action Angelina Jolie Bruce Willis Celebs Entertainment George Clooney Guru Jay Hollywood Julia Roberts Law & Order lawyers Matthew McConaughey Movies Sandra Bullock Suits Tom Cruise

The Case of Tom Cruise V. Matthew McConaughey: Who is the Best Movie Lawyer?

The Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts Argument
Are you a fan of Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts? I’m a big fan. I appreciate their acting as well as their philanthropy. I like how they present themselves. 
But I’m baffled about this. Who is the best actress? I’m always on the hunt for the cream of the crop.
Even though I haven’t seen Gravity starring Sandra Bullock, I still believe she is the best in the world. Moreover, Sandra and Julia are 2 of the top 10 highest paid actresses. Bullock and Roberts have both won Academy Awards.
However, Sandra is the more perfect actress. I give her a 4.0 and Julia a 3.8. Sandra Bullock has an edge because of her diversity of roles.
If we’re strictly talking romances, Julia wins. But Bullock has proven she is the champion. Roberts and Bullock rank in my top 5 for best actresses.
Sandra took on more risks and challenges while Julia Roberts played it safe. Dare I say Julia leeched off Tom Hanks in Larry Crowne and Charlie Wilson’s War? Isn’t it obvious?
Here’s an analogy to put things in perspective for you: Tom Hanks is to Julia Roberts, what Tom Cruise is to Cameron Diaz. I have nothing against Cameron. I wrote about her.
The point is Sandra Bullock’s skills are superior to Julia Roberts right now. Five years ago this wasn’t the case. Julia Roberts was better then.
Who remembers Pretty Woman and Erin Brockovich? Don’t forget about The Blind Side. Imagine Julia and Sandra in the same movie.
At the end of the day, I put my money on Sandra Bullock. She is a hard worker who is consistent. And, she looks amazing at 50.
Tom Cruise V. Matthew McConaughey
I wonder why Cruise uses the shortened form of Thomas and why McConaughey doesn’t go by Matt. Do you know the answer? I ask because Matthew’s last name is long enough.
Just like Schwarzenegger, I “Googled,” and “Binged” his name for correct spelling. Let’s give him a nickname. How about Matt Mack?
Like his height, Tom Cruise’s name is short. You love Tom because he is a miniature Matthew. Matt is beloved for his taller stature. Anyway, they have many similarities.
Is it coincidental that these actors portray Hollywood’s finest lawyers? What if they starred in the same film? Picture this: (closed captioned) The Ultimate Lawyer Movie starring Matt McConaughey and Thomas Cruise. 
The Trailer Script
In The Ultimate Lawyer Movie Matt and Thomas are prestigious lawyers in a head to head battle. Both have distinguished law practices in Beverly Hills. Who will win in case of Cruise V. McConaughey? Written, Directed, and Produced BY: GURU JAY
I bet you that movie would gross $1 billion. Tom and Matthew are basically walking ATMs. Moreover, their fan bases span the whole globe.
They are two world heavyweight champions in the acting arenas. Matthew’s a southern boy who will seduce you with his charm. Tom’s charisma on a scale of 100 is 97.
The best movie lawyers eat charisma like cereal. George Clooney’s good. Have you seen Michael Clayton? Movie lawyers come in all types. District Attorneys are my favorite. (S/O Harvey Dent)
Of course, Tom is a top 10 actor. I don’t want to take away from his brilliance. But, why isn’t Matt on the money list? He’s won an Oscar but it seems the executives refuse to pay the piper. Let that be a lesson to actors who’d do anything for a trophy.
Lincoln Lawyer
McConaughey plays Mickey Haller, a criminal defense attorney, in Lincoln Lawyer. I’ve seen this movie twice. If you’re thinking about studying law, see this film first. You might change your mind either way.
Lawyer movies pose a real danger to America’s workforce. Everybody wants to go to law school after seeing the famous “You Can’t Handle The Truth” scene. Legal dramas such as Law & Order and Suits are also guilty of selling us pipe dreams. 40 million attorneys filing motions is the last thing we need.
Do all lawyers want to be doctors? Well, some attorneys call themselves doctors of law? Seriously, since lawyers sue hospitals, they’re all too familiar with the medical/financial benefits rewarded to brain, heart and plastic surgeons. What is more, it’s true that every doctor wants to be a trial lawyer.
Foot physicians (podiatrists) dine alongside dentists, vetenerians, optometrists, ear doctors and chiropractors at the millionaire’s club. Tom Cruise and Matthew McCanoughey inspire us to make millions while enjoying our passion.
A Few Good Men
A Few Good Men is perhaps the best courtroom drama ever. Ironically, only a few films can compete for top honors. A Few Good Men blurs the lines because it’s also a military movie.
Tom Cruise plays Judge Advocate Lieutenant Kaffee. Jack Nicholson is the infamous Colonel Jessup. Demi Moore also carries out her duties in the film. If you like courtroom dramas and army movies, then look up A Few Good Men.
John Girsham’s A Time to Kill borrows from To Kill a Mockingbird. It’s an updated version of Harper Lee’s classic. In the movie, Matthew McConaughey defends Samuel L. Jackson. The lead actress is none other than Sandra Bullock.
I respect McConaughey for his role choices. Matthew could have been a major action star on par with Bruce Willis. Instead he kept his art pure. Hence, he is an Oscar winner.
You’d think that action movies give Tom Cruise a clear advantage. To the contrary, drama and action are totally different genres. Additionally, Tom and Matt have unique styles.
Tom is aggressive and Matthew’s more assertive. Tom is the guy yelling in the courtroom. Matthew uses tactics to trap and confuse his witnesses.
Your Honor, I object
Have you noticed in movies and TV, the trial lawyer always stands and says, “Your Honor, I object?” Sometimes the witness says, “I plead the fifth.”
In the case of Tom Cruise V. Matthew McConaughey …After carefully weighing the evidence (movie clips, filmographies, and opinions) Judge Guru Jay has a verdict…I rule in favor of Mr. McConaughey.
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! Like us on Facebook.
24 (India) American Idol Cuba Dalai Lama Exported Imported Kim Kardashian Law & Order North Korea O.C. Pope Francis Reality shows Reruns The Voice TV TV and Showbiz TV shows Walking Dead

