Actress Celebs Comic Con drama Emma Emma Roberts Emma Stone Emma Watson Entertainment Guru Jay Harry Potter Hollywood hot Jane Austen Julia Roberts most Twitter followers Movies Romantic Comedies Sexy

Emma Watson, Emma Stone, and Emma Roberts: Who Is the Best Emma?

In my school days, I read Jane Austen’s Emma. Did you know Clueless is loosely based on Emma? What is it about that name?

Emma Watson is the most followed actor on Twitter. I don’t count singers or Bollywood stars in my Top 10 list. It wouldn’t surprise me if she were more famous than Prince William.
The precious Emma Stone plays sexy and funny characters in romantic comedies. You’ll find she’s a main attraction at Comic Con. This Emma understands chemistry and psychology.
Last but not least, Emma Roberts has learnt from the best. Her aunt is the one and only Julia Roberts. Plus, Emma is a smiling Mona Lisa in her own right.
Who’s waiting for a movie starring Emma Watson and featuring Stone and Roberts? The film would practically sell itself. Let’s make it happen.

Of the three, I feel Stone is the better actress. However, because of Harry Potter, Watson receives the most glory. Unfortunately, many people unfairly view Roberts as entitled just because of her surname.
Of the three, Roberts is hotter to me. But, Watson’s bubbling personality wins me over.
You see Stone seems the wittier and funniest of the bunch. She could compete with Amy Schumer’s standup skills. Also, I like Stone because she isn’t scared of her shadow.
Listen, Roberts is more laidback and easygoing. If you want peace of mind, go with her. She only causes drama when they pay her to.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Frankly, Watson feels fragile and soft. Most men like delicate creatures. Plus, the cheerful Watson can charm a toad.
In 10 years, the name Emma could be the most popular Hollywood first name. Can you imagine by then, how many social media fans they’ll have altogether? They have unimaginable brand and star power potential.
I admire all of their acting. They are disciplined, which brings me to my final question. Who is the best Emma?
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
Academy Awards actresses Audrey Hepburn best personality best smile Celebrities directors Entertainment George Clooney Gravity Hollywood Julia Roberts Meryl Streep Movies Sandra Bullock Tom Hanks

Best Smile + Personality: Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock


If you’re a movie buff, you know what Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock mean to the movie industry. Hollywood banks on the talents of Bullock and Roberts. You rarely see a Razzie nominated performance from Julia and Sandra.

Both actresses have achieved Academy Awards. Furthermore, their achievements compare with Meryl Streep’s accolades. Every actress tries to act like Streep.
‘Blind Side’ and ‘Gravity’ earned Bullock long-awaited recognition, while ‘Pretty Woman’ gave Roberts instant recognition. If Julia’s a modern day Meryl, then Sandra’s the reincarnation of Audrey Hepburn. 
Hopefully, these actresses use their expertise to start directing. There aren’t many female directors. Hollywood could use a fresh perspective from the ‘Mona Lisa Smile’ and ‘Miss Congeniality’ leading actors.
Angelina Jolie successfully crossed over with her recent ‘Unbroken’ film. Do you think Bullock and Roberts are ambitious enough to direct? I believe Julia Roberts is the greatest romantic actor of her time. And, the pleasant entertainer is very versatile.

In my opinion, Sandra Bullock is one of the best actresses alive. She isn’t defined by a genre or typecast. You see, the best actors make you fall in love with their characters. People sometimes forget that these celebrities are pretending.
No, Julia Robert’s didn’t actually leave Richard Gere at the altar. No, Sandra Bullock isn’t an FBI agent. They’re two true thespians.
In real life, Julia is happily married, supportive, and loyal to her husband. Moreover, Sandra Bullock is a bighearted single adoptive mother. Both ladies are highly admired not just in Hollywood but also internationally.

Is there a love affair between Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks or Sandra Bullock and George Clooney? Those actors have great chemistry. Scientists should study their DNA samples. For what it’s worth, the best smile belongs to Julia Roberts. And the best personality is Sandra Bullock.  

Julia, Sandra, Tom, and George need to squash their rivalries before it’s too late. There’s no reason why they can’t make flicks together. Can we at least get a TV drama series as a consolation prize?

