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Funny Girl Margaret Cho

Comedy pushes limits. That’s why Margaret Cho is your pusher woman. She represents her hometown San Francisco beautifully. What a beautiful city and woman. Let’s celebrate Cho because that’s what we do here.
Too many celebrities get chopped up and spit out for no reason. I prefer celebrities like Margaret because she speaks her mind freely. Should we start punishing people based on their life’s perspectives?
The Korean American comedian is very vocal about change and social issues. Some will take what she said and twist it in a knot. That’s wrong. Although there’s a price to fame, it shouldn’t cost everything.
You see Cho can be extreme like Russell Brand. As a standup comedian, her comedy compares with Amy Schumer. And the comedic actress plays great supporting parts too.
Picture Margaret Cho and Ken Jeong in a movie head-to-head. Margaret Cho gets recognized because she developed her talent. Who watched Cho on the View? Her and Whoopi have awesome chemistry. You can’t fake it.
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Plus Margaret Cho’s brand is built to last. Can you believe she’s 47? Her face doesn’t look a day over 35. I admire celebrities that extend their time in showbiz.
Hollywood and entertainment are the most superficial businesses. You gotta constantly prove yourself in order to make it. The funny girl has done just that.
Whether through music, on TV, or in movies, Margaret Cho’s name rings your bell. Does she have poise and grace or what? Yet her filthy mouth barks attention. I would love to see her live in person.
Funny Girl is a 1968 musical film starring Barbra Streisand. Funny girl Margaret Cho creates throwback material by paying homage to Lenny Bruce and Richard Pryor. She is a true comedian who breaks through glass ceilings.
What is more, we appreciate Margaret Cho for entertaining us and rocking the microphone for all these years.
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Why George Lopez Is Champion


Who are your five favorite standup comedians? George Lopez makes my list because he is a distinguished gentleman like Eddie Murphy. It’s not always a bad thing when the gray hair starts showing. The best comedians are experienced on stage and in life too.
This doesn’t mean soldiers need to take a bullet or need to get fired at and take cover. Funny people get my drift. I’m a long time George Lopez fan.
You see there is a lesson in Lopez’s story. That’s why Lopez is a focal point in Elite Latino Comedians: Best in Show Biz. Remember elite isn’t a bad word but fuck is. All I am saying is there is nothing wrong with doing your best. This Hollywood star keeps shining especially in dark times.
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That’s when you know you’re on top. The tabloids can write anything and it doesn’t faze you. George Lopez tells the truth. He takes risks. For instance, Spare Parts was a film that could have failed. Instead this movie showcased his skills as a dramatic actor much like Reign Over Me did for Adam Sandler.
What is more, the Latino, Asian, and African American communities respect Lopez for championing important causes. I highly recommend watching Spare Parts- a true story about a Latino high school beating MIT in an underwater robotics tournament. It is thought provoking.
Plus the movie is funny. How can you not laugh with George Lopez? If Steve Harvey is the #1 Answer, then George Lopez is Numero Uno.
The Mexican American actor has came a long way to make it big. He got here by staying focused. So the moral of the story is to don’t lose focus and keep trying. George got knocked down on the ground, but he got back up. And that’s what champions do. 
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Why There Will Only Be One Whoopi!

