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Why Cher Is Amazing


Remember Alicia Silverstone played Cher and Stacey Dash was Dionne in Clueless. Stacey was named after superstar Dionne Warwick. And Alicia was named after the one and only Cher.

Good things happened in the 1990s. In the words of Cher “If I could turn back time…” I would warp us into 1995. Then, we’ll party like it’s 1999. R.I.P. Prince.

Do you notice how many great music artists go by 1 name? What if movie stars did the same thing? Imagine 23 Jump Street starring Channing and Jonah. #23 Michael appears in a cameo scene.

The main point is: there’s only one Cher. All the others are just imitators. So won’t the real Cher please stand up? S/O Eminem.

Like Barbra Streisand, the Cher sound is larger than life. Her vocal chords stretches to the highest degree. She owned the 1970s. We could also time travel to that era and save Jimi Hendrix.

Currently Cher leads 5 million Twitter and 
Facebook followers. She has sold more than
100 million records. Plus this celebrity has a net 
worth exceeding $305 million.

It’s easy to admire Cher because her career is admirable. Fans and musicians (of all stages) adore her beautiful art. You can spend the whole music appreciation class discussing her records and concerts. Who wouldn’t mind listening to a lecture on this singer?

There’s a certain boldness and rich quality to her voice. She’s finely tuned like a Steinway Grand Piano. It’s as if the one of a kind celebrity tickles the ebonies and ivories with her tonsils. How sure are we that her throat doesn’t have keys?

Teacher Appreciation Day

Alicia Keys and Beyoncé can teach Nicki Minaj. Mariah Carey can teach Ariana Grande and Meghan Trainor. Rihanna and Lady Gaga can teach Miley Cyrus. Last but not least, Cher can teach the teachers.

I feel Cher inspires maybe even Madonna. Plus 
the El Centro, California homegirl inspires the 
world. Applaud her fearlessness and courage to
take on challenges.
 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons
In closing, celebrities come and go. We 
call them stars because their glory fades 
but they shine for amoment. The truly amazing 
stars don an everlasting glow. Cher is amazing. 

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Actors battles Beyoncé Celebrities Charlie Sheen egos Eminem Entertainment feuds Guru Jay Hollywood Movies Music pop culture Rihanna social media TMZ Twitter Two and a Half Men winning

Who’s Winning? Charlie Sheen Vs. Rihanna


Rihanna has one of the most durable brands in music. And Charlie Sheen is ‘winning!’
Thank you Twitter for promoting this epic battle between Charlie Sheen and Rihanna. In case you missed the boat, Charlie called Rihanna out for refusing to meet his girlfriend at a restaurant. And so, Badgirl Riri tweeted a bad 140 characters to Carlos Estevez after he blasted her via the TMZ train.
If you ask me, they are both full of themselves. Both sides need to loosen up and deflate their egos like NFL balls. Riri has bigger fish to fry than Sheen. And Chuck should just shut his trap.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Charlie, we get it. You are a TV icon. And you made some great movies like Wall Street and Major League. But buddy, music is a different ball game. Rihanna has a navy fleet of supporters.
Rihanna, we get it. Who doesn’t want to meet you? Charlie tried to impress his fiancé. But baby, you do catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
Give Rihanna a break because she deals with millions of crazies everyday. Seriously, look at Charlie’s Twitter and compare it with Rihanna. Sheen should have chosen his words more carefully. 
We haven’t seen the best of Rihanna yet. Not even 27 years old, the Barbados princess hasn’t peaked. At 33, Beyoncé is still Queen Bee and in her prime.
On the flip side, Sheen had his day with Two and a Half Men. Charlie started acting in ’73 largely because of his father Martin’s connections. Sheen can brag all he wants about “experience.” However, he neglects to mention he followed Martin’s footsteps.
Rihanna clawed her way to the top, steadily grinding. She doesn’t deserve Charlie calling her an ‘ungrateful idiot.’ I can’t support Chuck’s blatant disrespect. He should apologize to Rihanna pronto. Anyway, Eminem is a text away from dissing Sheen in a rap.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
American Idol dance Facebook. Hillary Clinton Hip Hop Instagram Katy Perry KatyCats Liberal Arts Music pop signers social media Swifties Taylor Swift The Voice Twitter young people youth YouTube

How Katy Perry and Taylor Swift Inspire Young People


How do you explain majoring in music, dance or theatre to your parents? In today’s technologically advanced society, Liberal Arts degrees defy conventional wisdom. I admire those courageous few that possess passion for their artistry.
There aren’t enough artists. And there are way too many lawyers. The world needs more music.
American colleges are slashing Humanities programs in favor of sciences. That’s why I’m thankful for shows like ‘American Idol,’ ‘The Voice,’ and ‘So You Think You Can Dance.’ I love technology but I would rather stare at an Andy Warhol than a smartphone.
Katy Perry

Great art brings society together. Great music makes people dance. Katy Perry defines greatness.
Diverse crowds patronize Katy Perry’s concerts. Perry’s ‘Prismatic World Tour’ symbolizes her vision and goals. The musician’s creating rainbows and spreading a message of charity, peace and hope.
The celebrity realizes she’s inspiring young people. That’s why Katy protects her portrayal in the media. You know Hugh Hefner and Playboy desperately desire famous brunettes. 
Because Katy Perry isn’t a reluctant role model, the musician’s more popular than kings and queens. The superstar needs as much security as a presidential candidate. Katy will soon dye her hair blonde like her BFF Hillary Clinton. Remember, I predicted it first. 
Moreover, who can reach more young people than the famous ‘Firework’ singer? Katy Perry updates her fans through social networks. That’s how she stays first among music lovers.
Taylor Swift

Name one music artist richer than Taylor Swift. She’ll be a billionaire by her 50thbirthday. Many musicians idolize the ‘Blank Space’ songstress.
Like Katy, Taylor uses social media to interact with supporters. Swift’s infectious spirit inspires the youth to live out their dreams. Taylor’s swift success proves that Cinderella stories do exist.

Don’t fret over obstacles. Keep motivated and jump high hurdles. When there’s an opening, step out on faith, and maintain a steady pace.
Like Taylor you can tour the world too. You just need a passport and a dream. If you believe in yourself, the world will open up for you.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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