Actress Astronaut Wives blondes Celebs Charlize Theron Gattaca Guru Jay Hancock Hollywood Kill Bill LookAlikes Mad Max Models Movies net worth Pulp Fiction Sean Penn South African Uma Thurman

Charlize Theron Vs. Uma Thurman: Battle of the Blondes

In a recent story, I wrote about the Astronaut’s Wives Club. Coincidentally, Charlize Theron starred in a movie called the Astronaut’s Wife. There’s one blonde in Astronaut Wives Club, Yvonne Strahovski, and she leads the way.

Charlize Theron plays Will Smith’s estranged wife in Hancock. The South African actress helps define beauty. Her long hair was more than gorgeous.
You like Charlize because she’s flexible. She stretches roles like in a Pilates video.
You can’t say enough about Uma Thurman. She is fantastic in Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill. Have you seen Gattaca? The actress is literally perfect in it. It’s one of my favorite movies starring lead actor Ethan Hawke.
I wonder if it is possible to transpose actor’s characters. Can you imagine Theron under Quentin Tarantino’s direction? Better even, what if Charlize worked with John Travolta?

Uma has done all those things. That’s why she has an advantage. But the war is still going on, and there will be many battles to come.
You see Charlize has a net worth of $110 million, compared to Uma’s $45 million. Why is this the case? Well, Theron has an entire industrialized nation behind her.
When you’re the most famous South African celebrity, you call some big shots. Plus, your marriage to Sean Penn dramatically assisted your career accolades. Also, considering Charlize is 39 to Uma’s 45, she has an age advantage.

At 5’ 10” Charlize Theron has the ideal figure of a fashion model. Plus, the green-eyed chick possessed natural blonde hair. However, at almost 40, is it possible she shed her locks because it’s turning gray? Still, the Mad Max: Fury Road actor is sexy as hell.
And so is Uma Thurman. If you met them in person, could you distinguish the two celebs? Or is it impossible to tell the difference like Jennifer Garner and Hilary Swank?
I like Charlize’s body better. But I appreciate Uma’s body of work more. If Tarantino is the top R-rated director, then Thurman is his most prized possession.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

In a nutshell, Charlize Theron and Uma Thurman are high quality movie stars. It’s all a matter of preferences. Which blonde do you prefer?
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
cars Celebs Charlize Theron Chevorlet Chrysler Dr. Dre Eminem Endorsements Ford Honda Lincoln Maria Sharapova Matthew McConaughey money mustang Peyton Manning Tiger Woods Volvo

Driven Celebrities: Who Drives Money?


Celebrities reach millions and cause thousands of actions via television, the Internet, and social media. How effective are celebrity endorsements? They’re very effective because the entertainment industry strongly influences society and culture.

This blog post will discuss celebrity endorsements in the automotive industry.

Driven Celebrities

Driven celebrity Matthew McConaughey drives a Lincoln. Ever since making the ‘Lincoln Lawyer,’ movie, the pretend attorney has capitalized on his famous filmography. And he’s not the only celebrity making a fortune by endorsing automobiles.

With today’s technology, it’s inexcusable for celebrities to live in poverty. It saddens me to read about the misfortunes of entertainers, especially athletes. Driven celebrities Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and George Foreman are anomalies.  

Why can’t more celebrities drive themselves like the aforementioned and following celebrities?

Ford gave country music pioneer Toby Keith a profitable package. Volvo smartly signed an endorsement deal with martial arts master Jean-Claude Van Damme. Moreover, Honda sealed a package with Oscar-winning actress Charlize Theron.

If you’re an amateur Tennis player, you’ve probably noticed Maria Sharapova in some Land Rover advertisements. Also, professional athletes Peyton Manning, Tiger Woods, and Shaquille O’Neal have lucrative endorsement deals with Buick. Do you really believe Buicks are spacious enough for basketball centers?

Comedian Tim Allen lends his voice to Chevrolet commercials. Also, rappers Dr. Dre and Eminem represent Chrysler. It’s impossible to name every last celebrity car endorsement.

Many celebrities endorse cars to maintain their luxurious lifestyles. If you want a Malibu mansion, Beverly Hills condo, and Cape Cod yacht, you need a financier. So simply endorse a car. 

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Angelina Jolie Charlize Theron Emma Stone Highest paid Jennifer Aniston Jennifer Lawrence Julia Roberts Kristen Stewart Mila Kunis Natalie Portman Sandra Bullock Top 10 Actresses

Top 10 Highest Paid Actresses

By: Guru Jay

The Art of Actresses

What day is it? What should we do? You want to go to the movies huh? What’s playing?

