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Celebrity Rag Riches- The Clothing Line Empires of Jessica Simpson, Diddy, Kimora Lee Simmons, Mary Kate And Ashley Olsen


Clothes are a basic need. Fashion is a want or desire. Luxury is a gift.

My motto is… to each his own. Pick your poison.  If you want to look nice, by all means dress for success

Fashion is poisonous. Walk into a fashionista’s closet; and, you’ll swear it was a warehouse. You’ll find belts, boots, scarfs, and anything fashionable.

Aim to be the best dressed. Mark Twain said: “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.” So invest in a nice wardrobe.

Your apparel says a lot about you. You are what you wear. Do you wear tacky clothes? Are you wearing mismatched shoes?

We all have a sister who splurges on the fancy things. She owns 100 pairs of shoes. And, she is part owner of Zappos. Shoes are the main suspects.

The question is how can someone spend so much money on luxurious brands. In my article, I hope to answer this question and more. I’ll show you how celebrities are culprits.

Celebrities Most Wanted List

The following celebrities are most wanted for making a killing off of their clothing lines.

#10 Nicole Richie

Photo By: Eva Rinaldi

Nicole Richie has a good name. In marketing, you learn the value of brand name recognition. Her brand is strong because of the celebrity of her father and The Simple Lifereality show.

TV is a powerful platform. Even if you don’t own a physical television, you probably have watched TV shows on the Internet. House of Harlow 1960 is a baby Nicole has nurtured since 2010.

#9 Rachel Zoe

Rachel Zoe sets the stage for celebrity stylists. If you’re a player in the industry, then Rachel is on your radar. The Rachel Zoe Project helps build and expand her brand.

The fashion designer launched her clothing line in 2011. She collected $20 million in sales. Her husband Roger Berman is CEO of the company. Do you see a trend?

#8 Justin Timberlake

Photo By: Belu EG

Justin Timberlake made the list as expected. He is a savvy businessman. And, I’ve heard he makes pretty good music too.

Timberlake and Trace Ayala built a $50 million brand named William Rast. Over the years, it has gained significant media attention. I imagine the clothing line will take off in the near future.

#7 Gwen Stefani

Photo By: jelizen

Gwen Stefani’s L.A.M.B. reached sales of $90 million. Gwen is a huge success due to her music. Music is her main platform.

Musicians succeed in fashion, because they are artistic. Walk into a boutique and you will encounter an eccentric owner. Creativity is required in this business.

#6 Victoria Beckham

Spice girl and wife of David, Victoria Beckham is worth $95 million in revenue. Her true calling is fashion. Beckham has global reach and international appeal.

She is a really good singer. What is more, Beckham is an even better businesswoman. She has magnetic charm.

#5 Diddy

Photo By: David Shankbone

Sean John “Diddy” Combs is a commercial success. He built a clothing line empire with his smooth business skills. His revenue from clothes exceeds $250 million.

The urban community embraces Diddy’s brand Sean John without a doubt. Diddy has diversified and that helps maintain his cash flow. Forbes loves him…do you?

#4 Jay-Z

Photo By: Joella Marano

Nowadays, Jay-Z is known as Beyoncé’s husband. Did you know his Rocawear brand earns $700 million per year? Curious George says that isn’t peanuts!

Jay-Z proudly displays his celebrity rag riches. His prolific rap career benefits his clothing line empire. Forbes loves him too.

#3 Jessica Simpson

The former reality TV star makes more money with her clothing line than with her music. The Jessica Simpson Collection has racked in over $750 million of revenue. She has big boots to fill. 

There’s a catch to Jessica Simpson’s clothing line success. Simpson is absent from country music. That’s why Taylor Swift is bigger than Moses.

#2 Kimora Lee Simmons

The model Kimora Lee Simmons made over $800 million in sales as a fashion designer. This level of success in the fashion industry is extremely rare. She struts beauty on the runway. And she has brains built for business at the headquarters.

The reality star has 3 clothing lines: KLS, Kouture by Kimora and Fabulosity. What’s her secret? How does she manage to maintain?

#1 Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen

Photo By: David Shankbone

The Olsen twins hold down the number 1 spot. They reached $1 billion in revenue. Ashley and Mary-Kate have turned their celebrity status 360 degrees. They’re most famous for portraying Michelle on the family TV sitcom Full House.

Celebrities secretly envy the Olsen family. Their clothing line empire is the cream of the crop. They have built the toughest celebrity fashion brand.

The fashion industry generates $1.2 trillion. Read here for the latest statistics. LVMH’s annual revenue surpasses $37 billion.

Also, Christian Dior and Hermès are among the iconic international luxury brands. Celebrity clothing lines contribute a great deal to the profitable apparel industry. If you have a good idea, there’s no need to worry about going out of business. You’re always in high demand.

