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10 Best Bruce Willis Movies


If you’re an upcoming action actor study Bruce Willis’s onscreen behavior and mannerisms. The world embraces Bruce because he is nonchalant, likeable, and tough. There aren’t many showmen like Bruce Willis left in the biz. What is more, my mother loves Bruce Willis.
I’ve never seen a movie star more reserved and intense at the same time. The father of five daughters identifies with his characters that protect women and children from danger. Bruce Willis aka Bruno understands family dynamics.
Willis mostly portrays protagonists because it’s hard to root against a cool brother. Throughout his career, he has delivered on time. His box office numbers prove he’s a main attraction.
What are the best Bruce Willis movies? I compiled a list of 10 exceptional films. Let’s get started!
In Looper, Bruce Willis breaks the time continuum, all while speaking fluent French. Who doesn’t desire to do those two things? I believe Bruce Willis was at his best because Bruce gets better with time.
No one doubts his brilliance and ability to take action. I’m convinced he’s made out of stone and sometimes stoned. Have you seen his David Letterman sit-downs?
Die Hard

When I say Bruce Willis, you say Die Hard. The first movie surprisingly shattered records. You see, what Sylvester Stallone is to Rambo, Bruce Willis is to John McClane.
The storyline never grows old. Don’t underestimate Bruce Willis’s star power. Although Mr. Willis is now an older gentleman, he still does his own stunts.

Like Looper, Surrogates is a futuristic film worth watching at least three times. We live in this digital age, where people depend on technology. The movie highlights technical and social issues. It ponders the question of TMI (Too Much Information).
As society detaches itself from reality, Bruce Willis’s character seeks answers out of this disillusionment. Give credit to Director Jonathan Mostow, who really helped highlight Bruce’s strengths. Plus, Ving Rhames and Willis work well together.

Pulp Fiction
In Pulp Fiction, Bruno plays a boxer and Rhames is a kingpin. It’s one of the most violent movies. Still, critics and fans consider it a Quentin Tarrantino masterpiece.
The kingpin tells the boxer to take a dive. But, the defiant athlete actually knocks out his opponent. Somehow, the boxer lives to see another day because he winds up saving the American gangster from sexual violation.
Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard is one of the best Bruce Willis movies. It is my favorite installment of the Die Hard series. You see Willis won’t let you down, when the stakes are high.
This movie was made with computer geeks and engineering nerds in mind. The film explores unethical hacking and cyberspace security. The old school movie star educates the new school appointments.
The Sixth Sense
It’s reported that the Sixth Sense earned Bruce Willis over $100 million. Director/ Screenwriter M. Night Shyamalan capitalized on Bruce’s entertainment credibility. Still, we can’t diminish this classic script and legendary impact.
In the Sixth Sense, Bruce Willis plays a child psychologist. He examines Haley Joel Osment’s famous words. “I see dead people” may be the most memorable line in movie history.
Mercury Rising
Mercury Rising raises autism awareness. The movie shows how many autistic people are geniuses. Plus, Bruce Willis shines bright and polished like a diamond in the rough.

The casting director choices of Alex Baldwin and Kim Dickens in key roles, paid sizably. Of course, Willis is spectacular as a special agent. His characters always seem to save the day. 

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons
This is definitely one of the actor’s best movies. In Unbreakable, Samuel L. Jackson’s character convinces the main character he is indestructible. Here is the actor at his finest.
Once more, M. Night Shyamalan teams up with Hollywood’s best actor and destroys competition. It’s safe to say the director and actor are good friends by now. I bet they’ll work together again sometime in the not so distant future.
The Whole Nine Yards
In case you’re wondering, Bruce Willis rarely plays the bad guy. That’s why the Whole Nine Yards is a treasure. Also, it is one of his funniest movies to date.
Armageddon is one of cinema’s greatest productions. Director Michael Bay joins Producer Jerry Bruckheimer. Moreover, the movie has an amazing cast led by Willis.
I don’t read Rotten Tomatoes because they’re wrong for the most part. How can they give Armageddon bad reviews, when fans love it? If you collect $550 million in revenue you’re obviously doing something right.

