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Funny Girl Margaret Cho

Comedy pushes limits. That’s why Margaret Cho is your pusher woman. She represents her hometown San Francisco beautifully. What a beautiful city and woman. Let’s celebrate Cho because that’s what we do here.
Too many celebrities get chopped up and spit out for no reason. I prefer celebrities like Margaret because she speaks her mind freely. Should we start punishing people based on their life’s perspectives?
The Korean American comedian is very vocal about change and social issues. Some will take what she said and twist it in a knot. That’s wrong. Although there’s a price to fame, it shouldn’t cost everything.
You see Cho can be extreme like Russell Brand. As a standup comedian, her comedy compares with Amy Schumer. And the comedic actress plays great supporting parts too.
Picture Margaret Cho and Ken Jeong in a movie head-to-head. Margaret Cho gets recognized because she developed her talent. Who watched Cho on the View? Her and Whoopi have awesome chemistry. You can’t fake it.
 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Plus Margaret Cho’s brand is built to last. Can you believe she’s 47? Her face doesn’t look a day over 35. I admire celebrities that extend their time in showbiz.
Hollywood and entertainment are the most superficial businesses. You gotta constantly prove yourself in order to make it. The funny girl has done just that.
Whether through music, on TV, or in movies, Margaret Cho’s name rings your bell. Does she have poise and grace or what? Yet her filthy mouth barks attention. I would love to see her live in person.
Funny Girl is a 1968 musical film starring Barbra Streisand. Funny girl Margaret Cho creates throwback material by paying homage to Lenny Bruce and Richard Pryor. She is a true comedian who breaks through glass ceilings.
What is more, we appreciate Margaret Cho for entertaining us and rocking the microphone for all these years.
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Best Blogs British Celebrities Celebrity Comedy Central Entertainment Entertainment Business Famous People Funny Golden Globes Guru Jay Hollywood News Ricky Gervais Standup Comedy TV and Showbiz

The Rawness and Genius of Ricky Gervais


Where do you find originality in entertainment? Celebrities copy each other and it’s an accepted practice. How often do you hear the same jokes delivered by different comedians?

There are few originals and millions of carbon copies. Ricky Gervais is one of the few and proud, but I wouldn’t say humble.
I respect Ricky Gervais and his act. I feel there is certain rawness about him. Plus, the man is a genius.
Ricky Gervais invented a larger than life persona. I don’t believe he is arrogant in real life. Gervais shares a similar style with Stephen Colbert.
Moreover, his sense of humor and timing is one of the best in show business. And he is a brilliant comedy writer. Funny people have always had a job from jesters to clowns to comedians. I’d bet money there are some jesters in this celebrity’s genealogy.

You can count on Ricky Gervais to amuse your ears, but he won’t clean them. Dirty words make up the bulk of his vernacular on set. You receive that rawness. It’s common knowledge that a lot of times it’s not what you say but how you say it that matters.
Why isn’t Ricky Gervais in more movies? It would be nice to see him expand more into filmmaking. The comedy world seems restrictive. For example, Amy Schumer should have been able to make Train Wreck a lot quicker. Also, what’s holding up the Richard Pryor Biopic?
I believe the world itself has too many restrictions. In 2016, we are advancing technologically but humanity is headed backwards. There’s a total lack of empathy. I applaud Ricky Gervais because he brings to light what’s happening, specifically the human disconnection in an “anti-socially” connected society.
As a satirist Ricky Gervais makes pressing observations. He uses the stage like agent 007 James Bond and Agent 86 Maxwell Smart. That’s pure genius.

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He may get trashed at a Hollywood after party but he doesn’t waste his talent. I love entertainment because it’s all about having a good time and being happy. We gotta take breaks and enjoy our lives because tomorrow is not promised to anybody. Anything can happen at anytime and anywhere. So, let’s make the most of our time right here and now.
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
Actors Bernie Mac CB4 Celebrity Celebrity Blog Chris Rock Chris Tucker comedy Comedy Central Entertainment Funny Guru Jay Hollywood Stars Martin Lawrence Movies Pootie Tang sitcoms Standups Tony Rock

Who’s Laughing with Chris Rock?


Could you use a good laugh? Watch Chris Rock’s movies, standups, and TV show reruns. For a while, Chris was Mr. HBO. Plus, Everybody Hates Chris was a major hit.
Chris Rock’s brand of comedy is still solid. He always talks about edgy topics. How many times must networks censor his standup material?
You can’t watch Chris Rock on Comedy Central’s TV network unedited. Thank God for freedom of speech. It is vital that comedians represent the whole truth of society.
Although the truth hurts, the pain helps you grow. Ask any tall man and he’ll tell you how hard it is on your knees, legs, and feet. It’s called growing pains for good reason.

Chris Rock grows on you. Like beer, you have to acquire a taste for his comedy. Sometimes, the comic’s jokes leave a bitter taste by design.
The celebrity doesn’t mind failing, and that’s why he’s successful. I admire how Chris has excelled despite being poor. What is more, he makes a handsome profit from his struggles, because he discusses poverty in memorable scenes and sketches.
Have you seen Head of State? If Bernie Mac is the King of Comedy, then Chris Rock is President-Elect. Who can deny his influence?
Plenty of comedians study his every movement. His younger brother/ comic Tony Rock respects his hustle. Indeed, Chris Rock is a certified hustler.

Case in point, CB4 and Pootie Tang came out of nowhere. Making something out of nothing is what this comedic actor does best. The Hollywood idol doesn’t need a giant studio or distributor to create exceptional content.
Like Martin Lawrence and Chris Tucker, Chris Rock is in full effect. Longevity in the comedy world is atypical. Overall, Chris Rock can’t complain too much about his lucrative career. Amazingly, he continues creating relevant content.
Who’s laughing with Chris Rock?

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
30 Minutes or Less Aziz Ansari Celebrity comedy Comedy Central Famous South Carolinians Funny Guru Jay Jay Z Kanye West Netflix Parks & Recreation Rock Star Standup Comedians This Is the End

Why Aziz Ansari Is A Rock Star Of Comedy


Someone in my family, I won’t name who, repeatedly mistakes the identities of Aziz Ansari and Kal Penn. They share similarities, but there is a distinction. If you haven’t seen Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, you’re only missing out on one of the top 10 comedy movies of all time. I could write an eBook on Harold and Kumar 1, 2, and 3. But, I remind you Aziz Ansari is not the character “Kumar.”
Ansari is a phenomenal standup comedian and actor. Right now you can find his specials on Netflix along with every Parks & Recreation episode. Plus, he is the bomb in 30 Minutes or Less.

I’ve seen all his standups and can attest to his rock star status. The South Carolina native takes you there and everywhere. There is a reason why he’s seen chauffeuring model chicks in that Jay Z and Kanye West music video.

After graduating from New York University, he entered the funny business with all smiles. Frowns are rarely seen coming across his face unless it’s part of a sketch. Like me, he’s a student of comedy, but he practices what he preaches in front of crowds north of 10,000 people. He is a teacher, but not a guru.
Seriously, Aziz is a rock star. I believe Eddie Murphy became the first rock star of comedy. And Aziz is probably the 19th one.

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Like him, I’m a Millennial. And I believe he does our generation proud. Ironically, Aziz dominates this digital age by not boasting.
I hope to write blogs as great as his joke telling. His comedy pays homage to Richard Pryor, George Carlin, and Dave Chappelle with an original spin. Who’s watching his Comedy Central Intimate Moments for a Sensual Evening exclusive?

In 4 words: This is the End.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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