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Why Anna Faris Is Scarce


Anna Faris carved her career path with a machete. She started professionally acting in Hollywood after auditioning for Scary Movie. In fact, Scary Movie was her very first audition.
Actors deal with rejection on a regular basis. Moreover, an actress rarely receives a callback after only one audition. That’s why Anna Farris is scarce.
Celebrities must subscribe to the foot in the door strategy. I call this the Hollywood Hokey Pokey. “You put you’re right foot in, you take you’re right foot out, you do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around and that’s what it’s all about.” Becoming famous like Anna Faris simply involves taking steps toward your goals.
Although Anna Faris was born in Baltimore, Maryland, she was raised in a small town near Seattle, Washington. Eventually, Anna arrived at Tinseltown with a dream.

Showbiz provides abundant opportunities, although the likelihood of someone striking riches is slim. Luckily Anna disregarded the statistics and overcame the odds. The actress possesses a burning passion for theatre.
This thespian’s skills are underestimated. She can play comedic roles and serious parts. Farris deserves recognition for her performance in Brokeback Mountain.
She is known for making you laugh and cry like Kate Hudsonby playing stereotypical roles such as the amazingly attractive but dumb blonde. In reality, Anna Faris is a bright brunette. Locking down husband Chris Pratt was a smart decision. It goes both ways because Pratt is fortunate to have married the sweet and kind Hollywood actress. Additionally, she is a good reason why he’s such a hot commodity.

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Girls like Anna Faris are scarce. Right now she is probably in the kitchen cooking a Rachael Ray recipe and rehearsing lines with Chris. The celebrity likely has Martha Stewart’s phone number on speed dial. The House Bunny runs her home efficiently. Anna is a good wife and mother.
If you’re an aspiring actress, entertainer, or celebrity learn your lesson from Anna Faris. She is confident in her techniques but she isn’t smug. And she’s always ready for her close-up.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actress Celebs Comic Con drama Emma Emma Roberts Emma Stone Emma Watson Entertainment Guru Jay Harry Potter Hollywood hot Jane Austen Julia Roberts most Twitter followers Movies Romantic Comedies Sexy

Emma Watson, Emma Stone, and Emma Roberts: Who Is the Best Emma?

In my school days, I read Jane Austen’s Emma. Did you know Clueless is loosely based on Emma? What is it about that name?

Emma Watson is the most followed actor on Twitter. I don’t count singers or Bollywood stars in my Top 10 list. It wouldn’t surprise me if she were more famous than Prince William.
The precious Emma Stone plays sexy and funny characters in romantic comedies. You’ll find she’s a main attraction at Comic Con. This Emma understands chemistry and psychology.
Last but not least, Emma Roberts has learnt from the best. Her aunt is the one and only Julia Roberts. Plus, Emma is a smiling Mona Lisa in her own right.
Who’s waiting for a movie starring Emma Watson and featuring Stone and Roberts? The film would practically sell itself. Let’s make it happen.

Of the three, I feel Stone is the better actress. However, because of Harry Potter, Watson receives the most glory. Unfortunately, many people unfairly view Roberts as entitled just because of her surname.
Of the three, Roberts is hotter to me. But, Watson’s bubbling personality wins me over.
You see Stone seems the wittier and funniest of the bunch. She could compete with Amy Schumer’s standup skills. Also, I like Stone because she isn’t scared of her shadow.
Listen, Roberts is more laidback and easygoing. If you want peace of mind, go with her. She only causes drama when they pay her to.

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Frankly, Watson feels fragile and soft. Most men like delicate creatures. Plus, the cheerful Watson can charm a toad.
In 10 years, the name Emma could be the most popular Hollywood first name. Can you imagine by then, how many social media fans they’ll have altogether? They have unimaginable brand and star power potential.
I admire all of their acting. They are disciplined, which brings me to my final question. Who is the best Emma?
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
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