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Marvel’s Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania Countdown

Marvel’s Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania Countdown

Expect Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania to be the highest grossing movie in February. Coming only in theaters Friday February 17, the Marvel Studios film release is something to mark down on your calendars. Let’s begin the countdown.

3 days away, the moment has almost arrived. Starring Paul Rudd as Ant-Man and Evangeline Lilly as the Wasp, the Marvel movie may have a good March and April too. 

Do you like Marvel movies? They’re known for mega budgets and special effects.  Also, the actors are the best in the business. Getting movie stars like Samuel L. Jackson to sign on requires a proven track record. Plus, getting Hollywood legends Bill Murray and Michelle Pfeiffer on board wasn’t easy. 

Last But Not Least

Last but not least, Jonathan Majors, who plays Kang the Conqueror, comes into this movie as a highly anticipated antihero. Everybody is talking about how excellent of a job he’s done. Well, almost everybody. You can’t please them all.

Still, I feel in my gut this movie will perform wonders at the box office. It appears to have all the action and craftsmanship you could want. Paul Rudd is sure to do a backflip I bet. It’s not just about the money. It’s about the details and getting everything right.

The script must have all the right words because the film has all the right people. Have you seen the trailers and promotional materials? I can’t wait to see it come all together.

This is the third movie in the franchise. So, technically we could refer to it as Ant-Man 3. Fans everywhere should know a fourth film is in the works.

Is Paul Rudd the Right Man?

Superhero movies seem to be a major part of global popular culture. Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, Ant-Man could all play in a movie together. What’s stopping Marvel and DC Comics from collaborating? Anything is possible, right?

In addition, Paul Rudd does a fine job portraying Ant-Man in the movies. It’s awesome seeing him shrink into character. Also, the concept of a miniature (ant) hero saving the day is fascinating. Without a doubt, he made a name for himself as the man, and needs no introduction. Do you agree?

I’m thrilled to see Michelle Pfeiffer in the film. She’s a wonderful actress who paved the way in motion pictures like Dangerous Minds. I think this actress might come close to reaching Pfeiffer’s star power in the future. Also, we have to acknowledge the director Peyton Reed.

How Do You Like Casting Kathryn Newton?

In Ant-Man 3, Kathryn Newton plays Paul Rudd’s daughter. And by the looks of it, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree because she becomes Stinger, another superhero. It takes multiple heroes to take down a single villain. That’s the way the comic book world works.

I follow Marvel on Twitter because I like their productions. Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania had a world premiere, and the photos were amazing. Are you on Twitter? Follow @IamGuruJay if you like my content and want interesting tweets.

So, I can’t tell you the ins and outs about the MCU, because I’m not a comic book aficionado or buff. However, I am a movie buff. I love films so much I could make them. Big productions like Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania feed me because I know the work involved in making it happen. 

Lastly, I’ve seen the trailer, posters, and commercials. This project seems to be a work of art. The world will know soon if it’s any good, as they release the movie to the masses. In the meantime, you can watch Ant-Man and Marvel Comics Universe movies on Disney Plus and other streaming platforms. There are so many options today to consume your pleasure. Thanks for reading and visiting.

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Jurassic World Dominion Countdown

Jurassic World Dominion gives new meaning to the expression living under a rock. What’s your comfort level with stones? When does the stone age start and end? It seems like we will be living in the Jurassic period in June. So let’s begin where the story ends as we start our countdown to another movie.

Making a fire may not require rubbing stones together, but it still works. No matter what period, you need elements of fire to dominate the planet. In 2022, the release of Jurassic World Dominion is right on time.

Coming to theaters June 10, Jurassic World Dominion stars Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. Shining brighter than ever, the Hollywood stars will align and create a lunar event. The onscreen chemistry of Pratt and Howard will catapult the box office walls. I expect this movie to rule the box office. And shattered records are also predicted. Will they run out of tickets to print? Who knows?

Jurassic World Dominion is the third movie in the Jurassic World franchise. Before World, we had Jurassic Park. It’s more than American. These flicks are a part of global popular culture. Whether you see it on the big or small screen, the film has fascinating characters who will live on in our imaginations.

Park Vs. World

Do you like Park or World better? Should we even compare them? Are they collectively the same franchise? Whichever way you see them, you must see them. In 2022, World will have superior
special effects, but what about the screenwriting and acting?
Because Jurassic Park and Jurassic World function as joint ventures, it’s challenging to answer the above questions. Jurassic World Dominion should be huge. Don’t be surprised if this one is the biggest in terms of profit and success. Here is the countdown.

