Adele Bleeding Love British Celebrities English Entertainment Hollywood Internet John Legend Katy Perry Leona Lewis Music Musicians Oprah radio royalties Sam Smith Singers Stay With Me TV

English Music Royalties: Adele, Leona Lewis, and Sam Smith


Hollywood’s a town big enough for the both of us. Although show business seems cutthroat and ruthless, it still has a low barrier to entry. If you possess skills and talent, there’s a seat for you around Oprah Winfrey’s dining room table.
Advertising, merchandise, album, and ticket sales finance the entertainment industry. If you stay positive you’ll have massive appeal and lucrative royalty checks to show for it. In fact, royalties make up large portions of a celebrity’s paycheck.
Music Royalties
Beautiful music lyrics such as Sam Smith’s ‘Stay With Me’ and dynamic arrangements like Adele’s ‘Rolling in the Deep’ inspire my blogging. In the words of John Legend “My love” for music is “passed the infatuation phase.” There’s something extraordinary about the English sound of music.

Adele, Leona Lewis, and Sam Smith were ordinary people before becoming music royalties. They have singlehandedly transformed our listening experience with their hit singles. Whenever I listen to ‘Bleeding Love’ it stays stuck in my head for 48 hours.
Ladies and gentlemen, we’re witnessing legends in the making. Adele’s soaring popularity is on par with Katy Perry’s social media fame. Furthermore, Adele has created several staple songs capable of reaching billions, and lasting for generations to come.
TV, Radio, and the Internet
I’ll never forget this TV commercial that introduced me to Adele’s music. Moreover, I remember first listening to Leona Lewis on the radio. And, I found Sam Smith via a viral Internet video.
Music artists utilize multiple platforms to permeate their messages. Fortunately Adele, Leona, and Sam produce mainly positive and uplifting lyrics. Anyone with British background is greatly proud of these English music royalties. All three musicians connect with broad audiences and adorn genuine styles.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
actresses best actors Celebrities Entertainment Girls Hollywood Kaley Cuoco Kerry Washington Lena Dunham New Girl Scandal sitcoms Sofia Vergara The Big Bang Theory TV Zooey Deschanel

5-4-3-2-1: Top TV Actresses Countdown

5. Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting

Hot Hollywood starlet Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting starts the countdown. The ‘Wedding Ringer’ actress excels at comedy. Fortunately, she smartly decided to branch off into movies.

In accounting, they say diversify income streams. Kaley has done exactly that. Still, her plentiful talents obviously belong on television.
Cuoco could dominate TV like Jennifer Aniston. But, Sheldon Cooper overshadows the bright actress. Maybe, studio executives should create a spinoff starring Cuoco-Sweeting.

4. Lena Dunham


‘Girls’ creator Lena Dunham tries everything. The professional writer, actress, producer and director is diversified. The opinionated woman and unwavering feminist spreads her message.
3. Zooey Deschanel


‘New Girl’ lead actress Zooey Deschanel tickles many funny bones. Like Kaley, Zooey’s television work demands respect. Also, Deschanel commands attention from her 6 million plus Twitter followers.
2. Kerry Washington

Kerry Washington portrays powerful campaign consultant Olivia Pope on the sensational TV drama ‘Scandal.’ Political zealots understand why Washington’s second on the countdown.
1. Sofia Vergara

‘Modern Family’ matriarch Sofia Vergara receives a hefty salary. However, the Colombian celebrity is worth every penny. Sofia sacrificed several years; and now Vergara is the top TV actress. I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
90s Boy Meets World Celebrity Disney drama Entertainment Family Guy films Forrest Gump Guru Jay Lion King Movies Power Rangers Romance Saved By the Bell sitcoms Titanic Toy Story TV TV shows

The 90s Movies and TV



The first movie I remember watching is Who Framed Roger Rabbit. That was in the late eighties.
I was a toddler when the studios released the classic funny bunny movie. The film came on TV all of the time. So, as a child I learned Roger Rabbit’s lines verbatim.
If you were alive in the 1980’s, I don’t have to tell you those were tough times. There was a stock market crash in 1987. I had a college teacher who lost $50,000 during the free fall. Fortunately, I was born in the 1980s and raised in the 1990s.
Enter the 90s. The 90s were a prosperous time in American History. The 1990s were a lot like the 1920s.
The 90s were animated. Animation equals domination. I can’t forget about the Lion King or Toy Story. Disney films made a major impact in movie history.
Here are a few good movies from the 90s: Titanic, Who’s Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, and Forrest Gump. In the words of the family guy Archie Man, “those were the days.”

Don’t get me started on 90’s TV shows. This was the best time to be a kid. We had enough cartoons to sink a battleship. 
I used to watch Saved By the Bell and Power Rangersbefore going to school. I’d come home and watch Full House. Who remembers when Boy Meets World aired on T.G.I.F.? Who knows the Step By Step theme song word for word?
Expect more remakes and reruns from the 1990s.