All Photos By: Wikimedia Commons
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actors actresses Celebrities Celebrity Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood hot Hunger Games Jennifer Lawrence JLaw Julia Roberts Kristen Stewart KStew Liam Hemsworth Movies People Sexy Twilight Saga

Kristen Stewart Vs. Jennifer Lawrence BATTLE of the SEXIEST


Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have a battle of the sexiest. Let’s get ready to rumble!!! It’s showtime…

In the red corner, she’s the Twilight Saga blood sucker…standing at 5 feet 5 inches short…weighing in at 120 pounds…24 years young…from Los Angeles, California girl/ Disneyland’s Kristen Stewart!

In the blue corner, best known for the Hunger Games with People’s sexiest man Liam Hemsworth…standing 5 feet 9 inches tall…weighing 139 pounds…24 year-old Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence!


Who’s the best looking? Who’s sexier? Who’s the most talented?

Pound for pound, I give KStew the nod for attractiveness and sexiness. Her beautiful blue eyes and long flowing hair makes me believe in fairytales. If Stewart wants it bad enough, she could be our generation’s Audrey Hepburn.

But, JLaw is the best actress. Kristen could learn how to act from Jennifer Lawrence. Studios want to get their hands on JLaw like the new Iphone. She’s a director’s dream.

Have you seen Silver Linings Playbook? You won’t find a better looking 21 year old on the silver screen than Jennifer. JLaw rocks a brunette hair color and turns more heads than DJango Unchained

Someday KStew and JLaw will make a movie together. I’d bet both would compromise their salaries for art’s sake. Artistically, I see Kristen as surpassing pretty woman Julia Roberts. 

The media constantly covers JLaw and neglects KStew. They’re doing fans a disservice. Wouldn’t you like to hear more about Kristen Stewart?

Nowadays if you want good news, you have to know where to look. Aren’t you tired of seeing the same story? Go to and I guarantee you won’t get bored. Search the blog archive for more fun.

I am Guru Jay and I don’t join the discussion. I start it. And sometimes I finish it. I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

action Angelina Jolie Bruce Willis Celebs Entertainment George Clooney Guru Jay Hollywood Julia Roberts Law & Order lawyers Matthew McConaughey Movies Sandra Bullock Suits Tom Cruise

The Case of Tom Cruise V. Matthew McConaughey: Who is the Best Movie Lawyer?

The Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts Argument
Are you a fan of Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts? I’m a big fan. I appreciate their acting as well as their philanthropy. I like how they present themselves. 
But I’m baffled about this. Who is the best actress? I’m always on the hunt for the cream of the crop.
Even though I haven’t seen Gravity starring Sandra Bullock, I still believe she is the best in the world. Moreover, Sandra and Julia are 2 of the top 10 highest paid actresses. Bullock and Roberts have both won Academy Awards.
However, Sandra is the more perfect actress. I give her a 4.0 and Julia a 3.8. Sandra Bullock has an edge because of her diversity of roles.
If we’re strictly talking romances, Julia wins. But Bullock has proven she is the champion. Roberts and Bullock rank in my top 5 for best actresses.
Sandra took on more risks and challenges while Julia Roberts played it safe. Dare I say Julia leeched off Tom Hanks in Larry Crowne and Charlie Wilson’s War? Isn’t it obvious?
Here’s an analogy to put things in perspective for you: Tom Hanks is to Julia Roberts, what Tom Cruise is to Cameron Diaz. I have nothing against Cameron. I wrote about her.
The point is Sandra Bullock’s skills are superior to Julia Roberts right now. Five years ago this wasn’t the case. Julia Roberts was better then.
Who remembers Pretty Woman and Erin Brockovich? Don’t forget about The Blind Side. Imagine Julia and Sandra in the same movie.
At the end of the day, I put my money on Sandra Bullock. She is a hard worker who is consistent. And, she looks amazing at 50.
Tom Cruise V. Matthew McConaughey
I wonder why Cruise uses the shortened form of Thomas and why McConaughey doesn’t go by Matt. Do you know the answer? I ask because Matthew’s last name is long enough.
Just like Schwarzenegger, I “Googled,” and “Binged” his name for correct spelling. Let’s give him a nickname. How about Matt Mack?
Like his height, Tom Cruise’s name is short. You love Tom because he is a miniature Matthew. Matt is beloved for his taller stature. Anyway, they have many similarities.
Is it coincidental that these actors portray Hollywood’s finest lawyers? What if they starred in the same film? Picture this: (closed captioned) The Ultimate Lawyer Movie starring Matt McConaughey and Thomas Cruise. 
The Trailer Script
In The Ultimate Lawyer Movie Matt and Thomas are prestigious lawyers in a head to head battle. Both have distinguished law practices in Beverly Hills. Who will win in case of Cruise V. McConaughey? Written, Directed, and Produced BY: GURU JAY
I bet you that movie would gross $1 billion. Tom and Matthew are basically walking ATMs. Moreover, their fan bases span the whole globe.
They are two world heavyweight champions in the acting arenas. Matthew’s a southern boy who will seduce you with his charm. Tom’s charisma on a scale of 100 is 97.
The best movie lawyers eat charisma like cereal. George Clooney’s good. Have you seen Michael Clayton? Movie lawyers come in all types. District Attorneys are my favorite. (S/O Harvey Dent)
Of course, Tom is a top 10 actor. I don’t want to take away from his brilliance. But, why isn’t Matt on the money list? He’s won an Oscar but it seems the executives refuse to pay the piper. Let that be a lesson to actors who’d do anything for a trophy.
Lincoln Lawyer
McConaughey plays Mickey Haller, a criminal defense attorney, in Lincoln Lawyer. I’ve seen this movie twice. If you’re thinking about studying law, see this film first. You might change your mind either way.
Lawyer movies pose a real danger to America’s workforce. Everybody wants to go to law school after seeing the famous “You Can’t Handle The Truth” scene. Legal dramas such as Law & Order and Suits are also guilty of selling us pipe dreams. 40 million attorneys filing motions is the last thing we need.
Do all lawyers want to be doctors? Well, some attorneys call themselves doctors of law? Seriously, since lawyers sue hospitals, they’re all too familiar with the medical/financial benefits rewarded to brain, heart and plastic surgeons. What is more, it’s true that every doctor wants to be a trial lawyer.
Foot physicians (podiatrists) dine alongside dentists, vetenerians, optometrists, ear doctors and chiropractors at the millionaire’s club. Tom Cruise and Matthew McCanoughey inspire us to make millions while enjoying our passion.
A Few Good Men
A Few Good Men is perhaps the best courtroom drama ever. Ironically, only a few films can compete for top honors. A Few Good Men blurs the lines because it’s also a military movie.
Tom Cruise plays Judge Advocate Lieutenant Kaffee. Jack Nicholson is the infamous Colonel Jessup. Demi Moore also carries out her duties in the film. If you like courtroom dramas and army movies, then look up A Few Good Men.
John Girsham’s A Time to Kill borrows from To Kill a Mockingbird. It’s an updated version of Harper Lee’s classic. In the movie, Matthew McConaughey defends Samuel L. Jackson. The lead actress is none other than Sandra Bullock.
I respect McConaughey for his role choices. Matthew could have been a major action star on par with Bruce Willis. Instead he kept his art pure. Hence, he is an Oscar winner.
You’d think that action movies give Tom Cruise a clear advantage. To the contrary, drama and action are totally different genres. Additionally, Tom and Matt have unique styles.
Tom is aggressive and Matthew’s more assertive. Tom is the guy yelling in the courtroom. Matthew uses tactics to trap and confuse his witnesses.
Your Honor, I object
Have you noticed in movies and TV, the trial lawyer always stands and says, “Your Honor, I object?” Sometimes the witness says, “I plead the fifth.”
In the case of Tom Cruise V. Matthew McConaughey …After carefully weighing the evidence (movie clips, filmographies, and opinions) Judge Guru Jay has a verdict…I rule in favor of Mr. McConaughey.
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! Like us on Facebook.
Adele Alicia Keys Beyonce Knowles Bruno Mars Expressions Julia Roberts Justin Timberlake Life Love Love Song Lyrics Madonna Movies Music Origami Swan Quotes Romantic Movie Lines Tom Hanks Video

21 Love Quotes, Song Lyrics, and Movie Lines VIDEO


Bono Celebrities Chuck Norris Clint Eastwood Famous Halle Berry Inspiration Julia Roberts Motivation Oprah Winfrey Quotes Spirituality Tom Hanks Will Smith Words

33 Motivational Quotes, Photos and Videos

By: Guru Jay

Life is a rollercoaster ride. It’s filled with thrills, twists, and twirls. There are ups, downs and turnarounds. No matter what your situation is, you can turn it all around. You can do it!

Stay strong. Tough times may avail but better days are ahead. You must first live to learn, in order to learn to live.


