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Not Denying Hollywood Heiress Drew Barrymore and Accepting Ben Affleck as Batman


People like Drew Barrymore because she can be the girl next door or an heiress. Did you know Barrymore is one of Hollywood’s biggest families? Can you imagine going on the Barrymore family retreat?
I like Drew Barrymore because she is inconspicuous. You could talk to her for hours and never know she’s famous. Most real actors aren’t begging for attention. That’s why reality TV stars receive a bad rap.
As we look back and forward at Drew Barrymore’s career, let’s appreciate her valuable and intangible assets. How much is the perfect smile worth? Isn’t happiness priceless?
I’m not denying Drew got a head start. What I am saying is I won’t hold it against her. People can’t control whether they’re born rich, poor, black, or white. You see labels do not define Barrymore and that’s why she is an amazing actress.

Picture Barrymore playing the role of Hillary Clinton in the politician’s biopic. Speaking of powerful women, did you know Drew is a director? She started directing before Angelina Jolie. I would like Drew to dye her follicles jet-black like Angelina’s hairdo.
If Barrymore makes the right decisions, she could become a legendary filmmaker. The beautiful Hollywood heiress can use her connections to further advance her career. However, in Barrymore’s defense, she’d rather gather recognition according to her merits.
The Sony Hack uncovered system wide institutional corruption in the entertainment industry. Hopefully, Sony, Disney, New Corp and other corporations will create positive and lasting changes. Drew Barrymore keeps her name clean and she doesn’t complicate being a celebrity.
Many celebrities crave attention. There is nothing wrong with desiring love. But the problem is excess.

Finally, I’ve accepted Ben Affleck as Batman. Yes, I said Matt Damon would make a better Bruce Wayne. However, his good friend Ben is phenomenal.
Ben looks like Batman and appearances mean the world. Let’s do Affleck a favor and don’t compare him to Christian Bale. It’s not apples and oranges.  
It’s kiwis and coconuts. Plus, Ben Affleck has momentum on his side. It is always a good sign when the media is talking about you.
Like Barrymore, Affleck is a great director and excellent actor. I understand that the movie business is tough work. So, I won’t deny Drew Barrymore her inheritance. And at the same time, I will accept the fact Ben Affleck is Batman.

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How John Legend Mastered His Craft


John Legend began his career honing music skills as a backup singer. Right now the musician is internationally recognized for his distinguished sound. He falls somewhere between Smokey Robinson and Stevie Wonder in abilities. In other words, the unique entertainer is extremely gifted and talented.

When I first listened to John Legend’s Ordinary People, I thought the song was from the 80s. I couldn’t believe it was original. John’s music transcends time and resonates with everyone.
His vocal chords stretch to their total capacities. When the musician performs he always gives his best. While John started small, Legend finished big.
Finally the soulful singer is receiving his long overdue respect. Over time, he gradually became a superb entertainer. What is more, as a music artist, John Legend has already mastered his craft.

Practice makes perfect, especially in the arts. Although everybody receives gifts, some people ignore their talents and conform to society’s dictations. Others avoid the safe route altogether and go down a road less travelled like Legends.
The artist was awarded multiple Grammys, a Golden Globe, and an Oscar. Glory, a song co-written with Common for the Selma movie, is highly regarded. You see Legend’s lyrics entertain, inform, and inspire. Can you say the same about contemporaries?
Hollywood’s infamous smog clouds a celebrity’s judgment. Fortunately, John Legend uses his position to vocalize the concerns of many disenfranchised people. Taking bold stances requires guts.
Don’t get me wrong. John Legend is not a political machine, but he speaks up when necessary. His comments might not always appear appropriate. But he doesn’t have an agenda and makes valid points.
The Wake Up Everybody remake video draws parallels of yesterday and today. The question is where are we headed tomorrow. In addition, Legend is famous for bolting out thunderous ballads.
Tonight (Best You Ever Had) and Green Light showcase the singer’s awesome strengths. Although he’s well known for amazing slow songs, Legend can easily increase the tempo. He comfortably controls his perfect pitch.
Who else sings with a strong and deep voice? Give him a keyboard and microphone and watch him go to work. He treats music as none of your business.