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Browncoats Celebrity Entertainment fantasy Firefly Guru Jay Serenity space Star Dust Star Trek Star Wars time travel True Blood TV TV and Showbiz TV shows Twilight Saga Twilight Zone vampires

Are You a Browncoat? How About That Firefly TV Show


Do you like Firefly? Are you a Browncoat? If you enjoy science fiction you’ll like this TV show. Although it survived only 1 season, there are a number of great episodes.
Firefly gives you value. It’s a low budget Star Dust with high aspirations. In other words, it’s a wannabe Star Trek/ Star Wars.
The TV show allows the audience to escape. For an hour, you forget about your bills due next week. For an hour, your worries go away.
In itself Firefly is unrealistic. But, if you have a vivid imagination, then this is your show! Firefly uniquely blends space and time travel.
If you can’t sleep, watch Firefly on demand.
It’s fun. Gina Torres reminds me a lot of Rudolph the red nose reindeer because she’s a brownnoser. And she makes the season bright.
The Serenity movie falls short of writing, direction, and production. There are YouTube videos better than this film. I’m a Firefly fan who dislikes Serenity. Am I the only 1?
When it’s late at night, I sometimes watch the Tonight Show. I used to stay up longer in watch Conan O’Brien when he was on NBC. Then, after that I watch Science Fiction and Fantasy.
TV always gets better with time because you can go back into the archive. Let’s dig up a little dirt. Stephenie Meyer needs to give credit to the Twilight Zone and True Blood.
Firefly has a highly engaged fan base. Check out the community. You’ll learn facts about characters, storylines, and more.
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Celebrity Exodus: Gods and Kings foreign language Genghis Khan Guru Jay Hollywood language Marco Polo Mongols Movies Netflix Passion of the Christ TV TV shows Words

Why I Won’t Review Exodus Or Watch Marco Polo


Mel Gibson got it right with Passion of the Christ. Director Gibson realized the power of language and used it to his advantage. He brilliantly selected Aramaic because that’s what Jesus spoke.

In 2001, moviegoers didn’t mind reading subtitles. I don’t mind reading subtitles at all. In fact, sometimes I watch American films with subtitles because I value the price of words.

I would write a review of Exodus but I won’t watch the movie unless I get free tickets. Why? To be frank, Moses did not speak English. Why would I go see an unrealistic portrayal of a great man?

Marco Polo

After seeing the first 10 minutes of NetFlix’s Marco Polo, I turned off my device. How dare they insult the great Genghis Khan and his descendants. Don’t watch Marco Polo unless you’re high. Otherwise, you don’t value your time or money. At this point, I might cancel NetFlix.

English shouldn’t be the default language of all screenplays. Here’s an idea Hollywood. Why don’t you write the first draft in English and pay a translator. You outsource everything else!

Why I refuse to review Exodus or watch Marco Polo

I won’t review Exodus because Moses spoke Hebrew last time I checked. I can’t even finish the whole trailer. And I refuse to see a full episode of Marco Polo because I never heard of a Mongol speaking English. Mel Gibson is a lot of things. But he’s right about one thing…

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
 Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

ABC Bill O'Reilly Celebrity Chris Matthews CNN Fox news Glenn Beck Guru Jay House of Cards Kerry Washington Kevin Spacey MSNBC Netflix politics Russ Limbaugh Scandal TV TV and Showbiz

TV Politics: Scandal And House of Cards


Do you study political science? Political science is the ninth most popular college major. Even if you declared a major in something else, I bet you will take Introduction to Government. 

TV Politics captures the reality of political science. And, I’m not talking about a reality TV show with Glenn Beck, Russ Limbaugh, or Don Imus. There’s a dark side to politics no one will talk about until now…
Politics is dirty. Are your hands clean? As a politician, your private life is made public like Facebook stock. Be careful. And, tread lightly.
Einstein was partially correct when he said, “politics is more difficult than physics.” I’ve taken both politics and physics. Political classes are way easier than physics. But, politicians have a much harder job.
Political junkies get their fixes from shows like Scandaland House of Cards. I call this trend TV Politics. TV + politics = high ratings. Are you a TV Politics fan?
Scandal shows no signs of slowing down. Momentum is on Kerry Washington’s side. She plays Olivia Pope like a fiddle. ABC is lucky to have her.
Kerry Washington no longer has to prove herself. She’s worthy of our recognition. Now she needs to put some skin in the game.
Why isn’t Kerry Washington a producer? Kevin Spacey is an executive producer of House of Cards? But the most powerful woman on TV is an employee rather than an employer.