What are your thoughts?
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
action Angelina Jolie Bruce Willis Celebs Entertainment George Clooney Guru Jay Hollywood Julia Roberts Law & Order lawyers Matthew McConaughey Movies Sandra Bullock Suits Tom Cruise

The Case of Tom Cruise V. Matthew McConaughey: Who is the Best Movie Lawyer?

The Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts Argument
Are you a fan of Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts? I’m a big fan. I appreciate their acting as well as their philanthropy. I like how they present themselves. 
But I’m baffled about this. Who is the best actress? I’m always on the hunt for the cream of the crop.
Even though I haven’t seen Gravity starring Sandra Bullock, I still believe she is the best in the world. Moreover, Sandra and Julia are 2 of the top 10 highest paid actresses. Bullock and Roberts have both won Academy Awards.
However, Sandra is the more perfect actress. I give her a 4.0 and Julia a 3.8. Sandra Bullock has an edge because of her diversity of roles.
If we’re strictly talking romances, Julia wins. But Bullock has proven she is the champion. Roberts and Bullock rank in my top 5 for best actresses.
Sandra took on more risks and challenges while Julia Roberts played it safe. Dare I say Julia leeched off Tom Hanks in Larry Crowne and Charlie Wilson’s War? Isn’t it obvious?
Here’s an analogy to put things in perspective for you: Tom Hanks is to Julia Roberts, what Tom Cruise is to Cameron Diaz. I have nothing against Cameron. I wrote about her.
The point is Sandra Bullock’s skills are superior to Julia Roberts right now. Five years ago this wasn’t the case. Julia Roberts was better then.
Who remembers Pretty Woman and Erin Brockovich? Don’t forget about The Blind Side. Imagine Julia and Sandra in the same movie.
At the end of the day, I put my money on Sandra Bullock. She is a hard worker who is consistent. And, she looks amazing at 50.
Tom Cruise V. Matthew McConaughey
I wonder why Cruise uses the shortened form of Thomas and why McConaughey doesn’t go by Matt. Do you know the answer? I ask because Matthew’s last name is long enough.
Just like Schwarzenegger, I “Googled,” and “Binged” his name for correct spelling. Let’s give him a nickname. How about Matt Mack?
Like his height, Tom Cruise’s name is short. You love Tom because he is a miniature Matthew. Matt is beloved for his taller stature. Anyway, they have many similarities.
Is it coincidental that these actors portray Hollywood’s finest lawyers? What if they starred in the same film? Picture this: (closed captioned) The Ultimate Lawyer Movie starring Matt McConaughey and Thomas Cruise. 
The Trailer Script
In The Ultimate Lawyer Movie Matt and Thomas are prestigious lawyers in a head to head battle. Both have distinguished law practices in Beverly Hills. Who will win in case of Cruise V. McConaughey? Written, Directed, and Produced BY: GURU JAY
I bet you that movie would gross $1 billion. Tom and Matthew are basically walking ATMs. Moreover, their fan bases span the whole globe.
They are two world heavyweight champions in the acting arenas. Matthew’s a southern boy who will seduce you with his charm. Tom’s charisma on a scale of 100 is 97.
The best movie lawyers eat charisma like cereal. George Clooney’s good. Have you seen Michael Clayton? Movie lawyers come in all types. District Attorneys are my favorite. (S/O Harvey Dent)
Of course, Tom is a top 10 actor. I don’t want to take away from his brilliance. But, why isn’t Matt on the money list? He’s won an Oscar but it seems the executives refuse to pay the piper. Let that be a lesson to actors who’d do anything for a trophy.
Lincoln Lawyer
McConaughey plays Mickey Haller, a criminal defense attorney, in Lincoln Lawyer. I’ve seen this movie twice. If you’re thinking about studying law, see this film first. You might change your mind either way.
Lawyer movies pose a real danger to America’s workforce. Everybody wants to go to law school after seeing the famous “You Can’t Handle The Truth” scene. Legal dramas such as Law & Order and Suits are also guilty of selling us pipe dreams. 40 million attorneys filing motions is the last thing we need.
Do all lawyers want to be doctors? Well, some attorneys call themselves doctors of law? Seriously, since lawyers sue hospitals, they’re all too familiar with the medical/financial benefits rewarded to brain, heart and plastic surgeons. What is more, it’s true that every doctor wants to be a trial lawyer.
Foot physicians (podiatrists) dine alongside dentists, vetenerians, optometrists, ear doctors and chiropractors at the millionaire’s club. Tom Cruise and Matthew McCanoughey inspire us to make millions while enjoying our passion.
A Few Good Men
A Few Good Men is perhaps the best courtroom drama ever. Ironically, only a few films can compete for top honors. A Few Good Men blurs the lines because it’s also a military movie.
Tom Cruise plays Judge Advocate Lieutenant Kaffee. Jack Nicholson is the infamous Colonel Jessup. Demi Moore also carries out her duties in the film. If you like courtroom dramas and army movies, then look up A Few Good Men.
John Girsham’s A Time to Kill borrows from To Kill a Mockingbird. It’s an updated version of Harper Lee’s classic. In the movie, Matthew McConaughey defends Samuel L. Jackson. The lead actress is none other than Sandra Bullock.
I respect McConaughey for his role choices. Matthew could have been a major action star on par with Bruce Willis. Instead he kept his art pure. Hence, he is an Oscar winner.
You’d think that action movies give Tom Cruise a clear advantage. To the contrary, drama and action are totally different genres. Additionally, Tom and Matt have unique styles.
Tom is aggressive and Matthew’s more assertive. Tom is the guy yelling in the courtroom. Matthew uses tactics to trap and confuse his witnesses.
Your Honor, I object
Have you noticed in movies and TV, the trial lawyer always stands and says, “Your Honor, I object?” Sometimes the witness says, “I plead the fifth.”
In the case of Tom Cruise V. Matthew McConaughey …After carefully weighing the evidence (movie clips, filmographies, and opinions) Judge Guru Jay has a verdict…I rule in favor of Mr. McConaughey.
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! Like us on Facebook.
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Action Heroes And Zeroes: 1’s + 0’s