Imported Vs. Exported TV Shows

By: Guru Jay

Imports and Exports

You better not get caught sneaking a Cuban cigar into the Florida Everglades. That’s a big no-no. Your best bet is to go to Denver or Seattle and puff, puff and puff away.

Don’t be like Dennis Rodman and import luxury goods into North Korea. That’s a big red flag for the TSA. I’m quite sure they gave Rebounding Rodman a full body cavity search.

You can become super rich by running a legitimate import/export business. Familiarize yourself with International Law & Order and you’ll be a millionaire in no time. If you want to be a billionaire, try importing and exporting Television shows.

Did you know the Law & Order TV show was exported to the United Kingdom? 
Or that Shark Tank was imported from Japan? Or that Married with Children was exported to Argentina?

Married With Children Argentina

The Diversity of Television

Turn on your TV. Change the channel. Do a little channel surfing this spring.

Isn’t television great? If you missed your favorite show, ten times out of ten the episode will be repeated. Do you know people who watch the same show and same episode over and over again?

Oh, am I describing you or “your best friend” (wink, wink)? There’s no shame in loving TV. There’s something on TV for everyone to enjoy.

You have your pick of the litter. If you want to watch a show about cats, you can change to the Animal Planet channel.

Meanest Cat Ever

If you want to literally see someone surfing this spring, there is a network for you.

Have you ever wanted to walk in someone else’s boots? Why not watch Swamp People? Swamp People is the latest reality show sensation.

Stay up-to-date. TV is changing by the second. Another channel is being created as I write. 