Halle Berry has starred in many great films. Her career is exemplary. She wagered both successful and unsuccessful bets. My uncle told me that nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Smith is a risk taker. As a consequence, he has starred in movies that should not have been made. What is more, his movies were successful at the box office in spite of poor reviews.


Stallone embodies success. He shows us you have to have heart. You might stumble but that’s o.k.

Get back up and hit the ground running. You might fall flat on your face, but that’s o.k. Get stitched up; and, get back to work. Connect with your inner being, because your inner strength is the most superior power.


Tom Hanks is a movie legend. All his films have made the movie executives extremely rich. Who could forget him in Forrest Gump? He brings characters to life. I like Hanks, because his message is simply stay strong.


Whenever there is a film with Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks fireworks flare. They have mind-blowing chemistry. I think the reason is because they have similar mindsets. When two people are on one accord, they bond together in harmony.


Eastwood is a respectable actor. If you give respect, you get respected. If you’re disrespectful, you are disrespected.

It starts with self-discipline. Train your brain to think good thoughts. And then, your actions will align with your dreams.


If you want self-discipline, try martial arts. Karate, Judo, Aikido and others require a concentrated mind. Ask Chuck Norris. He can tell you that much is required of you. You have to dedicate your life to the arts.

Commitment means everything. Tackle your obstacles. Don’t let your obstacles tackle you.


Bono believes in big ideas. Because of his beliefs he has won over celebrities, politicians, and the world herself. He is respected because he is respectable.


Demi Lovato is young, but she is smart. Her insights surprise me for someone her age. Lovato is poetic. You can hear poetry in her music. She has soul. She’s got rhythm.


Oprah Winfrey is true to herself. She is true to her audience. You can’t overlook the fact she has failed. The television executives demoted her.

But, she proves where one door shuts another door opens. What would have happened if she’d quit? Don’t stop dreaming. It’s okay to fail. In fact, in order to succeed, you must fail.


Michael Jordan is a big failure. However, Jordan is a bigger success story. The moral of the story is you can fail big but succeed bigger. 

MJ had a vision. He kept going. He kept trying. Most importantly, he believed in himself.


Believe in yourself. Trust your gut feeling. You can put a price on tuition, but intuition is priceless.

Safeguard your values. I believe your beliefs determine who you are. If you believe you can fly, then you should soar with the hawks and eagles.

You will never win an Oscar by self-doubting. Don’t doubt yourself. Trust your


Author: Musicontent

There is a Grammy waiting for you to grasp ahold of the gold. Do you want it? Figure out what you have to do, and it is yours.


Author: The Grotto

Do you want a Tony too? William Shakespeare said the world is a stage. So the moment when you step on stage, the world is yours.


Author: Sajibabu79

Have you dreamed of performing on Broadway? Aim high. After aiming high, aim higher. Your ambition will take you to higher places.

There is no reason you cannot perform on Broadway. If this is you, then do you. Broadway Street is right around the corner from Radio City Music Hall.


Author: Oreos

If you want to fly, let’s fly to Hollywood. If you don’t sing or act, then consider screenplay writing. Also you can produce, direct or assist.

It takes thousands to make a movie. Why won’t you join the cast? Why won’t you live your dreams?


Lolo Jones pushes on and beats defeatism. Even in defeat, she wins. What can you learn from Lolo?

You learn from Lolo the meaning of perseverance. Life is full of hurdles. If you’re going to jump over obstacles, do like Lolo and kick them out your way.


Michael Phelps defines greatness. He motivates you to go after the gold. Be the best at what you do.

Do what you love. Love what you’re doing. Don’t look back; just move forward.


Life is a sport. You are an athlete. As a Hockey player your ultimate goal is to win the Stanley Cup.

If you don’t win the trophy this year. There’s always next year. The best thing you can do is practice.


If you’re a football star, you want to win the Vince Lombardi Trophy. How do you win the Super Bowl? Ask Tom Brady who wears three Championship rings.

The New England Patriots drafted Tom Brady in the sixth round. 198 players were chosen before the Patriots selected Brady. Fast forward 14 years, Brady is the best Quarterback of his generation.

That’s it. That’s all you have to do.You have to be the best. It takes time. But, you tackle your issues on your way. At times, your problems will tackle you.


Remember to stay strong. If you’re focused nothing is impossible. When you’re properly prepared, greatness is right beside you.

