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Why Seth Rogen Is Canada’s Complete Comedic Actor


Comedy offers possibilities. Seth Rogen should play a role in Mission Impossible. He could spend some extra time in the gym with Tom Cruise’s personal training help.

Canada’s complete comedic actor puts the “Can” in Canada. You thought I was going to say trash or recycle bin maybe, didn’t you? My advice is to light up your cigars because this thing called life is hard sometimes.

You see comedians light up the world in dark times. We need more laughter and less tears. That’s why I’m blogging about comedy today.

Seth Rogen is one of my favorite comedians. You could argue that he is one of the best in showbiz. He just does a good job imitating Drake- that’s all.

I’ll never forget his joke about Facebook in Funny People. He gave Jonah Hill a comedy lesson. Plus, Adam Sandler got a few pointers (or should I say Pokes) from Seth.

I highly recommend watching Pineapple Express. Who else can’t wait to see Seth and James Franco star in Pineapple Express 2? For one, Rogen and Franco go together like beans and cornbread. Who remembers Green Latern? Have you seen the controversial Interview movie?

I like Seth Rogen because he regulates the comedy world. Seth understands how to Dougie. He can teach you how to do it too.

While I’m on the topic of dancing, check out his Lip Sync Battle with Jimmy Fallon? It’s on YouTube right now. You’ll also enjoy his appearance on the Ellen Show.

In many ways, his comedy comes on you unexpectedly. He never forces his material. The laid back celebrity keeps a low profile and does what is needed.

Are you waiting for Neighbors 2 DVD to hit store shelves? Was Sausage Party funny? I feel Seth Rogen hasn’t maximized his true potential yet. Could you imagine a Seth Rogen and Zach Galifianakiscollaboration? They could make a rap song to satisfy fans. With 4.5 million Twitter followers, that’s a whole lot of potential greatness.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Adam Sandler Celebrity comedians comedy comics Famous People Funny Funny People George Lopez Guru Jay Hollywood Latino Mexican American Movies Showbiz Spare Parts standup Steve Harvey TV and Showbiz

Why George Lopez Is Champion


Who are your five favorite standup comedians? George Lopez makes my list because he is a distinguished gentleman like Eddie Murphy. It’s not always a bad thing when the gray hair starts showing. The best comedians are experienced on stage and in life too.
This doesn’t mean soldiers need to take a bullet or need to get fired at and take cover. Funny people get my drift. I’m a long time George Lopez fan.
You see there is a lesson in Lopez’s story. That’s why Lopez is a focal point in Elite Latino Comedians: Best in Show Biz. Remember elite isn’t a bad word but fuck is. All I am saying is there is nothing wrong with doing your best. This Hollywood star keeps shining especially in dark times.
 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

That’s when you know you’re on top. The tabloids can write anything and it doesn’t faze you. George Lopez tells the truth. He takes risks. For instance, Spare Parts was a film that could have failed. Instead this movie showcased his skills as a dramatic actor much like Reign Over Me did for Adam Sandler.
What is more, the Latino, Asian, and African American communities respect Lopez for championing important causes. I highly recommend watching Spare Parts- a true story about a Latino high school beating MIT in an underwater robotics tournament. It is thought provoking.
Plus the movie is funny. How can you not laugh with George Lopez? If Steve Harvey is the #1 Answer, then George Lopez is Numero Uno.
The Mexican American actor has came a long way to make it big. He got here by staying focused. So the moral of the story is to don’t lose focus and keep trying. George got knocked down on the ground, but he got back up. And that’s what champions do. 
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
15 Minutes of Fame Actors Adam Sandler Celebrity comedians comedy David Spade Famous People Funny Guru Jay Hollywood Hollywood Stars Jewish Celebrities Kevin James Movies Netflix Showbiz The Do-Over

15 Minutes of Adam Sandler

Great comedians like Adam Sandler make not so great movies sometimes. The tradeoff is that Adam Sandler makes really great movies here and there. No one doubts his funniness. Watch 15 minutes of Adam Sandler when having a hard time laughing.
The remedy for boredom is comedy. Adam Sandler could be your CVS pharmacist. He dispenses his jokes like medicine.
What is more, few comedians make great actors. Tell me what beats Adam Sandler in rare form. Reign Over Me remains one of my favorite movies because it showcases all of the comedic actor’s gifts.
Are you looking forward to the Do-Over? This Netflix original starring Sandler and David Spade is about two friends faking their deaths and taking on new identities. Watch the 3 minute trailer and try not to crack a smile.

