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Why Seth Rogen Is Canada’s Complete Comedic Actor


Comedy offers possibilities. Seth Rogen should play a role in Mission Impossible. He could spend some extra time in the gym with Tom Cruise’s personal training help.

Canada’s complete comedic actor puts the “Can” in Canada. You thought I was going to say trash or recycle bin maybe, didn’t you? My advice is to light up your cigars because this thing called life is hard sometimes.

You see comedians light up the world in dark times. We need more laughter and less tears. That’s why I’m blogging about comedy today.

Seth Rogen is one of my favorite comedians. You could argue that he is one of the best in showbiz. He just does a good job imitating Drake- that’s all.

I’ll never forget his joke about Facebook in Funny People. He gave Jonah Hill a comedy lesson. Plus, Adam Sandler got a few pointers (or should I say Pokes) from Seth.

I highly recommend watching Pineapple Express. Who else can’t wait to see Seth and James Franco star in Pineapple Express 2? For one, Rogen and Franco go together like beans and cornbread. Who remembers Green Latern? Have you seen the controversial Interview movie?

I like Seth Rogen because he regulates the comedy world. Seth understands how to Dougie. He can teach you how to do it too.

While I’m on the topic of dancing, check out his Lip Sync Battle with Jimmy Fallon? It’s on YouTube right now. You’ll also enjoy his appearance on the Ellen Show.

In many ways, his comedy comes on you unexpectedly. He never forces his material. The laid back celebrity keeps a low profile and does what is needed.

Are you waiting for Neighbors 2 DVD to hit store shelves? Was Sausage Party funny? I feel Seth Rogen hasn’t maximized his true potential yet. Could you imagine a Seth Rogen and Zach Galifianakiscollaboration? They could make a rap song to satisfy fans. With 4.5 million Twitter followers, that’s a whole lot of potential greatness.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Adam Sandler Celebrity comedians comedy comics Famous People Funny Funny People George Lopez Guru Jay Hollywood Latino Mexican American Movies Showbiz Spare Parts standup Steve Harvey TV and Showbiz

Why George Lopez Is Champion


Who are your five favorite standup comedians? George Lopez makes my list because he is a distinguished gentleman like Eddie Murphy. It’s not always a bad thing when the gray hair starts showing. The best comedians are experienced on stage and in life too.
This doesn’t mean soldiers need to take a bullet or need to get fired at and take cover. Funny people get my drift. I’m a long time George Lopez fan.
You see there is a lesson in Lopez’s story. That’s why Lopez is a focal point in Elite Latino Comedians: Best in Show Biz. Remember elite isn’t a bad word but fuck is. All I am saying is there is nothing wrong with doing your best. This Hollywood star keeps shining especially in dark times.
 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

That’s when you know you’re on top. The tabloids can write anything and it doesn’t faze you. George Lopez tells the truth. He takes risks. For instance, Spare Parts was a film that could have failed. Instead this movie showcased his skills as a dramatic actor much like Reign Over Me did for Adam Sandler.
What is more, the Latino, Asian, and African American communities respect Lopez for championing important causes. I highly recommend watching Spare Parts- a true story about a Latino high school beating MIT in an underwater robotics tournament. It is thought provoking.
Plus the movie is funny. How can you not laugh with George Lopez? If Steve Harvey is the #1 Answer, then George Lopez is Numero Uno.
The Mexican American actor has came a long way to make it big. He got here by staying focused. So the moral of the story is to don’t lose focus and keep trying. George got knocked down on the ground, but he got back up. And that’s what champions do. 
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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