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Why Cher Is Amazing


Remember Alicia Silverstone played Cher and Stacey Dash was Dionne in Clueless. Stacey was named after superstar Dionne Warwick. And Alicia was named after the one and only Cher.

Good things happened in the 1990s. In the words of Cher “If I could turn back time…” I would warp us into 1995. Then, we’ll party like it’s 1999. R.I.P. Prince.

Do you notice how many great music artists go by 1 name? What if movie stars did the same thing? Imagine 23 Jump Street starring Channing and Jonah. #23 Michael appears in a cameo scene.

The main point is: there’s only one Cher. All the others are just imitators. So won’t the real Cher please stand up? S/O Eminem.

Like Barbra Streisand, the Cher sound is larger than life. Her vocal chords stretches to the highest degree. She owned the 1970s. We could also time travel to that era and save Jimi Hendrix.

Currently Cher leads 5 million Twitter and 
Facebook followers. She has sold more than
100 million records. Plus this celebrity has a net 
worth exceeding $305 million.

It’s easy to admire Cher because her career is admirable. Fans and musicians (of all stages) adore her beautiful art. You can spend the whole music appreciation class discussing her records and concerts. Who wouldn’t mind listening to a lecture on this singer?

There’s a certain boldness and rich quality to her voice. She’s finely tuned like a Steinway Grand Piano. It’s as if the one of a kind celebrity tickles the ebonies and ivories with her tonsils. How sure are we that her throat doesn’t have keys?

Teacher Appreciation Day

Alicia Keys and Beyoncé can teach Nicki Minaj. Mariah Carey can teach Ariana Grande and Meghan Trainor. Rihanna and Lady Gaga can teach Miley Cyrus. Last but not least, Cher can teach the teachers.

I feel Cher inspires maybe even Madonna. Plus 
the El Centro, California homegirl inspires the 
world. Applaud her fearlessness and courage to
take on challenges.
 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons
In closing, celebrities come and go. We 
call them stars because their glory fades 
but they shine for amoment. The truly amazing 
stars don an everlasting glow. Cher is amazing. 

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

albums Alicia Keys Celebs Hip Hop lip-synching Mariah Carey Music Musicians My All No One pop records Singer studio vocalist voice

Mariah Carey Vs. Alicia Keys


Alicia Keys has the voice of an angel. Mariah Carey has the voice of a goddess. With that said, I still would rather see Keys in concert.

Carey is notorious for lip-synching. Alicia plays the piano in addition to hitting high notes for a hobby. But, in the studio it is a different story.
Mariah has made many great albums. Now, Alicia Keys can do wonders in the studio as well. I just appreciate Mariah Carey’s career.  
The My All songstress blazed the trail for Alicia and Beyoncé. She worked harder to get to the top. So, let’s recognize Carey’s contributions.
Carey is the greatest female vocalist. This doesn’t mean she can sing better than Keys. It just means that Mariah’s voice is more flexible. She can stretch her vocal chords farther.
The Girl on Fire songstress owns her songs. She’s more in control of her pitch, tone and mechanics than Mariah. However, Carey is scary when she’s at her best.
Have you ever seen a bad Alicia Key’s performance? I’ve never seen her bomb. The poetic singer is persistent and consistent. I enjoy listening to Alicia’s songs because of their brilliant lyrics. She is a superb songwriter.
That’s why there’ s no comparison. Alicia Keys usurped Mariah Carey after the ‘No One’ hit. Since then, Alicia’s been headed one direction.   
So, for the record I listen to both singers. They are tremendously talented. I choose Alicia over Mariah, because I like her body of work better.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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