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What Makes Kerry Washington Special

Actresses come and go in Hollywoodland. Sometimes the most talented stars are unfairly mistreated by “showbusinessmen.” Still, you can’t deny the preciousness of a diamond in the rough.

How amazing is Kerry Washington? Let’s appreciate her offerings and sacrifices to the entertainment industry. Her body of work is a work of art.
I will explain what makes Kerry Washington special. Kerry became a top 5 TV actressafter a successful movie career. Without question, her value as an actor has quadruple since Scandal. Approximately 7 million viewers watch the popular legal/political TV drama.
I encourage you to watch Kerry Washington’s movies. Like Halle Berry, she sacrificed higher salaries for the sake of creating superior content. For example, she was underpaid for both the Last King of Scotland and Ray.
Additionally, I recommend watching Lakeview Terrace. I’ve seen the film at least 3 times. You’ll enjoy her back and forth with Samuel L. Jackson.

Kerry Washington’s Django Unchained performance was off the chain. As a disclaimer, this movie isn’t for everybody. Django was designed to be controversial.
The hot actress plays the hell out of roles. She was the shit in I Think I Love My Wife, although Gina Torres got the best line. When Washington is in a film, her presence is always felt.
Kerry is still out of sight. She doesn’t need makeup. Does she look gorgeous or what?
You see what makes her special is a rare combination of talent and beauty. Kerry Washington is similar to Scarlett Johansson and Angelina Jolie. All three are terrific thespians and sex symbols.
You need tough skin to succeed in Tinseltown.
You must learn how to deal with rejection and brush up on your politics. Celebrities aren’t measured with the same stick as common folk.

The uncommon Kerry Washington has brushed up on political events. Few actresses achieve her level of fame, while staying levelheaded. That’s what makes her special.

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What If Solange Knowles Goes On Tour With Destiny’s Child?


I grew up on Destiny’s Child (pun intended). Beyoncé, Kelly Rowland, and Michelle Williams were the premiere music group of their time. Who remembers when I’m A Survivor played on the radio non-stop?
Moreover, Destiny’s Child is responsible for adding words to our vocabulary such as Bootylicious. I bet Beyoncé and the girls unintentionally recruited for the Army with their Soldier song. Who recalls in that video Solange Knowles was pregnant?
Solange is an unofficial Destiny’s Child member. For years, many fans anticipated Solange to officially join the group. Right now is the perfect time for Destiny’s Child to reunite for a tour. Why not include Solange in the mix?
Let me explain my reasons. First, Beyoncé could use it for her legacy. Second, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams could use publicity. Lastly, Solange could use the tour to launch a future album.

Didn’t Beyoncé use Destiny’s Child as a launching pad? Can you imagine how fans would respond? This is a winning proposition.
As a marketing practitioner, this would be your dream. In the words of Kelly Clarkson, “some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.”
Destiny’s child deserves an induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Additionally, Solange Knowles deserves a Grammy. But to earn one, she needs a chance.
Let Solange seize the opportunity before it’s too late. We’ve witnessed many entertainers fall into traps. All too often, singers are held back because record labels won’t put money up for their promotions. Some movie producers are guilty of cutting corners and slicing budgets.
Solange is a unique artist similar to Erykah Badu. I like her style. She’s free.

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She should debut a new album soon. I believe the talented singer could go platinum if somehow she joined Destiny’s Child for a reunion tour.

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Britney Spears Is Back In Full Swing


Britney Spears is back in full swing. She made a major comeback after going through a rough patch. Ironically, the Oops I Did It Again singer is reclaiming her throne once again.
This is an exciting time in music. Adele has officially returned. Plus, Rihanna is everything and everywhere. What else do you want?
There won’t be another Britney Spears because Twitter forever changed how the public engages with celebrities. The days of fan mail are long gone. When I worked at the paper, I used to receive letters from fans everyday.

Like many celebs, Britney Spears obtained fame and fortune at an early age. That’s why it seems like Miley Cyrus is 40 and Usher is a senior citizen.
Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera meant the world to music. Recently, Spears has been showing off her skills. She’s under contract with Planet Hollywood for 2 more years.
That’s great because celebrities need steady paychecks in order to maintain their luxurious lifestyles. Can you believe Britney Spears spent $7 million in one year? In her defense, Mariah Carey spends a ton of money too.

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When she’s not at the mall, the work bitch is working out at the gym. Have you seen her lately? She looks like an Olympic gymnast.
The natural blonde is not only beautiful but also physically fit. Who remembers when she was compared to Madonna nonstop? That’s part of the reason they “tongued-kissed” on TV. It was a big deal then. Nowadays, when two girls kiss it is normal.
Also, who could forget about Leave Britney alone? Does it ever feel like the world is moving too fast? Can you keep up with the Joneses plus the Jenners?
I believe she is an inspiration. The celeb’s showing the world her problems are solved. What is more, Britney Spears is back in full swing.

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actresses Bryce Dallas Howard Celebrity Gossip Celebs Crimson Peak Elizabeth Olsen Entertainment News Guru Jay Hollywood Lookalikes Jessica Chastain Jurassic World Movies Redheads The Help The Martian

Hollywood LookAlikes – Jessica Chastain Vs. Bryce Dallas Howard: Battle of the Redheads


Hollywood LookAlikes Jessica Chastain Vs. Bryce Dallas Howard: Battle of the Redheads

In my Hollywood LookAlikes: Hilary Swank Vs. Jennifer Garner post, I asked whether celebrities sometimes pass themselves off as each other. Recently, Jessica Chastain admitted to Jimmy Fallon that she pretends to be Bryce Dallas Howard. Apparently, fans commonly call Chastain by Howard’s name.
Can you spot the difference between these actresses?
I watch movies with an eagle eye and elephant ear. And I’ll admit that it took me some time to separate Charlize Theron from Uma Thurman. So, I can understand why some people could confuse Jessica and Bryce.

Both girls are sexy redheads without prevalent freckles. You don’t see that everyday. Plus, these 2 actresses played in The Help together. How many lookalikes can say they’ve been in the same movie?
However, if you look closely you’ll see Bryce’s blue eyes and Jessica’s emeralds. Moreover, Jessica stoops three inches shorter at 5’4”. You see they’re not identical twins like Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. The pair is more like Mary and Elizabeth Olsen.

Mary Kate and Elizabeth Olsen 

Both girls were born in March. But Bryce Dallas Howard is a Pisces and Jessica Chastain is an Aries. Additionally, Jessica has 38 years compared to Bryce’s 34.
Check out The Martian movie review @ Guru Jay. Jessica Chastain doesn’t disappoint moviegoers, critics, and science geeks. She plays the perfect role as mission commander.
Have you seen Jurassic World? Bryce Dallas Howard helps to make this the highest grossing movie of the year thus far. What is it about those astronauts and dinosaurs we find fascinating?

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Despite Chastain having an age advantage, Howard is a more experienced actress due to genetics. Her father is none other than the Hollywood king Ron Howard. That’s why Bryce has been doing movies since 1989. This doesn’t take away from Chastain’s excellence. Quite the contrary, she studied at Juilliard like Nicole Beharie.
I like them both, but Jessica Chastain wins this Battle of the Redheads.

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