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Why Lovatics Are Crazy In Love with Demi Lovato


Has Demi Lovato already eclipsed Jennifer Lopez as far as singing? Can Lovato improve her dancing abilities and become an all-around entertainer? Is Demi’s acting good enough to star as a supporting actress?
Don’t let the Really Don’t Care lyrics fool you. Demi has demonstrated greatness. Her Twitter receives ReTweets like Megatron. Who can command such an enthusiastic fandom except Demi Lovato?
The Latina dominates discussion because she is a hot topic. Gratefully, she’s accustomed to body shaming from Internet trolls. She sets an example for girls. 

Don’t allow people to define your self worth. Also, monitor your money as you allow accountants to calculate your net worth. I predict her wealth will increase substantially. Soon, the celebrity could be richer than Lopez.
Unlike Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato is complicated. I’m not saying Selena is simple by any means. But, do you get my drift? If you’re a parent you want Selena to be your children’s role model.
But to Lovato’s credit, just when you thought she was down and out, the artist returns and shares inspiring stories. Just think about how many lives she is affecting and saving.

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Frankly, fans relate to Demi better. And as the Latino population climbs, the Skyscraper singer’s demand increases. Perhaps, Lovato will become more popular than Shakira someday. Because Shakira isn’t known for acting, here is one space Demi can occupy.
What if Selena Gomez collaborated on an album with Demi Lovato? I don’t see a reason why Lovato and Gomez can’t perform onstage or film a movie side by side. I believe entertainment is about doing your best, and providing superior content.

Why are the Lovatics crazy in love with Demi Lovato? Maybe, they’re so insane because the entertainer’s body is Bootylicious like Beyoncé. Or quite simply, her body of work is amazing.

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1989 Bad Blood Blank Space Breakups Celebs Entertainment feuds Firework Guru Jay hotter John Mayer Katy Perry Maxim Hot 100 Music sexiest Shake It Off Singers Stars Summer Songs Taylor Swift

Who Is Really Hotter? Taylor Swift Vs. Katy Perry


Without question, Taylor Swift, born in 1989, is younger than Katy Perry, but is she really hotter? Is Maxim’s Hot 100 corrupt like FIFA? Do you suspect foul play on the magazine’s side?
I seriously doubt Taylor bribed Maxim for the top slot. If anything, with Swift’s fame, the last thing she wants is more attention. For what it’s worth, Maxim is for men. I’m curious to see Cosmopolitan’s ranking. Last year, Katy Perry was number 3 on the list. 

Would you read Guru Jay’s Sexiest 100?
If you didn’t know already, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry share a history. Bluntly, Katy Perry stole boyfriend John Mayer from Taylor. How did she respond?
Taylor Swift shook it off and made the platinum 1989 album. Judging by her inflections on 1989, Taylor’s breakup was far from a open and shut case. Maybe I’m wrong. However, I believe her album is not only about John Mayer, but unsatisfactory relationships in general.
According to sales, Taylor Swift’s music is hotter than Katy Perry’s songs. However, heterosexual men would agree Katy’s body is sexier, and hot as hell.

Do gentlemen prefer blondes or brunettes? Although the Blank Space songstress stands taller than the Firework soloist, Katy is curvier. Maxim wants subs, so displaying Taylor on the cover is genius.

Katy Perry had her day in the sun. And, she isn’t scared to showoff her belly button. In a beauty pageant, Katy wins the swimwear contest.
Honestly, Taylor Swift has a prettier face than Katy Perry. Also, Taylor’s thin frame is a turn-on for many men. At 25, this may be the best-looking Swift we’ll ever see, because of aging.
I’ve liked Katy Perry forever. And, I’m growing fonder of Taylor Swift. As summer comes, I can’t wait to hear their brand new songs, and see their hot, fresh, and steamy music videos.

