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15 Minutes of Adam Sandler

Great comedians like Adam Sandler make not so great movies sometimes. The tradeoff is that Adam Sandler makes really great movies here and there. No one doubts his funniness. Watch 15 minutes of Adam Sandler when having a hard time laughing.
The remedy for boredom is comedy. Adam Sandler could be your CVS pharmacist. He dispenses his jokes like medicine.
What is more, few comedians make great actors. Tell me what beats Adam Sandler in rare form. Reign Over Me remains one of my favorite movies because it showcases all of the comedic actor’s gifts.
Are you looking forward to the Do-Over? This Netflix original starring Sandler and David Spade is about two friends faking their deaths and taking on new identities. Watch the 3 minute trailer and try not to crack a smile.

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Showbiz can be tough, especially being funny in the business. Sometimes the joke is on you. What do you do when your world caves in and the chips are stacked against you?

Adam Sandler received a lot of heat for Ridiculous Six. How did he respond? In life, you must be smart about your reactions. Everyone won’t see it your way.
Adam Sandler serves as a perfect example of how to handle criticism. Check out who’s better Adam Sandler Vs. Jerry Seinfeld.
Nowadays Hollywood wields great power. Celebrities must be careful because the media will go after them for one wrong move. The margin of error is slim.
Sandler put on an awesome performance in Pixels. Adam plus Kevin James is a winning combination. You see Sandler scores touchdowns, when most just get extra points. Who remembers the Longest Yard and the Waterboy?
Adam also can score a hole in one like Happy Gilmore. Most people want 15 minutes of fame. I want 15 minutes of Adam Sandler.
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Ashton Kutcher Celebrity comedy Entertainment Famous People Funny Guru Jay Hollywood Mila Kunis Movies MTV Netflix Punk'D Showbiz Steve Jobs That 70's Show The Ranch TV Twitter Two & a Half Men

How Ashton Kutcher Became Epic

We just started watching The Ranch on Netflix. One episode in… and I’m convinced this is going to be big. Ashton Kutcher aka Mila Kunis’ husband takes control of the show. I feel he (as executive producer/ lead actor) is the main reason The Ranch will succeed.
Whether this or That 70’s Show, aplusk brings unbelievable humor to the table. Plus he brings home the bacon. Everything the comedic actor does seems to turn epic.
Punk’d was a series of epic proportions. For a long time, you weren’t a true celebrity unless you got Punk’d. My days of watching MTV are gone but I still remember seeing this show along with MTV Cribs and Pimp My Ride.
I’m no longer in their target demographic- being in my late 20s. Can you believe Ashton Kutcher’s 38 now? He looks younger than that. But by the same token, he came a long way. Did you know Kutcher started acting in 1998? 
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The more I read and write about Ashton, his legend increases. Think about it. He inherited Two & a Half Men along with the Steve Jobs movie. If you ask me, he’s as high profile as famous people come. What’s his secret?
Kutcher excels highly at a lot of things both big and small. They say the celebrity is a genius. No bullshit.
What is more, his brand of comedy can reach a wide audience. That’s why The Ranch will go down in TV history provided it’s given enough resources (no pun intended).
What Kevin Spacey is to House of Cards, Ashton Kutcher can be to The Ranch. I rarely binge watch TV because I like to ponder and absorb material. What do you do? Maybe, you will binge watch The Ranch after reading this article.
In closing, a proper education requires reading Homer’s epics The Iliad and The Odyssey. In our celebrity-obsessed generation, Ashton Kutcher is like Homer. By constantly producing valuable pieces, Ashton Kutcher became epic. 
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30 Rock Amy Poehler Best Blogs Celebrity comedians comedy Famous People Photos Funny Good Comedy Guru Jay Hollywood Actress Movies Netflix Saturday Night Live Sisters Movie Tina Fey TV TV and Showbiz

Tina Fey: Full Throttle


Tina Fey and Amy Poehler cohosted Saturday Night Live recently. Two hosts for one show is a rarity for SNL. When Tina and Amy combine their talents it’s a wonderful sight. We’re walking in a Winter Wonderland!
I am a comedy connoisseur. I indulge only in the finest. I can attest to Tina Fey’s richness.
Funny girl Tina Fey performs at full throttle. Like a Charlie Angel, she is hot and well equipped. Expect the purest quality from Fey.
She should get a show similar to John Oliver and Bill Maher. I thoroughly enjoyed Tina Fey’s Weekend Update. That’s when Fey and Poehler first formed a bond.

Can you imagine Tina replacing Ellen DeGeneres on daytime TV? Did you know Upper Darby is her hometown? That’s close to West Philadelphia, where Will Smith was born and raised.
Don’t you love her satire? Styles win over smiles in showbiz. By working smart Tina Fey built a geeky brand.
The brunette comedian complements comedy variety shows and sitcoms. She was the reason 30 Rock became such a huge success. Additionally Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, created by Tina Fey and Robert Carlock, is beloved by Netflix “chillers.”

