Academy Awards Actor Actress Best Blogs Brie Larson British Celebrity Collateral Beauty Entertainment film Guru Jay Hollywood Hollywood Stars Imitation Game Julia Roberts Keira Knightley Movies Oscars

Why Keira Knightley Is The Perfect Actress


Why Keira Knightley Is The Perfect Actress

Keira Knightley is one of my favorite actresses. I believe she is the best British entertainer right now. Moreover, her qualities as an actor are perfect. At 31, who has accomplished as much as this Hollywood star?

She poetically portrays characters on the silver screen. Also, nothing gets in the way of her delivering top notch results. Keira Knightley is known for superior performances. The Hollywood actress is laser focused in her films. You can easily see how her hard work pays dividends.

In my mind, Keira Knightley should sit next to Julia Roberts at the Academy Awards. Why don’t I arrange the Oscars seating charts with Keira Knightley’s Name between Roberts and mine?; that’s just a suggestion. Like Brie Larson, she’s one of the best actresses in showbiz. The red carpet was made for her footprints.

This phenomenal actress is one of the reasons I recommend Collateral Beauty. She helps bring the story to life as her character pulls off an amazing performance. I literally love Keira Knightley, who plays the abstract Love, in Collateral Beauty.

Additionally, she steals the spotlight from Benedict Cumberbatch in the Imitation Game. The wonderful thespian convinces the audience that her character, a cryptanalyst, helps save the world from destruction. Did you know that the movie is based on a true story?

As you can tell, Keira Knightley is everything you want in an actress. She has the look and style plus the talent minus the attitude. Sure, she seems a little sassy but that’s how we like it, right? When you make it to the top, you’re entitled to special privileges.

Knightley has earned significant star power by consistently shining throughout her illustrious career. She’s earned endorsements by commanding attention to her cause. Through constant repetition and memorization, Keira Knightley became one of the highest paid and most in-demand actresses of all time. As far as I’m concerned, Keira Knightley is the perfect actress.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actors actresses Celebrities Collateral Beauty Edward Norton Entertainment film Guru Jay Hollywood Stars IMDB Kate Winslet Keira Knightley Michael Pena movie review Movies Showbiz Will Smith

Collateral Beauty Movie Review


Collateral Beauty Movie Review

Collateral Beauty starring Will Smithcaptivates the audience. The film takes you on a journey of discovery. You discover the characters one by one and the story is put together piece by piece. You’re given all that you need from beginning to end. Not a word is wasted.

Collateral Beauty is about a man (Will Smith) coping with the death of his young daughter. Fortunately, he has built a thriving advertising business. But all the money in the world won’t bring his daughter back to life.

To cope with the unthinkable (losing a child), Howard played by Smith writes and mails letters to 3 abstracts: Love, Time, and Death. A private investigator opens them and reveals the details to his colleagues. Howard is effectively ambushed by his colleagues who stage an intervention to question his competency.

The plot involves subplots such as a woman’s biological clock, a man’s fight with cancer, and a father’s bond with his daughter. Actors literally play a key role in the movie, because the colleagues hire actors to play Love, Time, and Death. The movie has many twists and turns. I guarantee you’ll love it.

Will Smith delivers a powerful performance. His part alone makes the movie an eye opening experience. Give credit to amazing direction and incredible cinematography. No doubt the screenwriting is brilliant. Overall, I give the movie an A.

Plus, the movie showcases a dynamic cast. Edward Norton, Kate Winslet, and Michael Pena were excellent additions. Let’s not forget about Keira Knightley, who never looks a day over 25. They say she always gets her beauty sleep.

Collateral Beauty is about recognizing Death and staring her in the face. Accept the things you can’t change. And change what you can. What is more, come to grips that death is a natural part of life. Live your life abudantly, so that you can die peacefully. In the event, something unexpected happens, realize the collateral beauty.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Adam Levine Begin Again Box Office Breaking News Cee Lo Green Entertainment Hailee Steinfield Keira Knightley Mark Ruffalo Movies Music soundtrack Summer Top 10 Actresses Trailer

Begin Again: Music + Movies = Success

Begin Again 

Music + Movies= Success. This summer Begin Again debuts in theaters. The film starring Keira Knightley is highly anticipated. Critics have already chopped up Begin Again.

Overall, the reviews are looking good. For starters, we have a hot cast. It’s an incredible ensemble of actors, musicians, and singers.

The soundtrack is important to a movie’s success. I recently watched She’s Having a Baby for the 4thtime. If you have seen it, you realized the power of the ending scene. This Woman’s Work is brilliantly placed on the She’s Having a Baby soundtrack.

