actresses Bryce Dallas Howard Celebrity Gossip Celebs Crimson Peak Elizabeth Olsen Entertainment News Guru Jay Hollywood Lookalikes Jessica Chastain Jurassic World Movies Redheads The Help The Martian

Hollywood LookAlikes – Jessica Chastain Vs. Bryce Dallas Howard: Battle of the Redheads


Hollywood LookAlikes Jessica Chastain Vs. Bryce Dallas Howard: Battle of the Redheads

In my Hollywood LookAlikes: Hilary Swank Vs. Jennifer Garner post, I asked whether celebrities sometimes pass themselves off as each other. Recently, Jessica Chastain admitted to Jimmy Fallon that she pretends to be Bryce Dallas Howard. Apparently, fans commonly call Chastain by Howard’s name.
Can you spot the difference between these actresses?
I watch movies with an eagle eye and elephant ear. And I’ll admit that it took me some time to separate Charlize Theron from Uma Thurman. So, I can understand why some people could confuse Jessica and Bryce.

Both girls are sexy redheads without prevalent freckles. You don’t see that everyday. Plus, these 2 actresses played in The Help together. How many lookalikes can say they’ve been in the same movie?
However, if you look closely you’ll see Bryce’s blue eyes and Jessica’s emeralds. Moreover, Jessica stoops three inches shorter at 5’4”. You see they’re not identical twins like Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. The pair is more like Mary and Elizabeth Olsen.

Mary Kate and Elizabeth Olsen 

Both girls were born in March. But Bryce Dallas Howard is a Pisces and Jessica Chastain is an Aries. Additionally, Jessica has 38 years compared to Bryce’s 34.
Check out The Martian movie review @ Guru Jay. Jessica Chastain doesn’t disappoint moviegoers, critics, and science geeks. She plays the perfect role as mission commander.
Have you seen Jurassic World? Bryce Dallas Howard helps to make this the highest grossing movie of the year thus far. What is it about those astronauts and dinosaurs we find fascinating?

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Despite Chastain having an age advantage, Howard is a more experienced actress due to genetics. Her father is none other than the Hollywood king Ron Howard. That’s why Bryce has been doing movies since 1989. This doesn’t take away from Chastain’s excellence. Quite the contrary, she studied at Juilliard like Nicole Beharie.
I like them both, but Jessica Chastain wins this Battle of the Redheads.

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Box Office Celeb News Chiwetel Ejiofor Guru Jay Hollywood Stars Jeff Daniels Jessica Chastain Kate Mara Matt Damon Michael Pena movie review Movies Original Entertainment Rotten Tomatoes The Martian

The Martian Movie Review

The Martian Movie Review

If you’re a regular at Guru Jay, you know The Martian is my kind of movie. I expect this film to be number 1 at the box office for the third consecutive week. Numbers indicate that The Martian might become director Ridley Scott’s best movie ever.
Tonight, my initial thought was: what are comedians Kristen Wiig and Donald Glover doing in this particular piece? After viewing the film, now I realize that they are three-dimensional actors. Who can complain about this wonderful cast? Jeff Daniels, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Kate Mara, Michael Peña
The Plot
Matt Damon plays an astronaut (Mark Watney) stranded on Mars because his crew abruptly aborts their mission due to a severe storm. His crewmembers leave him behind thinking he’s dead. However, the determined character lives through this tribulation and awaits rescue.
Luckily, Watney’s a botanist who figures out how to grow food for survival purposes. “The Martian” finally contacts NASA, who already gave him a memorial. Soon, the public learns he is alive. Then, the whole world prepares for his return home safely.

Typically, it would take 4 years to travel to Mars. However, Watney may come home earlier than imagined because of a fortunate discovery. Without a doubt the proposition is risky. What option will NASA take?
Jessica Chastain plays mission commander Melissa Lewis. To her credit, she never wanted to abandon Watney. Nonetheless, she is pivotal to the storyline. I won’t spoil it any further for you. If you’re into science, go check it out.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Closing Thoughts

The cinematography is on point. The Martian is realistic and futuristic as possible. The audience will enjoy spectacular visual effects aligned with technology’s capabilities. We must acknowledge Andy Weir’s great literary contribution.
My main criticism is the movie progresses slowly. Whenever we watch Matt Damon we’re used to seeing fast action-packed scenes. In spite of this, I believe The Martian is brilliant. This is Matt Damon’s magnum opus. You won’t find a carbon copy.

IamGuruJay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Betty White Celebrities commercial Easter healthy Jessica Chastain Kristen Bell Natalie Portman Ne-Yo Nutrition Russell Brand Thom Yorke Usher V8 Veganism Vegans Venus Williams

Part 3: 33 Celebrity Vegans



If you’re like a lot of people, you probably will eat an Easter Ham on Sunday. Before you take your first bite, read my story. You may think twice about chowing down on meat.

You get a thump on your head every time you could’ve had a V8. There are no exceptions to the rule. In other words, eat more fruits and vegetables.

