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Who’s Funnier Than Zach Galifianakis and Steve Carell?


Check out Between Two Ferns. You see as a pair Zach Galifianakis and Steve Carell could take over the comedy world. 10 years from now you’ll play that clip and still laugh from your gut. That’s the best kind of laughter.
Zach Galifianakis and Steve Carell answer the question: what’s so funny? Zach has mastered the art of self-deprecation. And Steve Carell’s persona epitomizes a narcissist. That’s why together they are 1 dangerous force.
Can you picture a comedy tour with these comedians? Zach Galifianakis drums up funny beats for a living. Who’s funnier than him?
Maybe, Steve Carell can make you laugh a little more. Both brands command attention. You see comedy and marketing go hand and hand.

I feel that Carell is the best actor between the two ferns. However, Galifianakis is a funnier comedian. You’ll sure have a ball watching them go to town. For what it’s worth, Steve Carell made the Office. And Zach Galifianakis made the Hangover. 

Zach’s standup experience prepares him perfectly for movies. Although he isn’t the best, he is a good actor. Galifianakis delivers a great performance in Birdman. Also, in Are You Here, he and Owen Wilson demonstrate their entertainment value.
Hollywood stars are jealous of Zach and Steve because their names draw enormous crowds. For the record, Evan Almighty should be recognized as a classic, despite Jim Carrey not reprising his role. Plus Hangover Part III was unfairly criticized. Remember that the original tends to be better than sequels.

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I think Ricky Gervais is proud of Steve Carell in Office. And I believe Will Ferrellappreciates Zach’s offerings to Funny or Die. I don’t like Dan In Real Life but Bored to Death is excellent work. Also, 40 Year-Old Virgin is one of the funniest movies ever. In a nutshell, who’s funnier than Zach Galifianakis and Steve Carell?
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actors Anchor Man Campaign Celebrity comedy comics Frat Pack Funny Funny or Die Get Hard Guru Jay Kevin Hart Movies NASCAR Old School Saturday Night Live Talladega Nights Will Ferrell

Celebrating Will Ferrell’s Greatness


I am an avid Saturday Night Live watcher. While it’s nice to support wild cards occasionally, I unapologetically like New York Yankees baseball, USA Today news, and English muffins. In other words, I believe in winning, tradition, and longevity.
Will Farrell happens to be a Saturday Night Live alumni. Furthermore, his longstanding comedy is outstanding. Whether impersonating George W. Bush or a make-believe character, he makes you laugh. I don’t believe Farrell has a comfort zone because the comedian constantly breaks barriers and exceeds expectations.
Furthermore, the Frat Pack brother rarely disappoints because he is a rare breed in comedy. The Funny Or Die cofounder utilizes multiple streams to reach his audience. Like tires, you must change with the times. Farrell adapts to circumstances.

I vividly remember watching Talladega Nights. It is an unforgettable movie because every character serves a purpose. As NASCAR driver Ricky Bobby, Will Ferrell makes your tears rain.
Moreover, the comedic actor’s performance in Talladega Nightsdeserves special recognition. That’s why it is one of the top 10 comedy moviesof all time. If you want guaranteed laughter directly from your diagram, watch this film. Ricky Bobby epitomizes overconfidence.
Also, the Anchor Man franchise showcases Ferrell’s repertoire of skills. Director Adam McKay stated that a 3rd installment will never happen. However, there are no absolutes in the entertainment industry. Take into consideration that the movie generated $100 million in profit.
The Other Guys, Old School, and Elfbecame instant classics. Will Ferrell style suits well with everybody because he is relatable. Finding consistently bankable movie stars is difficult.
Plus, he is great in Get Hard. Who could have guessed Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart go together like ebony and ivory? You should see Get Hard a 2nd time because the script is intact.

From now on expect the best. The Campaign star’s schedule is filled with funny. Let’s celebrate Will Ferrell’s greatness.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

Actors Adam Sandler Ben Stiller Celebrity comedians comedy David Spade Eddie Murphy Funny Funny or Die Hollywood Jerry Seinfeld Larry David Movies Tim Allen TV TV and Showbiz Will Ferrell Will Smith

Who’s Better? Jerry Seinfeld Vs. Adam Sandler


Is Jerry Seinfeld or Adam Sandler funnier? Or should I ask who is luckier? They’re both talented comedians. But, take away Seinfeld’s TV show and he’s average.
Sandler is funnier because his funny bone extends 3 extra inches. Seinfeld is luckier since his sitcom guarantees cash. Some say Sandler is overpaid.
Let’s distinguish between comedic actors and comedians. There’s a difference between scripted sitcoms and live standup routines. Other great comedians constantly get overlooked in this area.
The media doesn’t publicize Will Ferrell, Zach Galifianakis, and Tim Allen enough. That’s why Ferrell created Funny or Die. That’s also why Allen does Chevrolet commercials. For what it’s worth, Seinfeld signed on for Microsoft advertisements.
The comedy business isn’t for the faint of heart. Though Seinfeld and Sandler receive more attention, they pushed their brands hard. Jerry promoted the Bee movie nonstop. And Adam kept on pushing despite a few box office blunders.
Jerry Seinfeld and Adam Sandler are two of the best comedic actors in cinematic history alongside the likes of Eddie Murphy and Will Smith. As a side note, no one really views Smith as a comedic actor.
Do you consider Adam and Jerry great comedians?
What if I threw Ben Stiller into the mix? Would you rather see Ben and Jerry do standup or eat their ice cream? David Spade is another underrated comedian Hollywood doesn’t fully support and appreciate.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

What are your favorite Adam Sandler movies? I recommend Grown Ups, Funny People, Happy Gilmore, and Mr. Deeds. Looking back on their careers, not many celebrities are luckier than Sandler and Seinfeld.
Credit Adam’s agent for negotiating lucrative contracts. Thank Larry David for creating Jerry Seinfeld’s sitcom. Do you like Seinfeld better than Everybody Loves Raymond?
I respect TV legends; and, Jerry Seinfeld certainly fits the bill. Also, I admire great comedians; and, Adam Sandler is exceptional. So, who’s better? Well, isn’t Adam always first?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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