Amber Heard Aquaman Batman V. Superman Ben Affleck Celebrities Conan the Barbarian DC Comics Entertainment Game of Thrones Guru Jay Hollywood Jason Momoa Lisa Bonet Movies Nicole Kidman Zoe Kravitz

Why Jason Momoa Is the Right Aquaman


Why Jason Momoa Is the Right Aquaman

Jason Momoa plays Aquaman in the upcoming DC comic book-based movie. Do you plan on going to see it? Undoubtedly, something tells me that Aquaman will please fans. I expect the movie to generate at least $300 million at the box office. Maybe, $500 million is within reach.

I watched a few Aquaman trailers and I’m impressed. Jason Momoa is the right man for the job. Plus, Amber Heard is a fine addition to the cast. Seeing those two on the silver screen together is a treat. Moreover, look for Nicole Kidman to demonstrate why she is at the pinnacle of success in the film.

Aquaman made an appearance in Batman V. Superman. I had a problem with accepting Ben Affleck as Batman, although I believe Henry Cavil is the right Superman. The point is Jason Momoa is the right Aquaman.

Still, don’t limit Jason Momoa to just one movie. I’ve become more familiar with Jason Momoa’s work over the past year. He is an incredible actor with an amazing filmography. Conan the Barbarian with Arnold Schwarzenegger is an all-time favorite. I believe Jason Momoa did the remake justice.

I highly recommend Conan the Barbarian (2011) because it is one of Jason Momoa’s best movies. One man shouldn’t have all those muscles. But he works out hard in the gym. They say hard work pays off and Jason Momoa gets it.

Somehow, he finds a way to star in Hollywood’s biggest productions. Case in point: Game of Thrones. Ever since Game of Thrones, he has made a name for himself.

Did you know Jason Momoa is legally married to Lisa Bonet? That means Zoe Kravitz is his stepdaughter. Talk about a small world.

In closing, I wonder what’s next for Jason Momoa. Will he settle down as a legendary superhero? Or will he star in riskier and more challenging productions? We’ll see…

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A list Academy Awards Actors B list Ben Affleck brunettes Celebs Entertainment Guru Jay Hilary Swank Hollywood hot Jennifer Garner LookAlikes Million Dollar Baby Movies Sexy show business Stars

Hollywood LookAlikes: Hilary Swank Vs. Jennifer Garner


Believe it or not, Hilary Swank and Jennifer Garner are not the same person. These Hollywood lookalikes are frequently mistaken for one another. If you’re ever confused, just remember Garner married Ben Affleck. Plus, Jennifer stands 2 inches taller than Hilary.
Through the years, Swank received better roles because she’s prettier. They are both B+ list actresses. However, I’ve heard Garner is easier to work with. But, Hilary plays it cool and makes up for her flaws.
Appearances can trick you. Hollywood is a strange and funny place. How many beautiful people come through town and leave disappointed? Even a perfect audition is no guarantee.
In show business, your best may not be good enough. Still, keep getting better like Jessica Alba. Sooner than later, everyone will recognize you; and, you won’t get ignored.
I like when Swank and Garner play soldiers or spies. Both brunettes give and take excruciating pain. Though, I believe Jennifer is tougher. Wouldn’t you rather see Garner in Million Dollar Baby instead of Swank?

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Listen, I’m not trying to take away from Hilary’s accomplishments. We’ve seen this actress put on amazing performances. All I am saying is that Jennifer’s career was stalled, because executives screwed up her story.
For instance, did you know Jennifer Garner was born in Houston? Her family relocated to West Virginia, then Canada. Moreover, Hilary hails from Nebraska, although she spent most of her teenage years in Seattle for High School.

Can you believe the Hollywood lookalikes have an identical net worth of $40 million apiece? Keep in mind Hilary is three years younger. So, she’ll probably be richer in the future.

Can you tell the difference between the actresses? Do you think the celebrities ever pass themselves off as each other? What are your favorite Hilary Swank and Jennifer Garner movies? Who is the better actor?

