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Why Electric Dreams Is Worth Binge-Watching


Why Electric Dreams Is Worth Binge-Watching
 Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

I highly recommend binge-watching Electric Dreams. You will thoroughly enjoy the Amazon Original by Phillip K. Dick. It is a very entertaining series from the start. The anthology is a collection of intriguing episodes sparking your imagination. This blog post will review the first episode called ‘Real Life.’

In episode 1, Anna Paquin’s character and Terrence Howard’s character share a virtual fantasy world together where they live out each other’s lives in ‘Electric Dreams.’ Anna Paquin is a lesbian policewoman and Terrance Howard is a Tech billionaire. They visual another world- one futuristic and the other modern day. Anna Paquin lives in the future, and Terrence Howard lives in 2012.

Through these virtual headsets and microchips they’re able to connect with each other. In other words, there are two worlds on a collision course. Unfortunately, in both worlds they suffer tragedies. Howard’s character loses his wife and Paquin’s character ultimately enters a coma.

It is not a coincidence that the two main characters share the same lover. The episode reveals many connections such as the same scenery. As the story unfolds, you’ll find familiar places and similar scenarios.

The setting takes place in futuristic and present day Chicago. It revolves around ‘real life’ and science. Technology is a major theme. Moreover, how technology connects us and divides us is explored.

The actors did an amazing job. Every detail was well thought out and the cinematography was incredible. Give credit to the director and producers.

Finally, the episode warns people about the pitfalls of virtual reality. On the one hand, virtual reality is good because it’s an escape mechanism. They call it a vacation. On the other hand, virtual reality is bad because it ultimately leads to disconnection.

Electric Dreams explores the dynamics of society in multiple ways. In the future, we have flying cars and holograms but less compassion. Still, in both worlds, we need more compassion.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Beyoncé concerts DailyMotion Fergie futuristic Hip Hop Iggy Azalea Justin Timberlake Lady Gaga NSYNC pop music rap Technology The Black Eyed Peas the future timeless tours videos YouTube

The Futuristic Music of Justin Timberlake, Lady Gaga and the Black Eyed Peas


The best pop music sounds futuristic. Justin Timberlake named his tour the FutureSex/LoveShow. Furthermore, who’s more on the cutting edge than Lady Gaga? The Black Eyed Peas actually live in present day 3008.

Even as the NSYNC leader, Justin showed early signs of prospering on his own. Once Timberlake committed to the idea of greatness, he became great. He let his passion flourish. Will you?

If Beyoncé is a dream girl, then Justin Timberlake is every girl’s dream. His Until the End of Time duet with Beyoncé still attracts daily views on YouTube as well as DailyMotion (pun intended). How can you get more futuristic than the apocalypse?

Of course Timberlake received high marks on his progress reports, because he’s progressive. Check out Ayo Technology by 50 Cent featuring Justin. Timberlake makes my top 10 pop star list because he works smart. I currently have him at #5, but with an array of smashing hits, he can easily move up to #1.

The face of music treats entertainment as a business. That’s why the passionate musician owns a portion of MySpace. By making intelligent decisions, instead of working hard, you’ll hardly have to work.

Lately, Lady Gaga has underperformed slightly. That is actually a good thing because she had time to reflect and introspect. That’s why I’m waiting patiently for the release of her next album.

One of these days, Gaga will perform on the moon. Remember where you read it first. I guarantee she’ll still look sexy too.

Seriously, while most musicians imitate, Lady Gaga innovates. Many pop stars sample oldies, but Gaga invents newbies. See ArtPop for proof that’s she’s unabashed and willing to try something new, exciting, and different.

There are several similarities between Fergie and Iggy Azalea. The Black Eyed Peas singer/rapper revolutionized music with bandleader,, and Taboo. ImmaBe influenced LMFAO’s popular Party Rock Anthem. Furthermore, Fergie still influences Iggy Azalea’s career.

This is the same band that brought you the E.N.D (The Energy Never Dies) album, which included hits such as: Boom Boom Pow, I Gotta Feeling, and Rock That Body. Additionally, their music transcends time. Who remembers Craig Robinson’s Let’s Get It Started from the Hot Tub Time Machine?  

“ And the bass keeps runnin’ runnin’, and runnin’, runnin…”

The band is in it for the long haul. Because they come from different walks of life, the group’s music truly brings people together. The Black Eyed Peas dutifully embrace technology and the future. In the words of, “you can’t say futuristic and then be afraid of the future.”

Justin Timberlake, Lady Gaga, and the Black Eyed Peas can officially retire because they have produced enough content already to last two lifetimes. What is more, they have collected a treasure chest of timeless songs. I identify with all these musicians because I write timeless blogs.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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Do You Like Science Fiction And Fantasy?


Let’s go on an adventure. First, I’ll take you to the moon. Then, we’ll tour our solar system. Let’s hope we don’t get lost in a black hole. Worst-case scenario, we’ll end up in a perpendicular world inside a parallel universe. 

Close your eyes and imagine. This is your time. So, take it. Soar above the stars and glide next to the cosmos. Launch into space and collect some stardust.

