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Who’s Laughing with Chris Rock?


Could you use a good laugh? Watch Chris Rock’s movies, standups, and TV show reruns. For a while, Chris was Mr. HBO. Plus, Everybody Hates Chris was a major hit.
Chris Rock’s brand of comedy is still solid. He always talks about edgy topics. How many times must networks censor his standup material?
You can’t watch Chris Rock on Comedy Central’s TV network unedited. Thank God for freedom of speech. It is vital that comedians represent the whole truth of society.
Although the truth hurts, the pain helps you grow. Ask any tall man and he’ll tell you how hard it is on your knees, legs, and feet. It’s called growing pains for good reason.

Chris Rock grows on you. Like beer, you have to acquire a taste for his comedy. Sometimes, the comic’s jokes leave a bitter taste by design.
The celebrity doesn’t mind failing, and that’s why he’s successful. I admire how Chris has excelled despite being poor. What is more, he makes a handsome profit from his struggles, because he discusses poverty in memorable scenes and sketches.
Have you seen Head of State? If Bernie Mac is the King of Comedy, then Chris Rock is President-Elect. Who can deny his influence?
Plenty of comedians study his every movement. His younger brother/ comic Tony Rock respects his hustle. Indeed, Chris Rock is a certified hustler.

Case in point, CB4 and Pootie Tang came out of nowhere. Making something out of nothing is what this comedic actor does best. The Hollywood idol doesn’t need a giant studio or distributor to create exceptional content.
Like Martin Lawrence and Chris Tucker, Chris Rock is in full effect. Longevity in the comedy world is atypical. Overall, Chris Rock can’t complain too much about his lucrative career. Amazingly, he continues creating relevant content.
Who’s laughing with Chris Rock?

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Who’s Laughing? Dave Chappelle, Marlon Wayans, and Nick Cannon


Previously, I asked who’s wilder and crazier than Russell Brand. Let’s begin with Dave Chappelle. Have you seen Chappelle’s Show? Maybe, you’re like me and have watched every episode.
In one episode, Dave loses a movie role to Nick Cannon (who I will discuss later). It was extremely wild and crazy. Who remembers Wayne Brady’s notable appearances on that TV show? 
I first learned about Chappelle’s Show in high school. The show had just started, and my math teacher kept saying, “I’m Rick James, bitch!” In addition, Chappelle is widely known for his portrayal of Prince.
I believe Dave Chappelle is the funniest standup comic in history. Most people acknowledge Richard Pryor as the most iconic comedian. Without question, all great standups borrow from Pryor. 
I’m not knocking Eddie Murphy, Kevin Hart, or Katt Williams. I study comedy and the people I’ve mentioned are professors. Everybody should appreciate a variety of selections.

Also, we must acknowledge madman Marlon Wayans. The Wayans Brothers sitcom was a classic. Shout out to John Witherspoon.
Marlon Wayans is one of the wildest and craziest comedians in show business. A Haunted House 2 is out of control. When we went to see it, every jaw in the theater dropped. This guy makes thugs with mean mugs crack smiles. He’s off the wall.
No one has a more hilarious Twitter page than Marlon Wayans. That’s why I retweet him often. Plus, he has tweeted over 61,000 times.
Last but not least, Nick Cannon deserves recognition for Wild ‘N Out, America’s Got Talent, and Drumline. Did you know Nick is on radio too? How does he get any sleep?

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Moreover, I recommend watching his Showtime specials.
The versatile Nick Cannon is similar to Jamie Foxx. Like Foxx, Cannon has used TV, radio, movie, and Internet platforms to market his brand. While it may seem that he is grandpa’s age, he is actually only 35 years old.
Nick Cannon and Dave Chappelle star in a new “Spike Lee Joint” called Chi-Raq. Samuel L. Jackson (Not Laurence Fishburne) narrates the movie. It debuts December 4th. 
Who’s laughing?

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Who’s Watching Fresh Off the Boat?


