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Who’s Watching? Jimmy Kimmel Vs. Jimmy Fallon


Jimmy Kimmel doesn’t go on live, though they call his show Jimmy Kimmel Live. Imagine Saturday Night Live prerecording episodes. Despite this misleading title, I shamefully watch Kimmel more often than the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.
Overall, Kimmel built a better platform because the offbeat comedian surrounds himself with terrific talents from Cousin Sal to Guillermo to Matt Damon. Fallon works harder and relies on himself more than others. Sometimes, Fallon seems exhausted as if he’s burning out like birthday candles in Antarctica.
Kimmel’s sense of humor is more sustaining, although Fallon is the most entertaining  What will happen when Stephen Colbert takes over after David Letterman? Can Colbert compete with awaken forces Fat Jimmy and Slim Jim? Who’s ratings will nosedive?

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From this point forward I’ll occasionally address Kimmel as Big Jimmy and Fallon as Slim Jim. Big Jimmy built his show from scratch, while Slim Jim took part of a hostile takeover. Conan O’Brien should have been bigger than Johnny Carson. Is that the real reason why Jay Leno stalled Conan’s initiation ruining the Tonight show’s ratings and standing? 

I understand Conan has a huge ego, but Colbert’s ego isn’t any larger. O’Brien was simply the best. In fact, Conan was ABC’s worst nightmare.
Slim Jim is highly creative and wildly talented. But Fallon took a shortcut on the roads to riches- road blocking Conan O’Brien. NBC’s executives have made disgusting decisions. Although Fallon serves as a wonderful host, look at how this network treated past hosts and tell me if Slim Jim won’t get eaten alive.
In the end, Big Jimmy is victorious because he’s well established in Hollywood. The real debate is whether the new CBS Late Show with Stephen Colbert can put the Tonight Show to bed. While I’m a Jimmy Fallon fan, I won’t watch NBC until they act right.

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Who’s Better? Jerry Seinfeld Vs. Adam Sandler


Is Jerry Seinfeld or Adam Sandler funnier? Or should I ask who is luckier? They’re both talented comedians. But, take away Seinfeld’s TV show and he’s average.
Sandler is funnier because his funny bone extends 3 extra inches. Seinfeld is luckier since his sitcom guarantees cash. Some say Sandler is overpaid.
Let’s distinguish between comedic actors and comedians. There’s a difference between scripted sitcoms and live standup routines. Other great comedians constantly get overlooked in this area.
The media doesn’t publicize Will Ferrell, Zach Galifianakis, and Tim Allen enough. That’s why Ferrell created Funny or Die. That’s also why Allen does Chevrolet commercials. For what it’s worth, Seinfeld signed on for Microsoft advertisements.
The comedy business isn’t for the faint of heart. Though Seinfeld and Sandler receive more attention, they pushed their brands hard. Jerry promoted the Bee movie nonstop. And Adam kept on pushing despite a few box office blunders.
Jerry Seinfeld and Adam Sandler are two of the best comedic actors in cinematic history alongside the likes of Eddie Murphy and Will Smith. As a side note, no one really views Smith as a comedic actor.
Do you consider Adam and Jerry great comedians?
What if I threw Ben Stiller into the mix? Would you rather see Ben and Jerry do standup or eat their ice cream? David Spade is another underrated comedian Hollywood doesn’t fully support and appreciate.

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What are your favorite Adam Sandler movies? I recommend Grown Ups, Funny People, Happy Gilmore, and Mr. Deeds. Looking back on their careers, not many celebrities are luckier than Sandler and Seinfeld.
Credit Adam’s agent for negotiating lucrative contracts. Thank Larry David for creating Jerry Seinfeld’s sitcom. Do you like Seinfeld better than Everybody Loves Raymond?
I respect TV legends; and, Jerry Seinfeld certainly fits the bill. Also, I admire great comedians; and, Adam Sandler is exceptional. So, who’s better? Well, isn’t Adam always first?

