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Let’s Take a Selfie with Ed O’Neill

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Summer is a day away and the weather is perfect. The sun is shining, so you are smiling. Let’s take a selfie with Ed O’Neill.
If Bill Murray ticks off the clock, Ed O’Neill has the time. What if Netflix gave this actor his own Christmas special? What is the real O’Neill like?
I don’t get into gossip. I just call them like I see them. Although Ed’s old school, he’s cool enough to be on Instagram.
First, Married with Children may be the most watched TV show ever. It clearly is one of the most watchable. Who’s watching Married with Children right now?
Fans love characters like Al Bundy. Do you think Ed O’Neill hates being called Al Bundy in public? I don’t think so.
Moreover, Modern Family remains on top of the TV show rankings. People pass remotes because grandma must see Modern Family. Maybe, you have DVR so everybody is happy.
You rarely see Ed in movies but when you do he’s the most interesting man in the world. That’s my version of the popular Dos Equis commercial. Jokes aside, his performance in the Bone Collector was no laughing matter. He demonstrated his dramatic knack in the film.
Plus he seems laid back. So laid back, he didn’t recognize Britney Spears. Here’s why I give him the benefit of doubt…
Beautiful women constantly surround Ed O’Neil. Christina Applegate. Sofia Vergara. So he doesn’t see Britney Spears as the average person does. Also, Britney wasn’t dressed like a pop star when she asked for a selfie.
It’s interesting how long Ed O’Neill’s been in business as a leading TV actor. Can you believe Married with Children will celebrate its 30th anniversary next year? What is more, this year Ed O’Neil will celebrate his 30thanniversary with his lovely wife Catherine Rusoff.
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Funny Girl Margaret Cho

Comedy pushes limits. That’s why Margaret Cho is your pusher woman. She represents her hometown San Francisco beautifully. What a beautiful city and woman. Let’s celebrate Cho because that’s what we do here.
Too many celebrities get chopped up and spit out for no reason. I prefer celebrities like Margaret because she speaks her mind freely. Should we start punishing people based on their life’s perspectives?
The Korean American comedian is very vocal about change and social issues. Some will take what she said and twist it in a knot. That’s wrong. Although there’s a price to fame, it shouldn’t cost everything.
You see Cho can be extreme like Russell Brand. As a standup comedian, her comedy compares with Amy Schumer. And the comedic actress plays great supporting parts too.
Picture Margaret Cho and Ken Jeong in a movie head-to-head. Margaret Cho gets recognized because she developed her talent. Who watched Cho on the View? Her and Whoopi have awesome chemistry. You can’t fake it.
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Plus Margaret Cho’s brand is built to last. Can you believe she’s 47? Her face doesn’t look a day over 35. I admire celebrities that extend their time in showbiz.
Hollywood and entertainment are the most superficial businesses. You gotta constantly prove yourself in order to make it. The funny girl has done just that.
Whether through music, on TV, or in movies, Margaret Cho’s name rings your bell. Does she have poise and grace or what? Yet her filthy mouth barks attention. I would love to see her live in person.
Funny Girl is a 1968 musical film starring Barbra Streisand. Funny girl Margaret Cho creates throwback material by paying homage to Lenny Bruce and Richard Pryor. She is a true comedian who breaks through glass ceilings.
What is more, we appreciate Margaret Cho for entertaining us and rocking the microphone for all these years.
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Why There Will Only Be One Whoopi!

