box. He showcases his skills in several genres such as: romance, comedies, dramas, action, thrillers and suspense. Moreover, Clooney’s movies are always high quality productions.
I thoroughly enjoyed Ocean’s Eleven. I can’t find any weaknesses with the film. Those Ocean actors are among the greatest ensembles in cinematic history.
The Ides of March and Monuments Men actor/director knows what it takes to create a masterpiece. George’s a master at project development and the production process. Furthermore, he executes to perfection.
Do you think he’s better than Clint Eastwood? One thing is for sure, like Eastwood the legendary Clooney doesn’t hold his tongue or bite his lip. Although George is diplomatic and tactful, he stands by his principles.

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