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Actors Ariana Grande Beliebers Brands Celebs entertainers Famous fan clubs Fandom Guru Jay Jennifer Lopez Justin Bieber Music Musicians One Direction Selena Gomez Selenators Singers Vevo YouTube

Who Wins? Justin Bieber Vs. Selena Gomez


You must look at the glass half-empty and half-full. In other words, the pros need the cons and the Beliebers need the Biebs. So, why expect Selenators to standby while Justin dates Gomez’s archrival Ariana Grande?

I believe Bieber and Grande make a more perfect union. In the long run, Grande and Gomez will likely pass up Justin financially and in popularity. You see Grande churns out hits like butter. And Selena can fall back on acting.
Does the name Jennifer Lopez click? I don’t proclaim soothsaying superpowers. All I offer you are opinions and predictions on this subject. 

Justin Bieber could prove everyone wrong and make several smashing hits in the future. Frankly, I’m tired of everybody riding Justin hard, when it’s not his fault. Can you picture the spotlight shining on you at age 14?
Think about all the stupid stuff teenagers do. So, on the one hand, I say give Bieber a break. On the other hand, I say where is Justin’s number 1 hit record?
Here’s what happened. His managers accelerated his follower count. You saw the same thing happen with Meghan Trainor. Trust me, you don’t want instant fame because like John Lennon so elegantly sang, “Instant karma’s gonna get you.”
If you are an aspiring entertainer or celebrity, don’t buy their bullshit. You’ll hear them claim, “I can get you 100 million views.” Here’s my advice. If you can get famous in a day, you can get destroyed in a day.
Take your time and grow a true fan base. Yes, social media is an awesome and useful tool, but getting better at your talent is more important. Plus, you need to improve your skills before it’s too late.

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Justin Bieber is truly talented. However, his financiers built his brand too big and too quickly. Watch what happens to One Direction. They are in a similar predicament.
In ten years, I have Selena Gomez beating Justin Bieber in a landslide.

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bandleaders bands Celebs Cicely Tyson common denominator composer concerts Duke Ellington Entertainment Guru Jay Hip Hop Jazz Louis Armstrong Miles Davis Music Nirvana pop culture relaxing trumpet

Why Miles Davis Was the Common Denominator


If you’re stressed out, listen to jazz and relax. Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, and Miles Davis settle the soul. Pain starts in the brain, and beautiful music is a proven painkiller.
It is important to put your mind at ease. Do you take time to reflect? Whether it is meditation, yoga, or prayer find Nirvana.
The world is changing rapidly. People are facing unthinkable situations. What should you do?
You can use music to escape this invisible prison. Miles Davis was the warden of Jazz. This post pays tribute to the legendary composer.
Miles Davis
If I could write the way Miles Davis composed music, I’d have no problems that my words couldn’t solve. The gifted and talented music artist excelled because celebrities esteemed him. It’s one thing for your fans to adore you. It’s all together different when your peers approve you.

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When Miles blew his trumpet, everyone stopped to admire his virtuosity. Gratefully, he stayed active and visible until passing away at age 65. Although his body is gone, his spirit keeps on giving.
What are your favorite Jazz musicians and songs? Have you heard In a Sentimental Mood? Can you imagine life back then without music?
How difficult was it for Miles Davis to survive Jim Crow and the Civil Rights eras? As a black man, Davis couldn’t even book a room in some of the hotels where he performed. Don’t you think Jazz music can save the downtrodden?
What is more, Miles Davis represented change. Before America decided against segregation, Jazz integrated all races, beliefs, and creeds. His impact on pop culture is evident in Hip-Hop.
Did you know Miles Davis mastered many instruments besides the trumpet? The legendary bandleader blessed us on the piano, organ, flugelhorn, and synthesizer. You see he was made to make music.

I believe music is the common denominator of society. Good music is colorblind. Why not appreciate Miles Davis and Jazz together?

