Action movies Actor Bank Job Blitz Crank Entertainment Expendables Fast and Furious Hobbs and Shaw Hollywood Jason Statham Matt Damon Movie Star The Transporter Tom Cruise Top 5 Movie Stars Wild Card

Why Jason Statham Is a Top 5 Action Movie Star

Why Jason Statham Is a Top 5 Action Movie Star

I’ll prove to you why Jason Statham is a top 5 action movie star in this article. There are only a handful of action movie stars in the first place. You see it is challenging to make a living in Hollywood as an actor, let alone a movie star. Becoming an action movie star is more difficult than mountain climbing.
Like a mint condition coin, an action actor must stay in tip-top shape. Plus, you must be a good actor to keep your job. You can’t let your skills decline. To keep your shine, you must stay polished.

To be the best, you must strive for greatness. Just Being good isn’t enough. At 51, Jason Statham’s career speaks for itself.
He is internationally recognized as a top 5 action movie star. Plus, the star who was born in Great Britain, is one of the best actors of his generation. The celebrity is popular with approximately 53 million Facebook fans and counting.
What Jason Statham Means to Fast and Furious
Jason Statham joining the Fast and Furious franchise was a brilliant move, because few people can compete with this action movie star. He is on another level. It doesn’t make sense for Tom Cruise and Matt Damon to join Fast and Furious because they have their own franchises: Mission Impossible and the Bourne Identity, respectively. Clearly, Jason Statham has shown why he is in a class all by himself through his “actions.”
Moreover, Jason Statham means the world to Fast and Furious. The franchise can’t survive without his character. He is thriving in his new role. I expect Hobbs and Shaw to be a major success because of his tremendous talent level. Plus, the action actor gels with Dwayne“The Rock” Johnson.
Hobbs and Shaw should shatter box office records in 2019. Check Box Office Mojo for results.
Aren’t you excited about Idris Elba’s part in the movie too? Also, Vanessa Kirby will appear in the film. Kudos to the casting director. I’m looking forward to seeing Hobbs and Shaw. It is a must-see movie without a doubt.
More than Expendable
The Expendables star deserves his accolades as an action hero. He is wealthy with an estimated net worth of $70 million. Did you know Statham performs some of his stunts? If you had $70 million, would you stunt?
Do you remember when Sylvester Stallone added Arnold Schwarzenegger to the cast? Jason Statham was with him from the start. You can’t deny the star’s brilliance as an action actor, but he’s more than expendable.

I highly recommend the Crank series and the Transporter trilogy. If you watch those, I guarantee you will like his Facebook page. Check out Blitz, Wild Card, Redemption and the Bank Job.
Hollywood and the entertainment industry are huge, but the elite are a small bunch. You can name the top 5 action movie stars on one hand. Jason Statham is one of the top 5 Hollywood action actors because he is elite. He is the best at what he does. And he does it better than anybody else.

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Academy Awards Action movies Actors Alicia Vikander Best Blogs directors Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood Jason Bourne Matt Damon movie review Movies Oscars Showbiz Tom Cruise Tommy Lee Jones

Jason Bourne Movie Review


Jason Bourne Movie Review

Matt Damon does it again. This time around as Jason Bourne, he is the best ever. Tommy Lee Jones and Alicia Vikander play an excellent supporting cast. Everything about this movie is excellent. That’s why I give it an A, 5 stars out of 5.

I feel Jason Bourne is redemption in more ways than one. First, Matt Damon redeems the movie franchise. Second, Jason Bourne redeems David Webb.

Throughout the movie, the main character is searching for answers. In a sense, he finds an answer within himself. At times he encounters challenging questions.

What role did his father play in the program? Where does he go from here? Who can he trust? All these questions and more are answered by Jason Bourne himself.

The cinematographers delivered incredible images. Plus, Jason Bourne tells an interesting story. Give credit to spectacular writing and directing. I thoroughly enjoyed the fight scenes. There’s a reason why Matt Damon is considered the best action movie star alongside Tom Cruise.

If you’re fascinated with technology, the CIA, or politics, then watch Jason Bourne at your earliest convenience. It’s the best movie I’ve seen all year. It’s complete with a whole lot of finesse and power. There isn’t any extra stuff cluttering the feed.

No one could have worked the CIA Director’s part better than Tommy Lee Jones, except Morgan Freeman. Moreover, Alicia Vikander is almost perfect. Her accent only throws you off a tiny bit.

Lastly, Jason Bourne ends terrifically. I won’t spoil it for you. All I’ll say is you can never count Bourne out. He’ll get to the bottom of it one way or another.

Get off the fence about seeing Jason Bourne, and get your butt in a seat. Don’t miss out on premium entertainment. Once again, Matt Damon does it, only this time better.  

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Box Office Celeb News Chiwetel Ejiofor Guru Jay Hollywood Stars Jeff Daniels Jessica Chastain Kate Mara Matt Damon Michael Pena movie review Movies Original Entertainment Rotten Tomatoes The Martian

The Martian Movie Review

The Martian Movie Review

If you’re a regular at Guru Jay, you know The Martian is my kind of movie. I expect this film to be number 1 at the box office for the third consecutive week. Numbers indicate that The Martian might become director Ridley Scott’s best movie ever.
Tonight, my initial thought was: what are comedians Kristen Wiig and Donald Glover doing in this particular piece? After viewing the film, now I realize that they are three-dimensional actors. Who can complain about this wonderful cast? Jeff Daniels, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Kate Mara, Michael Peña
The Plot
Matt Damon plays an astronaut (Mark Watney) stranded on Mars because his crew abruptly aborts their mission due to a severe storm. His crewmembers leave him behind thinking he’s dead. However, the determined character lives through this tribulation and awaits rescue.
Luckily, Watney’s a botanist who figures out how to grow food for survival purposes. “The Martian” finally contacts NASA, who already gave him a memorial. Soon, the public learns he is alive. Then, the whole world prepares for his return home safely.