By: Guru Jay
Action Heroes

The best Action Heroes command a load of zeroes on their paychecks. Action is a big box office draw. Many Action Movies are rated PG-13. So, action movies often are nice family friendly films.

You will find many Action Heroes in our list of Top 10 Actors.  Action films require a high budget. It’s rare to see a low budget Action movie.

You know it takes money to make money. Think of Action flicks as an investment. Let’s say you bought Google stock.

Now, imagine buying stock in Bruce Willis like you would Google. You want to look at Bruce Willis as an investment. This is how the entertainment industry works.

I love action. You are hardly ever disappointed. Action Heroes have special stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. There is a strong bond between Action Heroes and Zeroes.

I vividly recall watching the original Robocop on several Saturdays. In the 90s, Robocop received massive syndication. Unfortunately, for the movie purist, TIVO was not invented yet.

You were forced to watch the commercials that came attached with the featured presentation. We did not mind the advertisements, because every now and again we needed popcorn and a can of Coke.

Technology still remains a major component of Action Movies. It’s a simple fact that Action makes movie executives billions of dollars. Bruce Willis is the ultimate Action Hero.

Look at the Die Hard franchise. As you will see, Willis has dominated decade after decade in the Action genre. Not very many other Action actors have lasted as long.

Bruce Willis is underrated. Although he earns a wad of zeroes, he is underpaid. As you may already know, Willis commanded a percentage of the Six Sense. He clearly made a calculated move.

