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Steven Spielberg Vs. J.J. Abrams


Steven Spielberg and JJ Abrams are arguably the best directors. But who’s the best? Spielberg seems to be slowing down in the realm of directing but not executive producing. On the other hand, it’s full speed ahead for JJ Abrams.

Who recalls that 2 billion dollar movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens?

Without question these two filmmakers are in A League of Their Own. They produce cream of the crop material consistently.

Imagination is the key to unlocking genius. How do you capture the unimaginable? You must organize chaos.

Steven Spielberg is worth a zillion dollars for a reason. You can count on him to deliver exceptional quality of results. Don’t bet against him because the odds are always in his favor.  

Who hasn’t seen at least one Speilberg movie? Have you seen The BFG yet? I don’t blame you if you don’t go see it because it’s a blatant rip-off of James and the Giant Peach. I’m all in for imagination but re-creation is not the same thing. Now this doesn’t take away from Spielberg’s brilliance.

Furthermore, am I the only one who noticed the Star Trek director also directed Star Wars? On a side note, which movie franchise do you like better? Back to the topic-> How does this happen? J.J. Abrams clearly made history by directing both.

JJ Abrams may in turn direct Avatar at the rate he’s going. All I know is James Cameron has steep competition from the Bad Robot executive producer.

It’s clear Hollywood follows a formula. A script is an arranged statement of instructions. To answer my question, Steven Spielberg is the better instructor. However, J.J. Abrams is the best curriculum designer.

Let me put it this way… Spielberg could never direct Star Wars and Abrams could never direct Jurassic Park. Still, both are at the top of their game.

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Actors Celebrity News Celebs Forrest Gump From Paris with Love Gossip Grease Guru Jay Hollywood John Travolta Movie Legends Movies Stars Steven Spielberg Taking Pelham 123 Tom Hanks Wild Hogs

Tom Hanks Vs. John Travolta: Who Is The Best Legend?

Tom Hanks Vs. John Travolta: Who Is The Best Legend?

Whenever you doubt your abilities watch Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump played by Tom Hanks beats the odds despite possessing a low IQ. It goes to show you anything is possible.
If you desire nostalgic moments, rewind to “back in the day” and press play on movies such as Saturday Night Fever, Grease, and Look Who’s Talking. Pilot John Travolta flies high in movies and in real life. He’s on everybody’s radar screen from air traffic controllers to movie producers and goers.

Tom Hanks and John Travolta are legends. I use “legend” sparingly because too many folks misuse the word. Moreover, I rarely refer to a living person as a legend. But I believe Travolta and Hanks have done enough.
Obviously, Tom has more fans because his movies are more family friendly. That doesn’t make John any lesser of a movie star though. You see R rated movies are harder to produce than Disney- Pixar flicks.

Still, both celebrities care deeply about their families. This has been well documented. They didn’t run from their responsibilities.

One criticism is that Tom Hanks stays in his square. Do you think Tom plays it too safe? I believe John takes more risks like Taking Pelham 123.
Although I respect Hanks, he’s Steven Spielberg’s surrogate. You can say the same thing about Leonardo DiCaprio belonging to Martin Scorsese. John Travolta doesn’t belong to a director.
Let’s appreciate all they offer in front of the camera and behind the scenes. Actors gush when filming with Tom and John.
It is difficult to determine who is the best. If we’re only discussing numbers, Tom is better. If we’re factoring intangibles, Travolta wins.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

The From Paris with Love actor does all the little things right. He came out his mother’s womb acting. The Big star requires a big production, while Travolta can adjust to budget cuts.
Both have mastered their crafts. Both have debuted world premieres. There is only one Tom Hanks and John Travolta per generation.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
Beyoncé Celebrities Dr. Dre Dr. Oz Dr. Phil Floyd Mayweather Glenn Beck Guru Jay Highest paid Howard Stern James Patterson Manny Pacquiao Mark Burnett Oprah Rachael Ray Simon Cowell Steven Spielberg

Top 10 Highest Paid Celebrities


With $82 million, Oprah Winfrey takes the 10th spot. Why does Oprah consistently rank as one of the highest paid celebrities? Here’s a clue. She owns everything.
Oprah has established and operates a micro media conglomerate. Harpo productions produces Rachael Ray, Dr. Phil, and Dr. Oz TV shows. What is more, the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) contributes greatly to the talk queen’s financial success.
At 9, newcomer Mark Burnett made his fortune rewriting the Bible. Speaking of writers, long time novelist James Patterson ranks as the 8th highest paid celebrity. At the this point, Patterson can sit back and wait for his royalty checks. To the contrary, the Along Came a Spider author steadily creates and develops new content.
Coming in at 8, it should come as no surprise that Fox News anchor Glenn Beck collected $90 Million. Beck has his hands in aplenty. For instance, in 2010 the journalist started Beck University.
Colleagues Simon Cowell and Howard Stern each earned $95 Million. Remember the American Idol days when Simon had a chip on his shoulder. How about when Howard interviewed Playboy bunnies and sexpots?
Director Steven Spielberg, who made a cool $100 Million, is number 4. Spielberg excels at entertainment. You know he harnessed Halle Berry’s star power as an Extant executive?
In addition, Floyd “money” Mayweather (the best ever boxer) generated $105 million. Mayweather will finally fight Manny Pacquiao. Look for TBE to move up 2 spots next year.
Like Oprah, the 2nd highest paid celebrity is no stranger to big purses. Why are people jealous of Beyoncé? She’s an exceptional entertainer, who’s fairly compensated for her craft. When you make $115 million it comes with strings attached.
Last but not least, don’t forget about Dre. Dr. Dre earned $620 million after several years of working smarter.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
10 Celebrities E.L. James Howard Stern James Patterson Jerry Bruckheimer Lady Gaga Madonna Michael Bay Simon Cowell Steven Spielberg Top Ten

Top 10 Celebrities with the Most to Lose!