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He minds his own as a true professional. Tabloids try very hard to catch a celebrity slipping. But I believe John Legend practices preaching sermons. Have you heard Legend sing Gospel music?
Music scientists look to preserve John Legend’s potent voice. Many musicians fail because they try to conquer mainstream. Legend doesn’t compete with Bruno Mars. If anything, he adds value to today’s artistry. What are the best John Legend songs and your favorite videos?

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Actors Armageddon Bruce Willis Celebs Die Hard Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood Live Free or Die Hard Looper Mercury Rising Movies Pulp Fiction Sixth Sense Surrogates Unbreakable Whole Nine Yards

10 Best Bruce Willis Movies


If you’re an upcoming action actor study Bruce Willis’s onscreen behavior and mannerisms. The world embraces Bruce because he is nonchalant, likeable, and tough. There aren’t many showmen like Bruce Willis left in the biz. What is more, my mother loves Bruce Willis.
I’ve never seen a movie star more reserved and intense at the same time. The father of five daughters identifies with his characters that protect women and children from danger. Bruce Willis aka Bruno understands family dynamics.
Willis mostly portrays protagonists because it’s hard to root against a cool brother. Throughout his career, he has delivered on time. His box office numbers prove he’s a main attraction.
What are the best Bruce Willis movies? I compiled a list of 10 exceptional films. Let’s get started!
In Looper, Bruce Willis breaks the time continuum, all while speaking fluent French. Who doesn’t desire to do those two things? I believe Bruce Willis was at his best because Bruce gets better with time.
No one doubts his brilliance and ability to take action. I’m convinced he’s made out of stone and sometimes stoned. Have you seen his David Letterman sit-downs?
Die Hard

When I say Bruce Willis, you say Die Hard. The first movie surprisingly shattered records. You see, what Sylvester Stallone is to Rambo, Bruce Willis is to John McClane.
The storyline never grows old. Don’t underestimate Bruce Willis’s star power. Although Mr. Willis is now an older gentleman, he still does his own stunts.

Like Looper, Surrogates is a futuristic film worth watching at least three times. We live in this digital age, where people depend on technology. The movie highlights technical and social issues. It ponders the question of TMI (Too Much Information).
As society detaches itself from reality, Bruce Willis’s character seeks answers out of this disillusionment. Give credit to Director Jonathan Mostow, who really helped highlight Bruce’s strengths. Plus, Ving Rhames and Willis work well together.

Pulp Fiction
In Pulp Fiction, Bruno plays a boxer and Rhames is a kingpin. It’s one of the most violent movies. Still, critics and fans consider it a Quentin Tarrantino masterpiece.
The kingpin tells the boxer to take a dive. But, the defiant athlete actually knocks out his opponent. Somehow, the boxer lives to see another day because he winds up saving the American gangster from sexual violation.
Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard is one of the best Bruce Willis movies. It is my favorite installment of the Die Hard series. You see Willis won’t let you down, when the stakes are high.
This movie was made with computer geeks and engineering nerds in mind. The film explores unethical hacking and cyberspace security. The old school movie star educates the new school appointments.
The Sixth Sense
It’s reported that the Sixth Sense earned Bruce Willis over $100 million. Director/ Screenwriter M. Night Shyamalan capitalized on Bruce’s entertainment credibility. Still, we can’t diminish this classic script and legendary impact.
In the Sixth Sense, Bruce Willis plays a child psychologist. He examines Haley Joel Osment’s famous words. “I see dead people” may be the most memorable line in movie history.
Mercury Rising
Mercury Rising raises autism awareness. The movie shows how many autistic people are geniuses. Plus, Bruce Willis shines bright and polished like a diamond in the rough.

