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Why Lovatics Are Crazy In Love with Demi Lovato


Has Demi Lovato already eclipsed Jennifer Lopez as far as singing? Can Lovato improve her dancing abilities and become an all-around entertainer? Is Demi’s acting good enough to star as a supporting actress?
Don’t let the Really Don’t Care lyrics fool you. Demi has demonstrated greatness. Her Twitter receives ReTweets like Megatron. Who can command such an enthusiastic fandom except Demi Lovato?
The Latina dominates discussion because she is a hot topic. Gratefully, she’s accustomed to body shaming from Internet trolls. She sets an example for girls. 

Don’t allow people to define your self worth. Also, monitor your money as you allow accountants to calculate your net worth. I predict her wealth will increase substantially. Soon, the celebrity could be richer than Lopez.
Unlike Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato is complicated. I’m not saying Selena is simple by any means. But, do you get my drift? If you’re a parent you want Selena to be your children’s role model.
But to Lovato’s credit, just when you thought she was down and out, the artist returns and shares inspiring stories. Just think about how many lives she is affecting and saving.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Frankly, fans relate to Demi better. And as the Latino population climbs, the Skyscraper singer’s demand increases. Perhaps, Lovato will become more popular than Shakira someday. Because Shakira isn’t known for acting, here is one space Demi can occupy.
What if Selena Gomez collaborated on an album with Demi Lovato? I don’t see a reason why Lovato and Gomez can’t perform onstage or film a movie side by side. I believe entertainment is about doing your best, and providing superior content.

Why are the Lovatics crazy in love with Demi Lovato? Maybe, they’re so insane because the entertainer’s body is Bootylicious like Beyoncé. Or quite simply, her body of work is amazing.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Beliebers Celebrities Directioner DuckDynasty Elvis Fandom Fans Kardashians KatyCats littlemonsters Lovatics Madonna MarilynMonroe MichaelJackson RihannaNavy Selenators Smilers Swifties TeamCoco

Fandom: Are You A Fan, Fantastic or A Fanatic?


Are You A Fan, Fantastic or A Fanatic?

Who is your favorite celebrity? Who do you follow on Twitter? Are you in a fan club?

Are you a fan, fantastic or a fanatic?

Justin Bieber, One Direction, and Miley Cyrus have huge fan bases. I’m sure you’ve seen hash tags such as #Beliebers #Directioners and #Smilers. You see singers are popular on Twitter largely due to YouTube. Every musician has a VEVO.
RihannaVevo is the most viewed channel on YouTube. It’s not a coincidence that Rihanna is also a Twitter sensation. The petite Barbados babe calls her fans the #RihannaNavy.
She is one of my top 5 favorite pop stars. Very few can compete with her consistency. Rihanna is a reliable hit maker. Every year she puts out edgy music videos.
Rapper Eminem has 18.6 million Twitter followers. And this number is constantly growing. The 41 year-old Detroit native is defying logic. It’s been reported that the rapper and Rihanna are in a relationship together. 
Check out this video ‘Stan.’ It addresses fandom. This is one of Eminem’s best songs.

If you have a talent make sure you use it. If you want to be a celebrity, you need diehard fans. Check out How to Be Famous. If you follow the steps you’ll be a superstar!

Fanatics are crucial to celebrity brands. Demi Lovato calls her fans ‘Lovatics.’ Oprah Winfrey’s brand names include Harpo, O’ (magazine), and Owners (network).

Lady Gaga’s ‘Little Monsters’ and Katy Perry’s ‘KatyCats’ are at each other’s throats. They’re too competitive for their own sakes. It would be nice to hear a Gaga/Katy duet.


Fandom first started with Elvis Presley. Elvis was a musical genius. The King of Rock and Roll is still held in high regard. He is the Las Vegas legend.
You can make a good living impersonating Elvis. Work on your hair, dance moves, and singing style. Elvis Presley was truly one of a kind.
Marilyn Monroe was more than a sex symbol. She was the face of Hollywood. Her image is still recognized.
Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, influenced a generation of music artists; and so, has the Queen of Pop Madonna. She is a transformational musician. Copycat celebrities sample their songs. A wise man said ‘Imitation is the best form of flattery.’
Robin Thicke is accused of stealing Marvin Gaye’s music. Thicke’s Blurred Lines uses Marvin’s sound and hook. Due to this, Robin is in legal trouble. Marvin Gaye’s family is upset.

Lady Gaga’s #LittleMonsters and Katy Perry’s #KatyCats are highly effective. There are far too many fan-bases to name them all. But I want to highlight the best ones.

Beliebers, Directioners, and Lovatics dominate Twitter. In this day and age, it is very important to have a strong Internet presence. I do what I can on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. It’s all about connecting fans with a network.

I like Miley Cyrus’ Smilers. They are a loyal bunch. Loyalty is a rare asset. I remember how loyal her fans were to her when she had a health scare.  The Smilers posted ‘get well soon’ messages all over the social media sites.
Miley Cyrus is great at interacting with Smilers. The way Justin Bieber engages Beliebers is unreal. To date, JB has over 27,000 tweets!

Do celebrities get on your nerves? Yes, they do sometimes. But thanks to technology, we can get the inside scoop. Now we’re able to Google everything.


 Photo By: Jason McIntyre

Most celebrities appreciate their fandom. Some celebs just show it better. To tell you the truth, I couldn’t tell you the difference between a Directioner and North West before joining Twitter.
I’ve been on Twitter for only five months and I’m already getting benefits. I love how my followers re-tweet me. That means they’re listening and I’m interesting.
Can you imagine Elvis Presley using social media? He would have 100 million Twitter followers. Without a doubt, social networking strengthens your fan base.
Do you think Reality TV could survive without the World Wide Web? The Kardashians based their careers off a viral Internet sex tape. Paris Hilton also gained notoriety from a naughty movie.
I never was a big fan of Reality programs. Now, I’m somewhere in the middle. Reality Shows- I can’t live with them; and, I can’t live without them.
Do you know watch Duck Dynasty? I know people who watch the A&E show religiously. I’ve seen a couple shows myself; and, it’s not bad.
I think TV is in good hands. It’s nice to see a good mix of sitcoms, sci-fi, dramas, action, and reality. I also enjoy educational programming and documentaries.
Do you watch Cosmos? Astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson has a big following of geeks, nerds and exhibitionists. However, the Kardashians and Ducks likely have the biggest Reality TV fan base.
Highly rated shows like the Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones and House of Cards carry a ton of weight. Still, remember that the celebrity or brand is only as good as the fans. The fan is always right.
Science Fiction and Fantasy fans take fandom to another level. Have you heard of Firefly’s Brown Coats? Are you a Star Wars fan or a Trekkie?
Fan clubs take on many forms. Conan O’Brien calls his followers TeamCoco. You’ll find many celebrities that use Team as a hash tag. Whether the clubs are official or unofficial, they achieve the same goal.
Music, movies and television all require an audience. The entertainment industry will not survive without fans. That’s why brands bombard YouTube with ads. Don’t you hate it when the ad is longer than the video?
Click to read The Importance Of A FanBase & How to Grow One. I suggest you think like a celebrity. Why? It’s simple. Celebrities earn a good living. Just watch your expenses.
If you plan to be as a celebrity, start building your fan base now. Despite what you hear, achieving fandom takes time. You can speed it up but at what cost? Fame has a hefty price. 

Watch movies and TV for entertainment purposes as well as information. Don’t just listen to the beat. Concentrate on the lyrics. Finally, don’t forget to pause, so that you can put things in perspective.

This is The Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1. Meet me @ Mars.

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