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Who Is Really Hotter? Taylor Swift Vs. Katy Perry


Without question, Taylor Swift, born in 1989, is younger than Katy Perry, but is she really hotter? Is Maxim’s Hot 100 corrupt like FIFA? Do you suspect foul play on the magazine’s side?
I seriously doubt Taylor bribed Maxim for the top slot. If anything, with Swift’s fame, the last thing she wants is more attention. For what it’s worth, Maxim is for men. I’m curious to see Cosmopolitan’s ranking. Last year, Katy Perry was number 3 on the list. 

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If you didn’t know already, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry share a history. Bluntly, Katy Perry stole boyfriend John Mayer from Taylor. How did she respond?
Taylor Swift shook it off and made the platinum 1989 album. Judging by her inflections on 1989, Taylor’s breakup was far from a open and shut case. Maybe I’m wrong. However, I believe her album is not only about John Mayer, but unsatisfactory relationships in general.
According to sales, Taylor Swift’s music is hotter than Katy Perry’s songs. However, heterosexual men would agree Katy’s body is sexier, and hot as hell.

Do gentlemen prefer blondes or brunettes? Although the Blank Space songstress stands taller than the Firework soloist, Katy is curvier. Maxim wants subs, so displaying Taylor on the cover is genius.

Katy Perry had her day in the sun. And, she isn’t scared to showoff her belly button. In a beauty pageant, Katy wins the swimwear contest.
Honestly, Taylor Swift has a prettier face than Katy Perry. Also, Taylor’s thin frame is a turn-on for many men. At 25, this may be the best-looking Swift we’ll ever see, because of aging.
I’ve liked Katy Perry forever. And, I’m growing fonder of Taylor Swift. As summer comes, I can’t wait to hear their brand new songs, and see their hot, fresh, and steamy music videos.

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Who Wins? Justin Bieber Vs. Selena Gomez


You must look at the glass half-empty and half-full. In other words, the pros need the cons and the Beliebers need the Biebs. So, why expect Selenators to standby while Justin dates Gomez’s archrival Ariana Grande?

I believe Bieber and Grande make a more perfect union. In the long run, Grande and Gomez will likely pass up Justin financially and in popularity. You see Grande churns out hits like butter. And Selena can fall back on acting.
Does the name Jennifer Lopez click? I don’t proclaim soothsaying superpowers. All I offer you are opinions and predictions on this subject. 

Justin Bieber could prove everyone wrong and make several smashing hits in the future. Frankly, I’m tired of everybody riding Justin hard, when it’s not his fault. Can you picture the spotlight shining on you at age 14?
Think about all the stupid stuff teenagers do. So, on the one hand, I say give Bieber a break. On the other hand, I say where is Justin’s number 1 hit record?
Here’s what happened. His managers accelerated his follower count. You saw the same thing happen with Meghan Trainor. Trust me, you don’t want instant fame because like John Lennon so elegantly sang, “Instant karma’s gonna get you.”
If you are an aspiring entertainer or celebrity, don’t buy their bullshit. You’ll hear them claim, “I can get you 100 million views.” Here’s my advice. If you can get famous in a day, you can get destroyed in a day.
Take your time and grow a true fan base. Yes, social media is an awesome and useful tool, but getting better at your talent is more important. Plus, you need to improve your skills before it’s too late.

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Justin Bieber is truly talented. However, his financiers built his brand too big and too quickly. Watch what happens to One Direction. They are in a similar predicament.
In ten years, I have Selena Gomez beating Justin Bieber in a landslide.

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Ciara, Trey Songz, and the Laws of Self-Preservation and Attraction


If the first law of nature is self-preservation, then the second law is attraction. Through the years, Ciara and Trey Songz have preserved their talents and attracted large crowds. Today, they are both firmly established superstars.

I’ve listened to Ciara since junior high school. All the girls envied the young entertainer. You see, Ciara put herself in a dominant position in the beginning. That’s why she still maintains a high profile more than a decade later.
While others have faded into irrelevancy, Ciara resurfaces at the perfect time. At night she glows in the dark, and in the morning she is your sunshine. All she has to do is smile to lighten up your day.
At a party, the DJ turns up Ciara’s music because like John Lennon, Ciara’s lyrics hypnotize you. I’m confident ‘Body Party’ will put you in a trance. Moreover, the seductive twerker can move her body better than a professional belly dancer and stripper.