Again, the key to winning is practice. The New York Yankees have won 18 division titles, 40 American League Pennants and 27 World Series Championships. The Yankees have lost more championships than any other MLB team has won.

Reggie Jackson is known for winning 5 World Series Championships with the Yankees. Did you know he holds the record for most strikeouts? He failed so much to the point he succeeded.


The San Antonio Spurs have won four Larry O’Brien trophies. What makes San Antonio strong year after year, is their teamwork. The Spurs play excellent team basketball.

They have been successful because of their willingness to pass up an opportunity for the sake of their teammates. The players think team first and that’s why they have won four NBA championships.


Here is a video I made called 11 Motivational Quotes That Will Inspire You To Take Action. It may seem celebrities are superficial. However, many celebrities are motivational. Their stories have meanings.

If you want to make it to the top, you have to keep your focus. It’s too easy to lose sight of you vision. Remember: live to learn, so you can learn how to live.


This We Are The World Video is moving. It inspires you to take action. You must act in order for your dreams to come alive. So, remember to audition.

Don’t forget the world is big. Fortunately, love is bigger. We share this world together. It is your duty to give back to the world.

We have to come together. We have so much division and not enough multiplication. Every bit adds up. What are you doing to help the misfortunate?


This is the We Are The World Video 25 years later. It highlights the original. It’s very inspiring.

I admire how celebrities came together to help Haiti. Singers used their musical gifts to uplift a downtrodden nation. They donated their money and time to assist Haitians after the devastating earthquake.


The Stand By Me Around the World video shows the passionate and compassionate sides of society. It shows the beauty of music as well as the beauty of people. Although these times are dark, brighter days are coming.
You can see the sun shine in this video.

You feel the heart beat as the drum beats. As the guitar plays, love spews. Hatred is not in the equation. 


Here is a succinct movie clip. The Pursuit of Happyness, based on a true story, is one of my favorite films. Although Christopher Gardner is homeless he somehow manages to overcome his shortcomings for the sake of his family.

You will find the bond of father and son is strong. It is strengthened by love. Love is the answer to the equation of life…


The Rocky video epitomizes what determination is. Rocky gave it his all. He put it all on the line. 

If you get knocked down, get back up. If you get knocked out, fight another fight. If you lose, recognize you are one step closer to winning.


Here is an insightful and inspiring video. Floyd Mayweather is the best boxer because he worked smart and hard. Boxing is an art as well as a science.

The key to greatness is to aim for perfection. Perfect is rare. Greatness is attainable.


In this video, Al Pacino uses bold and frank language to convey his message. He explains that life has hardships. But, under no circumstance do you give up…

Greatness is a thin line. In the words of Al Pacino, a few inches can make the difference between winning and losing. You have to make sacrifices for your family. 


In this video, a homeless young man uses his talent to elevate his circumstances. While auditioning for Korea’s Got Talent, he wins the hearts of the audience and judges. His story is clearly compelling.

Even though society gave up on him, he never gave up on himself. You have to find your purpose. Run toward your goals and don’t look back. Look ahead.


I am convinced you have to lose to win. The more you lose, the more you win; provided that you learn from your mistakes. You’re in a comfortable position if you experienced setbacks.

Don’t be afraid of failure. If you keep trying your best, you will succeed. You can also learn a lot for others. Find a mentor and listen closely.


Here is a powerful video. Be sure to watch. It shows you that life will give you heartaches as well as stomachaches. It will give you dreams and nightmares.

What you have to do is grasp ahold of your dream tightly. Nurture your thoughts. In order to achieve, you must 1. conceive, 2. believe, and 3. receive.

First, conceive in your mind your definition of greatness. Second, believe you can be great. Finally, receive what is rightfully yours.

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Angelina Jolie Charlize Theron Emma Stone Highest paid Jennifer Aniston Jennifer Lawrence Julia Roberts Kristen Stewart Mila Kunis Natalie Portman Sandra Bullock Top 10 Actresses

Top 10 Highest Paid Actresses

By: Guru Jay

The Art of Actresses

What day is it? What should we do? You want to go to the movies huh? What’s playing?

I want to see a movie with Emma Stone. She’s hot right now. Did you know she made $16 million last year? Yeah, that’s a lot of green.

But, you know Angelina Jolie made more money than Emma Stone and Sandra Bullock combined. What do you think all the top 10 actresses have in common? You’re right if you guessed they take a good picture.

