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Why Keira Knightley Is The Perfect Actress


Why Keira Knightley Is The Perfect Actress

Keira Knightley is one of my favorite actresses. I believe she is the best British entertainer right now. Moreover, her qualities as an actor are perfect. At 31, who has accomplished as much as this Hollywood star?

She poetically portrays characters on the silver screen. Also, nothing gets in the way of her delivering top notch results. Keira Knightley is known for superior performances. The Hollywood actress is laser focused in her films. You can easily see how her hard work pays dividends.

In my mind, Keira Knightley should sit next to Julia Roberts at the Academy Awards. Why don’t I arrange the Oscars seating charts with Keira Knightley’s Name between Roberts and mine?; that’s just a suggestion. Like Brie Larson, she’s one of the best actresses in showbiz. The red carpet was made for her footprints.

This phenomenal actress is one of the reasons I recommend Collateral Beauty. She helps bring the story to life as her character pulls off an amazing performance. I literally love Keira Knightley, who plays the abstract Love, in Collateral Beauty.

Additionally, she steals the spotlight from Benedict Cumberbatch in the Imitation Game. The wonderful thespian convinces the audience that her character, a cryptanalyst, helps save the world from destruction. Did you know that the movie is based on a true story?

As you can tell, Keira Knightley is everything you want in an actress. She has the look and style plus the talent minus the attitude. Sure, she seems a little sassy but that’s how we like it, right? When you make it to the top, you’re entitled to special privileges.

Knightley has earned significant star power by consistently shining throughout her illustrious career. She’s earned endorsements by commanding attention to her cause. Through constant repetition and memorization, Keira Knightley became one of the highest paid and most in-demand actresses of all time. As far as I’m concerned, Keira Knightley is the perfect actress.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
British Celebrities Ed Sheeran Elton John Entertainment exciting George Harrison Guru Jay Jamie Foxx John Legend John Lennon Justin Timberlake Music Sam Smith Singers Stevie Wonder Taylor Swift

How Ed Sheeran Became the Most Exciting Musician in the World


Ed Sheeran is the most exciting musician in the world right now. Some people think of Sheeran as the new and improved John Lennon. Imagine Sheeran were a Beatle replacing George Harrison 50 years ago.
Not only does Ed entertain audiences, he energizes, electrifies, and captivates crowds. Sheeran is like a mechanic whose main tool is an electric guitar. You see Sheeran’s dynamic pitch control helps define him as a music artist.
Not even 25 yet, Ed Sheeran directly impacts the music industry. Because the British born star is an incredible songwriter, he literally affects our listening experience. Did you know the celebrity wrote the songs: Moments, 18, and One Thing for One Direction?
Not to mention, Ed was the opening act for Taylor Swift’s Red Tour. Would you pay a hundred dollars to see that show? Nowadays, Sheeran is the main attraction wherever he goes.

Although Sheeran isn’t as famous as Swift, he’s just as good. Soon, he could become most popular if he makes the right decisions. Then again, who wants to deal with being a celebrity?

Going out and performing onstage doesn’t scare Sheeran like others. As terrific as Sam Smith may be, Ed shines brighter under the spotlight. Like Smith, the Thinking Out Loud singer seems passionate. Additionally, the musician’s style resembles that of Justin Timberlake, Stevie Wonder, and John Legend.

Entertainment extraordinaire Jamie Foxx was first to take the soulful artist under his wings. Foxx utilized his radio platform to promote Sheeran’s talent to millions. Music legend Elton John also mentored the young musician early on in the process. But it was Foxx, who was most instrumental in helping Sheeran receive a profitable record deal.

