Brian Regan Celebrities Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee comedy Dana Carvey Dave Chappelle Ellen DeGeneres Entertainment Guru Jay Jerry Seinfeld Netflix Starbucks Tracy Morgan Zach Galifianakis

Why You Should Watch Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee


Why You Should Watch Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee

Have you seen Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee? After much deliberation I decided to watch the collection on Netflix.

At first, I was on the fence about watching the show. I didn’t know if it was worth my time. However, something told me to give it a chance.

I love to be entertained. Entertainment is a great influencer on the world. And comedy is the great equalizer.

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee appeals to those who like comedy, cars, and coffee.

So, what’s it all about?

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is exactly what the name suggests. Comedians get in a car and get coffee. Moreover, they have fun, light, and laidback conversations on their way to drinking a cup of Joe together.

I’ve seen a ton of episodes and here is my take on the TV series. Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is unique to television because unique comedians drive around in unique cars and have unique experiences.

Right now, I’m watching the last episodes because they are more relevant. Eventually, I will get around to watching the first episodes.

So far I’ve seen Ellen DeGeneres, Tracy Morgan, Dave Chappelle, Zach Galifianakis, Brian Regan, and Dana Carvey. This show is turning me into a believer.

I believe Jerry Seinfeld is a genius. I expect this show to last forever. Much of the show is filmed in Los Angeles.

Jerry Seinfeld does all the driving. Netflix does all the filming. The giant comedian teamed up with the giant Hollywood conglomerate. Who’s next…Starbucks?

Comedians themselves are interesting characters. They have awfully good stories to tell. Their lives are observed under a microscope.

Comedians are creative creatures. These lively entertainers do what doctors can’t do in some cases. In a world of so much uncertainty and heartache, comedy helps sooth the pain and heal the wounds. Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is just what the world needs, and what the doctor ordered.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Best Blogs Celebrity Commentary Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood Actors Jon Hamm Keeping Up with the Joneses movie review Movies Rotten Tomatoes Showbiz The Red Carpet Zach Galifianakis

Keeping Up with the Joneses Movie Review


Keeping Up with the Joneses Movie Review

Where’s Guru Jay been you say? I was on vacation because everybody is entitled to a break. Thank you for giving me one.

Well do I have a blog for you today or what. This is my Keeping Up with the Joneses movie review. For starters,I feel the writing is phenomenal.

It’s like a full course meal in every way. Zach Galifianakis performs above expectation. And that guy…ahem from Mad Men Jon Hamm delivers the good and services on a silver platter.

You must love the cool soundtrack. I sure do. Here’s a movie about change. We all go through changes. I had to change a tire the other day.

Plus, it is a movie filled with laughter from start to finish. The comedy is absurd at times. You’ll love rich scenes and suspenseful moments. I thoroughly enjoy the plot, especially the tongue teaser. There are Snakes BUT not on a plane.

To put things in perspective, I saw it today. Yes the day of the World Series. If you’ve been following my Twitter @IamGuruJay you know I love baseball by now.

Anyway, the movie stars shine bright lights. The acting is great. Overall, I liked my day at the theaters. There were many thespians there in my audience.

And it’s the audience’s response that makes a movie or a blog or a website fantastic. While I’m on the word fantastic, the director did a fantastic job. And the producers made the most out of their budget.

If you want to see a crowd-pleaser, then Keeping Up with the Joneses is your movie. After careful consideration, I give the film editing an A-. It is truly excellent entertainment. There are bad actors and some I assume good.

This is well executed and lively. Here’s something I would watch with my family for a second time. Give it three stars out of five.

Rotten Tomatoes got it wrong. Keeping Up with the Joneses should make $100 million in a fair world. Will it make it that far? I don’t have an answer for you. I’m only a Guru,who knows one thing and one thing only and that is…question everything.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actors Best Blog Between Two Ferns Celebrity comedy Famous People Funny Funny or Die Guru Jay Hollywood Movies Ricky Gervais Showbiz Steve Carell The Hangover The Office Will Ferrell Zach Galifianakis

Who’s Funnier Than Zach Galifianakis and Steve Carell?


Check out Between Two Ferns. You see as a pair Zach Galifianakis and Steve Carell could take over the comedy world. 10 years from now you’ll play that clip and still laugh from your gut. That’s the best kind of laughter.
Zach Galifianakis and Steve Carell answer the question: what’s so funny? Zach has mastered the art of self-deprecation. And Steve Carell’s persona epitomizes a narcissist. That’s why together they are 1 dangerous force.
Can you picture a comedy tour with these comedians? Zach Galifianakis drums up funny beats for a living. Who’s funnier than him?
Maybe, Steve Carell can make you laugh a little more. Both brands command attention. You see comedy and marketing go hand and hand.

I feel that Carell is the best actor between the two ferns. However, Galifianakis is a funnier comedian. You’ll sure have a ball watching them go to town. For what it’s worth, Steve Carell made the Office. And Zach Galifianakis made the Hangover. 

Zach’s standup experience prepares him perfectly for movies. Although he isn’t the best, he is a good actor. Galifianakis delivers a great performance in Birdman. Also, in Are You Here, he and Owen Wilson demonstrate their entertainment value.
Hollywood stars are jealous of Zach and Steve because their names draw enormous crowds. For the record, Evan Almighty should be recognized as a classic, despite Jim Carrey not reprising his role. Plus Hangover Part III was unfairly criticized. Remember that the original tends to be better than sequels.

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

I think Ricky Gervais is proud of Steve Carell in Office. And I believe Will Ferrellappreciates Zach’s offerings to Funny or Die. I don’t like Dan In Real Life but Bored to Death is excellent work. Also, 40 Year-Old Virgin is one of the funniest movies ever. In a nutshell, who’s funnier than Zach Galifianakis and Steve Carell?
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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