We know she can do it! Kerry can do whatever she wants. She is one of the best Black actresses.
Her beauty complements her talent. She is a work of art from head to toe. What is more, her character is a positive image for young Black females.
Hats off to the Scandal writers. They literally keep you on the edge of your seat. They find a way to twist the plot at the ideal moment.

Kerry carries this show. That’s her job as Olivia Pope. We like Scandal so much, because there is finally a woman in charge who gives orders.
She is an elite actress. But, also give credit to her teammates. Let’s put the cast on blast!
Guillermo Diaz plays hired gun Huck. He has ties to the CIA. Don’t get in his way.
He is pivotal to the plot. No one can replace him. Do you want to see more Latinos on TV?

Tony Goldwyn plays President Fitzgerald Grant, III. He’s having a lengthy affair with Olivia Pope. All the hoopla stems from the ‘scandal.’
Scandal is exceeding expectations. It wouldn’t surprise me if this show lasted 10 seasons. You don’t kill a cash cow and serve  steak. Milk that sucker dry.

House of Cards
Why are you ashamed of your House of Cards addiction? Please don’t feel guilty about binge-watching House of Cards. You’re supposed to be addicted. Everyone is obsessed over it.
This is not CNN! This is Netflix…Only subscribers are allowed to enter the House of Cards. 

Leave political correctness at the doorstep under the welcome mat. Kevin Spacey plays President Francis Underwood, who has enough skeletons in his closet to fill a cemetery. I wish I was joking.
President Frank is the scariest Halloween costume. Spacey rules his spacious world. The dictator sparks fear in Anderson Cooper, Bill O’Reilly and Chris Matthews. He makes Dick Cheney look like a Pope. 

House of Cards produces premium content. A good TV show needs a big budget nowadays. There’s a lot of competition so you have to find an edge and grind.

Even so, House of Cards is the number 1 political thriller. It addresses tough issues. 

Machiavellians really love House.
Season 3 will debut February 2015. It’s highly anticipated because no one knows what to expect. Just when we warmed up to Zoe, they killed her off.
Well, you can count on Spacey making a scene. Do you remember Remy Martin? I predict they will kill off this character too. Can a good thing last?
The question is why do significant characters die on House of Cards. My theory is Netflix doesn’t want to foot the bill for these actors. So, you’re watching underpaid actors on screen with overpriced Kevin.

It’s a sneaky tactic to save money in the long run. If I’m wrong, give us a better explanation. It doesn’t make sense to write off great roles.
You should aim to build. But, their objective is to destroy. I disagree with the writers. That’s my one pet peeve of an otherwise sensational storyline. Maybe, they’re sending a message: ‘everybody dies.’
Pope Vs. President
Who is more powerful, Pope or Underwood? What if they met at a neutral location? Who would sit at the head of the table? Can you trust either of them?
Olivia Pope is very pleasing to our eyes. She’s supportive and dependable. You can call Kerry Washington when you have a problem.
Now, President Underwood is America’s worst nightmare.He loves power more than money, sex, and life itself. I don’t trust him at all.
Spacey smiles in your face like the O’Jays song. He’s a backstabber with an agenda bigger than the Big Dipper. Underwood has a doctorate in deception.
Pope and President have one thing in common. Both of them are equally manipulative. They make up rules in the middle of a chess match.
The striking difference is Spacey doesn’t give you a rematch. You get one chance. Screw up and you’re screwed.
If I had to watch one show I’d choose Scandal. House of Cards gets dull after a while. Scandal is a roller coaster ride. It grabs and holds your attention.
ABC pays the Scandal staff top dollar. Netflix is more frugal with their cash. What’s wrong with spending more if it makes the show more entertaining? 

As an accountant, I know a few things about budgeting. The bottom line is profit. Obviously, you don’t want to spend more than you have.

But I live by my motto “nothing ventured nothing gained.” And “No risk. No reward.”
In the Internet age we live in, TV Politics is popular because we need to connect offline as well as online. 20 years ago, we used to say put the remote away. Now, we say put down that Tablet or Smart Phone.

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Thank Heaven I Don’t Have Ebola. I Got Saturday Night Live Fever!

Thank Heaven I Don’t Have Ebola. I Got Saturday Night Fever!

Do you watch Saturday Night Live (SNL)? Can you believe this is the 40th year? What if SNL lasted to the 100th season?
SNL is the best live TV show. There are many copycats but make no mistake; there is only one Saturday Night Live. Creator Lorne Michaels built a respectable show for the ages.
Regardless of your preferences, you must respect SNL. It functions like a fraternity. Feature players are pledges; and Kenan Thompson is President of the Greek Council. Vanessa Bayer is Vice President.
SNL is in a rebuilding process. The show needs to remember their writers are only as good as their actors. Stop making casting changes. Stick to the script. And perform to the tee.
If Tiger Woods can come to a ruin, so can Saturday Night Live. Empires do collapse. And SNL is the Imperial Majesty of sketch comedy.
I’m a long time SNL fan. I won’t give up on the show because of one bad year. It’s like football. The team can stage a comeback next season.
Saturday Night Live discovers top triple threat talents. It’s not unusual for cast members to sing, dance, and play guitar or piano.
Did you know late night hosts Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers started on SNL? Conan O’Brien served as a writer. The show takes good care of their alumni.