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Scandal ‘No More Blood’ Recap: From Powerless to Powerful


Finally, the utility company also known as Shondaland restored Olivia Pope’s power. Were you worried that they would neutralize this supposed threat to national security? Once again, Scandal comes to a brilliant closing.
At a pivotal moment, Pope’s captor asks her a trick question. Does she want to leave with the Russians or Marie Wallace? Olivia seems to make the costly assumption that they give a damn!
Jake gets inside Huck’s mind by identifying their inner struggles with the “beast.” He tells Huck he deals with similar problems. The Gladiators make Huck promise to stop all the killing. Hence the episode title “No More Blood” is their new motto.
In the beginning, White House Chief of Staff Cyrus Beene (Jeff Perry) daydreams about resigning and giving the president an earful lecture. Instead, he secretly meets with intelligence and attempts to murder Olivia without President Fitzgerald Grant’s approval. Luckily, fate plans another course of action and Cyrus (Jeff Perry) cancels the neutralization in an abrupt and dramatic fashion. In the end, Perry’s character saves the day by carefully observing the predicament and recognizing Stephen Finch.
Finch is Olivia’s old colleague with Russian connections. Fortunately, Olivia would have won either way because the Gladiators were on the other end. Earlier in the episode, Pope spoke Farsi and talked herself out of becoming Iran’s hostage.
Olivia Pope went from the most powerful female TV character to the most powerless. She neutralized herself mentally. Pope was prepared to give her life for the country she loved and the greater good. 
President Grant was prepared to sacrifice everything for the woman he loved. Olivia lost respect for Grant because he allowed the Vice President to force him to wage an unjust war against Angola. In the words of Bobby Caldwell, what you won’t do for love!

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Who’s Watching Empire? Part II

Who’s watching Empire on Wednesdays? If you love music, dramas, and dark comedy, check out this hip new TV show. Also, if you enjoy watching characters develop, reserve your seat now. It doesn’t cost anything to join the fun!

When Lucious (Terrence Howard) loses his voice at the fundraiser, he calls on his ex-wife and not his fiancé Anika to deliver a persuasive speech to investors. Sneaky Anika poisons Cookie’s client because she’s so bitter and petty. Later on, she discovers Terrence and Taraji (Cookie) having sex in the master bedroom.
Taraji’s character is straightforward, hard working, and convincing. She proves you don’t need a Harvard education to appeal to Ivy League graduates. That’s what stubborn and superficial Anika doesn’t understand.

Anika is standing in her own way. She’s hurting the Empire by sabotaging Cookie. Furthermore, this family is more dysfunctional than the Addams.
Jamal and Hakeem are trying to set aside their differences. Neither one realizes older brother Andre orchestrated Jamal’s robbery. Will the younger brothers find out eventually?
Music is a cutthroat business and Empire shaves off beards. Terrence Howard aka Lucious Lyon built an empire with ex-wife Cookie’s assistance. Lucious finally reveals to Cookie and his three sons that he’s stricken with ALS. The dominoes are falling into place and Cookie is crumbling hard.

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Empire airs tidbits at the end to keep you waiting for the next episode. While this builds up anticipation, it also spoils some of the fun. I suggest Empire show one week of material at a time, rather than clips from the entire season.
Following American Idol in Fox’s TV lineup, Empire is both a musical and soap opera. Decorated movie veteran and creator Lee Daniels brings his talents to television in spectacular fashion. Under Daniels’s direction, Empire is headed toward greatness.

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Scandal: Season 4, Episode 11 Recap

Despite cruel circumstances, Olivia Pope manages to preserve her brainpower. The crisis manager gets inside the kidnapper’s mind by autosuggesting ideas and manipulating his thought process. Like a true gladiator, Pope is still in power and ready to rumble.

In Episode 11, Olivia convinces her captor to abolish plans and take action on his own accord. Pope plants in his head that exploiting her will help him control the president. And by virtue of controlling the president, the hostage taker will have the world in his palms. Apparently, the captor fell asleep in civics class, because there are three branches of government and a balance of power.

During the ending, they show Olivia flying on a private plane with her hostage taker. Pope’s predicament is literally and figuratively up in the air. Contacting President Fitzgerald lets Huck and fellow gladiators know she’s alive and active on the grid.

Kerry Washington’s character calculates like a Texas Instrument graphing calculator. Pope requests a glass of water to create a reflection revealing the kidnappers’ operations. Thinking ten steps ahead, Olivia has placed her captors in mental bondage.