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Celebs Ciara dance Guru Jay Hip Hop Law of Attraction Law of Self-Preservation multitalented Music music videos pop stars R. Kelly sex appeal Singers Stevie Wonder superstars Trey Songz Usher

Ciara, Trey Songz, and the Laws of Self-Preservation and Attraction


If the first law of nature is self-preservation, then the second law is attraction. Through the years, Ciara and Trey Songz have preserved their talents and attracted large crowds. Today, they are both firmly established superstars.

I’ve listened to Ciara since junior high school. All the girls envied the young entertainer. You see, Ciara put herself in a dominant position in the beginning. That’s why she still maintains a high profile more than a decade later.
While others have faded into irrelevancy, Ciara resurfaces at the perfect time. At night she glows in the dark, and in the morning she is your sunshine. All she has to do is smile to lighten up your day.
At a party, the DJ turns up Ciara’s music because like John Lennon, Ciara’s lyrics hypnotize you. I’m confident ‘Body Party’ will put you in a trance. Moreover, the seductive twerker can move her body better than a professional belly dancer and stripper.

Plus, Ciara has a curvaceous and athletic figure. What record label wouldn’t want to grab up all her property? Clearly, the entertainer’s amazing sex appeal and sultry voice is an unbeatable formula.
Figuring out this celebrity is comparable to discovering the Da Vinci Code. Who else performs and produces at her level? Ciara makes Amway and Avon jealous, because the multitalented businesswoman creates dynamic downlines.
Trey Songz

I own Trey Songz’s debut album. However, the cd skips considerably. That’s why I recommend digitally downloading music in order to preserve content. It’s all about maintaining.
Trey Songz magnetizes attractive women. They lose control at his concerts because the music superstar is Casanova 2030. Additionally, the celebrity experiences longevity because he’s not scared to take a vacation.
Some people work themselves into early retirement. They forget the importance of self-preservation. Remember to stop and smell the roses, because winter comes sooner than later.
Trey Songz is a seasoned singer capable of competing with the absolute best musicians. Trey’s unique sound and ability is a mixture between Usher and R. Kelly. Songz is like Stevie Wonder. But he chooses texting rather than just calling to say “I love you.”
Plus, Trey Songz keeps up appearances in public. The media rarely paints an unflattering portrait of this music artist. Unfortunately, they hold celebrities to higher standards. I believe they should only hold celebrities accountable.
Fortunately, Ciara and Trey Songz abide by the laws of self-preservation and attraction.
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1970s music best singers clouds Come Together Give Peace a Chance Guru Jay Hypnosis Imagine Instant Karma John Lennon Lyrics Music peace Revolution ringtones selfies The Beatles visionaries Yoko Ono

How John Lennon’s Lyrics Hypnotize You


The best music bypasses the ears and goes directly to the heart. John Lennon loved music and music fans loved him in return. He truly was a passionate and compassionate man.
Whenever I listen to John Lennon’s songs, I enter an arousing state. Sometimes I can’t handle all the sensations coming in at once, because John strikes chords as well as nerves. I wonder if his music hypnotizes you.
The Beatles were the most influential music group of all time in large part because of Lennon’s dominance. Moreover, this band of brothers stopped the world on its axis, and its stage from collapsing. There is no doubt in my mind the legendary Lennon will maintain his influence on society forever.

Long before Instagram but after the Telegram, Lennon carried messages with his music. Ringtones and selfies did not exist then. Otherwise, the amazing music artist would have broken the Internet with his songs and music videos.
In the 1970s, the main ways to get into the clouds were via airplanes, jets, and helicopters. Nowadays, you don’t necessarily have to fly to Amsterdam, Denver, or Seattle to get high. You could launch a rocket.
Logging into your Gmail is another way of getting into the clouds. Things happen so fast now. It only takes me two seconds to send a comment to Mumbai, India.