Honorable Mentions

The following celebrities have made a fortune from their fashion lines: Selena Gomez, Sienna Miller, Kate Moss, Beyoncé, Nicky Hilton, 50 Cent, Nelly, Kanye West and Pharrell Williams.

These days, ‘rags to riches’ is rare. ‘Riches to rags’ is the norm. But still, where there is a will there is a way.

I recommend reading How to Start a Clothing Line. I suggest you become a celebrity first, if you want to improve your chances. It will be 100 times easier to break into the industry this way.

As you can see, many celebrities make more money in the fashion industry than in entertainment. I call this phenomenon Celebrity Rag Riches.  

Thank you for reading, subscribing, and sharing. I welcome your comments.

~ The Guru Jay
Action movies Angelina Jolie best actor Bruce Willis Celebrity Cinema Google heroes Highest paid Larry Page money photos Top Ten Actors videos Will Smith worst actor zeroes

Action Heroes And Zeroes: 1’s + 0’s

By: Guru Jay
Action Heroes

The best Action Heroes command a load of zeroes on their paychecks. Action is a big box office draw. Many Action Movies are rated PG-13. So, action movies often are nice family friendly films.

You will find many Action Heroes in our list of Top 10 Actors.  Action films require a high budget. It’s rare to see a low budget Action movie.

You know it takes money to make money. Think of Action flicks as an investment. Let’s say you bought Google stock.

Now, imagine buying stock in Bruce Willis like you would Google. You want to look at Bruce Willis as an investment. This is how the entertainment industry works.

I love action. You are hardly ever disappointed. Action Heroes have special stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. There is a strong bond between Action Heroes and Zeroes.

I vividly recall watching the original Robocop on several Saturdays. In the 90s, Robocop received massive syndication. Unfortunately, for the movie purist, TIVO was not invented yet.

You were forced to watch the commercials that came attached with the featured presentation. We did not mind the advertisements, because every now and again we needed popcorn and a can of Coke.

Technology still remains a major component of Action Movies. It’s a simple fact that Action makes movie executives billions of dollars. Bruce Willis is the ultimate Action Hero.

Look at the Die Hard franchise. As you will see, Willis has dominated decade after decade in the Action genre. Not very many other Action actors have lasted as long.

Bruce Willis is underrated. Although he earns a wad of zeroes, he is underpaid. As you may already know, Willis commanded a percentage of the Six Sense. He clearly made a calculated move.

Timing is everything in entertainment. Bruce Willis is a timeless actor. If you placed him in films from the fifties and sixties, he ‘d still be popular.

100 years from now, Bruce Willis films will still be popular. Mark my words. I can’t even express how much money Bruce Willis is worth. If you look anything like Willis, you’re welcome in Hollywood.

Here is Bruce in the first Die Hard .

Another Action movie legend is Sylvester Stallone. I admire his Rambo movies. A lot like Bruce, Sly has owned the box office results. It’s safe to say Mr. Stallone is a senior citizen, but he does not act his age.

He still is pushing steel and pumping iron. And, he keeps on producing high quality productions such as the Expendables. I enjoy the Expendables because it is nostalgic.

Those Expendable actors put in a ton of work at the gym and on the silver screen. That’s why Stallone makes seven to eight zeroes per movie. He is the darn movie executive.

Watch the Rambo II trailer from the 80’s.  

What about Rocky? Everybody loves Rocky. How many box office knockouts has Rocky had?

Next, is Jean-Claude Van Damme? He is an international Action icon. What’s more, he practices what he preaches. Van Damme is a martial artist master.

He’s a man you don’t want to argue with. He can paralyze his foe in one quick hand movement.  Like Stallone, Van Damme does not act his age.

His global appeal is brilliantly marketed in this Volvo commercial. 

It’s easy to tell he is true to his craft. I like his authentic nature.

If I excluded Arnold Schwarzenegger I wouldn’t be able to call myself a journalist. I truly think he is half man and half machine. Prove me wrong.

P.S. He’ll be back!

He has matured into arguably the greatest action hero of all time. Schwarzenegger started his career as a bodybuilder and took off from there. His Terminator franchise is legendary.

If you plan to write a piece on movie history, it’s only right you mention Arnold Schwarzenegger in the discussion.

The Action filmography of Will Smith speaks for itself. He has earned a spot at the top because of his value. He brings value to each movie he is associated with.

Smith’s box office results are not comparable. That’s why he also garners seven to eight zeroes. The only knock on Smith is he should star in more films.

Take a few more risks like After Earth. No risk, no reward. You can’t make a hit all the time.

Photo By: Tais Melillo

Here comes the Men in Black! Don’t they defend the galaxy or something?

The Men in Black franchise is a major part of action/science fiction cinema. All
Three films are spectacular. Independence Day was an instant classic. Watch a clip of Will Smith at his best.