All our top actresses are pretty photogenic. It seems actresses have to look stunning and possess awe-shocking talent too. That’s a lot to ask.

Remember the movie Mona Lisa Smile with Julia Roberts. After many years, Julia is still smiling. She made $10 million in 2013. If you ask me, she has the most gorgeous eyes and best smile ever filmed.

Our actresses have to look state-of-the-art at all times. It’s rare to see an actress without makeup. There’s something about an actress, which makes her as priceless as a Picasso. The top 10 look like walking masterpieces.

The art of actresses is their beauty. Additionally an actress needs personality and a fun spirit in order to make it big. All the top ten have a unique selling point.

The Science of Acting

Acting is an art as much as it is a science. Acting is an art because actors express feelings and emotions. Acting is a science because actors portray logical themes and truths.

Science is very involved in the movie industry. There are both artists and scientists working on the silver screen and behind the cameras. I challenge you to research several movie titles.

You will find there are thousands of people working on 1 given film. Everyone is not an artist either. You may not want to hear this, but movies are formulaic.

There is a science to the madness. 

You see the job of casting directors is to build chemistry. Chemistry is definitely a science. You learn a great deal in Chemistry 101 and even more at the 200 and 300 levels.

Certain chemical elements cannot mix together. If you do mix them, there will be a huge explosion. The Big Bang Theory cast may call it combustion.

The casting director is tasked with matching characters with talents. The Lead Actor or Actress should have the right ingredients for stardom. You always want a strong leading character.Furthermore, your supporting actors and actresses must be artistically and scientifically inclined.

Count on the casting director to help make the equation balanced. If the film fails, remember there are 999+ other people you may choose to blame. The blame game is real. That’s why the Razzies are infamous.

The actress may not admit in public but she doesn’t want to be mocked and humiliated. In my previous post, I explained how every actor wants an Oscar. No one wants a Razzy.

Who Made The Cut

Today’s blog features the Top 10 Actresses. If you remember, last time I talked about the top 10 actors. Of the 10 actors, none were women.

There are many fine actresses. However, it is harder for an actress than it is for an actor. Angelina Jolie will go down in history as an elite actress. She doesn’t even have to play in another movie. Her body of work speaks volumes.

Jolie will continue her philanthropy. She has already changed the entertainment world. Now, she is in the process of changing the real world.

We’re not fools. We know celebrities stage events for publicity. All of them want to be seen as nice people with the exception of Kanye West. But, I believe some celebrities are really sincere. I feel like Angelina Jolie is truthful.

I admire the humanitarian Jolie on many levels. She is not selfish. If she were, she would make even more money. It’s amazing how she is the highest paid actress. And at the same time, she is very vocal about worldly social issues.

The Tourist is a film, which critics tore apart. I liked the movie starring Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp. The characters had perfect chemistry and the performances were great. The Tourist was not financially successful due to bad marketing.

Jennifer Lawrence, 23, also made the cut. What more can I say about the actress other than she made $26 million last year? I guess I can say she is a shining star.

Lawrence has youth on our side. She is younger than me. And, she is also making way more money than me.

Can you imagine making $26 million at the age of 23? What do you think you’d have to do to make that much money? Maybe, you would have to grow to 7 feet 2 inches and play basketball. Or, you might have to invent Pinterest.

Hey, for all I know you may have inherited a billion dollars on your 21st birthday. All I know is, as an accountant, I’d invest 20 million of those dollars. However, many celebrities waste their money on stupid stuff.

In my last list, I organized the leading males by the total amount of money they made at the box office. This time, I am sorting the top 10 actresses by their payday.

Without further ado…

The Top 10 Highest Paid Actresses 

10. Julia Roberts $10 Million

9. Mila Kunis $11 Million

Photo By: Toglenn

8. Natalie Portman $14 Million

Photo By: Josh Jensen

7. Sandra Bullock $14 Million

Photo By: Caroline Bonarde Ucci

6. Charlize Theron $15 Million

Photo By: Gage Skidmore

5. Emma Stone $16 Million

Photo By: Gerald Geronimo

4. Jennifer Aniston $20 Million

Photo By: Angela George

3. Kristen Stewart $22 Million

Photo By: Gage Skidmore

2. Jennifer Lawrence $26 Million

Photo By: Mingle MediaTV

1. Angelina Jolie $33 Million

Photo By: Stefan Servos

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