Juicing fruits and veggies is a way of life for millions. Why not join the fun? Jump on the bandwagon of health nuts, fitness freaks and vegetarians.

I’ll admit to falling off the wagon sometimes. But, I always get back on and try again. We’re in for a wild ride and I’m riding until the wheels fall off this thing.

Becoming healthy is a process. Staying healthy is a process of elimination. If you want to be healthier you have to give up junk food, red meat and bad calories.

You may choose to give up meat and animal products. If so, you join 168 million vegans worldwide. Be proud of your accomplishment.

In part 1  I feature the first 11 celebrities. Part 2 consists of 12 – 22 celebrities. You’re reading part 3, the conclusion of the series. Now let’s get to the good stuff. Drum roll please…

V8 Commercial

Celebrities must take good care of their bodies. I appreciate celebrities who decided to go vegan. My post celebrates celebrities who made healthy choices.

You see, celebrities have star power. They can influence their fans to go vegan as well, which is totally awesome. Veganism is a lifestyle. Like all lifestyles veganism take hard work.

Don’t Thump My Forehead

23. Usher

Photo By: Loren Wohl

At number 23, superstar Usher is a famous vegan. I remember the time before Usher rose atop of the music world. He recorded a song called Nice and Slow. When I think of this song, it reminds me to put things in perspective.

If you ever feel like building Rome in a day, don’t forget to take it nice and slow. It works for Usher.
And, it may very well work for you.

24. Natalie Portman

Photo By: Courtney

Natalie Portman is number 24. Just look at her silhouette. She was fantastic in Black Swan. If you want to look like Natalie, chose to become a vegan.

It sounds simple, but it’s not. However, with the right mindset you can be healthier and happier. You will never see Portman getting a thump on her head.

She is vegan for the long haul. If you are committed to an idea, you can do anything. There’s no reason your body can’t feel like Natalie Portman’s.

You won’t get there overnight. But give it 6 months to a year. You’ll be healthy and fit as a bull or ox.

25. Thom Yorke

Photo By: Goldberg

You’re not thumping Thom Yorke’s Radiohead either.  He is number 25 of 33 celebrity vegans. Thom would probably tell you that vegan life is hard.

Yorke can handle it. After all, he is a Rock star. Being a Rock star is difficult, because Rock fans are the hardest to please. Thom Yorke is rare. Most Rock stars naturally lead unhealthy lives, but not Thom.

26. Alanis Morissette

Photo By: livepict

Alanis Morissette comes in at number 26. I am not surprised the vocal singer is a vegan. Judging by her music, she is socially aware and conscience of her decisions.

We need more entertainers like Morissette in the business. While I am not a fan of all her music, I like her main message. So much music is pointless, but Morissette has a socially responsible story.

27. Venus Williams

At number 27, it is Venus Williams. This tennis icon is amazing. Just take a look at her body of work. Like all vegans and vegetarians, she is a winner.

As a vegan, Venus is a good role model for the youth. She shows you can have the best of both worlds. You can be healthy and happy.

28. Jennifer Connelly

Photo By: GlynLowe

How exactly has Jennifer Connelly lasted so long in show business? For starters, she is a vegan. By choosing to live healthier and happier, you can receive the same benefits as Jennifer.

29. Kristen Bell

Photo By: Mr. O

The actress Kristen Bell is number 29 of 33 celebrities, It’s encouraging to see a young individual such as Kristen choose the vegan way of life. Too much news coverage is focused on the negative aspect of the millennial generation.

30. Jessica Chastain

Photo By: Georges Biard

I know what you’re thinking. You want to thump Jessica Chastain in the head. Don’t we all?

Unfortunately, we can’t thump Jessica’s sexy forehead since she is a vegan. She makes the list at number 30. The versatile actress is on a strict diet.

Vegans stick together like a gang. When you’re a vegan, you’re a vegan all the way. From you’re last cigarette to your last living day. You are well protected. Yeah, I improvised a few lines from the West Side Story.

31. Ne-Yo

Singer Ne-Yo is number 31 of celebrity vegans not eating Easter Ham. Doesn’t he look younger these days? Can you guess his age? He is in fact 31 years old.

It wouldn’t surprise me if the singer still gets carded at clubs and bars. Some of it is genetics. I look much younger than my age. If I were vegan, I probably could pass as a teenager.

32. Russell Brand

Photo By: Eva Rinaldi 

Comedian Russell Brand is 32 of 33 celebrity vegans not eating Easter ham. I was shocked when I confirmed that Brand switched to the vegan lifestyle. I would have never guessed it.

Everybody wants to be healthy and happy. If you don’t choose veganism, at least choose to be healthier and happier.  If Brand can do it, I know you can.

33. Betty White

Photo By: David Shankbone

Respect your elders. The sweet and beautiful Betty White is the 33rdcelebrity vegan not eating Easter

Ham today. She is living proof the vegan lifestyle has rewards. White is a burst of energy in Hot in
Cleveland. She inspires me to try veganism.

And so, there you have it. My video sums up all three parts. Watch and enjoy!

33 Celebrity Vegans Not Eating Easter Ham

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