Let’s talk about Andy Samberg, Tina Fey, and Amy Poehler. All three former repertory players received their own TV showsWhat if they were never on SNL?
Alumni Bill Murray, Eddie Murphy and Adam Sandler have had successful movie careers. Lorne Michaels is a miner, because Saturday Night Live finds diamonds in the rough. And Bobby Moynihan is a jeweler.
Jay Pharaoh owns a pawnshop. His Uncle Tim Meadows helps manage the shady business. While sister Shasheer Zamata trades in her jewels for dough, her brother Chris Rock explains why as a black man he loves diamond chains so much.
Alec Baldwin Vs. Steve Martin
If you watch SNL regularly, you are aware of the rivalry between Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin. Baldwin is winning. Overall, he has hosted SNL 16 times compared to Martin’s 15.
Because Baldwin had a major role on 30 Rock, Saturday Night Live gave him the opportunity to break the record. What if Steve got a part on Parks & Recreation? SNL could call that shot.
Pull up the archives. Look at the evolution of these actors. You can literally see Hollywood stars transform before your very eyes.
Saturday Night is a critical moment in a celebrity’s career. Without it, Steve and Alec would have normal star power. Now, they shine bright like diamonds.  
I tip my hat off to Steve Martin. Although Alec is ‘winning’, Martin’s performances are more valuable because he is a real thorough comedian. The cast can relax with Martin behind the wheel.
Christopher Walken

I can’t wait for Christopher Walken to take the stage. When he presents, bad things happen in a good way. He is a good old fashion actor.
SNLshould book the multi-talented star one more time. Whether Broadway or Hollywood, no one delivers better than Walken. Wherever Walken’s walking, it is prime real estate baby!

I love it when former repertory players come back to host. In 2008, Tina Fey returned to SNL in style. Who could forget Tina’s impersonation of Sarah Palin? I believe 2008 was the best year in history.
Looking back, Saturday Night Live made more millionaires than Forbes Celebrity. SNLAlumni and Funny or Die Co-Founder Will Ferrell is set for life. He doesn’t have to worry at all.

He is the best George W. Bush impersonator. His movies are crazier than a Bessie bug. And he’s funnier than 7.124 billion people.
And so, I nominate Will Ferrell President of World Wide Web Comedy.

It seems that Saturday Night Live runs the whole industry. They have their hands in everything. They’re the opposite of TMZ.
Stars hate paparazzi like TMZ; but they love Saturday Night in New York like a refugee.
You’re not a celebrity, until you appear on SNL. If you haven’t been on the show, sit down and talk to your agent. Seriously, SNL is where stars shine brightest. It’s a magical experience.

Fred Armisen is among my all time favorites. He excels at sketch comedy. He is exceptional.
He impersonated President Obama perfectly. I wish Fred had stayed a few more seasons. He could have taught Jay Pharaoh his secrets. 

By the way, Jay is coming along nicely.

Maya Rudolph should have stayed a little longer. Although she had a long and prosperous 7 years, she was still highly productive. She left way too early.
It was hard replacing Maya Rudolph. Smart, beautiful and funny is an unlikely combination.

Maya is still a triple threat.
Rudolph paved the way for Nasim Pedrad. Nasim took shortcuts on the road to stardom because of Maya’s past work. Even though SNL welcomes competition, there isn’t any animosity within the show. It’s all one big family.
Niches = Riches
Money is in niches. Through the years SNL cultivated invaluable niches in holidays and politics. Around Thanksgiving, Christmas and U.S. election cycles the best episodes air.

Old cast members like to popup on Christmas. It’s their way of saying I’m gifted. Dressed in sweaters they sing I Wish It Was Christmas Today. It’s funny to see Jimmy Fallon back on Saturday night.
Get well soon Tracy Morgan.
Who remembers Horatio Sanz’s Saddam Hussein impersonations? Saturday Night lives on the edge. Sometimes SNL crosses the line.
And, that’s the beauty of the First Amendment. Free speech is protected. Just don’t yell ‘I got Ebola on an airplane.’
I love it when musicians host and sing the same night. That’s what you call getting your money’s worth. Justin Timberlake does it best.

Who watches Saturday Night Live? Do you want to join my fan club? Thank heaven I don’t have Ebola. I got Saturday Night fever!

Join me on Facebook. I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

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