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Estimates put Ed Sheeran’s net worth at approximately $16 million. However, this figure will keep growing. Ed Sheeran will probably be worth over $100 million by his 30thbirthday.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Adele Bleeding Love British Celebrities English Entertainment Hollywood Internet John Legend Katy Perry Leona Lewis Music Musicians Oprah radio royalties Sam Smith Singers Stay With Me TV

English Music Royalties: Adele, Leona Lewis, and Sam Smith


Hollywood’s a town big enough for the both of us. Although show business seems cutthroat and ruthless, it still has a low barrier to entry. If you possess skills and talent, there’s a seat for you around Oprah Winfrey’s dining room table.
Advertising, merchandise, album, and ticket sales finance the entertainment industry. If you stay positive you’ll have massive appeal and lucrative royalty checks to show for it. In fact, royalties make up large portions of a celebrity’s paycheck.
Music Royalties
Beautiful music lyrics such as Sam Smith’s ‘Stay With Me’ and dynamic arrangements like Adele’s ‘Rolling in the Deep’ inspire my blogging. In the words of John Legend “My love” for music is “passed the infatuation phase.” There’s something extraordinary about the English sound of music.

Adele, Leona Lewis, and Sam Smith were ordinary people before becoming music royalties. They have singlehandedly transformed our listening experience with their hit singles. Whenever I listen to ‘Bleeding Love’ it stays stuck in my head for 48 hours.
Ladies and gentlemen, we’re witnessing legends in the making. Adele’s soaring popularity is on par with Katy Perry’s social media fame. Furthermore, Adele has created several staple songs capable of reaching billions, and lasting for generations to come.
TV, Radio, and the Internet
I’ll never forget this TV commercial that introduced me to Adele’s music. Moreover, I remember first listening to Leona Lewis on the radio. And, I found Sam Smith via a viral Internet video.
Music artists utilize multiple platforms to permeate their messages. Fortunately Adele, Leona, and Sam produce mainly positive and uplifting lyrics. Anyone with British background is greatly proud of these English music royalties. All three musicians connect with broad audiences and adorn genuine styles.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actors Best British Canadian Celebs Christian Bale Colin Farrell comedians comedy Daniel Day-Lewis Funny Hollywood Jim Carrey Michael Caine Mike Myers Movies Russell Peters Sean Connery Seth Rogen UK

God Save the Queen, O Canada: Who Are The Best British (UK) Actors and Canadian Comedians?


Everybody considers a career in acting and comedy. So, you have the chops, but do you have the X factor? What is different about you? Are you British or Canadian?

British actors and Canadian comedians have taken over Hollywood. I won’t say they are the best in the business. But, these actors and comedians are special.

British actors were born to be movie stars. Canadian comedians were born to be wild. I like to start the conversation off by discussing Daniel Day-Lewis.

Daniel Day-Lewis

Photo By: Muckster

By all standards, he is the greatest actor of all time. The Brit is the only thespian to win 3 Best Actor Academy Awards. That’s more wins than: Marlon Brando, Tom Hanks, Dustin Hoffman, Jack Nicholson, and Sean Penn.

What actor doesn’t fantasize about accepting the Oscar statue?Daniel Day-Lewis is fantastic. I recommend watching the London native in There Will Be Blood.

If you are an acting aspirant study Daniel like the bible. Try to transform into your characters. If you respect this craft, you will gain the adulation of your peers and fans.

Christian Bale

Photo By: Asim Bharwani

Christian Bale owns real estate on Hollywood Boulevard. He is a big ticket at the box office. What is more, there is a method to his madness. He is a fine method actor.

The thespian is true to his art. He goes to the extreme with his preparation. And, directors and producers love this about him. No one is more dedicated than a Christian.

There won’t be a better Batman than Christian Bale. Ben Affleck is swimming in deep water, when he needs to tread lightly in a lake. YES, Affleck is a great actor, but he is NO Christian Bale.

Colin Farrell

Photo By: David Shankbone

The fighting Irishman Colin Farrell is a worthy contender. His popularity has soared ever since the notorious sex tape surfaced. 
A lot of actors coast by on their good looks and sex appeal.