Vice President Andrew Nichols is the puppeteer pulling President Fitzgerald’s strings. Luckily, Nichols drops his guard allowing the First Lady to steal his cell phones. Soon the Second Lady delivers the goods to the Scandal team. They now have enough information to connect the dots and indirectly communicate. 

They came so close to rescuing Pope. Still, who can say if the raid would have been successful? Olivia could have died during the seizure.

It might sound crazy but I’m happy they didn’t save Olivia Pope. Olivia’s trying to save herself by taking matters in her own hands. Scandal’s message is simply about self-reliance. Instead of waiting for someone else to rescue you, save yourself.

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American Idol Danny Strong drama Empire Fox Hip Hop Hollywood Jennifer Hudson Lee Daniels musical Naomi Campbell R&B rap Rita Ora soap opera Taraji P. Henson Terrence Howard Trai Byers TV

Who’s Watching Empire?


I reserve Wednesday nights for Empire. Do you? If you want a VIP treatment, then take a seat around the TV starting at 9 PM EST each Hump day.
Finally, this drama is no longer a fad. Empire is a trending topic on Twitter and via word of mouth. Everyone in town is talking about this show.
There are a lot of burning questions. Let’s discuss whether music mogul Lucious Lyon (Terrence Howard) will kill someone else? Why is Cookie Lyon (Taraji P. Henson) snitching to the FBI on her ex-husband? What will happen once Lucious discovers Cookie’s involvement?
More prime time TV shows should have limited commercial interruptions like Empire. It seems the producers have a big budget to play with. So, expect only the best from here on out…
Jennifer Hudson and Rita Ora will appear on  tonight’s Empire show. I can’t wait to see Hudson perform because she’s a great singer and wonderful actress. Also, seeing the Black Widow songstress on TV will be a treat.

After watching the first three episodes, I have a couple ideas. 1. To maintain his kingdom, Emperor Lucious will bribe the police. 2. Low class Cookie will go back to prison because she’s afraid to testify against Lucious.

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Is it nice to see Naomi Campbell on camera or what? Who can play the cougar role better than the seductive supermodel? Hopefully her character receives more attention.
Lucious’s oldest son, Andre (Trai Byers), inherited his father’s twisted traits. Andre, who is a lawyer, made an alibi for his dad to the police. As the blood thickens, so does the plot.
Creators Lee Daniels and Danny Strong debuted Empire on January 7, 2015. The show has already been renewed for a second season. What is more, they picked the right time slot after American Idol.

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Scandal Premiere Episode Recap


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Last night’s Scandal premiere was like a riddle. The writers used flashbacks and Olivia Pope’s own imagination to tightly grip the audience ahold. And so, another sensational story is finished.
From the start, Pope makes a crucial mistake while being held captive. She sizes up her kidnappers by piecing together her predicament. But she didn’t figure her circumstances were carefully manufactured.
For the first time, the lead character loses complete control. Her Harvard education can’t save her. Olivia needs to use some street smarts.
Pope tries desperately to decipher reality. And in the process of elimination, her assumptions are all wrong. Who exactly is holding her hostage?
Is Olivia her own worst nightmare? She plays into their hands by feeding off scraps from their plate of lies. She eats her words.
The crisis manager is in crisis. Meanwhile, her captors are playing mind games and tricks. Will she cooperate? Can the hostage takers hypnotize Olivia into mental bondage?
Overthinking is Olivia Pope’s biggest problem. For once, can she admit to not having all the answers? The mistress unlocks the dungeon door only to find a false projection.
It appears the character is running through a maze both literally and figuratively. There’s hope after all though, because it seems the black lady is being held hostage in America.
Why hasn’t the Television Academy gave Kerry Washington an Emmy? Seriously, Washington should’ve won multiple awards by now.
This year, Kerry will win an Emmy because it’s long overdo. How can the judging body ignore Washington’s brilliant performances? I have her at #2 on my top 5 TV actresses countdown.
On Jimmy Kimmel, Kerry Washington sang praises to Shonda Rhimes. She’s too modest. While Rhimes might be the mastermind, Kerry is the backbone.
Overall, the premiere was great. I would watch it again. Have you seen it? Did you like last night’s Scandal premiere?

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