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Why Sandra Bullock Is a Bankable Star

Tell me why Gravity won an Oscar, when it should have won a Razzie. I’ve never seen a worst space movie. Seriously, this herd mentality / group think culture has to stop. Gravity is nothing more than propaganda.
I saw it and was disappointed to say the least.
To think that this flick beat out American Hustlefor Best Picture is disturbing and disgusting. How much effort does it take to put out such a boring piece of shit? Maybe, Will Smith was right after all.

Now to the topic at hand: Sandra Bullock. Despite Gravity, she is an outstanding actress. Every actor stars in bad movies every now and then. No, don’t blame Sandra Bullock because she made a lot of loot from it.
If you were in the same position, then you would do it too, because a mega budget means mega bucks for you. Big box office numbers are expected with $100 million. Yes, that’s Hollywood’s problem.
Showbiz abuses Sandra Bullock’s lure. Her pretty face and hot body brings tons of butts to the show. Plus, the celebrity’s fans are friendly to her like Jennifer Aniston.
Sandra Bullock has a perfect smile. Do you find Julia Roberts’ smile to be more perfect? Also, Sandra Bullock has gorgeous legs. Her beauty is unquestionable.

Glitz and glamor is the essence of Hollywood. Tinseltown demands perfection. You had better look your best when on film, in public, and at photo shoots.
Can you imagine if Scarlett Johansson fell apart? No more Black Widow for you doll face. What if Kim Kardashian neglected her perfect ass? Her fans would revolt in a snap. Only then, would we learn the true meaning behind body shaming.

Without question, Sandra Bullock is high caliber and top notch. Miss Congeniality, The Proposal, and The Blind Side are her best movies. Sandra Bullock is a bankable star because she has all the right assets. Plus people are dying to make deposits in the Bank of Sandra.

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Actors Brad Pitt Celebrities Clint Eastwood directors Entertainment filmography George Clooney Gravity Guru Jay Hollywood John Wayne Marlon Brando Michael Clayton Monuments Men Movies producers

Best George Clooney Movies


Every actor aspires to reach George Clooney’s level. His legacy can be likened to Marlon Brando and John Wayne. That’s why casting directors are looking for the next George Clooney.
To those thespians that aspire to be Brad Pitt, take into account that Brad Pitt aspires to be George Clooney. What is more, Clooney established an unshakable reputation in show business. At this point in his career, Sir George can pick and choose roles at leisure.
In the traditional sense, he doesn’t have to audition to win the graces of directors and casting heads alike. He calls the shots and makes bold moves. George seems to give you a piece of himself in every character.
The mysterious celebrity looks the part and acts the role. What are the best George Clooney movies? Have you seen the Michael Clayton movie?
Michael Clayton is one of my favorites. Based on this movie alone, I’d signup my family for a Clooney acting class. Incredibly, Clooney’s filmography consists of a variety of successful box office hits. For instance, Gravity generated $716 million in theater ticket sales.

The well-rounded George Clooney thinks outside the box. He showcases his skills in several genres such as: romance, comedies, dramas, action, thrillers and suspense. Moreover, Clooney’s movies are always high quality productions.
I thoroughly enjoyed Ocean’s Eleven. I can’t find any weaknesses with the film. Those Ocean actors are among the greatest ensembles in cinematic history.
The Ides of March and Monuments Men actor/director knows what it takes to create a masterpiece. George’s a master at project development and the production process. Furthermore, he executes to perfection.
Do you think he’s better than Clint Eastwood? One thing is for sure, like Eastwood the legendary Clooney doesn’t hold his tongue or bite his lip. Although George is diplomatic and tactful, he stands by his principles.

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Academy Awards actresses Audrey Hepburn best personality best smile Celebrities directors Entertainment George Clooney Gravity Hollywood Julia Roberts Meryl Streep Movies Sandra Bullock Tom Hanks

Best Smile + Personality: Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock


If you’re a movie buff, you know what Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock mean to the movie industry. Hollywood banks on the talents of Bullock and Roberts. You rarely see a Razzie nominated performance from Julia and Sandra.

Both actresses have achieved Academy Awards. Furthermore, their achievements compare with Meryl Streep’s accolades. Every actress tries to act like Streep.
‘Blind Side’ and ‘Gravity’ earned Bullock long-awaited recognition, while ‘Pretty Woman’ gave Roberts instant recognition. If Julia’s a modern day Meryl, then Sandra’s the reincarnation of Audrey Hepburn. 
Hopefully, these actresses use their expertise to start directing. There aren’t many female directors. Hollywood could use a fresh perspective from the ‘Mona Lisa Smile’ and ‘Miss Congeniality’ leading actors.
Angelina Jolie successfully crossed over with her recent ‘Unbroken’ film. Do you think Bullock and Roberts are ambitious enough to direct? I believe Julia Roberts is the greatest romantic actor of her time. And, the pleasant entertainer is very versatile.

In my opinion, Sandra Bullock is one of the best actresses alive. She isn’t defined by a genre or typecast. You see, the best actors make you fall in love with their characters. People sometimes forget that these celebrities are pretending.
No, Julia Robert’s didn’t actually leave Richard Gere at the altar. No, Sandra Bullock isn’t an FBI agent. They’re two true thespians.
In real life, Julia is happily married, supportive, and loyal to her husband. Moreover, Sandra Bullock is a bighearted single adoptive mother. Both ladies are highly admired not just in Hollywood but also internationally.

Is there a love affair between Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks or Sandra Bullock and George Clooney? Those actors have great chemistry. Scientists should study their DNA samples. For what it’s worth, the best smile belongs to Julia Roberts. And the best personality is Sandra Bullock.  

Julia, Sandra, Tom, and George need to squash their rivalries before it’s too late. There’s no reason why they can’t make flicks together. Can we at least get a TV drama series as a consolation prize?

All Photos By: Wikimedia Commons
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