Along the journey, take a few pictures and put them on  [Pinterest], [Twitter] and [Instagram]. Our trip is sponsored by: NASA, Albert Einstein, and John Lennon.

Watch out for the asteroids. Because there’s so much out there in space, it’s easy to get spaced-out. Outer space is like the Wild West multiplied by a trillion. Be prepared for a bumpy ride. It’s the best rollercoaster ride of all time.   

When you awaken let’s get back down to earth. Who doesn’t love to fantasize? Albert Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge. John Lennon’s [Imagine] is a timeless classic, because imagination never gets old.

Have you ever dreamed of [time travel]? There are so many good movies about time travel.  [Back to the Future series] and [Time Cop] are my favorites. I haven’t seen [The Time Traveler’s Wife], but critics love it.

Would you like to know what is to come? [Gattaca], [In Time], and [Equilibrium] take you on a quest. Each has a unique depiction of the future. However, their perspectives are the same. In essence, in these films society is overtaken by technology.

Steve Jobs used technology as a means to increase the quality of life for millions upon millions. I believe in the notion proposed by Walt Disney “If you can dream it, you can do it. Jobs, the founder of Pixar saw the big picture and dreamed.

Steve Jobs changed history by dreaming up [Pixar], the [iPhone], and [Ipad]. His product lines will live forever. He made many everlasting footprints in our universe. 

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

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How to Be Justin Bieber


How to Be a Celebrity 

Oh, baby! Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be famous? Can you picture being a celebrity? Are you fantasizing yet?

I won’t wake you from your dream. Keep on dreaming…

You’re Justin Bieber. There’s not a girl on the planet who wouldn’t want to spend a night with you. You walk into the club. Of course, you have bodyguards like President Obama.

You’re freaking Justin Bieber, man! How did you become Justin Bieber overnight? Obviously, you’re still dreaming.

You have a ton of money, a billion tons of fans, and you party all the time. Companies are lining up single file to give you free stuff. Better yet, they are begging you to endorse their products.

Your manager is here. He tells you, “Mr. Bieber it’s time to go on your world tour. I’ve arranged such and such and blah, blah, blah. Thank you so much for not firing me, sir.” Where do you stop first on your world tour?

Well, if you were Justin Bieber it’s a good chance you would stop at Selena Gomez’s home. You might go to your friend Jaden Smith’s crib. You can go anywhere.

If you want to hold a concert in Anchorage, Alaska on Christmas Day, nobody will say that’s a bad idea. Why? Fans are going to show up that’s why. You’re a celebrity called Justin Bieber.

I started to follow Justin Bieber on Twitter yesterday. I still might follow him. But, the dude has 50 million followers already.

In fact, I was surprised to see he has more followers than the President. What does that say about the society we live in? It says we love music.

I won’t tell you I’m Justin Bieber’s biggest fan, because I’m not. However, I will say his story is worth writing about. Bieber came up the hard way.

He was raised in a single parent household. He isn’t an entitled brat. So many people try to paint a bad image of Bieber. But, it’s not a true depiction.

We can’t expect a young man who turned 20 recently to act like a 30 year old man. Go back in time when you were young. Think about the dumb mistakes you made.

Now, imagine all your mistakes being broadcasted on national television and the world-wide-web. And, that’s how it feels to be Justin Bieber. Never judge a man until you walk a mile in his moccasins.

Although we love to pretend the fact of the matter is no one knows what it is like to be Justin Bieber but Justin Bieber himself.

He is a rags-to-riches success story. Before being discovered, he reached us by posting YouTube videos. On my blog, I have video of Justin Bieber before he got famous.

At a young age, Bieber shared his talent with the world. You might say without YouTube Justin Bieber would be an average college student with $20,000 in student debt. He might also be unemployed or underemployed if he lived in America.

A lot of people (haters) want to focus on his negatives. But, Justin Bieber has positively made society a little better. He is a prime example of how dreams come true.

Ode to Technology

YouTube is a terrific medium. You’re able to exchange social value by uploading a video. How easy is it to make a YouTube video? I made my first YouTube video today, which you can watch on the blog.

I found that technology maximizes the potential of everything. You can be- an entrepreneur, artist, celebrity, or an ordinary Joe from Buffalo. Your gift can be broadcasted for everyone to see.

As a youth, I rebelled against technology. I thought technology would take-over our lives. I felt that technology disconnected people. I was right and wrong at the same time.

The beauty of technology is you can make of it what you want to. No one says you have to make a YouTube video or sign up for a Twitter account. You should do those things, but you do have choices.

In America, we live in a standardized society. It’s a multiple choice test country. We can measure just about everything but love.

I love America. I’m proud to be an American. My family served in the military for over four generations. Thanks to technological advances, we are able to better communicate with our family overseas.

Click on the video above and watch one of the most viewed videos of all time. It’s Justin Bieber’s Baby song. Before you watch it, be aware that it won’t be easy to get the song out your head.

I was right about technology taking over; but, I was wrong about technology being bad. Technology is good. If you are a blogger, you have a way to voice your opinion and influence  somebody’s life in a big way.

As a blogger, I’m thankful if I reach just one person. That’s all. I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! Like us on Facebook

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