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Showbiz can be tough, especially being funny in the business. Sometimes the joke is on you. What do you do when your world caves in and the chips are stacked against you?

Adam Sandler received a lot of heat for Ridiculous Six. How did he respond? In life, you must be smart about your reactions. Everyone won’t see it your way.
Adam Sandler serves as a perfect example of how to handle criticism. Check out who’s better Adam Sandler Vs. Jerry Seinfeld.
Nowadays Hollywood wields great power. Celebrities must be careful because the media will go after them for one wrong move. The margin of error is slim.
Sandler put on an awesome performance in Pixels. Adam plus Kevin James is a winning combination. You see Sandler scores touchdowns, when most just get extra points. Who remembers the Longest Yard and the Waterboy?
Adam also can score a hole in one like Happy Gilmore. Most people want 15 minutes of fame. I want 15 minutes of Adam Sandler.
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actors Adam Sandler Celebs comedy comics Funny genius Grownups Guru Jay Hollywood Kevin James King of Queens Last Comic Standing Movies Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 Pixels sitcoms TV Zoo Keeper

Appreciate the Comedic Genius of Kevin James

I’m firmly against censorship. I admire celebrities that take chances. Don’t you appreciate comedians, because they say whatever the hell they want to say? If everybody is politically correct society as we know it is over!

I like Kevin James because he’s upbeat and all over the place. He takes his audience into his own little world like a hostage taker. He won’t let go of you until he gets what he wants.
Do you watch King of Queens reruns? That TV show has it all. King of Queensdoesn’t shortchange you, in large part because of Kevin James.
I’m singing his praises because he’s one of the best comics left standing. Do you remember Last Comic Standing? Did you know that Kevin James was discovered on a similar show called Star Search?
You know Kevin kept winning. And don’t we love winners? Though his TV show ran its course, he had an amazing ride filming movies. No matter how corny the plots may be, James makes it happen.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

I’m not saying Botox but Kevin James looks younger than his age. God blesses some people with great genes. What is more, Kevin is comfortable in his skin.
He plays minor roles like Hitch. And he leads the way in movies such as Paul Blart: Mall Cop and Zoo Keeper. Did you see Grownups and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry?
I believe Adam Sandler and Kevin James push each other to the extreme. If you ask me, they’re both great comedians, but James is better. Sandler comes across as insensitive at times. You rarely read about Kevin James being a bigot, because he stays away from controversy. 
Still, you appreciate the comic because he delivers beefy material. Plus, he presents jokes in a professional manner. The comedian proves it is possible to have fun, without making fun of your audience.

Appreciate the comedic genius of Kevin James.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actors Adam Sandler Ben Stiller Celebrity comedians comedy David Spade Eddie Murphy Funny Funny or Die Hollywood Jerry Seinfeld Larry David Movies Tim Allen TV TV and Showbiz Will Ferrell Will Smith