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acting families Actors actresses Angelina Jolie Batman Ben Affleck Celebs Christian Bale Dawn of Justice directors Drew Barrymore Entertainment Guru Jay Hillary Clinton Hollywood Movies powerful Stars

Not Denying Hollywood Heiress Drew Barrymore and Accepting Ben Affleck as Batman


People like Drew Barrymore because she can be the girl next door or an heiress. Did you know Barrymore is one of Hollywood’s biggest families? Can you imagine going on the Barrymore family retreat?
I like Drew Barrymore because she is inconspicuous. You could talk to her for hours and never know she’s famous. Most real actors aren’t begging for attention. That’s why reality TV stars receive a bad rap.
As we look back and forward at Drew Barrymore’s career, let’s appreciate her valuable and intangible assets. How much is the perfect smile worth? Isn’t happiness priceless?
I’m not denying Drew got a head start. What I am saying is I won’t hold it against her. People can’t control whether they’re born rich, poor, black, or white. You see labels do not define Barrymore and that’s why she is an amazing actress.

Picture Barrymore playing the role of Hillary Clinton in the politician’s biopic. Speaking of powerful women, did you know Drew is a director? She started directing before Angelina Jolie. I would like Drew to dye her follicles jet-black like Angelina’s hairdo.
If Barrymore makes the right decisions, she could become a legendary filmmaker. The beautiful Hollywood heiress can use her connections to further advance her career. However, in Barrymore’s defense, she’d rather gather recognition according to her merits.
The Sony Hack uncovered system wide institutional corruption in the entertainment industry. Hopefully, Sony, Disney, New Corp and other corporations will create positive and lasting changes. Drew Barrymore keeps her name clean and she doesn’t complicate being a celebrity.
Many celebrities crave attention. There is nothing wrong with desiring love. But the problem is excess.

Finally, I’ve accepted Ben Affleck as Batman. Yes, I said Matt Damon would make a better Bruce Wayne. However, his good friend Ben is phenomenal.
Ben looks like Batman and appearances mean the world. Let’s do Affleck a favor and don’t compare him to Christian Bale. It’s not apples and oranges.  
It’s kiwis and coconuts. Plus, Ben Affleck has momentum on his side. It is always a good sign when the media is talking about you.
Like Barrymore, Affleck is a great director and excellent actor. I understand that the movie business is tough work. So, I won’t deny Drew Barrymore her inheritance. And at the same time, I will accept the fact Ben Affleck is Batman.

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Academy Awards Actors Batman Ben Affleck Birdman Golden Globes Hollywood Mark Wahlberg Martin Scorsese Matt Damon Michael Keaton Movies snubbed the Departed The Gambler the Oscars

Is Mark Wahlberg Getting Snubbed?


Who are your top 10 favorite actors? Did the best actors get snubbed at the Golden Globes? I think award committees should nominate more Mark Wahlberg movies.
Is Wahlberg a product of his own success? With a $200 million net worth, the multi-talented celebrity is easily targeted. Indeed, the cash rich actor doesn’t need their charity.
In comparison, Ben Affleck is worth a measly $75 million. In my opinion, Mark Wahlberg would make a more convincing Batman than Ben Affleck. In fact, Affleck’s best friend Matt Damon would fit better into the Dark Knight’s armory. Consequently, fans will compare Ben Affleck with Birdman Michael Keaton forever.
Unfortunately, Hollywood is a wild political animal in need of taming. Reports say that Mark was offered the Robin role. Come on, that’s a Joker. Wahlberg is clearly a natural lead actor. He isn’t anybody’s sidekick.
Affleck schmoozes and mingles with the elite and that’s how Benny affords a jetpack. All actors brownnose but Benjamin is deeply connected and highly influential. Fortunately, Mark Wahlberg is a very important person.
Winners associate with winning. Even New York Yankee season ticketholders revere Boston native Mark Wahlberg. Regardless of their personal preferences people respect the best.
Have you seen the ‘Departed?’ Martin Scorsese directs an amazing cast, which includes Wahlberg. Because of impeccable directing and acting, the movie received multiple Academy Awards.
Without Wahlberg, Hollywood would experience an economic collapse. The red carpet would turn navy blue. Seriously, Mark Wahlberg created lasting opportunities for the next generation of actors, musicians, and producers.
‘The Gambler’ rolls dice and plays Russian roulette. In addition, the celebrity takes over the ‘Transformers’ franchise. Any picture the actor attaches himself to gets photo shopped.
The detractors will say Mark Wahlberg’s mainstream and commercial. And, they’re right. But, Wahlberg handles business. He is one of the best. Yes, Hollywood is snubbing Mark because they’re secretly jealous.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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