Few compare to the likes of Whoopi Goldberg. Right now Whoopi engages with more than 1.6 million Facebook fans. Plus she leads about 1.1 million Twitter followers.
There won’t be another Whoopi. There is only one Sister Act with legendary status. Show sista some respect. And show Whoopi Goldberg the money. She’s accumulated both fame and fortune throughout her prestigious career.
Weeks ago I watched Whoop’s Jumpin’ Jack Flash. The Hollywood star displayed why she is the cream of the crop. Who owns Eddie on DVD and VHS? Don’t ask me why I have 2 copies on different systems. Maybe, my love for Whoopi Goldberg runs deep.
Before Kelly Ripa was a household name, Whoopi was your woman. Who watches the View only because of Whoopi’s presence? I love it when she says welcome to The View. I enjoy the view too.
I got around to watching it today. It’s amazing how far she’s came. Check out Whoopi Goldberg in a pool full of milk. The Dairy Queen may be the best in TV and Showbiz. 
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She’s been entertaining the world for years at a super high level. Most entertainers cannot do the things she does daily. If you enjoy premium entertainment then choose to ride Whoopi because she’s fueled with premium energy.
Who else offers the special deal Whoopi serves? It’s always a treat seeing Whoopi perform on multiple outlets and platforms. Her sketch at the Oscars stole some of Chris Rock’s shine. The problem is that she outshines everybody.
The standup comedian will perform in Charleston this month. Her humor is one of a kind. Also, she tells rough jokes. In her words, “you know I’m rough.” That’s the way I like it. Tina Turner can verify this. “We’re gonna do the finish rough.”
If Ellen is the lightning of daytime talk then Whoopi brings the thunder. 
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90s Actors Best Blog Celebrity comedy Entertainment Funny Guru Jay Hollywood Home Improvement Last Man Standing Movies Nostalgia Santa Clause Showbiz sitcoms Tim Allen TV TV and Showbiz

What’s In Tim Allen’s Toolbox?

What’s in Tim Allen’s toolbox? Home Improvement’s Tim ‘The Tool Man’ Taylor is one of the most memorable characters ever period Let’s begin the discussion.
Who has seen every Home Improvement episode besides me? This TV show made the 1990s a great decade. Thanks to Tim Allen, we were given greatness in syndication too.
They don’t make sitcoms like this anymore. Moreover, characters aren’t given enough time to develop. Hell, someone’s always eliminated on Game of Thrones. Something’s gotta give.
I know it’s apples and oranges but Big Bangcould never replace Home Improvementbecause society would no longer accept it. In the history of mankind families are evermore distant. What’s going on?
Home Improvement represented a noble idea. Tim ‘The Tool Man’ Taylor wasn’t the perfect handyman or the perfect father. But he was present. He was there in the moment.
Tim Allen’s comedy whether in movies (Santa Clause) or on TV (Last Man Standing) reminds us to appreciate these moments and to create them. What is more, have the grunts to prove it! Tim Allen is one of the best comedic actors of all time.
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I want to see a remake of Grumpy Old Menstarring Allen and Steve Martin. Tim’s talent could have been wasted if he fed into distractions. Instead he stayed focused and chose to make something from nothing. Like Kid Rock, there won’t be another Tim Allen.
Yeah, you’ll find copycats meowing here and there. But if you wanna hear a lion roar, then you can find Tim Allen driving in his Chevy convertible top down and hair blowing everywhere. Tim Allen earned a celebrity car endorsement from Chevy.
Final thoughts, Tim Allen must have a funny tool in his toolbox otherwise he wouldn’t need Al’s help so much. Home Improvementwas a great American pastime. Most importantly, Mr. Allen makes the most of everything in his toolbox.
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Kissing Kylie Jenner



Can you picture having it all? There’s no need to worry about bills piling up to your ceiling fan. Everything is under control.
You see Kylie Jenner has it all. What more could she want? She’s rich, young, and beautiful. In other words, “Baby, kiss me.” Fly me to the moon!
Look at those lips. You want to kiss them. Kissing Kylie Jenner is on everybody’s to-do list. After seeing her enticing eyes, long flowing hair, and curvaceous body you’re hooked.

While we’re on this topic, enjoy Jennifer Aniston Vs. Angelina Jolie: Why Angelina Should Kiss Jennifer’s Feet.
Plus Jenner’s brand is highly marketable. She has already reached over 56 million Instagram followers. Few can live up to the reputation she’s built on and off social media. Her fans absolutely adore her every action.
The spotlight literally shines on Kylie for a living. Moreover, the sensual reality TV star is a sensation. You can bank on her tender image and likeness selling all types of products. Every corporation wants to lock her down in 7 figure deals right now. They must wait their turn though. 
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Fortunately, Kylie learned from the best- “momager” Kris Jenner and the one and only Kim Kardashian. I like Kim because she didn’t leave her sisters in the dust. You know that scene from Lilo and Stitch, “Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind.”
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So, you think you want to be like Kylie Jenner, check out Kendall and Kylie. Imagine you were a celebrity. You are finally granted access to VIP. These parties and rendezvouses are amazing, aren’t they?
What is the secret to cultivating Kylie Jenner’s kind of brand and star power? I can’t reveal it. But Nick Jonas provides a clue in his Levels lyrics “There’s so much to discover…” You see premium information comes at a cost.  
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Who’s Hotter? Gigi Hadid Vs. Cara Delevingne


