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Who Is More Country? Jeff Foxworthy Vs. Larry the Cable Guy


I’ve followed comedians Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy for more than a decade. They’re true to the blue. That’s why Jeff and Larry are the richest comics in show business.
Did you read about their upcoming tour together? It’s generating a lot of buzz. I’m thinking about buying a couple of tickets.
Whenever Foxworthy gets on stage, he makes rednecks comfortable. Rednecks get Goosebumps, when Larry the Cable Guy comes to the stage. Without question, the Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? host is a much safer bet than the Delta Farce. Sometimes, Larry the Cable Guy embarrasses you.
But they can’t say he cheats you. As a standup comic, the Cable Guy still stands as one of the best buys in my book of comedy. What is more, this generation coming up is arrogant and entitled.

Back in Larry’s day, children respected their elders. Nowadays, nobody values anything. I like Larry because like Kevin James, he sweats the small stuffIn other words, the relatable comic cherishes the tiniest of kind gestures. Clearly, society has changed too quickly. Does Jeff Foxworthy lose the message to his story as a result?
I admire how Jeff doesn’t aimlessly throw jokes at you. The man pitches his material like baseball legend Randy Johnson with crazy velocity. While he’s on the mound, his opponents fear for their livelihoods.
Both comics appeal to blue-collar workers. But, I believe white, pink, and green collar workers can value their celebrity offerings. They have a ton to offer the comedy sphere. 

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If you’re going to a Monster Truck Rally or WWE tournament, tag along with Larry. If you’re attending a hockey match, Jeff is your guy . Although they are both similar, we must value their differences too.
For what it’s worth, Jeff Foxworthy doesn’t stay in character. On the other hand, the Cable Guy is a marketing invention designed to spruce up ticket prices. Anyway, Larry busts your gut all the same.
If Larry is comedy’s Kenny Chesney, that makes Foxworthy Blake Shelton. After a long day of work, you deserve to play their comedy on Blu-ray. I bet a donkey, you’ll laugh your ass off.
In a crowded field, they have mastered their brands and distinguished their art forms. How did Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy reach top status? With your help… these comedians became the cream of the crop.
They wouldn’t get anywhere without a dedicated Southern fandom. Truly, they have followers all around the country and the world even. But, you can’t deny the power of Southern hospitality, which brings me to my final question. Who is more country?

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Hollywood LookAlikes: Hilary Swank Vs. Jennifer Garner


Believe it or not, Hilary Swank and Jennifer Garner are not the same person. These Hollywood lookalikes are frequently mistaken for one another. If you’re ever confused, just remember Garner married Ben Affleck. Plus, Jennifer stands 2 inches taller than Hilary.
Through the years, Swank received better roles because she’s prettier. They are both B+ list actresses. However, I’ve heard Garner is easier to work with. But, Hilary plays it cool and makes up for her flaws.
Appearances can trick you. Hollywood is a strange and funny place. How many beautiful people come through town and leave disappointed? Even a perfect audition is no guarantee.
In show business, your best may not be good enough. Still, keep getting better like Jessica Alba. Sooner than later, everyone will recognize you; and, you won’t get ignored.
I like when Swank and Garner play soldiers or spies. Both brunettes give and take excruciating pain. Though, I believe Jennifer is tougher. Wouldn’t you rather see Garner in Million Dollar Baby instead of Swank?

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Listen, I’m not trying to take away from Hilary’s accomplishments. We’ve seen this actress put on amazing performances. All I am saying is that Jennifer’s career was stalled, because executives screwed up her story.
For instance, did you know Jennifer Garner was born in Houston? Her family relocated to West Virginia, then Canada. Moreover, Hilary hails from Nebraska, although she spent most of her teenage years in Seattle for High School.

Can you believe the Hollywood lookalikes have an identical net worth of $40 million apiece? Keep in mind Hilary is three years younger. So, she’ll probably be richer in the future.

Can you tell the difference between the actresses? Do you think the celebrities ever pass themselves off as each other? What are your favorite Hilary Swank and Jennifer Garner movies? Who is the better actor?

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Who Is the Best? Michelle Rodriguez Vs. Eva Mendes


Michelle Rodriguez
You won’t find another action movie star like Michelle Rodriguez. She is a mixture of Pam Grier and Angelina Jolie. Have you seen Foxy Brown and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider?
The movie business demands the most from actresses. Michelle Rodriguez has proven she is worth her weight in gold. That’s why Rodriguez receives the first call when studio executives are looking for a Latina to put in their pictures.
Did you know the San Antonio native also has Puerto Rican and Dominican Republican roots? The gorgeous actress can compete with everybody in any category. Like Sandra Bullock, Cameron Diaz, and Halle Berry, Michelle gets more beautiful with age.
I like how she keeps a low profile. Fortunately, Rodriguez isn’t high maintenance. But, she enjoys taking rejuvenating walks on the beach.

