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Pink Vs. Avril Lavigne

Do you want to rock out with Pink or Avril Lavigne? What are your favorite Pink and Avril Lavigne songs and music videos? Pink gets up in your face, while Avril plays hard to get. It feels like they’re both 40 year olds because their careers have been huge successes.
I believe Pink is the best performer. She’ll do anything to please the crowd. Still, Lavigne is more popular because of her Canadian roots.
You see this happens all the time. Talented Canadians take over the entertainment world. Take Drake and Justin Bieber for instance.
If Justin were from Boston instead of Toronto, he’d have an average career. I’m not advocating becoming a Canadian citizen. All I am saying is Avril has a significant advantage over Pink because of her background.
Pink originates from the city of Brotherly Love. Philadelphia proudly calls her daughter. The great musician represents her hometown well.

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If blondes have more fun, that explains why Avril is always jumping. Like Pink she controls crowds by pandering to their desires. But I want to rock out with Avril because she’s more energetic.

Plus, Avril Lavigne is sexier. In the entertainment industry, sex appeal counts. Pink is sexy too, but in a different way.
Now I like Pink’s style because she grinds harder than most entertainers. Her music videos are better. However, I appreciate Avril’s consistency. You never know what to expect from Pink.
Pink is worth watching though, because she executes daring stunts. Do you remember when she sang while being suspended in the air at the Grammys? I believe Pink can fly!
On a serious tip, Pink makes socially relevant music. She champions causes such as animal rights. Did you notice she’s wearing a PETA shirt in the photo? Avril Lavigne is also a PETA supporter.

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best dancers Bruno Mars celebrity net worth Entertainment Guru Jay Justin Timberlake Music NSYNC show business Singers SNL hosts Suit & Tie Usher Usher vs. Justin Timberlake Who is the best?

Who Is the Best Entertainer? Usher Vs. Justin Timberlake


Statistics show the entertainment industry collects approximately $2 Trillion annually. Music and movies make up a large portion of the proceeds. Consequently, singers and actors must tirelessly compete for unequal opportunities.
Besides Hedge Fund Managers and Fortune 500 CEOS, upper echelon celebrities make the most money worldwide. Moreover, elite celebrities are well compensated because they can sway a million opinions in 30 seconds. If time is of the essence, then the moment belongs to celebrity businessmen Usher and Justin Timberlake.
Usher owns restaurants, a record label, and a minority stake in a professional basketball team. Music artists can learn how to develop their business acumen from the superstar. Plus, Usher teaches eager students how to handle insane fame and manage a tight-knit family.

Justin Timberlake owns a clothing line, part of Myspace, and a share of the Memphis Grizzles. Furthermore, I believe both musicians are not finished producing prolific albums.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Music lovers amplify and magnify Justin Timberlake’s presence on the world’s stage. Because he’s been under the spotlight for decades, he never seems nervous. Also, Justin is one of the best Saturday Night Live hosts in history. Who recalls Dick in a Box

Before Bruno Mars was famous, Timberlake led NSYNC to glorious victories. Young people don’t remember Justin’s seven-year stint with the boy band but this period was essential to his development. Right now, the classy NSYNC leader and President of Pop fights in the heavyweight division.
Usher, who plays Sugar Ray Leonard in Hands of Stone, is fittingly a welterweight. Still, Usher is a more talented dancer than Timberlake. Make no mistake, Justin is an awesome dancer but Usher’s footwork forever changed show business.
What are your favorite Justin Timberlake songs? I like Mirrors, Suit & Tie, and Senorita. What are your favorite Usher songs? Confessions, Love in This Club, Climax, and Moving Mountains are a few of my personal favorites.
Finally, who is the best entertainer? Chime in your comments. Share with buttons at bottom of this post.

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