Picture a million more supermen and supermodels. That’s what the world needs the most. Although America’s Next Top Model has officially ended, the supermodel’s quest goes on due to the likes of Gigi Hadid and Cara Delevingne.
Do Gigi and Cara look like a billion dollars or what? Appearances mean everything to models. Even actresses must dress the part to sell the product. Remember all supermodels can be actresses but not every actress can model.

So, who’s hotter? Right now, I believe Hadid is hotter. However, at one time Delevingne was number one.
Supermodel rankings change like the prices of blue chip stocks. It seems the stock of Delevingne is dropping a little bit. And Hadid’s stock price is soaring because let’s face it- she’s the hottest commodity in the business.

Who wants FaceTime with Gigi? The answer is everybody. This in no way takes away from Cara’s sexiness. I know for a fact you want to Skype Cara.
You see the hotness factor of both models is between 97 and 100. So, I understand if you say Delevingne is hotter than Hadid.

Born in London, England the 23-year-old Cara measures at 5 ft. 8 in (1.73 m). Her hair is a light brown color and she has blue eyes. Apparently beauty runs in her family, because her sister Poppy is a model too. Storm Model Management manages the Delevingne sisters.
The 5 ft. 10 in 20-year-old Gigi Hadid (Kendall Jenner’s BFF) originates out of Los Angeles, California. Malibu’s most wanted model is blonde haired and blue eyed. Her younger sister Bella is also a model. Both babes are signed under IMG Models.
This debate I started today will be around for years to come. They will say Cara Delevingne is the next Kate Moss. They will call Sports Illustrated Gigi Hadid the best supermodel in the world. All I ask you is to remember Guru Jay told you first. Like Superman, I’m one in a million.

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Celebrity Entertainment Eva Longoria Famous People Funny Golden Globes Guru Jay Hollywood Actress Hot Pursuit Model Modern Family Movies Oscars Showbiz Sofia Vergara The Red Carpet TV TV and Showbiz

Sofía Vergara’s Hot Body of Work


What would Modern Family be without Sofía
Vergara? Go to Sofía’s Twitter page right now and it reads: Modern Family! She embraces her role as a hot foreign wife/ mama and that’s what I believe makes the show great.
Her character lets her husband lead the old fashioned way. However, the other characters have different structures in their relationships. There is a gay couple. And there’s another couple where the wife takes charge. Clearly, Modern Family represents modern times.
I caught last night’s new episode of Modern Familybecause I promised you a Sofía Vergara story. How can I write about Sofía’s hot body of work and exclude her hottest work?
In this episode, the neighborhood lost their electricity due to a thunderstorm. They kept trying to regain power and failed until the end. All I really cared about was Vergara’s character. I wanted to see her latest material in order to create fresher content.


I feel most bloggers blog about the same stuff and that gives readers the same old tired stories. I want you to hear my voice by reading my words. Speaking of voices, I enjoy listening to Sofía talk in a Colombian accent. It’s a sexy tone, am I right?
This celebrity has my number. Remember numbers don’t lie. Millions in Latin America are proud of Sofía Vergara’s accomplishments. She is a success story.
The Hot Pursuit actress hasn’t cooled off any. She’s still hot as ever. Plus, her hotness was on full display during last night’s episode.

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Last summer I published a piece called Sofía Vergara, Eva Longoria, and Brand/ Star PowerI explain how Vergara is more of a brand and Longoria is more of a star. I stand by my words but I now realize Vergara has reached superstar status.
Sometimes I feel like Shakespeare and must compare summer days to beautiful women.
Sofía Vergara should receive a life time achievement award. She has achieved success as a model, talk show host, comedienne, and actress. The brand and star came a long way from Colombia to Hollywood. What would Modern Family be without Sofía Vergara? Perhaps a better question is- what is TV and showbiz without Sofía Vergara?

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