Who’s Better? Jerry Seinfeld Vs. Adam Sandler


Is Jerry Seinfeld or Adam Sandler funnier? Or should I ask who is luckier? They’re both talented comedians. But, take away Seinfeld’s TV show and he’s average.
Sandler is funnier because his funny bone extends 3 extra inches. Seinfeld is luckier since his sitcom guarantees cash. Some say Sandler is overpaid.
Let’s distinguish between comedic actors and comedians. There’s a difference between scripted sitcoms and live standup routines. Other great comedians constantly get overlooked in this area.
The media doesn’t publicize Will Ferrell, Zach Galifianakis, and Tim Allen enough. That’s why Ferrell created Funny or Die. That’s also why Allen does Chevrolet commercials. For what it’s worth, Seinfeld signed on for Microsoft advertisements.
The comedy business isn’t for the faint of heart. Though Seinfeld and Sandler receive more attention, they pushed their brands hard. Jerry promoted the Bee movie nonstop. And Adam kept on pushing despite a few box office blunders.
Jerry Seinfeld and Adam Sandler are two of the best comedic actors in cinematic history alongside the likes of Eddie Murphy and Will Smith. As a side note, no one really views Smith as a comedic actor.
Do you consider Adam and Jerry great comedians?
What if I threw Ben Stiller into the mix? Would you rather see Ben and Jerry do standup or eat their ice cream? David Spade is another underrated comedian Hollywood doesn’t fully support and appreciate.

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What are your favorite Adam Sandler movies? I recommend Grown Ups, Funny People, Happy Gilmore, and Mr. Deeds. Looking back on their careers, not many celebrities are luckier than Sandler and Seinfeld.
Credit Adam’s agent for negotiating lucrative contracts. Thank Larry David for creating Jerry Seinfeld’s sitcom. Do you like Seinfeld better than Everybody Loves Raymond?
I respect TV legends; and, Jerry Seinfeld certainly fits the bill. Also, I admire great comedians; and, Adam Sandler is exceptional. So, who’s better? Well, isn’t Adam always first?

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Actors Adam Sandler Channing Tatum Chris Evans Denzel Washington Dwayne Johnson Highest paid Hugh Jackman Leonardo DiCaprio Liam Neeson Mark Wahlberg Movies Robert Downey Tom Cruise Top 10 Will Smith

Top 10 Highest Paid Actors


Top 10 Highest Paid Actors

Who is your favorite actor? Do you like money? Here is a list of the top 10 highest paid actors.

10. Liam Neeson, $32 Million

Photo By: Georges Biard

One word: Taken. The actor has stolen the spotlight from Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and others on numerous occasions. He’s in an elite acting class.

Have you seen Non-Stop?  Neeson is not slowing down even at age 62. Neeson’s career is full of achievements. He’s like a decorated soldier.

The box office is all about the dollar. As you know I love numbers. That’s why I like Liam Neeson.

Neeson has been involved with several blockbusters. He starred in Star Wars, Batman, and the Chronicles of Narnia. Basically, Liam Neeson puts butts in seats.

He is the 10th highest paid actor. Liam made 32 million dollars last year. Movie executives, producers and directors are proud to have him on their team.

9. Denzel Washington, $33 Million

Photo By: S. Jaud

Denzel Washington was born to act. Did you know his mother named him after the doctor who delivered him? Denzel deserves every ounce of respect.

He started off his career humbly. His claim to fame took countless sacrificial years. He displayed brilliance in John Q.

If you have yet to see it, I highly recommend the film. Denzel Washington doesn’t mind playing the villain. In fact, he embraces being the antagonist.

That’s why he thrived in American Gangster, Training Day and Malcolm X. He actually turned down the chance to play MLK. Denzel is an impressive and tough act to follow.

Washington made $33 million last year. He earned $20 million from Equalizer. Do you like Denzel Washington?

8. Tom Cruise, $35 Million

Photo By: MTV Live

If you’re having money troubles, call Tom Cruise. His acting skills will bail you out of a jam. Of course, you have to pay him top dollar.

The Top Gun actor is on top of the totem pole. He’s been in the business for a long time. And, he is still in high demand for many reasons.

He’s short in stature but he is a tall glass of water. Women gawk at his sight. Cruise’s time in the gym has paid dividends.

Did you see Mission Impossible III? The cast had electric chemistry. All the Missions were good.

Now, Tom is not a saint but his acting is close to perfect. As a result of his hardworking workaholic work ethic, Tom Cruise made $35 million last year. This is proof he is the best. Who is the next Tom Cruise? Who knows?

