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Why Lovatics Are Crazy In Love with Demi Lovato


Has Demi Lovato already eclipsed Jennifer Lopez as far as singing? Can Lovato improve her dancing abilities and become an all-around entertainer? Is Demi’s acting good enough to star as a supporting actress?
Don’t let the Really Don’t Care lyrics fool you. Demi has demonstrated greatness. Her Twitter receives ReTweets like Megatron. Who can command such an enthusiastic fandom except Demi Lovato?
The Latina dominates discussion because she is a hot topic. Gratefully, she’s accustomed to body shaming from Internet trolls. She sets an example for girls. 

Don’t allow people to define your self worth. Also, monitor your money as you allow accountants to calculate your net worth. I predict her wealth will increase substantially. Soon, the celebrity could be richer than Lopez.
Unlike Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato is complicated. I’m not saying Selena is simple by any means. But, do you get my drift? If you’re a parent you want Selena to be your children’s role model.
But to Lovato’s credit, just when you thought she was down and out, the artist returns and shares inspiring stories. Just think about how many lives she is affecting and saving.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Frankly, fans relate to Demi better. And as the Latino population climbs, the Skyscraper singer’s demand increases. Perhaps, Lovato will become more popular than Shakira someday. Because Shakira isn’t known for acting, here is one space Demi can occupy.
What if Selena Gomez collaborated on an album with Demi Lovato? I don’t see a reason why Lovato and Gomez can’t perform onstage or film a movie side by side. I believe entertainment is about doing your best, and providing superior content.

Why are the Lovatics crazy in love with Demi Lovato? Maybe, they’re so insane because the entertainer’s body is Bootylicious like Beyoncé. Or quite simply, her body of work is amazing.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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