The casting director choices of Alex Baldwin and Kim Dickens in key roles, paid sizably. Of course, Willis is spectacular as a special agent. His characters always seem to save the day. 

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This is definitely one of the actor’s best movies. In Unbreakable, Samuel L. Jackson’s character convinces the main character he is indestructible. Here is the actor at his finest.
Once more, M. Night Shyamalan teams up with Hollywood’s best actor and destroys competition. It’s safe to say the director and actor are good friends by now. I bet they’ll work together again sometime in the not so distant future.
The Whole Nine Yards
In case you’re wondering, Bruce Willis rarely plays the bad guy. That’s why the Whole Nine Yards is a treasure. Also, it is one of his funniest movies to date.
Armageddon is one of cinema’s greatest productions. Director Michael Bay joins Producer Jerry Bruckheimer. Moreover, the movie has an amazing cast led by Willis.
I don’t read Rotten Tomatoes because they’re wrong for the most part. How can they give Armageddon bad reviews, when fans love it? If you collect $550 million in revenue you’re obviously doing something right.

What are your thoughts?
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Alice Through the Looking Glass Brad Pitt Celebrities Dead Men Tell No Tales Disney Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood Indians Johnny Depp Marlon Brando Movies Pirates of the Carribean 5 Sean Penn

How Johnny Depp Amazes Moviegoers of All Ages


Who’s cooler than Johnny Depp? The great celebrity creates characters through colorful theatrics. Johnny Depp virtually swaps places with Captain Jack, Edward Scissorhands, and the Mad Hatter. Who can forget his impressive portrayal of John Dillinger in Public Enemies?
Johnny Depp is one of my favorite celebrities because he is unorthodox. Essentially, the actor breaks rules only to make more. For the most part, Depp keeps quiet and stays out of the spotlight. Many celebrities run toward the light thinking there’s a way out of the tunnel. I call this unfortunate event- ‘tunnel vision.’
What’s worrying Johnny these days? Alice Through the Looking Glass and Dead Men Tell No Tales should break box office records. While people perceive Depp as a playboy/rebel, remember he makes family friendly movies as well.

I believe the celebrity has maximized his persona. Plus, he’s one of the most versatile actors alive. The formula deriving Johnny Depp is a combination of Sean Penn and Brad Pitt.
Furthermore, comparing Johnny Depp to Marlon Brando is unlike comparing oranges to apples. Did you know Brando advocated for Native American rights in Hollywood? Did you also know Johnny Depp is an honorary Comanche?
Depp’s claim of Native American ancestry caused controversy among a number of American Indian communities. Fortunately, Johnny understands shifting dynamics. And so, the actor is in the minority at times.
Plus, he understands the process and usually puts his best foot forward. Hospitality workers know that accommodating celebrities can be challenging. Although Depp distances himself from Hollywood’s formalities, he is their best representation because of his generosity.

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In addition, when studios need a lifeline, they call Johnny Depp. Everyone realizes how Disney banks on Depp’s talents. What’s Pirates of the Caribbean without Johnny? That’s why Depp demands respect in the dressing room and on the set.
Even a Baby Boomer would agree Depp is more famous than Johnny Carson. 
What are your favorite Johnny Depp movies?

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Michael Ealy, Rosario Dawson, and the Hollywood Dream


Can you picture driving down Hollywood Boulevard in a red Bentley convertible? As a celebrity, they treat you like a spoiled rotten kid. You see, big businesses give celebrities fancy toys in return for coveted endorsements.
Compared to Apple, Google, and Microsoft CEOS, celebrity perks are miniscule. However, compared to everyday midsize homeowners, celebrities are living in paradise. If you want luxury goods and services, get famous.
Now imagine getting chauffeured in your white stretch limousine at midnight. Upon arrival, you’re escorted to the VIP section of the world’s finest nightclub. Not only have you danced with Michael Ealy tonight, you posed for pictures with Rosario Dawson.
Before going back to reality, promise to realize dreams come true. At some point in their lives, Michael Ealy and Rosario Dawson dreamt of becoming movie stars. They didn’t instantly wake up and become overnight celebrities.