Few compare to the likes of Whoopi Goldberg. Right now Whoopi engages with more than 1.6 million Facebook fans. Plus she leads about 1.1 million Twitter followers.
There won’t be another Whoopi. There is only one Sister Act with legendary status. Show sista some respect. And show Whoopi Goldberg the money. She’s accumulated both fame and fortune throughout her prestigious career.
Weeks ago I watched Whoop’s Jumpin’ Jack Flash. The Hollywood star displayed why she is the cream of the crop. Who owns Eddie on DVD and VHS? Don’t ask me why I have 2 copies on different systems. Maybe, my love for Whoopi Goldberg runs deep.
Before Kelly Ripa was a household name, Whoopi was your woman. Who watches the View only because of Whoopi’s presence? I love it when she says welcome to The View. I enjoy the view too.
I got around to watching it today. It’s amazing how far she’s came. Check out Whoopi Goldberg in a pool full of milk. The Dairy Queen may be the best in TV and Showbiz. 
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She’s been entertaining the world for years at a super high level. Most entertainers cannot do the things she does daily. If you enjoy premium entertainment then choose to ride Whoopi because she’s fueled with premium energy.
Who else offers the special deal Whoopi serves? It’s always a treat seeing Whoopi perform on multiple outlets and platforms. Her sketch at the Oscars stole some of Chris Rock’s shine. The problem is that she outshines everybody.
The standup comedian will perform in Charleston this month. Her humor is one of a kind. Also, she tells rough jokes. In her words, “you know I’m rough.” That’s the way I like it. Tina Turner can verify this. “We’re gonna do the finish rough.”
If Ellen is the lightning of daytime talk then Whoopi brings the thunder. 
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Ashton Kutcher Celebrity comedy Entertainment Famous People Funny Guru Jay Hollywood Mila Kunis Movies MTV Netflix Punk'D Showbiz Steve Jobs That 70's Show The Ranch TV Twitter Two & a Half Men

How Ashton Kutcher Became Epic

We just started watching The Ranch on Netflix. One episode in… and I’m convinced this is going to be big. Ashton Kutcher aka Mila Kunis’ husband takes control of the show. I feel he (as executive producer/ lead actor) is the main reason The Ranch will succeed.
Whether this or That 70’s Show, aplusk brings unbelievable humor to the table. Plus he brings home the bacon. Everything the comedic actor does seems to turn epic.
Punk’d was a series of epic proportions. For a long time, you weren’t a true celebrity unless you got Punk’d. My days of watching MTV are gone but I still remember seeing this show along with MTV Cribs and Pimp My Ride.
I’m no longer in their target demographic- being in my late 20s. Can you believe Ashton Kutcher’s 38 now? He looks younger than that. But by the same token, he came a long way. Did you know Kutcher started acting in 1998? 
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The more I read and write about Ashton, his legend increases. Think about it. He inherited Two & a Half Men along with the Steve Jobs movie. If you ask me, he’s as high profile as famous people come. What’s his secret?
Kutcher excels highly at a lot of things both big and small. They say the celebrity is a genius. No bullshit.
What is more, his brand of comedy can reach a wide audience. That’s why The Ranch will go down in TV history provided it’s given enough resources (no pun intended).
What Kevin Spacey is to House of Cards, Ashton Kutcher can be to The Ranch. I rarely binge watch TV because I like to ponder and absorb material. What do you do? Maybe, you will binge watch The Ranch after reading this article.
In closing, a proper education requires reading Homer’s epics The Iliad and The Odyssey. In our celebrity-obsessed generation, Ashton Kutcher is like Homer. By constantly producing valuable pieces, Ashton Kutcher became epic. 
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90s Actors Best Blog Celebrity comedy Entertainment Funny Guru Jay Hollywood Home Improvement Last Man Standing Movies Nostalgia Santa Clause Showbiz sitcoms Tim Allen TV TV and Showbiz

What’s In Tim Allen’s Toolbox?

What’s in Tim Allen’s toolbox? Home Improvement’s Tim ‘The Tool Man’ Taylor is one of the most memorable characters ever period Let’s begin the discussion.
Who has seen every Home Improvement episode besides me? This TV show made the 1990s a great decade. Thanks to Tim Allen, we were given greatness in syndication too.
They don’t make sitcoms like this anymore. Moreover, characters aren’t given enough time to develop. Hell, someone’s always eliminated on Game of Thrones. Something’s gotta give.
I know it’s apples and oranges but Big Bangcould never replace Home Improvementbecause society would no longer accept it. In the history of mankind families are evermore distant. What’s going on?
Home Improvement represented a noble idea. Tim ‘The Tool Man’ Taylor wasn’t the perfect handyman or the perfect father. But he was present. He was there in the moment.
Tim Allen’s comedy whether in movies (Santa Clause) or on TV (Last Man Standing) reminds us to appreciate these moments and to create them. What is more, have the grunts to prove it! Tim Allen is one of the best comedic actors of all time.
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I want to see a remake of Grumpy Old Menstarring Allen and Steve Martin. Tim’s talent could have been wasted if he fed into distractions. Instead he stayed focused and chose to make something from nothing. Like Kid Rock, there won’t be another Tim Allen.
Yeah, you’ll find copycats meowing here and there. But if you wanna hear a lion roar, then you can find Tim Allen driving in his Chevy convertible top down and hair blowing everywhere. Tim Allen earned a celebrity car endorsement from Chevy.
Final thoughts, Tim Allen must have a funny tool in his toolbox otherwise he wouldn’t need Al’s help so much. Home Improvementwas a great American pastime. Most importantly, Mr. Allen makes the most of everything in his toolbox.
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LL Cool J: Brand Name Recognition