Plus, Ciara has a curvaceous and athletic figure. What record label wouldn’t want to grab up all her property? Clearly, the entertainer’s amazing sex appeal and sultry voice is an unbeatable formula.
Figuring out this celebrity is comparable to discovering the Da Vinci Code. Who else performs and produces at her level? Ciara makes Amway and Avon jealous, because the multitalented businesswoman creates dynamic downlines.
Trey Songz

I own Trey Songz’s debut album. However, the cd skips considerably. That’s why I recommend digitally downloading music in order to preserve content. It’s all about maintaining.
Trey Songz magnetizes attractive women. They lose control at his concerts because the music superstar is Casanova 2030. Additionally, the celebrity experiences longevity because he’s not scared to take a vacation.
Some people work themselves into early retirement. They forget the importance of self-preservation. Remember to stop and smell the roses, because winter comes sooner than later.
Trey Songz is a seasoned singer capable of competing with the absolute best musicians. Trey’s unique sound and ability is a mixture between Usher and R. Kelly. Songz is like Stevie Wonder. But he chooses texting rather than just calling to say “I love you.”
Plus, Trey Songz keeps up appearances in public. The media rarely paints an unflattering portrait of this music artist. Unfortunately, they hold celebrities to higher standards. I believe they should only hold celebrities accountable.
Fortunately, Ciara and Trey Songz abide by the laws of self-preservation and attraction.
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Pink Vs. Avril Lavigne

Do you want to rock out with Pink or Avril Lavigne? What are your favorite Pink and Avril Lavigne songs and music videos? Pink gets up in your face, while Avril plays hard to get. It feels like they’re both 40 year olds because their careers have been huge successes.
I believe Pink is the best performer. She’ll do anything to please the crowd. Still, Lavigne is more popular because of her Canadian roots.
You see this happens all the time. Talented Canadians take over the entertainment world. Take Drake and Justin Bieber for instance.
If Justin were from Boston instead of Toronto, he’d have an average career. I’m not advocating becoming a Canadian citizen. All I am saying is Avril has a significant advantage over Pink because of her background.
Pink originates from the city of Brotherly Love. Philadelphia proudly calls her daughter. The great musician represents her hometown well.

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If blondes have more fun, that explains why Avril is always jumping. Like Pink she controls crowds by pandering to their desires. But I want to rock out with Avril because she’s more energetic.

Plus, Avril Lavigne is sexier. In the entertainment industry, sex appeal counts. Pink is sexy too, but in a different way.
Now I like Pink’s style because she grinds harder than most entertainers. Her music videos are better. However, I appreciate Avril’s consistency. You never know what to expect from Pink.
Pink is worth watching though, because she executes daring stunts. Do you remember when she sang while being suspended in the air at the Grammys? I believe Pink can fly!
On a serious tip, Pink makes socially relevant music. She champions causes such as animal rights. Did you notice she’s wearing a PETA shirt in the photo? Avril Lavigne is also a PETA supporter.

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How John Legend Mastered His Craft


John Legend began his career honing music skills as a backup singer. Right now the musician is internationally recognized for his distinguished sound. He falls somewhere between Smokey Robinson and Stevie Wonder in abilities. In other words, the unique entertainer is extremely gifted and talented.

When I first listened to John Legend’s Ordinary People, I thought the song was from the 80s. I couldn’t believe it was original. John’s music transcends time and resonates with everyone.
His vocal chords stretch to their total capacities. When the musician performs he always gives his best. While John started small, Legend finished big.
Finally the soulful singer is receiving his long overdue respect. Over time, he gradually became a superb entertainer. What is more, as a music artist, John Legend has already mastered his craft.

Practice makes perfect, especially in the arts. Although everybody receives gifts, some people ignore their talents and conform to society’s dictations. Others avoid the safe route altogether and go down a road less travelled like Legends.
The artist was awarded multiple Grammys, a Golden Globe, and an Oscar. Glory, a song co-written with Common for the Selma movie, is highly regarded. You see Legend’s lyrics entertain, inform, and inspire. Can you say the same about contemporaries?
Hollywood’s infamous smog clouds a celebrity’s judgment. Fortunately, John Legend uses his position to vocalize the concerns of many disenfranchised people. Taking bold stances requires guts.
Don’t get me wrong. John Legend is not a political machine, but he speaks up when necessary. His comments might not always appear appropriate. But he doesn’t have an agenda and makes valid points.
The Wake Up Everybody remake video draws parallels of yesterday and today. The question is where are we headed tomorrow. In addition, Legend is famous for bolting out thunderous ballads.
Tonight (Best You Ever Had) and Green Light showcase the singer’s awesome strengths. Although he’s well known for amazing slow songs, Legend can easily increase the tempo. He comfortably controls his perfect pitch.
Who else sings with a strong and deep voice? Give him a keyboard and microphone and watch him go to work. He treats music as none of your business.