Is it too much to ask for more Michelle Rodriguez movies? She is clearly one of the best actresses. Furthermore, I believe her fan base is an untapped goldmine.
You know the movie industry has an agenda in place. Sometimes a star is burned-out because Hollywood doesn’t like divergence. Still if you’re attractive and talented enough, you’ll get some opportunities.
The good thing about this business is you can make it in some facet. You see Michelle Rodriguez made it because she worked hard, and didn’t give up despite struggling at first. A caterpillar must fight before she becomes a butterfly.
Like butterflies, Michelle Rodriguez is one of the world’s loveliest creatures. Doesn’t Rodriguez have the prettiest brown eyes on this green earth? Although I haven’t met her in person, I know she’s a sight for sore eyes. What is more, she hasn’t reached her peak potential yet.
Eva Mendes

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Eva Mendes paid her dues in movies such as Exit Wounds, Training Day, and Once Upon a Time in Mexico. Have you seen the Women, Girl in Progress, or Hitch? Do you think Hollywood exploited Eva’s beauty?
Should Hollywood conceal the delectable actor’s sex appeal? Can we not pretend that sexism isn’t a major problem in the movie industry? And can we remember this issue isn’t exclusive to entertainment?  
People admire Eva Mendes because she found how to succeed and beat the odds. While I don’t endorse gambling, I would take a chance on Eva for the simple fact she’s one of a kind. If I were playing Poker, I would make Eva my good luck charm.
Life is a lot like Black Jack. When you’re 21 it’s amazing. When you’re busted, it’s the dealer’s fault.
Eva learned how to play with the hand dealt to her. She patiently waited, only to discover the dealer dealt a cold deck. Even though the cards were stacked against the actress, Mendes continues playing the game she loves.
I enjoy watching Michelle Rodriguez and Eva Mendes in movies. I’ve followed their careers and watched the celebrities mature into sturdy brands. If Michelle is made out of Iron, then Mendes is real steel.
I believe Mendes is a better supporting actress than Rodriguez. However, in my opinion Michelle is the best overall actor. What are your favorite Rodriguez and Mendes movies? In your opinion, who is the best?

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How John Legend Mastered His Craft


John Legend began his career honing music skills as a backup singer. Right now the musician is internationally recognized for his distinguished sound. He falls somewhere between Smokey Robinson and Stevie Wonder in abilities. In other words, the unique entertainer is extremely gifted and talented.

When I first listened to John Legend’s Ordinary People, I thought the song was from the 80s. I couldn’t believe it was original. John’s music transcends time and resonates with everyone.
His vocal chords stretch to their total capacities. When the musician performs he always gives his best. While John started small, Legend finished big.
Finally the soulful singer is receiving his long overdue respect. Over time, he gradually became a superb entertainer. What is more, as a music artist, John Legend has already mastered his craft.

Practice makes perfect, especially in the arts. Although everybody receives gifts, some people ignore their talents and conform to society’s dictations. Others avoid the safe route altogether and go down a road less travelled like Legends.
The artist was awarded multiple Grammys, a Golden Globe, and an Oscar. Glory, a song co-written with Common for the Selma movie, is highly regarded. You see Legend’s lyrics entertain, inform, and inspire. Can you say the same about contemporaries?
Hollywood’s infamous smog clouds a celebrity’s judgment. Fortunately, John Legend uses his position to vocalize the concerns of many disenfranchised people. Taking bold stances requires guts.
Don’t get me wrong. John Legend is not a political machine, but he speaks up when necessary. His comments might not always appear appropriate. But he doesn’t have an agenda and makes valid points.
The Wake Up Everybody remake video draws parallels of yesterday and today. The question is where are we headed tomorrow. In addition, Legend is famous for bolting out thunderous ballads.
Tonight (Best You Ever Had) and Green Light showcase the singer’s awesome strengths. Although he’s well known for amazing slow songs, Legend can easily increase the tempo. He comfortably controls his perfect pitch.
Who else sings with a strong and deep voice? Give him a keyboard and microphone and watch him go to work. He treats music as none of your business.

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He minds his own as a true professional. Tabloids try very hard to catch a celebrity slipping. But I believe John Legend practices preaching sermons. Have you heard Legend sing Gospel music?
Music scientists look to preserve John Legend’s potent voice. Many musicians fail because they try to conquer mainstream. Legend doesn’t compete with Bruno Mars. If anything, he adds value to today’s artistry. What are the best John Legend songs and your favorite videos?

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Who Is the Best Entertainer? Usher Vs. Justin Timberlake


Statistics show the entertainment industry collects approximately $2 Trillion annually. Music and movies make up a large portion of the proceeds. Consequently, singers and actors must tirelessly compete for unequal opportunities.
Besides Hedge Fund Managers and Fortune 500 CEOS, upper echelon celebrities make the most money worldwide. Moreover, elite celebrities are well compensated because they can sway a million opinions in 30 seconds. If time is of the essence, then the moment belongs to celebrity businessmen Usher and Justin Timberlake.
Usher owns restaurants, a record label, and a minority stake in a professional basketball team. Music artists can learn how to develop their business acumen from the superstar. Plus, Usher teaches eager students how to handle insane fame and manage a tight-knit family.

Justin Timberlake owns a clothing line, part of Myspace, and a share of the Memphis Grizzles. Furthermore, I believe both musicians are not finished producing prolific albums.

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Music lovers amplify and magnify Justin Timberlake’s presence on the world’s stage. Because he’s been under the spotlight for decades, he never seems nervous. Also, Justin is one of the best Saturday Night Live hosts in history. Who recalls Dick in a Box

Before Bruno Mars was famous, Timberlake led NSYNC to glorious victories. Young people don’t remember Justin’s seven-year stint with the boy band but this period was essential to his development. Right now, the classy NSYNC leader and President of Pop fights in the heavyweight division.
Usher, who plays Sugar Ray Leonard in Hands of Stone, is fittingly a welterweight. Still, Usher is a more talented dancer than Timberlake. Make no mistake, Justin is an awesome dancer but Usher’s footwork forever changed show business.
What are your favorite Justin Timberlake songs? I like Mirrors, Suit & Tie, and Senorita. What are your favorite Usher songs? Confessions, Love in This Club, Climax, and Moving Mountains are a few of my personal favorites.
Finally, who is the best entertainer? Chime in your comments. Share with buttons at bottom of this post.

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