One of my personal favorites is HBO’s BoardWalk Empire. OMG, Boardwalk Empire is an experience that takes you back in time. It’s a shame the TV executives are canceling the show in the fifth season.

I have an idea. Why don’t we start a petition for Boardwalk Empire? I just hate to see the show end. There’s nothing else like the Empire.

But, I believe Boardwalk Empire must end because it is too expensive to produce. I will watch the reruns of Boardwalk though, as a way of coping with reality.

Reality is the problem. It seems everybody is addicted to reality shows now. Is this true?

I refuse to believe nobody wants to watch a well-written script and polished production. Maybe, the issue is finances. 

Boardwalk Empire

It all comes down to money. You learn in Accounting that Net Income is the bottom line. The TV executives rather make reality shows because they are cheap.

As a result, TV enthusiasts are getting hoodwinked. If it’s reality you want, they’ll make sure you get plenty of it. I’m not talking about all reality shows. I am referring to the overwhelming vast majority of them.

Reality shows inevitably show you the hardships of life. That’s why I choose to watch sitcoms, TV dramas, and thrillers. I have my own problems, I don’t need to see Honey Boo-Boo’s trials and tribulations.

If we wanted a reality show, we could get one. Our reality show might help pay  some of the bills. Maybe, reality shows aren’t so bad after all.

Okay, yes they are so bad! Seriously, it’s entertainment at the expense of sanity. Kim Kardashian and the K-clan have infected the minds of the youth.

Kim Kardashian

Photo By: David Shankbone

Do we really want to send the message of “shopping until you drop” to our children. Think about it. Then, get back to me.

Kim Kardashian has more Twitter followers than the Dalai Lama and the Pope combined. You can’t make this stuff up. 

Have you thought about it?

I love good television but I dislike bad television with a passion. I don’t watch a lot of TV these days. If I’m lucky I watch an hour per day.

On Sunday, the Walking Dead aired the season finale. I didn’t watch it but I read all about it. It’s everywhere on the Internet. Chime in if you’re a fan…

I dedicate this post to good TV. I compiled a list for your enjoyment. You will find a comparison of Imported Vs. Exported TV shows.

Imported TV Shows

The following TV shows originated overseas.

2. Downton Abbey

3. Flashpoint 

Hugh Dillon

Photo By: Theo & Juliet Photography

4. Doctor Who

5. Orphan Black

Dylan Bruce

Photo By: Tabercil
6. Crossing Lines

7. Continuum

8. The Office

Mark Cuban

Photo By: James Duncan Davidson/O’Reilly Media, Inc.

10. Homeland

11. Big Brother

12. Ugly Betty

13. Who’s Line is It Anyway?

14. American Idol

Simon Cowell’s Best Insults 

15. The Mole

16. All in the Family

17. The Voice


Photo By: Ames Friedman

18. Sanford and Son

19. Survivor

20. Shameless

21. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

22. Dancing With the Stars

23. Iron Chef: America

Exported TV Shows

These TV shows were made in the U.S.A. 

2. Law & Order (U.K.) 

Law & Order (U.K.)

3. The Simpsons (United Arab Emirates) 

4. The Nanny (Russia)

5. Marry With…Children (Argentina)

6. Everybody Loves Raymond (Russia)
7. The Golden Girls (Greece)

8. Prison Break (Russia)

9. 24 (India)

10. Who’s the Boss (U.K.)

Hugh Laurie

Photo By: Kristin Dos Santos

I encourage you to chime in and get the discussion rolling. No matter what I say, TV is here forever. Even if we watch our favorite shows on our computers over the Internet, it is still television.

Reality shows are another component of TV that have changed the production business. Again, no matter what I write, for better or worst reality shows are here to stay. But, there is still hope for TV.

The purpose of television is to inform and entertain. My hope is that the Guru Jay Blog has provided you informative entertainment. Keep your eyes glued to the screen… I am Guru Jay signing off… In the words of Conan O’Brien, “Bye, everybody bye!”
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