Angelina Jolie is an Action Superwoman.  She is a hero for all women. She commands several zeroes because of her brand. She sells her characters better than Procter & Gamble. 

Watch the official Salt trailer.

As you can see, Jolie is versatile. She proves to the entertainment world that women can star in more than romance and comedy. She is legitimate.

Her box office results in movies like Wanted speak volumes. 

Here’s a scene from Wanted

Jolie has some of the best sex appeal ever filmed. But, she is more than a sex symbol. Angelina is an amazingly talented actress. She is in the heavyweight division just like Sylvester Stallone.

Remember, when I said you are hardly ever disappointed with Action. Well, sometimes you get robbed. Sometimes, you respectfully ask for your money back.

After all, money doesn’t grow on pine trees. Money grows on trees in Larry Page’s backyard.

Action Zeroes

Action movies staring Rob Schneider should never be made. He is an above average comedian. He is not an Action star.

First of all, looking the part is a prerequisite. Secondly, acting the part is just as critical. Jay Leno is first on the list of Action Zeroes.

I showed you a strong connection of Action heroes and zeroes. Now, let’s go to the other extreme. These Action actors don’t command a lot of zeroes. In fact, they are Action Zeroes.

The following five actors are the five worst Action Stars judged by Xfinity.

5. Rob Schneider

4. Shaq

3. John Stamos

2. Vanilla Ice

1. Jay Leno

And 0

This is Guru Jay signing off…Have a great weekend everybody!

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How to Be Justin Bieber


How to Be a Celebrity 

Oh, baby! Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be famous? Can you picture being a celebrity? Are you fantasizing yet?

I won’t wake you from your dream. Keep on dreaming…

You’re Justin Bieber. There’s not a girl on the planet who wouldn’t want to spend a night with you. You walk into the club. Of course, you have bodyguards like President Obama.

You’re freaking Justin Bieber, man! How did you become Justin Bieber overnight? Obviously, you’re still dreaming.

You have a ton of money, a billion tons of fans, and you party all the time. Companies are lining up single file to give you free stuff. Better yet, they are begging you to endorse their products.

Your manager is here. He tells you, “Mr. Bieber it’s time to go on your world tour. I’ve arranged such and such and blah, blah, blah. Thank you so much for not firing me, sir.” Where do you stop first on your world tour?

Well, if you were Justin Bieber it’s a good chance you would stop at Selena Gomez’s home. You might go to your friend Jaden Smith’s crib. You can go anywhere.

If you want to hold a concert in Anchorage, Alaska on Christmas Day, nobody will say that’s a bad idea. Why? Fans are going to show up that’s why. You’re a celebrity called Justin Bieber.

I started to follow Justin Bieber on Twitter yesterday. I still might follow him. But, the dude has 50 million followers already.

In fact, I was surprised to see he has more followers than the President. What does that say about the society we live in? It says we love music.

I won’t tell you I’m Justin Bieber’s biggest fan, because I’m not. However, I will say his story is worth writing about. Bieber came up the hard way.

He was raised in a single parent household. He isn’t an entitled brat. So many people try to paint a bad image of Bieber. But, it’s not a true depiction.

We can’t expect a young man who turned 20 recently to act like a 30 year old man. Go back in time when you were young. Think about the dumb mistakes you made.

Now, imagine all your mistakes being broadcasted on national television and the world-wide-web. And, that’s how it feels to be Justin Bieber. Never judge a man until you walk a mile in his moccasins.

Although we love to pretend the fact of the matter is no one knows what it is like to be Justin Bieber but Justin Bieber himself.

He is a rags-to-riches success story. Before being discovered, he reached us by posting YouTube videos. On my blog, I have video of Justin Bieber before he got famous.

At a young age, Bieber shared his talent with the world. You might say without YouTube Justin Bieber would be an average college student with $20,000 in student debt. He might also be unemployed or underemployed if he lived in America.

A lot of people (haters) want to focus on his negatives. But, Justin Bieber has positively made society a little better. He is a prime example of how dreams come true.

Ode to Technology

YouTube is a terrific medium. You’re able to exchange social value by uploading a video. How easy is it to make a YouTube video? I made my first YouTube video today, which you can watch on the blog.

I found that technology maximizes the potential of everything. You can be- an entrepreneur, artist, celebrity, or an ordinary Joe from Buffalo. Your gift can be broadcasted for everyone to see.

As a youth, I rebelled against technology. I thought technology would take-over our lives. I felt that technology disconnected people. I was right and wrong at the same time.

The beauty of technology is you can make of it what you want to. No one says you have to make a YouTube video or sign up for a Twitter account. You should do those things, but you do have choices.

In America, we live in a standardized society. It’s a multiple choice test country. We can measure just about everything but love.