Typically, it would take 4 years to travel to Mars. However, Watney may come home earlier than imagined because of a fortunate discovery. Without a doubt the proposition is risky. What option will NASA take?
Jessica Chastain plays mission commander Melissa Lewis. To her credit, she never wanted to abandon Watney. Nonetheless, she is pivotal to the storyline. I won’t spoil it any further for you. If you’re into science, go check it out.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Closing Thoughts

The cinematography is on point. The Martian is realistic and futuristic as possible. The audience will enjoy spectacular visual effects aligned with technology’s capabilities. We must acknowledge Andy Weir’s great literary contribution.
My main criticism is the movie progresses slowly. Whenever we watch Matt Damon we’re used to seeing fast action-packed scenes. In spite of this, I believe The Martian is brilliant. This is Matt Damon’s magnum opus. You won’t find a carbon copy.

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Academy Awards action Actors Bourne Identity Celebs Cristiano Ronaldo Entertainment Hollywood Mark Wahlberg Matt Damon Mission Impossible Movies Oscars Phillip Seymour Hoffman Stars Tom Cruise

Who is the Best Action Movie Star? Matt Damon Vs. Tom Cruise


The Mission: Impossible and Bourne franchises are the best action movie series to date. Tom Cruise and Matt Damon bring their badass characters to life with their intensity. They kick butt like Cristiano Ronaldo strikes Soccer balls.  
Whether you want some action or not, they will give it to your ass. Over the past 15 years, they’ve built a good reputation. Today, they’re known as the shiniest Hollywood movie stars. 
The Bourne Supremacy ranks in my top 10 favorite action films. I will always remember this Supremacy scene. 

What is brilliant about this sequence is that they’re using their fists instead of guns.
How does Matt Damon make you believe he is Jason Bourne? Like a Mark Wahlberg movie, Damon transforms before our very eyes. Clearly the highly trained actor understands how to captivate his audience.  
In 2002, Matt Damon suffered his first identity crisis as Jason Bourne. His character had more passports and code-names than the President. What is more, Bourne Identity made a great first impression on moviegoers.

The third installment, Bourne Ultimatum, exceeded expectations at the box office by grossing over $440 million worldwide. Ultimatum is by far the trilogy’s highest grossing film. After its completion, Matt Damon entered Hollywood’s elite hall of entertainers.
Moreover, Mission: Impossible 3 showcases nothing but the best. Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s performance is legendary.

You can see how Tom Cruise and Hoffman feed off each other’s energy.
Because of their similarities, I suspect Tom Cruise influenced Matt Damon’s career. The Top Gun sends competition into Oblivion. However, unlike Damon Tom hasn’t won an Academy Award. The judges are out of touch. If the Academy is worth its weight in salt, Tom Cruise will eventually receive an Oscar.
I personally think Tom Cruise is one of the greatest action movie actors of all time. Additionally, I believe the Bourne franchise with Matt Damon sets the tone for the next generation of stars. In a nutshell, Matt Damon is a top action figure but Tom Cruise is best.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

Academy Awards Actors Batman Ben Affleck Birdman Golden Globes Hollywood Mark Wahlberg Martin Scorsese Matt Damon Michael Keaton Movies snubbed the Departed The Gambler the Oscars

Is Mark Wahlberg Getting Snubbed?


Who are your top 10 favorite actors? Did the best actors get snubbed at the Golden Globes? I think award committees should nominate more Mark Wahlberg movies.
Is Wahlberg a product of his own success? With a $200 million net worth, the multi-talented celebrity is easily targeted. Indeed, the cash rich actor doesn’t need their charity.
In comparison, Ben Affleck is worth a measly $75 million. In my opinion, Mark Wahlberg would make a more convincing Batman than Ben Affleck. In fact, Affleck’s best friend Matt Damon would fit better into the Dark Knight’s armory. Consequently, fans will compare Ben Affleck with Birdman Michael Keaton forever.
Unfortunately, Hollywood is a wild political animal in need of taming. Reports say that Mark was offered the Robin role. Come on, that’s a Joker. Wahlberg is clearly a natural lead actor. He isn’t anybody’s sidekick.
Affleck schmoozes and mingles with the elite and that’s how Benny affords a jetpack. All actors brownnose but Benjamin is deeply connected and highly influential. Fortunately, Mark Wahlberg is a very important person.
Winners associate with winning. Even New York Yankee season ticketholders revere Boston native Mark Wahlberg. Regardless of their personal preferences people respect the best.
Have you seen the ‘Departed?’ Martin Scorsese directs an amazing cast, which includes Wahlberg. Because of impeccable directing and acting, the movie received multiple Academy Awards.
Without Wahlberg, Hollywood would experience an economic collapse. The red carpet would turn navy blue. Seriously, Mark Wahlberg created lasting opportunities for the next generation of actors, musicians, and producers.
‘The Gambler’ rolls dice and plays Russian roulette. In addition, the celebrity takes over the ‘Transformers’ franchise. Any picture the actor attaches himself to gets photo shopped.
The detractors will say Mark Wahlberg’s mainstream and commercial. And, they’re right. But, Wahlberg handles business. He is one of the best. Yes, Hollywood is snubbing Mark because they’re secretly jealous.

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