Who’s watching Fresh Off the Boat? Last night I tuned in and wasn’t disappointed. If you want to be entertained, check out Fresh Off the Boat.
I see Dr. Ken regularly. Now, Fresh Off the Boat is my new favorite sitcom. This season, the Fresh Off the Boat crewmates are rocking in the same boat. No one is jumping ship either because tides are running high.
ABC is doing a good job catering to a diverse population. Modern Family, The Goldbergs, and Blackish are cornerstones of the established TV network. With a little more marketing, Fresh Off the Boat could improve its ratings.

I believe Constance Wu is a beautiful Asian actress. If I were running this show, I would broadcast her image and likeness everywhere. Also, she’ll get more lines under my production and direction.
It’s difficult trying to increase a TV show’s ratings. It’s a brutally competitive business.  The best way to boost ratings is through innovation.
Like many comedy shows, Fresh Off follows a formula. If we add a variable, then we should expect a different outcome. Maybe, adding a few more recurring characters can do the trick. For instance, comedian Margaret Cho (Dr. Wendi) plays Ken Jeong’s sister.
Right now, Randall Park (Louis Huang) and Hudson Yang (Eddie) carry the weight of the TV show. I don’t propose changing this father and son dynamic. However, we must utilize all of our available resources in order to produce the most profitable situation.

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I promise you’ll have fun watching Fresh Off the Boat because of all the creativity. The latest episode was called “Huangsgiving.” Constance Wu’s character (Jessica) was chosen by her mother to “host” Thanksgiving. I won’t spoil it for those who haven’t seen it. You can watch the full episode by visiting hereGive thanks.

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Who’s Wilder And Crazier Than Russell Brand?


It’s never too early or too late to start doing standup comedy. Fans expect comics to come on stage and tell hilarious stories. Who tells wilder and crazier stories than Russell Brand?
Although he’s a fun and playful celebrity, there is also a serious side to the man. Russell Brand is waging war against income inequality. As an activist, he is outspoken about wage slavery.
Taking a stance against powerful corporations is extremely risky. Then again, Russell Brand doesn’t mind losing out. And that’s why he’s a winner.
Russell raises eyebrows and drops jaws, because he’ll say what he feels like saying. He isn’t filtering his word choices like most celebrities. While many celebs commonly erase their Tweets, Brand hardly hits the delete button.

An authentic comedian won’t apologize for anything or to anyone. Russell Brand is a celeb with balls. He wears his hair long. He dons a full beard. This is symbolic to how Russell lives his life- to the fullest.
People are fond of him because he’s hosted TV shows, acted in movies, and performed on stage. You should consider watching Get Him to the Greek.
Russell Brand can make you comfortable and uncomfortable in a matter of minutes. He regularly challenges the status quo. What great comedian is politically correct? It’s the comic’s duty to get under people’s skin.
I admire Brand’s style and delivery. He doesn’t give it to you all at once. Joke by joke, sketch by sketch, the great Brit takes spectators on a trip.
You see Russell Brand thrives on controversy. That’s why he means everything to the comedy world. He is someone who bridges gaps.

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His intellect allows him to relate to a range of mentalities. You know it is important to widen your scope. I look forward to the comedic actor’s movies because of his uniqueness.
You won’t find a wilder and crazier jokester.
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Who Is Watching Dr. Ken?


Laughter is the best medicine. And Dr. Ken is the best doctor. Well, Ken Jeong is at minimum the funniest physician on prime time.
Have you made your appointment with the doctor yet? Will you bend over so he can examine your funny bone? Ken Jeong stars as Dr. Ken in a new hilarious sitcom named after him.
Who is watching Dr. Ken? I’ve watched the TV show for a few weeks now. It keeps getting better each episode.
You know sitcoms come and go, but I believe Dr. Ken is here to stay. Credit the casting department for finding tremendously talented people. Do you like Tisha Campbell-Martin?
Overall, this show contains the right mixture of ingredients. Check it out right after a long day of work. Forget about the stresses that pain you.

