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Who Wins? Justin Bieber Vs. Selena Gomez


You must look at the glass half-empty and half-full. In other words, the pros need the cons and the Beliebers need the Biebs. So, why expect Selenators to standby while Justin dates Gomez’s archrival Ariana Grande?

I believe Bieber and Grande make a more perfect union. In the long run, Grande and Gomez will likely pass up Justin financially and in popularity. You see Grande churns out hits like butter. And Selena can fall back on acting.
Does the name Jennifer Lopez click? I don’t proclaim soothsaying superpowers. All I offer you are opinions and predictions on this subject. 

Justin Bieber could prove everyone wrong and make several smashing hits in the future. Frankly, I’m tired of everybody riding Justin hard, when it’s not his fault. Can you picture the spotlight shining on you at age 14?
Think about all the stupid stuff teenagers do. So, on the one hand, I say give Bieber a break. On the other hand, I say where is Justin’s number 1 hit record?
Here’s what happened. His managers accelerated his follower count. You saw the same thing happen with Meghan Trainor. Trust me, you don’t want instant fame because like John Lennon so elegantly sang, “Instant karma’s gonna get you.”
If you are an aspiring entertainer or celebrity, don’t buy their bullshit. You’ll hear them claim, “I can get you 100 million views.” Here’s my advice. If you can get famous in a day, you can get destroyed in a day.
Take your time and grow a true fan base. Yes, social media is an awesome and useful tool, but getting better at your talent is more important. Plus, you need to improve your skills before it’s too late.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Justin Bieber is truly talented. However, his financiers built his brand too big and too quickly. Watch what happens to One Direction. They are in a similar predicament.
In ten years, I have Selena Gomez beating Justin Bieber in a landslide.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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