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Is Liam Neeson a Top 10 Actor?


Is Liam Neeson a Top 10 Actor?

What do you feel are the best Liam Neeson movies? If you had to choose just one, would you choose Taken? Maybe, you would choose The Commuter because the film is more recent. If Keanu Reeves is unstoppable, so too is Liam Neeson. Have you seen Non-Stop?

Non-Stop is easily one of Liam Neeson’s best movies. At any rate, Liam Neeson is still making great movies. Plus, Liam Neeson is a premium actor.
I argue that Liam Neeson is one of the greatest actors of his generation. He’s done enough in his career to be honored for his greatness. Where is his place in Hollywood history? How far atop the totem pole do you rank the movie star all time?

Before we begin ranking movie stars, it is important to understand the ranking system. The ranking system contains opinions. Your opinions are valuable. Additionally, the critics love Liam Neeson. His movies consistently receive high marks and open big at the box office.
Liam Neeson was born in Ireland in 1952. I consider him the Irish Tom Hanks. If he’s starring in a movie, you want to watch it. He has an impressive filmography. As you will soon find out, he is a bankable star like Sandra Bullock.
I predict Cold Pursuit will have a strong opening at the box office. The movie appears to capture the magnitude of his acting skills. Liam Neeson is a very versatile actor. Neeson is no stranger to the spotlight. The celebrity has built a durable brand over his career.
Check out Liam Neeson movies on IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, and Netflix. Watch clips on YouTube and Google “Liam Neeson.” Read his Wikipedia page when you have time. You’ll find he is an interesting man. Without question, Liam Neeson is just as fascinating onscreen as he is in real life.

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Academy Awards Actors Best Blogs Bucket List Celebrity Entertainment Famous People filmography Guru Jay Hollywood Morgan Freeman Movies Oscars Shawshank Redemption Showbiz Sum of All Fears

Morgan Freeman Amazing Filmography

 Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Morgan Freeman has delivered many iconic performances throughout his legendary career. How do you make a list of his best movies? Maybe the answer is…you don’t. Still, I would like to talk about his amazing filmography.
Let’s start the discussion with the Shawshank Redemption.
The Shawshank Redemption reveals the depth of man’s solitude. Ellis Boyd “Red” Redding exists in a manmade habitat based on making profit from human labor. In the film, Freeman finds a way to demolish the totality of the prison industrial complex as an actor. He’s inside the prison but the prison isn’t inside of him. Despite circumstances, Red refuses to lose hope within.
The actor plays DCI Cabot to perfection in the Sum of All Fears. The star never has a problem portraying powerful people. What is more, he empowers the cast. I believe Ben Affleck became better because he shared a screen with Morgan Freeman. Freeman always sets himself apart.
I believe his career was all set after Lean on Me. After Lean on Me there could be no denying of his greatness. The movie delivers an important message. You may want to check out a similar movie called Hard Lessons starring Denzel Washington.
Morgan Freeman alongside Jack Nicholson in the Bucket List was phenomenal. There are some twists and the ending was emotional. Now it seems everyone’s making a Bucket List because of this movie’s success. It made $175.4 Million at the box office worldwide.
I also highly recommend watching: Bruce Almighty, Invictus, The Dark Knight, and Lucy.
Moreover, software can’t duplicate his voice. Impressionists will come close but there’s nothing like hearing the man command the English tongue. Morgan Freeman takes pride in his work and it pays dividends. Directors know he won’t accept just any role. Without question, screenwriters prepare scripts with Freeman in mind.
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Actress Amanda Seyfried Celebs Chloe movie entertainers filmography Glitz and Glamor Guru Jay Hollywood Stars Jennifer Lawrence Jennifer's Body Lovelace Millennial Movies Scarlett Johansson Ted 2 cast

What Is Amanda Seyfried’s Secret?


There are many actresses but few movie stars. Amanda Seyfried’s big name lights up theater screenings around the world. Moreover, the Millennial movie star illuminates multiple generations.
For the love of entertainment, I hope she becomes Superwoman. You can’t honestly compare her to Scarlett Johansson or Jennifer Lawrence without factoring Captain America and Hunger Games into your equation. To her credit, you must recognize her enormous contributions.
Red Riding Hood, Jennifer’s Body, and Chloe come to mind when discussing Amanda’s exceptional filmography. She’s young enough to experience incredible breakthroughs. Don’t you think the celebrity doesn’t desire hundreds of additional stalkers? Anyway, her showings are fantastic. From Big Loveto Lovelace, what’s not to love about Amanda Seyfried?

Seyfried played a cute pot smoking lawyer in Ted 2all too well. The doll-faced girl displays a great sense of humor. Amazingly, she can laugh at her sexy curves while in front of a mirror.
Applaud the actress for choosing controversial roles throughout her illustrious career. As a Millennial, Amanda is living out the elusive American Dream. However, show business was made for this hot Hollywood starlet to sparkle.
They say, “there’s no business like show business.” Moreover, there’s no actress like Amanda Seyfried. I believe I’m watching a ballerina dance. Amanda keeps acting as if she’s a starving artist. She craves excellence.
What director doesn’t want to direct Amanda? I never seen a performer more devoted to performance arts. She does the necessary duties that some actors feel are beneath them. That’s why the celeb can work with everybody. Plus, the jaw dropping beauty commands extra attention.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

She should consider teaching. Don’t you want to learn her secret? What is her special recipe? Amanda Seyfried’s secret formula lies in her makeup- not the external kind for your face, but what’s internal- within your heart.

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Actors Brad Pitt Celebrities Clint Eastwood directors Entertainment filmography George Clooney Gravity Guru Jay Hollywood John Wayne Marlon Brando Michael Clayton Monuments Men Movies producers

Best George Clooney Movies


Every actor aspires to reach George Clooney’s level. His legacy can be likened to Marlon Brando and John Wayne. That’s why casting directors are looking for the next George Clooney.
To those thespians that aspire to be Brad Pitt, take into account that Brad Pitt aspires to be George Clooney. What is more, Clooney established an unshakable reputation in show business. At this point in his career, Sir George can pick and choose roles at leisure.
In the traditional sense, he doesn’t have to audition to win the graces of directors and casting heads alike. He calls the shots and makes bold moves. George seems to give you a piece of himself in every character.
The mysterious celebrity looks the part and acts the role. What are the best George Clooney movies? Have you seen the Michael Clayton movie?
Michael Clayton is one of my favorites. Based on this movie alone, I’d signup my family for a Clooney acting class. Incredibly, Clooney’s filmography consists of a variety of successful box office hits. For instance, Gravity generated $716 million in theater ticket sales.

The well-rounded George Clooney thinks outside the box. He showcases his skills in several genres such as: romance, comedies, dramas, action, thrillers and suspense. Moreover, Clooney’s movies are always high quality productions.
I thoroughly enjoyed Ocean’s Eleven. I can’t find any weaknesses with the film. Those Ocean actors are among the greatest ensembles in cinematic history.
The Ides of March and Monuments Men actor/director knows what it takes to create a masterpiece. George’s a master at project development and the production process. Furthermore, he executes to perfection.
Do you think he’s better than Clint Eastwood? One thing is for sure, like Eastwood the legendary Clooney doesn’t hold his tongue or bite his lip. Although George is diplomatic and tactful, he stands by his principles.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
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