By: Guru Jay
10 Celebrities With the Most 2 Lose

Celebrities lose a lot of stuff. Some lose their minds. Some lose their keys to their Airplanes, Jets or Yachts. Some lose their mansions and limousines due to foreclosure and repossession.

Celebrities have it rough. Whenever Britney Spears goes to Starbucks, the cameras constantly flash. Celebrities don’t have privacy.

Here are the facts. Lady Gaga who is 10th on our list made more money last year than the top three highest paid actresses combined. Take a moment to digest what this mean. She is worth more than Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lawrence, and Kristen Stewart put together.

I am fascinated by statistics. I have a love affair with words and numbers. The fact is letters and digits are powerful.

Lady Gaga, Steven Spielberg and Madonna rank high in the top 50 celebrities around the entertainment world. 

Shahrukh Khan ranks first in India. He is someone to look to for financial advice. A conservative estimation of his net worth is $600 Million

Shahrukh Khan

What would you do with $600 million?

Simon Cowell holds the number one spot in Britain. His net worth is growing. According to the Celebrity Net Worth, Cowell has an estimated value of $400 million.

There’s two weeks until tax day (April 15), which is an unofficial holiday for accountants, tax attorneys and tax preparers. Everybody has an Uncle named Sam.

No one is above Tax Law. So, don’t find out the hard way. Many celebrities have found out the delicates of taxes the difficult method.

If I were a celebrity (hey, I can dream right?) If I were a celebrity, I would be frugal like Warren Buffett. I’d cash in on the free stuff and perks.

But if you think I’m going to buy a vacation property in the Bahamas, you’re the one dreaming. I’d create a collective time-share, and vacation virtually everywhere.

I’m curious to see how the warm beige Brazilian beach sand feels between my toes. I want to travel to India and meet my fellow Guru Shahrukh Khan. Perhaps, I’d study under his tutelage and bring his good graces back to the Americas.

If I were a celebrity I would have a lot to lose. The life of a celebrity is challenging. Every day presents possibilities.

Today your agent asks you do you want to endorse Pepsi. Tomorrow he tells you Coca-Cola will give you $250,000 more than PepsiCo. What do you do?

Which one tastes better? To be exact, Coke is $250,000 richer in taste. Hey, I’m human. I have physical, emotional, and financial needs.

Celebrity Losers

Celebrities have a lot to lose. Because of my inquisitive nature, I researched the Forbes Celebrity 100. If you have never been on the site, there is a nifty ranking tool.

You can organize celebrity data on Forbes. Please don’t forget to pay your taxes. You don’t want to be reminded by the IRS. 

I just wanted to show the hard numbers. I don’t want to give you opinions.  I want to give you a perspective.

I don’t want to name names, but there are gossip columns that make money off of defaming celebrity characters. That’s wrong.What?

You don’t have anything positive to say? Oh, but you watch his movies, listen to his music, and subscribe to his channel. But, he’s the scum of the earth?

Seriously, these so called “entertainment experts” need to shut up and keep their mouths closed. Don’t speak until we speak to you?

Chelsea Lately, Perez Hilton, and Wendy Williams think they own the entertainment world. They think they can say whatever they want. Guess what? We have the power to change the channel and go to a better blog.

We don’t have to listen to your garbage every time.  Those three, of all people, should understand celebrities have a lost to lose. Yet, they make a fortune off of telling you misinformation.

Here’s the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. Perez Hilton was on Wendy William’s show defaming Lindsay Lohan’s character to the core. I shouldn’t even repeat half of what he said about Lohan.

So, Perez Hilton told Wendy Williams Lindsay Lohan doesn’t have a soul. We want to know who died and made Perez Hilton God. Also, who is watching this trash on TV?

Chelsea Handler is a so called comedian/model who exercises her first amendment right to hate on celebrities and anyone else who is Gay, Jewish, Black, Latino, Asian or Arab.

I haven’t watched her show in over three years. And, I won’t ever watch her. She needs to get her act together ASAP. Give us more than gossip!

Chelsea Handler, Perez Hilton and Wendy Williams are so called “celebrities” who have lost credibility in the entertainment world. What celebrity wants to do an interview with these three stooges? AKA Celebrity Losers.

What would you do if you were a celebrity?

In my How To Be Justin Bieber blog post, I defend Bieber from character assassination. He’s not even 21 years old but they talk about him like he’s a lifelong criminal.

Al Capone was treated better in the media than Justin Bieber is right now. I want to know what gives these hooligans the audacity to berate entertainers on a daily basis. I don’t get it.

Chime in on the discussion and share the love. Share the love because there’s too much hate going around. More people need to get the message.

Come Back

Madonna is coming back.  At 55 years, she is still famous because of her legacy. Remember, it takes time to build a brand.

Steven Spielberg was rejected from the USC School of Cinema Arts. Now, Steven Spielberg is the greatest film director of all time. It shows you the stupidity of college admissions.

If you ever get rejected, don’t let it get you down. You could be the Steven Spielberg of writing, music, sports or business. In other words, keep dreaming.

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