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Keeping Up with the Joneses Movie Review


Keeping Up with the Joneses Movie Review

Where’s Guru Jay been you say? I was on vacation because everybody is entitled to a break. Thank you for giving me one.

Well do I have a blog for you today or what. This is my Keeping Up with the Joneses movie review. For starters,I feel the writing is phenomenal.

It’s like a full course meal in every way. Zach Galifianakis performs above expectation. And that guy…ahem from Mad Men Jon Hamm delivers the good and services on a silver platter.

You must love the cool soundtrack. I sure do. Here’s a movie about change. We all go through changes. I had to change a tire the other day.

Plus, it is a movie filled with laughter from start to finish. The comedy is absurd at times. You’ll love rich scenes and suspenseful moments. I thoroughly enjoy the plot, especially the tongue teaser. There are Snakes BUT not on a plane.

To put things in perspective, I saw it today. Yes the day of the World Series. If you’ve been following my Twitter @IamGuruJay you know I love baseball by now.

Anyway, the movie stars shine bright lights. The acting is great. Overall, I liked my day at the theaters. There were many thespians there in my audience.

And it’s the audience’s response that makes a movie or a blog or a website fantastic. While I’m on the word fantastic, the director did a fantastic job. And the producers made the most out of their budget.

If you want to see a crowd-pleaser, then Keeping Up with the Joneses is your movie. After careful consideration, I give the film editing an A-. It is truly excellent entertainment. There are bad actors and some I assume good.

This is well executed and lively. Here’s something I would watch with my family for a second time. Give it three stars out of five.

Rotten Tomatoes got it wrong. Keeping Up with the Joneses should make $100 million in a fair world. Will it make it that far? I don’t have an answer for you. I’m only a Guru,who knows one thing and one thing only and that is…question everything.

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Why Steve Harvey Is the #1 Answer


Are you sick and tired of seeing these tensed uptight people? They walk around with their snotty noses up in the air and look down on everybody. Don’t let it get you upset. The truth is they’re miserable inside. They don’t have any sense. And they definitely don’t have a sense of humor.
Steve Harvey is the answer to their problems. Buy a Steve Harvey DVD and give it to these people. They desperately need more laughter in their lives. Over the years, Harvey has a built a name for himself on TV, radio, and in movies.
Consider his dominant TV presence. Hosting Family Feud is a prestigious honor. His hit show Little Big Shots is a new sensation. Also, the comedian’s daytime talk show helps establish his durable brand. The multitalented entertainer can sing a little too.
He’s up for all challenges. He’s a workaholic. But it’s his moment. You rise up to the occasion when it’s your chance to swing. Opportunities have an expiration date like milk. Don’t spoil your talent and waste my time.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man changed the game for Mr. Harvey. Can I keep it real? Before that he was a borderline has-been. However, he never quit… thank God. The celebrity is too resilient to succumb to defeat. Moreover, Steve’s spirituality keeps him whole.
Yes, his net worth stands at $100 million and growing. But his real value is his manhood. He takes care of his responsibilities and provides for his wife and family in non-financial ways as well.

At the end of the day, remind people to get their priorities in line. Realize what’s truly important before it’s too late. Forgive yourself for making mistakes. But shame on you for making the same mistakes repeatedly. Ironically, Steve Harvey is most likely the highest profile comedian in the world because of his Miss Universe screw-up. The takeaway is to learn from your failures in order to succeed.

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Remembering Robin Williams


Do you remember watching Flubber as a kid or a grownup even? Who could forget that bubbly giant blue genie from Aladdin? How about that tear-jerking and gut busting Patch Adams movie? Like you, Robin Williams serves my memory well. He had six senses and humor was one of them.
Robin Williams was an alien because his comedy was out of this world. Moreover, his spirit is still alive. We always saw him in a bright light. He was a kind, generous, and genuine human being.
Most of his movies like Jack, Happy Feet, and Bicentennial Man brought families closer together. They were also meaningful and thought provoking. Many of his films reflected on humanity.