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Dawson and Ealy paid their dues, and that’s why they’re excellent actors. Have you seen 2008’s Seven Pounds with Dawson and Ealy? I highly recommend the movie because of the brilliant casting and riveting script.
Although they’re onscreen characters didn’t interact a lot in the movie, Michael Ealy and Rosario Dawson work well together. Plus, Michael and Rosario represent diversity, which Hollywood lacks, according to the Oscars host Neil Patrick Harris. Regardless of whether this is true or not, clearly Ealy and Dawson deserve acknowledgements and accolades.
Actresses… pay close attention to Rosario Dawson’s techniques. Rosario succeeds in supporting roles because of her beauty and personality. For instance, in Marvel’s Daredevil she befittingly plays a complimentary nurse.
Now 35, Rosario Dawson is one of the best supporting actresses in her cohort. Still, would they mind letting Rosario take the lead more? Dawson is definitely capable of handling responsibility.

Furthermore, Steve Harvey Nation constituents enjoy Michael Ealy’s performance in Think Like a Man. You’ll find Ealy has an impressive filmography. Amazingly, the actor is getting better.
In a nutshell, Michael Ealy and Rosario Dawson are fulfilling the Hollywood dream.

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Action movies auto racing drag racing Dwayne Johnson Fast and Furious Furious 7 Guru Jay Hollywood Jason Statham Michelle Rodriguez movie review Paul Walker See You Again sequel series Vin Diesel

Furious 7 Movie Review


Yesterday was surreal at the theater. Paul Walker lives on through the Fast and Furious franchise and cast. Furious 7 is truly one of a kind.
Family is the movie’s major theme. Paul, Vin Diesel, and Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson reinforce this idea. On the flip side, Jason Statham’s character is furious about his brother’s death. So Statham combines his efforts with terrorists wrecking havoc on the streets.
It is an exciting experience. The fight scenes are better than Bourne Supremacy. What is more, the audience can connect with the film.


There is a first time for everything. I never pictured parachuting cars. Also, can you imagine jumping from building to building out glass windows in a luxury sports car?

Plus, Michelle Rodriguez contributed an important element to the script. These days romance is lost in the wilderness. The question is will Rodriguez’s character recover her memory.


Who knew Tyrese Gibson was a comedian? Right from the start, his character keeps cracking jokes. It’s funny seeing him pursue Nathalie Emmanuel because he’s a bona fide player.
Chris “Ludacris” Bridges is another vital component. You see the movie strives to link the past to the present. And Ludacris is the final piece to the puzzle.
If family is a major theme, then so is love. Paul Walker and Jordana Brewster demonstrated the power and bond of marriage. Gratefully, Jordana seizes the moment and delivers gracefully.
I took a class called Human Growth and Development as an Undergraduate. The course teaches how life comes in stages. Furious 7 shows how the cast has grown individually and developed collectively.  

Do you like fun and action-packed movies? If so, I highly recommend you go see Furious 7. It’s so good; you must watch it more than once.

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The film concludes with a touching tribute and emotional dedication for Paul Walker. Respect the actors for continuing even after losing a close friend. Let’s remember Paul not just as a great movie star, but also as a phenomenal man and sensational spirit.

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300 American Sniper Beverly Hills Cop Guru Jay Hollywood Saving Private Ryan Ted The Exorcist The Hangover The Hangover Part II The Matrix Reloaded The Passion of the Christ Top 10 R-Rated movies

Top 10 Highest Earning R-Rated Movies


Enter the Dragon was the first R-Rated movie I remember seeing. Now I watch martial arts movies religiously like a disciplined Confucian. You see restricted films are the best because there are no limits on freedom of expression.
Understandably, there’s no room for error in making R-Rated movies because your audience is already confined to a strict age range. Plus, it’s extremely difficult to please people nowadays. But if the script is executed properly, then movie executives and directors needn’t worry at all.
Here’s my advice. If you are a potential movie producer and your only concern is federal green, then go with a PG 13 rating. Take Avatar, Titanic, and the Avengers for proof.
However, study Scorsese and Tarantino if you care about the art. They are the crème de la crème because they realize the real world isn’t a cupcake. Indeed, when you’re the best you can make a fortune telling/ making up all kinds of stories.