You see the soundtrack can change a movie from dull to good. The best films have a well-written script and a wonderful soundtrack. Begin Again is a movie with all the right pieces. Enjoy the trailer.

The cast has a tasty mixture of talent and direction. For the record, Begin Again was released for the first time at the 2013 Toronto Film Festival. The movie has been out of production for a while.

But, you’ll find that the best movies make you wait. Begin Again does a fine job building up anticipation. I strongly believe the film will fair very well at the box office.

In my last post Action Heroes and Zeroes, I explained how marketing may catapult or kill a movie’s chances. Begin Again is a success story.

The film is said to have a sensational soundtrack set to summer in New York City. It is scheduled to premier in the United States on July 4, 2014. The movie trailer has already been given tons of shares, likes and view on YouTube.

I’m interested in Canadians who have seen Begin Again. What did you like about it? Wasn’t the soundtrack sweet?

Does it live up to the hype? Judging by the reviews and information I’ve been given, the move is going to sell out on Independence Day. Can’t wait.

Keira Knightley 

Photo By: Tony Shek

Look into Keira Knightley’s eyes. Are you mesmerized? The British beauty is due for an Academy Award. Don’t be surprise if you hear her name in the news.

Knightley came close to winning the Best Actress statue in 2005 for her portrayal of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride & Prejudice. She was too young to win at that time.

I have a background in Government. I can tell you there is politics in everything. The Academy Awards are no exception.

I gave you a breakdown of Hollywood politics in my post of the Top 10 Actresses. Did you know actresses make less money after winning an Oscar? What is more, actors make more money after they win.

Hollywood has the strangest politics in the world. Knightley may not want an Oscar for these reasons, but she’ll get one and I tell you why.

She is becoming too expensive. She’s reaching the mature age of thirty. So the movie industry cannot trick her into taking less. She knows her worth.

Mark my words: she will win an Oscar within 3 years. Remember where you heard it first. Hey, Hollywood is not all fun and games. It’s a big business.

Mark Ruffalo

Photo By: Tony Shek

Mark Ruffalo costars in the film. He is most famous for playing The Hulk in the Avengers. He is a nice addition to the cast.

The great actor has been acting since 1989. He’s seasoned, humble, and talented. He has all the right ingredients.

He’s not going to try to steal the show. We need more actors like Ruffalo. He can a drive a movie to box office success. And, he doesn’t mind taking a backseat.

I believe he is one of the most respected actors in the business. No one ever has a bad word to say about him. He shows up, does his job and goes home.

Hailee Steinfield

Photo By: Nathan Blaney

Hailee Steinfield is a rising star. She brings the most youth to the silver screen. She is famous for her portrayal of Mattie Ross in True Grit.

She has a lot of potential in show business. The casting director deserves a $20,000 bonus; because the three main characters represent 3 different generations.

Adam Levine

 Photo By: ChristinaR

I can’t wait to see what Adam Levine from Maroon 5 brings to the table. He’s a superb singer and not a shabby actor either. It will be interested to see what role he plays.

For all we know, Levine could be like Justin Timberlake. Who can forget Timberlake’s performances in the Social Network and In Time? Levine adds a flavorful ingredient to the mix.
Cee Lo Green

Photo By: Julio Enriquez

Cee Lo Green is underrated as a singer. I remember when he lost his mind! In college, I first heard the Gnarls Barkley Crazy song.

If you haven’t already heard, then listen to Crazy on YouTube. The Crazy song and You’re Beautiful owned the 2005-2006 music season. It will be fun to see the former artist from Gnarls Barkley on the silver screen.

Music + Movies = Success

As an Accountant I deal with the equation Assets= Liabilities + Owner’s Equity on a daily basis. You learn this equation in your Accounting 101 class.

Later on in your accounting courses, you deal with more sophisticated formulas. If you’re a STEM major, more power to you.

If you’re a music or theatre major, I envy you. If there’s one thing I learn in life it is to follow your dreams. No matter what, stay focused.

Don’t forget the equation I introduced to you in the beginning. Music + Movies= Success. It’s a proven fact that soundtracks play an important role in the scheme of things.

This summer the Begin Again movie is sure to please. Don’t only mark my words, mark your calendars. The film debuts on July 4.

Expect fireworks and a roller coaster ride. You don’t have to go to Disney World or Six Flags. Take your family and friends to see Begin Again.

Thank you for Reading, Sharing, and Commenting. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

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