I want to see a movie with Emma Stone. She’s hot right now. Did you know she made $16 million last year? Yeah, that’s a lot of green.

But, you know Angelina Jolie made more money than Emma Stone and Sandra Bullock combined. What do you think all the top 10 actresses have in common? You’re right if you guessed they take a good picture.

All our top actresses are pretty photogenic. It seems actresses have to look stunning and possess awe-shocking talent too. That’s a lot to ask.

Remember the movie Mona Lisa Smile with Julia Roberts. After many years, Julia is still smiling. She made $10 million in 2013. If you ask me, she has the most gorgeous eyes and best smile ever filmed.

Our actresses have to look state-of-the-art at all times. It’s rare to see an actress without makeup. There’s something about an actress, which makes her as priceless as a Picasso. The top 10 look like walking masterpieces.

The art of actresses is their beauty. Additionally an actress needs personality and a fun spirit in order to make it big. All the top ten have a unique selling point.

The Science of Acting

Acting is an art as much as it is a science. Acting is an art because actors express feelings and emotions. Acting is a science because actors portray logical themes and truths.

Science is very involved in the movie industry. There are both artists and scientists working on the silver screen and behind the cameras. I challenge you to research several movie titles.

You will find there are thousands of people working on 1 given film. Everyone is not an artist either. You may not want to hear this, but movies are formulaic.

There is a science to the madness. 

You see the job of casting directors is to build chemistry. Chemistry is definitely a science. You learn a great deal in Chemistry 101 and even more at the 200 and 300 levels.

Certain chemical elements cannot mix together. If you do mix them, there will be a huge explosion. The Big Bang Theory cast may call it combustion.

The casting director is tasked with matching characters with talents. The Lead Actor or Actress should have the right ingredients for stardom. You always want a strong leading character.Furthermore, your supporting actors and actresses must be artistically and scientifically inclined.

Count on the casting director to help make the equation balanced. If the film fails, remember there are 999+ other people you may choose to blame. The blame game is real. That’s why the Razzies are infamous.

The actress may not admit in public but she doesn’t want to be mocked and humiliated. In my previous post, I explained how every actor wants an Oscar. No one wants a Razzy.

Who Made The Cut

Today’s blog features the Top 10 Actresses. If you remember, last time I talked about the top 10 actors. Of the 10 actors, none were women.

There are many fine actresses. However, it is harder for an actress than it is for an actor. Angelina Jolie will go down in history as an elite actress. She doesn’t even have to play in another movie. Her body of work speaks volumes.

Jolie will continue her philanthropy. She has already changed the entertainment world. Now, she is in the process of changing the real world.

We’re not fools. We know celebrities stage events for publicity. All of them want to be seen as nice people with the exception of Kanye West. But, I believe some celebrities are really sincere. I feel like Angelina Jolie is truthful.

I admire the humanitarian Jolie on many levels. She is not selfish. If she were, she would make even more money. It’s amazing how she is the highest paid actress. And at the same time, she is very vocal about worldly social issues.

The Tourist is a film, which critics tore apart. I liked the movie starring Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp. The characters had perfect chemistry and the performances were great. The Tourist was not financially successful due to bad marketing.

Jennifer Lawrence, 23, also made the cut. What more can I say about the actress other than she made $26 million last year? I guess I can say she is a shining star.

Lawrence has youth on our side. She is younger than me. And, she is also making way more money than me.

Can you imagine making $26 million at the age of 23? What do you think you’d have to do to make that much money? Maybe, you would have to grow to 7 feet 2 inches and play basketball. Or, you might have to invent Pinterest.

Hey, for all I know you may have inherited a billion dollars on your 21st birthday. All I know is, as an accountant, I’d invest 20 million of those dollars. However, many celebrities waste their money on stupid stuff.

In my last list, I organized the leading males by the total amount of money they made at the box office. This time, I am sorting the top 10 actresses by their payday.

Without further ado…

The Top 10 Highest Paid Actresses 

10. Julia Roberts $10 Million

9. Mila Kunis $11 Million

Photo By: Toglenn

8. Natalie Portman $14 Million

Photo By: Josh Jensen

7. Sandra Bullock $14 Million

Photo By: Caroline Bonarde Ucci

6. Charlize Theron $15 Million

Photo By: Gage Skidmore

5. Emma Stone $16 Million

Photo By: Gerald Geronimo

4. Jennifer Aniston $20 Million

Photo By: Angela George

3. Kristen Stewart $22 Million

Photo By: Gage Skidmore

2. Jennifer Lawrence $26 Million

Photo By: Mingle MediaTV

1. Angelina Jolie $33 Million

Photo By: Stefan Servos

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