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Who’s Wilder And Crazier Than Russell Brand?


It’s never too early or too late to start doing standup comedy. Fans expect comics to come on stage and tell hilarious stories. Who tells wilder and crazier stories than Russell Brand?
Although he’s a fun and playful celebrity, there is also a serious side to the man. Russell Brand is waging war against income inequality. As an activist, he is outspoken about wage slavery.
Taking a stance against powerful corporations is extremely risky. Then again, Russell Brand doesn’t mind losing out. And that’s why he’s a winner.
Russell raises eyebrows and drops jaws, because he’ll say what he feels like saying. He isn’t filtering his word choices like most celebrities. While many celebs commonly erase their Tweets, Brand hardly hits the delete button.

An authentic comedian won’t apologize for anything or to anyone. Russell Brand is a celeb with balls. He wears his hair long. He dons a full beard. This is symbolic to how Russell lives his life- to the fullest.
People are fond of him because he’s hosted TV shows, acted in movies, and performed on stage. You should consider watching Get Him to the Greek.
Russell Brand can make you comfortable and uncomfortable in a matter of minutes. He regularly challenges the status quo. What great comedian is politically correct? It’s the comic’s duty to get under people’s skin.
I admire Brand’s style and delivery. He doesn’t give it to you all at once. Joke by joke, sketch by sketch, the great Brit takes spectators on a trip.
You see Russell Brand thrives on controversy. That’s why he means everything to the comedy world. He is someone who bridges gaps.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

His intellect allows him to relate to a range of mentalities. You know it is important to widen your scope. I look forward to the comedic actor’s movies because of his uniqueness.
You won’t find a wilder and crazier jokester.
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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