We find that life is a set of circumstances. The path is never straight because there are roadblocks and redirections. Yet, we “get by with a little help from our friends.”
Robin Williams was a friendly guy. He could relate to almost anyone from Hollywood’s elite to the cashier struggling to pay rent. And The Good Morning Vietnam actor could identify with the American Marine serving his 3rd tour in the Middle East too.
In fact, the great comedian went over to war-torn territory to tell jokes in front of our brave troops. This should show you Mr. Williams was sincere. He cared deeply about the lives of others, especially his family.

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I feel you are not measured by the amount of money you leave, but by how much happiness you bring to others. Have you seen Robin Williams HBO standup special? All of his standups are such a pleasure to watch. While displaying his talent, creativity, and might simultaneously, the legend seized moments.
And so, remember Robin Williams for his reputation. You could always count on him. Even Santa Clause envied Robin William’s gifts.

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Why Robert Downey Jr. Is Number 1

What are your favorite Robert Downey Jr. movies? Do you like Sherlock Holmes, Iron Man, and The Avengers? Without question, Robert Downey Jr.’s filmography is legendary. It’s easy to see why The Soloist movie star is number 1 on the Forbes highest paid actors list.
How many times has he scored big at the box office? The numbers show that his movies have collected more than $7.2 billion in revenue. Clearly, he is a bankable movie star plus a prominent actor. Like Drew Barrymore, Downey inherited his calling. The Hollywood heir reminds us of a Tudor because of his noteworthy performance in Richard III and his regal appearance in real life.
Crown him King of Hollywood or make him Lord of Tinseltown. Downey deserves his accolades because of his dedication to his craft. It’s rare to see stars with longevity in the movie industry. Most actors must return to theatre or their other option is TV.
Isn’t it amazing watching a master create a work of art? Can you imagine Downey, Jr. directing movies like his father? If Keanu Reeves is unstoppable, then Robert Downey Jr. is unbelievable.
Chaucer wrote, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” That’s why everyone respects this incredible thespian’s versatility. For example, he played the leading role in Due Date and The Judge. With a net worth in excess of $180 million, the celebrity can afford to take risks. 
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His lifestyle is comparable to the Canterbury Tales. It’s interesting and a must-read. Robert Downey Jr. = A classic actor- would you agree?
We recognize the best because none of us want to settle for less. We have always lived in a competitive world. Robert Downey Jr. is a fierce competitor. He skated to the top by constantly improving his repertoire. To be the best means to keep getting better. 
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Celebrity Elvis Presley entertainers Famous People Graceland Guru Jay Hollywood Actors icons legends Madonna Marilyn Monroe Michael Jackson Music Rock and Roll Singers The King of Rock and Roll

Elvis Presley aka the King of Rock and Roll Rules!


Uncle Jesse from Full House had an Elvis Presley obsession. This was a recurring theme on the show. Do you remember how John Stamos wore his hair just like the legend?
Let me take you on an adventure to Graceland. Imagine being in the presence of royalty. The King of Rock and Roll is alive and well because he faked his death. I’m pulling your leg but let’s keep visualizing His Imperial Majesty ruling his faithful subjects.
You worship the ground he walks on. Of course, he walks around in blue suede shoes. Don’t step on them! He never bought into Michael Jordan’s Nike brand.
“It’s one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready. Now go cat go!” What are your favorite Elvis Presley songs? Without question, Elvis broke down barriers and defined popular culture.

In an alternate universe Marilyn Monroe is Mrs. Elvis Presley. Unfortunately, celebrities aren’t created like this anymore. Elvis was the ultimate celebrity. He epitomized fame and glory.
What is baseball without Babe Ruth? What is music without Elvis Presley? There’s no way you can talk about the history of baseball without bringing up Babe and it’s impossible to discuss music without acknowledging the greatness of Elvis.
I’ll take you to the gift shop here in Graceland. Maybe, I’ll let you go on a shopping spree. Wait; there goes Michael Jackson and Tupac Shakur. They tell us Elvis is underground partying with Madonna and Rihanna. Oh, the contrast! Michael’s tone sounds so soft and Tupac has a deep voice.

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What you say, Pac? Gaga’s upset because Madonna’s making it difficult for her to spend time with the king. She thought Tony Bennett could give her some leverage because he knew Elvis in the beginning.
Back to reality, ironically Elvis appealed to your fantasies.
Elvis Presley was a lion of a man. Lionesses love serving their king the absolute best. Are you a party animal? “Wild thing, you make my heart sing…”

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