I love America. I’m proud to be an American. My family served in the military for over four generations. Thanks to technological advances, we are able to better communicate with our family overseas.

Click on the video above and watch one of the most viewed videos of all time. It’s Justin Bieber’s Baby song. Before you watch it, be aware that it won’t be easy to get the song out your head.

I was right about technology taking over; but, I was wrong about technology being bad. Technology is good. If you are a blogger, you have a way to voice your opinion and influence  somebody’s life in a big way.

As a blogger, I’m thankful if I reach just one person. That’s all. I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! Like us on Facebook

Almond Milk apples diet exercise fruits Good Health How to Be Healthy John D. Rockefeller lifestyle money relaxation Salad time vegetables Water Wealth workout Yoga

How to Be Healthy: Lifestyle


Health is wealth. If you’re healthy, you’re wealthy. Life is the most precious gift in this blue and green world of ours. So, stay healthy so you can be wealthy.

In 2014, I made a decision to live a healthy lifestyle. This means I eat better food. I try to only intake nature’s best ingredients. In fact, my whole family is living much healthier lifestyles. So, this is an added bonus. 

Where Do You Start? 

If you’re feeling unhealthy, then you feel broke; meaning, you don’t have any money to spend. The fact is time has more value than money. 

You see, money is infinite; and, mankind’s lifespan is definite. So, make the most of your time; and, you’ll make more money.

Listen to me. I’m a Guru. Life is like yoga- you have a limited number of breaths. Start by embracing what is sacred. First of all, you should value yourself and family.

By nature, yoga exercise stresses relaxation and relief. If you’re unable to start jogging I recommend you combine your walking with yoga. If your life has a whole lot of chaos, yoga can help balance tricky situations. 

Next, drink water. Water is the key ingredient of good health. When you’re tired of drinking water, try drinking almond milk.

When you have five minutes to spare, click here for more information about almond milk. I have been drinking almond milk for five months; and, I can attest to its many benefits.

Yes, milk does the body good; but, almond milk does the body better. Your body breaks down as you getter older. Start right now and make a lifestyle change. 

There’s no reason for your body not to function. If you fuel your tank properly, you should be able to drive for the long haul. No matter what is holding you back, you can do it. 

Take a bite out of apples. Your body will thank you. Your brain will tell you well done. Don’t forget to eat salad.

2014 is your year as well. The first step to being healthy is to eat healthier. You might have to change your diet. This means, eat more fruits and vegetables. Remember: you eat what you are. 

The Iceberg 

The whole truth is you have to exercise. The Doctors want you to work out 30 minutes per day. Here are 13 ways to exercise Hey, if you enjoy dancing, dance away. Do some salsa, ballroom dancing or aerobics.

All physical activity counts toward your health and wellbeing. Start working out and you’ll feel happier, and have more energy. Furthermore, if you want to lose weight, exercise is critical. 

There is toxic fat around you organs that can only get lost through exercise. For more information click here. I don’t advocate depriving yourself of food. Exercise is of the upmost importance.

The purpose of the iceberg is to float. I want you to tread above the water. Don’t beat yourself up. If you can’t do these things yet, remember time is your friend.

Do a little here and a little there. Every bit adds up. Value your health like you do your wealth. If it means: jogging on a treadmill, jumping jacks or jumping ropes, or improving your posture with yoga, just do it.


Your lifestyle has to change. Begin by making good health your top priority. Read articles on the topic. Here is a nice article for women’s health tips.These are nine easy steps toward good health. 

At an early age, I knew I wanted to be a writer. My family encouraged me. My teachers encouraged me. And, sooner than later I landed my first writing job at a newspaper. 

What compelled me to write is the lifestyle. Writers have the ability: to work for themselves, work when they want, and get freebies. Authors want me to read their books. And, as a result I’m offered free material.

My good health is also a lifestyle choice. I exercise at least three times per week. I eat a ton of fruits and vegetables every month. 

If you’re struggling with bad health, don’t forget to take your first step. Whenever you climb to the top: you must take your first step in order to take your last. 

Read about the nine foods men must eat. Stop drinking way too much beer. Start drinking more juice.

How to Be Healthy

John D. Rockefeller lived for 97 years. He is widely considered the wealthiest man in history. What is more, his health was his wealth. 

As a youth, Rockefeller decided he wanted to live until he was 100. Wealth wasn’t his primary concern. Health was his primary concern. 

You see so many people today who work, work, work, and work. All they do is work. Well, it’s time to live. 

You see, Rockefeller understood that time is far more valuable than money. You can have all the money in the world, but you can never have enough time. 

You can be healthy by living the best lifestyle. Appreciate your health. In order to have good health, you have to make it first on your to-do-list. 

Follow me on Pinterest, and Tumblr. Also, thank you for leaving comments. Read How to Be Healthy for more information.

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