There are too many criminal thrillers and not enough comedies. Dr. Ken delivers potent jokes in dosages. He noticeably deviates from the norm.
Can Hollywood’s executive producers take more breaks from violence? How about creating more comedy shows for a change?    
You won’t find another show with all of Dr. Ken’s components. It plays to the audience’s curiosities. Taboo topics aren’t off limits. In fact, controversy is welcome.

At Guru Jay, I filter the best entertainment news. Believe me, Dr. Ken is worth watching. Don’t wait until season 5 when the characters are completely developed to jump on the bandwagon.
Right now is a prime opportunity to become a fan. It is important to support shows in the beginning. I’ve seen several great programs get cancelled. Even TV shows with unbelievable numbers get axed.

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If you like Dr. Ken, send a tweet, post a comment, etc. If you like me, spread the message via word of mouth and come back for more. I’m all about holistic medicine. 

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What Is the Big Bang Theory Without Kaley Cuoco?


What is the Big Bang Theory without Kaley Cuoco? She makes $1 million per episode for a good reason. The Hot Hollywood starletis not only a 10, but also a sizzling brand.
Her chemistry with the Big Bang cast (pun intended) has evolved into perfection. Although Jim Parsons aka Sheldon Cooper is the mastermind, Penny played by Kaley Cuoco is the backbone. Without Kaley, Big Bang would likely lose half of its fandom.
My sister is addicted to the program. Actually, she is the one who introduced me to it. She thinks she’s the smartest of our family. Well, we know who is the most talented.
Most Mondays I watch Blindspot. But every now and then I check up on my girl Kaley. Plus, I watch the TV show in syndication. The question is who doesn’t watch the Big Bang Theory.

Cuoco is a top 5 TV actress because of her consistency. Can you believe the first season aired in 2007? 9 seasons later, this celebrity still looks amazing; and, her acting has gotten better.
CBS’s most lucrative asset is the Big Bang. Moreover, Kaley is one of the network’s most valuable pieces. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if the blonde bombshell was given her very own spinoff.
I got a chance to see Wedding Ringer last January. Like Jennifer Aniston, I believe Cuoco is transitioning into movies nicely. Additionally, she reminds me of Christina Applegate in her prime.
You know I could go on forever about her beauty, but let me emphasize her personality. In Hollywood, sex appeal takes you only so far. You need the right attitude in order to continue receiving roles.

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I appreciate Kaley Cuoco’s legacy. Like Lucille Ball, her impact will be felt for generations to come. Because I love Lucy, I love you Kaley too.

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Why Zooey Deschanel Deserves An Emmy


I began binge watching New Girl on Netflix this week. I firmly believe Zooey Deschanel is a top 5 TV actress. Also, she deserves an Emmy.
Deschanel recently announced that Megan Fox is filming episodes for next season. Can you picture Zooey and Megan on screen together? Who’s planning to watch New Girlseason 5?
The New Girllead actress specializes in comedic acting. I would like to see Zooey perform standup. Although she isn’t technically a comic, the brunette babe is funny. Maybe she could workout some jokes with Whitney Cummings, who writes on 2 Broke Girls.
From New Girl to New Mother
The new mother nurtures her craft. What is more, acting runs in her family. Her big sister/actress Emily walks around in big boots.
You know it is hard working on a popular TV show. In a way, it is an endurance test. New Girlcompletes about 25 episodes a season.


I like Zooey because she’s a sweetheart. The pleasing actress smiles freely. And she conducts herself well in front of an audience.
Plus, she sings her own theme song. She & Him is a nice side hustle. Back in the day, versatile entertainers were common.
Nowadays, most celebrities stay in one square. There are exceptions like Lady Gaga, Jamie Foxx, and Jennifer Lopez. On a side note, who could have predicted Lady Gaga would kill it on American Horror Story (pun intended)?
As Halloween approaches, can you guess your favorite celebrity’s costume? Should Zooey Deschanel dress up as Megan Fox and vice versa? Whatever they choose, they will look amazing in it.

To my main point, Zooey Deschanel deserves an Emmy because she’s the best at her job. As a comedic actress in the lead role, who beats Deschanel on popularity? New Girlattracts more viewers than Inside Amy Schumer and Veep combined.

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