Timing is everything in entertainment. Bruce Willis is a timeless actor. If you placed him in films from the fifties and sixties, he ‘d still be popular.

100 years from now, Bruce Willis films will still be popular. Mark my words. I can’t even express how much money Bruce Willis is worth. If you look anything like Willis, you’re welcome in Hollywood.

Here is Bruce in the first Die Hard .

Another Action movie legend is Sylvester Stallone. I admire his Rambo movies. A lot like Bruce, Sly has owned the box office results. It’s safe to say Mr. Stallone is a senior citizen, but he does not act his age.

He still is pushing steel and pumping iron. And, he keeps on producing high quality productions such as the Expendables. I enjoy the Expendables because it is nostalgic.

Those Expendable actors put in a ton of work at the gym and on the silver screen. That’s why Stallone makes seven to eight zeroes per movie. He is the darn movie executive.

Watch the Rambo II trailer from the 80’s.  

What about Rocky? Everybody loves Rocky. How many box office knockouts has Rocky had?

Next, is Jean-Claude Van Damme? He is an international Action icon. What’s more, he practices what he preaches. Van Damme is a martial artist master.

He’s a man you don’t want to argue with. He can paralyze his foe in one quick hand movement.  Like Stallone, Van Damme does not act his age.

His global appeal is brilliantly marketed in this Volvo commercial. 

It’s easy to tell he is true to his craft. I like his authentic nature.

If I excluded Arnold Schwarzenegger I wouldn’t be able to call myself a journalist. I truly think he is half man and half machine. Prove me wrong.

P.S. He’ll be back!

He has matured into arguably the greatest action hero of all time. Schwarzenegger started his career as a bodybuilder and took off from there. His Terminator franchise is legendary.

If you plan to write a piece on movie history, it’s only right you mention Arnold Schwarzenegger in the discussion.

The Action filmography of Will Smith speaks for itself. He has earned a spot at the top because of his value. He brings value to each movie he is associated with.

Smith’s box office results are not comparable. That’s why he also garners seven to eight zeroes. The only knock on Smith is he should star in more films.

Take a few more risks like After Earth. No risk, no reward. You can’t make a hit all the time.

Photo By: Tais Melillo

Here comes the Men in Black! Don’t they defend the galaxy or something?

The Men in Black franchise is a major part of action/science fiction cinema. All
Three films are spectacular. Independence Day was an instant classic. Watch a clip of Will Smith at his best.

Angelina Jolie is an Action Superwoman.  She is a hero for all women. She commands several zeroes because of her brand. She sells her characters better than Procter & Gamble. 

Watch the official Salt trailer.

As you can see, Jolie is versatile. She proves to the entertainment world that women can star in more than romance and comedy. She is legitimate.

Her box office results in movies like Wanted speak volumes. 

Here’s a scene from Wanted

Jolie has some of the best sex appeal ever filmed. But, she is more than a sex symbol. Angelina is an amazingly talented actress. She is in the heavyweight division just like Sylvester Stallone.

Remember, when I said you are hardly ever disappointed with Action. Well, sometimes you get robbed. Sometimes, you respectfully ask for your money back.

After all, money doesn’t grow on pine trees. Money grows on trees in Larry Page’s backyard.

Action Zeroes

Action movies staring Rob Schneider should never be made. He is an above average comedian. He is not an Action star.

First of all, looking the part is a prerequisite. Secondly, acting the part is just as critical. Jay Leno is first on the list of Action Zeroes.

I showed you a strong connection of Action heroes and zeroes. Now, let’s go to the other extreme. These Action actors don’t command a lot of zeroes. In fact, they are Action Zeroes.

The following five actors are the five worst Action Stars judged by Xfinity.

5. Rob Schneider

4. Shaq

3. John Stamos

2. Vanilla Ice

1. Jay Leno

And 0

This is Guru Jay signing off…Have a great weekend everybody!

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