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He minds his own as a true professional. Tabloids try very hard to catch a celebrity slipping. But I believe John Legend practices preaching sermons. Have you heard Legend sing Gospel music?
Music scientists look to preserve John Legend’s potent voice. Many musicians fail because they try to conquer mainstream. Legend doesn’t compete with Bruno Mars. If anything, he adds value to today’s artistry. What are the best John Legend songs and your favorite videos?

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Who Is the Best Entertainer? Usher Vs. Justin Timberlake


Statistics show the entertainment industry collects approximately $2 Trillion annually. Music and movies make up a large portion of the proceeds. Consequently, singers and actors must tirelessly compete for unequal opportunities.
Besides Hedge Fund Managers and Fortune 500 CEOS, upper echelon celebrities make the most money worldwide. Moreover, elite celebrities are well compensated because they can sway a million opinions in 30 seconds. If time is of the essence, then the moment belongs to celebrity businessmen Usher and Justin Timberlake.
Usher owns restaurants, a record label, and a minority stake in a professional basketball team. Music artists can learn how to develop their business acumen from the superstar. Plus, Usher teaches eager students how to handle insane fame and manage a tight-knit family.

Justin Timberlake owns a clothing line, part of Myspace, and a share of the Memphis Grizzles. Furthermore, I believe both musicians are not finished producing prolific albums.

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Music lovers amplify and magnify Justin Timberlake’s presence on the world’s stage. Because he’s been under the spotlight for decades, he never seems nervous. Also, Justin is one of the best Saturday Night Live hosts in history. Who recalls Dick in a Box

Before Bruno Mars was famous, Timberlake led NSYNC to glorious victories. Young people don’t remember Justin’s seven-year stint with the boy band but this period was essential to his development. Right now, the classy NSYNC leader and President of Pop fights in the heavyweight division.
Usher, who plays Sugar Ray Leonard in Hands of Stone, is fittingly a welterweight. Still, Usher is a more talented dancer than Timberlake. Make no mistake, Justin is an awesome dancer but Usher’s footwork forever changed show business.
What are your favorite Justin Timberlake songs? I like Mirrors, Suit & Tie, and Senorita. What are your favorite Usher songs? Confessions, Love in This Club, Climax, and Moving Mountains are a few of my personal favorites.
Finally, who is the best entertainer? Chime in your comments. Share with buttons at bottom of this post.

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How Katy Perry Became Number 1 On Twitter


Right now Katy Perry leads 68.5 million Twitter followers. After many years of recording music and touring the world, Perry is finally reaping financial benefits and tasting the fruits of her labor. In Maslow’s hierarchy, the California girl is self-actualizing.
Katy Perry became number 1 on Twitter by building an evergreen brand. In this “Age of Ultron,” Katy’s ironclad reputation resembles Avenger actor Robert Downey. What would qualify Katy as Iron Woman?
Furthermore, 5 Years later everyone still listens to Firework because the lyrics are explosive and timeless. The music artist accelerates her voice like a Hennessey Venom GT. Plus, the outside the box thinker creates unique shows and makes awesome music videos.

The Prismatic World Tour lets Katy Perry shine light. Katy connects with everybody because her songs relate to granddaddy and granddaughter. Moreover, the popular musician delivers positive messages.

There is only one Katy Perry. Music fans appreciate the superstar’s originality. That’s why she sells out crowds as large as 90,000.

The voluptuous dark haired beauty and Dark Horse singer is one of the sexiest women alive. Apparently, I’m not the only man who’s attracted to a pleasing voice. Currently, Maxim magazine ranks Katy Perry number 3 on their Hot 100, right behind Scarlett Johansson and Candice Swanepoel, and ahead of Irina Shayk. Now that’s tough competition.

The Hot and Cold songstress was recently dating country/rock star John Mayer. Who You Love is a beautiful duet that deeply conveys Mayer’s emotions and Perry’s passions. Celebrities constantly make headlines for the wrong reasons; but Katy is an exception because the preacher’s kid is wholesome. Parents don’t mind their children playing Perry’s music because she leads by example.

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Marketers, advertisers, and promoters stampede Katy Perry like a modern day California Gold Rush. Also, amateur entertainers idolize the celebrity by covering her ballads on YouTube. The self-actualizing Katy Perry became number 1 on Twitter by strategizing.

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