7. Adam Sandler, $37 Million

Photo By: Angela George

Adam Sandler is the funniest man on the list. I mean he is a comedian after all. But, did you know Adam is a great dramatic actor?

Watch Reign Over Me. Sandler showcases the range of his talents. He’s more than one dimension.

The funny man made $37 million in 2013. My only knock on Sandler is his role selections. He must take more pride in his stride and stop accepting junk parts.

6. Leonardo DiCaprio, $39 Million

Photo By: Siebbi

His name sounds like your favorite Starbucks’ latte. But, how can you blame DiCaprio when he didn’t choose his name? Anyway, the girls don’t mind.

Shakespeare said, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” The Romeo and Juliet actor attracts a loyal and supportive crowd. He’s been in the game for a long time. You must appreciate his body of work.

Two words: The Titanic. Leonardo DiCaprio owes his good fortune to the misfortune that happened on the Titanic. Without this movie, Leonardo’s name would be smaller.

Leo DiCaprio is big. How big? He made $39 million. It doesn’t take an accountant…to figure out that’s a no-brainer.

5. Dwayne Johnson, $46 Million

Photo By: Eva Rinaldi

The Rock a.k.a. Dwayne Johnson is the new and improved Sylvester Stallone. Did you see Pain & Gain? Are you standing in line to see Hercules?

I predict Hercules will be a huge success. The casting department got the right man for the job. People say he lives in the gym. No, he is the gym.

Dwayne is authentic. That is the key to his success. Why isn’t he in Expendables? He is indispensable.

Get out of the kitchen if you smell what the Rock is cooking. 

Dwayne Johnson had a great year. The actor received $46 million. He is a must-see movie star.

4. Mark Wahlberg, $52 Million

Photo By: Eva Rinaldi

Mark Wahlberg a.k.a. Marky Mark is an outstanding actor. He’s the white Will Smith. Smith is the black Mark Wahlberg.

Either way you look at it, Marky Mark’s got the good vibrations. Wahlberg is the new and enhanced Tom Cruise. Also, his sense of humor is underrated. Did you like him in The Other Guys and Ted

Mark Wahlberg made $52 million. He is the 4th highest paid actor. The Transformersis an absolute must-see summer fun and family friendly movie.

3. Hugh Jackman, $55 Million

Photo By: Gage Skidmore

Hugh Jackman is the greatest Australian actor ever. Statistically, he has the box office results to back up that claim. This is one of his best years financially and artistically.

Click here for full review of X-Men: Days of Future Past. Hugh is the ultimate Wolverine. I feel sorry for his successor. 

Hugh Jackman received $55 million last year. He was underpaid. Still, he is the 3rd highest paid actor.

2. Channing Tatum, $60 Million

Photo By: Wcfirm

Channing Tatum is the highest paid actor of his generation. 22 Jump Street is also an absolute must-see summer fun flick. Will you buy the DVD?

He was great in White House Down. The good thing is he’s getting better. He could be bigger than Brad Pitt.

Channing is more famous than Dave. He is the 2nd highest paid actor. He made $60 million in 2013.

1. Robert Downey, Jr., $75 Million

Photo By: Georges Biard

Acting is in Robert Downey, Jr.’s blood. Making money in the performance arts is a family tradition. You can’t deny Downey, Jr. has a gift.

However, the Iron Man is overpaid. He was fine in Sherlock Holmes. But, who will call it like they see it?

I will.

Robert Downey Jr. received $75 million. He was in 1 movie! Hollywood has it backwards. Whoever wrote Downey, Jr. that check should be scratching his head. Better yet, he should get his head examined.


I predict Chris Evans a.k.a. Captain America will make the top 10 sooner than later. And, Will Smith may make a list or two if he gets back into the groove. Also, Jennifer Lawrence will command a much higher salary in the future.

This is The Guru Jay launching off to outer space in 5-4-3-2-1. Feel free to comment and ask questions. Thank you for reading and sharing. Meet me @ Mars. 
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