Let’s celebrate LL Cool J. He celebrates everybody else. Now it’s his turn to be celebrated.
LL serves as a cool host for multiple awards shows. What is more, he is a multi-talented entertainer and triple threat. No telling what he’ll do when given a microphone. Ladies love Cool J that’s why he’s named that.
Over the years, his brand name recognition has quadrupled. Right now, he’s a popular character on TV. You’ve been seeing him on NCIS: Los Angeles since 2009. And you see him on his new Lip Sync Battle show. What’s LL Cool J’s biggest secret?
Could it be his six-pack? Or maybe the drive it takes in maintaining a physically fit body? Ever since Any Given Sunday and Charlie’s Angels, I thought LL Cool J and Cameron Diaz would be a nice fit. Shout out to Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu.
TV Star. Movie Star. Rap Star. When you decide to diversify your portfolio, contact this celebrity. J created a blueprint for you. That’s why he has major brand name recognition.

How can we discuss Ice Cube’s Three Dimensional Vision and leave out LL Cool J, who is also a visionary and originator of music, movies, and TV. All I am saying is to give props to the originals. A generation grew up listening to- and internalizing I Need Love, Going Back to Cali, and Mama Said Knock You Out.
Who wants to see LL, Jay Z, and Master P recording music and performing together when it’s all said and done?  That would be Doin It, Big Pimpin’ and No Limit. I aim to present possibilities. It’s my duty.
LL Cool J explored all his options. He got famous. Plus he made multi-cool millions. Too many times we lock up things to the point we forget the combination to unlocking our valuables.

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#1 Answer Best Blogs brand Celebrity comedy Entertainment Family Feud Famous People Funny Guru Jay Hollywood Hollywood Actors Little Big Shots money Movies Showbiz Steve Harvey Steve Harvey Show TV

Why Steve Harvey Is the #1 Answer


Are you sick and tired of seeing these tensed uptight people? They walk around with their snotty noses up in the air and look down on everybody. Don’t let it get you upset. The truth is they’re miserable inside. They don’t have any sense. And they definitely don’t have a sense of humor.
Steve Harvey is the answer to their problems. Buy a Steve Harvey DVD and give it to these people. They desperately need more laughter in their lives. Over the years, Harvey has a built a name for himself on TV, radio, and in movies.
Consider his dominant TV presence. Hosting Family Feud is a prestigious honor. His hit show Little Big Shots is a new sensation. Also, the comedian’s daytime talk show helps establish his durable brand. The multitalented entertainer can sing a little too.
He’s up for all challenges. He’s a workaholic. But it’s his moment. You rise up to the occasion when it’s your chance to swing. Opportunities have an expiration date like milk. Don’t spoil your talent and waste my time.

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Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man changed the game for Mr. Harvey. Can I keep it real? Before that he was a borderline has-been. However, he never quit… thank God. The celebrity is too resilient to succumb to defeat. Moreover, Steve’s spirituality keeps him whole.
Yes, his net worth stands at $100 million and growing. But his real value is his manhood. He takes care of his responsibilities and provides for his wife and family in non-financial ways as well.

At the end of the day, remind people to get their priorities in line. Realize what’s truly important before it’s too late. Forgive yourself for making mistakes. But shame on you for making the same mistakes repeatedly. Ironically, Steve Harvey is most likely the highest profile comedian in the world because of his Miss Universe screw-up. The takeaway is to learn from your failures in order to succeed.

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