Colin Farrell is guilty as charged. He is a former Hollywood heavyweight champion. Plus he is a prince of the underground entertainment world.

Colin Farrell’s filmography is rated R. He’s a niche actor, which is not a knock. In fact, he is one of the greatest modern day crime genre actors. If you haven’t seen Miami Vice, go see it.

Sean Connery

Sean Connery also known as James Bond #007 is a living legend. 

If you can name 1 bad Connery movie, you deserve a handsome reward. Seriously, you should study Sir Sean like a final exam.

You can spend a week watching Sean Connery’s movies. Connery is the reason why Pierce Branson was the best James Bond.  Connery has helped many movie stars reach the next level.

I admire how Sir Thomas Sean Connery stayed true to his roots. Most foreign actors have to develop a phony American accent in order to compete. Connery broke the rules and succeeded.

Seth Rogen

Photo By: Philkon

Like most comics, Seth Rogen is a funny person. Who can forget Rogen’s performance in Funny People starring Adam Sandler?  I also liked Pineapple Express. Seth’s stock is rising like Facebook.

As a result of smart work, Seth is in rocket high demand.
Does it take a rocket scientist to tell Seth is Canadian? I stand by my statement: Canadian comedians are special.

Vancouver is Seth Rogen’s hometown. I didn’t even realized that they spoke English over there. Still Seth Rogen commands the English tongue like Captain Ahab commanded the seas.

Mike Myers

Photo By: Joella Marano

Celebrity net worth estimates Mike Myers’ net worth at $175 million. Like it or not he is my colleague and The Love Guru.  
I’ll be frank, Myers can pick and choose his projects.

The Scarborough native is the perfect pedigree. He is a Canadian born to be wild. The Shrek franchise alone is valued at almost $1.5 BillionAnother all time top film franchise is Austin Powers.

I want to see more of Mike Myers. Come out of your semi-retirement and do a few movies with your Canadian pals. Please.

Howie Mandel

Photo By: Matt Ottosen

He’s opposed to high fives, handshakes and germs in general. Howie Mandel is a humorous character. He can turn on the funny like a remote controller. He has a good brand and a motormouth.

Howie is goofy. For the record, I hated Deal or No Deal. I thought it was one of the dumbest shows. I still watched it though because my family did. For some reason, the bald one is a good host.

Today, you’ll find the Toronto homey on America’s Got Talent…It’s a much better show by the way. I like it because it’s fun. Also, Howie Mandel is the gel (no-pun) that holds the hair together.

Jim Carrey

Photo By: Georges Biard

Jim Carreyis Canada’s finest production. In all fairness, Justin Bieber and Drake are just beginning. Carrey can call it quits whenever he feels like it. Jim is Mike Myers + 1.

Carrey never retired. And, as a result he never gets tired. He’s highly active and always on the scene. I wonder if his mouth ever got stuck while making those silly faces

His name pops up whenever I write about comedy. Technically, Jim Carrey is an American citizen. And so, I claim Jim Carrey.

This list is not exhaustive. I did not intend to identify all the greats. I desired to give you a good overview and feel. I didn’t mention Anthony Hopkins, Michael Caine or James MaCavoy. I also didn’t mention comedians Martin Short, Russell Peters or Michael Cera.

The next time you are watching a British actor or Canadian comedian perform, realize this is a special moment. I don’t know what it is about the United Kingdom and Canada. But, I do know I can text Christian Bale and Seth Rogen and they will reply.

Maybe Leona Lewis will sing “God Save the Queen” as a personal favor. While I’m at it, I’ll have Celine Dion sing “O Canada.” In the words of Austin Powers, yeah baby!

Here’s a riddle. What is sexier than a British accent? And, what is funnier than a Canadian joke? Answer: This is The Guru Jay.

This is The Guru Jay launching off to outer space in 5-4-3-2-1. Feel free to comment and ask questions. Thank you for reading and sharing. Meet me @ Mars.

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