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How Katy Perry Became Number 1 On Twitter


Right now Katy Perry leads 68.5 million Twitter followers. After many years of recording music and touring the world, Perry is finally reaping financial benefits and tasting the fruits of her labor. In Maslow’s hierarchy, the California girl is self-actualizing.
Katy Perry became number 1 on Twitter by building an evergreen brand. In this “Age of Ultron,” Katy’s ironclad reputation resembles Avenger actor Robert Downey. What would qualify Katy as Iron Woman?
Furthermore, 5 Years later everyone still listens to Firework because the lyrics are explosive and timeless. The music artist accelerates her voice like a Hennessey Venom GT. Plus, the outside the box thinker creates unique shows and makes awesome music videos.

The Prismatic World Tour lets Katy Perry shine light. Katy connects with everybody because her songs relate to granddaddy and granddaughter. Moreover, the popular musician delivers positive messages.

There is only one Katy Perry. Music fans appreciate the superstar’s originality. That’s why she sells out crowds as large as 90,000.

The voluptuous dark haired beauty and Dark Horse singer is one of the sexiest women alive. Apparently, I’m not the only man who’s attracted to a pleasing voice. Currently, Maxim magazine ranks Katy Perry number 3 on their Hot 100, right behind Scarlett Johansson and Candice Swanepoel, and ahead of Irina Shayk. Now that’s tough competition.

The Hot and Cold songstress was recently dating country/rock star John Mayer. Who You Love is a beautiful duet that deeply conveys Mayer’s emotions and Perry’s passions. Celebrities constantly make headlines for the wrong reasons; but Katy is an exception because the preacher’s kid is wholesome. Parents don’t mind their children playing Perry’s music because she leads by example.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons
Marketers, advertisers, and promoters stampede Katy Perry like a modern day California Gold Rush. Also, amateur entertainers idolize the celebrity by covering her ballads on YouTube. The self-actualizing Katy Perry became number 1 on Twitter by strategizing.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

By iamgurujay

Iamgurujay is a blogger who writes, features, and tweets celebrities in music, movies, & TV. This is perfect for stars, fangirls, and entertainment junkies!

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