The following 10 restricted movies have generated great revenues. Let’s discuss the highest earning R-Rated movies. Disclaimer: these totals account only for domestic.

10. 300 $210,614,939

300 caused controversy due to its depiction of ancient Middle Eastern figures. Despite some uproar, 300 generated 9 figures at the box office. I guess you did remember Sparta, huh? Gerard Butler displayed greatness as the lead actor.
9. Saving Private Ryan $216,540,909
The Steven Spielberg directed Saving Private Ryan is one of two military movies on the list. Released July 24, 1998 the film showcased Tom Hank’s brilliance and Matt Damon’s tenacity. Millions of soldiers identify with the harsh realities of service to country. Make Memorial Day special by remembering those heroes who died for freedom and democracy.
8. Ted $218,815,487

On a light note, Seth MacFarlane’s brainchild Ted is the eighth highest earning R-Rated flick. The Family Guy and American Dad creator made a name for himself to the tune of $150 million, his estimated net worth according to sources. Teaming up with Mark Wahlberg was not only wise but also profitable for MacFarlane. What is more, Ted is an inappropriately funny motion picture with a highly anticipated sequel.
7. The Exorcist $232,906,145
The Exorcist first frightened audiences when it was released on June 19, 1973 in New York City. This film shattered several records because William Peter Blatty’s book and screenplay took taboo topics head-on. Plus, the controversial film is a cinematic classic with wide acclaim. Clearly, the Exorcist is commonly referenced and a major part of popular culture.
6. Beverly Hills Cop $234,760,478
Is Eddie Murphy the best comedic actor ever? Evidently, the 1984 Beverly Hills Cop movie is the highest earning R-Rated film adjusted for inflation. The franchise is very funny. While every Eddie Murphy show isn’t spectacular, everyone appreciates his epic contributions to cinema and comedy.
5. The Hangover Part II $254,464,305

Although Bradley Cooper and Ed Helms are terrific thespians, we really watch the Hangovers because of Zach Galifianakis. The Hangover Part II continues the dramatic comedy-action saga in Bangkok, Thailand. Mike Tyson makes another cameo this time as the wedding singer. Don’t you wish Black & White Dougs would receive more lines rather than get kidnapped?
4. The Hangover $277,322,503
My all time favorite comedy movie is the Hangover. Who remembers the Taser scene? What about Mike Tyson’s knockout punch to Galifianakis’ head while Phil Collin’s In the Air Tonight played in the background? The 2009 movie should have won at least one Academy Award. Right now it’s considered the highest earning R-Rated comedy in history.
3. The Matrix Reloaded $281,576,461

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The Matrix Reloaded is the third highest earning R-Rated movie for good reason. Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne were perfect for their roles. In addition, I found Gina Torres and Jada Pinkett Smith to be wonderful supporting actresses. Like the Exorcist, the Matrix movies are crucial components of society i.e. ducking and dodging stuff.
2. American Sniper $345,670,073

American Sniper is the second military movie on the list. How many times have I expressed why Cooper deserved an Oscar for his portrayal of Navy Seal Chris Kyle? Also, director Clint Eastwood strongly conveyed his passion for film. For what it’s worth, American Sniper has an emotionally powerful ending.
1 The Passion of the Christ $370,782,930
Mel Gibson’s 2004 the Passion of the Christ is the highest earning R-Rated movie of all time. Numbers following dollar signs never deceive. The Passion of the Christ is Gibson’s Magnus Opus. If you love language, then you’ll thoroughly enjoy the Passion’s Aramaic script. 

Describe your first time watching an R-Rated movie.

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