Can you imagine if the Beatle were alive today? In a sense, he lives on through his legacy. His sons John and Sean, and his wife Yoko Ono honor him.
What are the best John Lennon songs?
I believe the visionary musician was ahead of his time. The song Imagine remains relevant because the lyrics were timely and timeless. Lennon experienced the Civil Rights struggles, and so his music reflected those times.
Give Peace a Chance
What are words without deeds? Lennon’s actions matched his ideas. He represented a worthy cause. Why don’t we give peace a chance?
Listening to Revolution will inspire you to do great things. John Lennon’s rocky voice registers 1.0 on the Richter’s scale. Check out the Nike Revolution commercial.

Come Together
There are so many great John Lennon songs. His best music was with the Beatles. Although like Revolution Come Together is technically from the band, give John most of the credit.
Instant Karma
What would you pay for an autograph? Instant Karma is a classic Lennon signature song. Without question, this is the best he ever sang.

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Alicia Keys Anaconda beauty Beyoncé Celebs Drake Feeling Myself Girl on Fire Guru Jay Hip Hop hobbies Lil Wayne listening to music Meek Mill Music Nicki Minaj personalities Sexy Tidal twerking

What Beyoncé and Alicia Keys Can Teach Nicki Minaj


Do you listen to music as a hobby like I do? Do you download your favorite songs and albums on iTunes or Google Play? Isn’t technology wonderful? Are you impressed by the array of gadgets and products available for sale?
Who knew when the iPod came on the market it would phase out so soon? Nowadays, the iPod seems prehistoric. Who was on your iPod?
Beyoncé and Alicia Keys songs are always first on my playlist. And Nicki Minaj is working her way up there too. The good thing about Alicia Keys and Beyoncé is their music never gets old. Moreover, they can mentor talented acts.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I’ve had a secret crush on Alicia Keys and Beyoncé for a long time. Now that the cat is out of the bag, I might as well mention my infatuation with Nicki Minaj and her fresh hip music.

Isn’t it great to see the three beauties hugging and kissing? Beyoncé and Alicia can teach Nicki the importance of developing your own sound and style. Angel Alicia and No Angel Beyoncé are greatly admired because they aspire to be great.
No one sings ‘No One’ like Keys because the artist has perfected her voice. Who sings ‘Halo’ better than Beyoncé? Who raps ‘Feeling Myself’ as good as Nicki Minaj?
Plus, Alicia paints the big picture. Beyoncé’s image is carefully crafted. And Nicki defines the word: photogenic.
You see, every artist adds a different flavor to the mix. The Pills N Potions Minaj learned the essential ingredients of longevity in the entertainment business from Keys and Queen Bee. Have you seen Alicia Keys- Girl on Fire (Inferno Version) featuring Nicki Minaj?
How can I best describe Minaj’s music? Currently, Nicki is clearly one of the top 10 rappers male or female. Also, I don’t believe she’s done shattering records yet.

She figuratively flips on the Hip Hop balance beam like Gabby Douglas. Shorty choreographs her movements and routines better than experts. Watch her videos and you’ll see what I’m saying.

Alicia Keys taught the ambitious Anaconda rapper how to critically think in an Empire State of Mind. Beyoncé taught Minaj how to problem solve in Houston. When the music superstars align their cosmopolitans, magic happens.
Business, entertainment especially, is about making connections. Nicki Minaj is in good shape because she takes excellent care of her body and has formed great relationships with key people. Lil Wayne, Drake, and Meek Mill all socialize with the Only songstress.

In addition, the diva’s American Idol days prospered her career. Do you remember when television paused because Mariah Carey confronted Nicki Minaj for showing up late? I coin this term “personality clashing.” Doesn’t it make good TV?

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If you want to make it as far as Nicki Minaj you need a big mindset. Don’t ever doubt Nicki’s street smarts and credibility. Keep learning.

Who grinds and works harder than Beyoncé? Who else but Alicia Keys sings like a blue jay? Right now, Nicki is increasing her attributes and becoming an incredible sensation thanks to amazing mentors.

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