Her subtle humor is indirectly infectious. She plays a perfect Sarah Palin. “You betcha.”
Moreover, Tina keeps making funny movies. The Sisters movie receives high marks. The wife and mother of two children starred in Baby Mama alongside Amy Poehler in 2008.
If you’re considering dinner and a movie, I highly recommend Date Night. Steve Carell couples with Tina Fey and they put on terrific performances. Mark Wahlberg makes a memorable appearance flexing his muscles and cracking computer codes.

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Laughter is the best medicine. And Tina Fey is the head nurse of comedy. Although doctors take all the credit, everybody knows nurses save the day.
Right now I believe this comedic actress is at her absolute best for she’s a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny! The celebrity could reasonably rest on her laurels. However, she chooses to continue blessing the masses with her work. You must admire her career achievements.
I appreciate her dedication, consistency, and maintenance. She is built Ford tough. What is better than watching Tina Fey accelerate at full throttle?

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Actors Celebrity Celebrity Blog Comic Books Entertainment News Guru Jay Hollywood Stars Jessica Jones Kilgrave Krysten Ritter Marvel Mike Colter Movies Netflix Rachael Taylor Thrillers TV TV Recap

Are You Watching Jessica Jones?


Are you watching Jessica Jones? I have watched the first three episodes. I decided to write a recap because it’s a dynamic viewing experience.

Disclaimer: even the most expensive diamonds contain flaws though. So, I’ll point out what I don’t like about Jessica Jones first.
To begin with, the storyline makes too many assumptions. If you’re unfamiliar with the comic book, you’ll have a hard time figuring out what’s happening.
Also, I didn’t like how the camera zooms and angles. Why is it necessary to show human bodies at a distance? For instance, when Jessica’s snapping pictures the people are too far away for you to appreciate their gestures and mannerisms. If I were an actor in the series, I would want my full face and body shown and you would too.
I believe the screenwriters are drunk with power. The barrier to entry for screenwriting restricts fantastic writers. Overall, I give the writing a C-, and the acting receives an A-.
I’m upset because although the series is good, it could be better.
Marvel’s Jessica Jones on Netflix may lack in some areas, but I still recommend watching it. I see a promising future for the series. Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Trish Walker were excellently casted. Krysten Ritter, Mike Colter, and Rachael Taylor are a good fit.

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Furthermore, the plot and characters are intriguing. Watching Jessica Jones is a reliever from a difficult day. Finally, you see things from a different perspective with a unique feel.
Can you picture a world with the same set of lenses? In Marvel’s universe, there are superheroes. Superhero Jessica Jones is one in a million.
Unfortunately, there are villains too. The antihero Kilgrave can control people’s minds, including Jessica’s head. What’s amazing is Kilgrave can do this telepathically. In the first episode, Hope Shlottman shoots and kills her parents in point blank range while under Kilgrave’s remote control.
Apparently, Jessie’s best friend/ talk show host Trish Walker has history with Kilgrave as well. But, Trish foolishly exposes his existence to her audience.
Kilgrave sends a Boy in Blue out to murder the babe. Luckily, she survives police brutality. In the nick of time, Jessica injects Trish with sleep antihesia. You see, the superhero discovers that’s Kilgrave’s weakness is sleep anesthesia after talking to Dr. Karuta. What is your weakness?

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2 Broke Girls Actress Celebrity comedy Emmys Entertainment Funny Guru Jay Hollywood Hollywood Stars Lady Gaga Megan Fox Netflix New Girl TV TV and Showbiz Whitney Cummings Zooey Deschanel

Why Zooey Deschanel Deserves An Emmy


I began binge watching New Girl on Netflix this week. I firmly believe Zooey Deschanel is a top 5 TV actress. Also, she deserves an Emmy.
Deschanel recently announced that Megan Fox is filming episodes for next season. Can you picture Zooey and Megan on screen together? Who’s planning to watch New Girlseason 5?
The New Girllead actress specializes in comedic acting. I would like to see Zooey perform standup. Although she isn’t technically a comic, the brunette babe is funny. Maybe she could workout some jokes with Whitney Cummings, who writes on 2 Broke Girls.
From New Girl to New Mother
The new mother nurtures her craft. What is more, acting runs in her family. Her big sister/actress Emily walks around in big boots.
You know it is hard working on a popular TV show. In a way, it is an endurance test. New Girlcompletes about 25 episodes a season.


I like Zooey because she’s a sweetheart. The pleasing actress smiles freely. And she conducts herself well in front of an audience.
Plus, she sings her own theme song. She & Him is a nice side hustle. Back in the day, versatile entertainers were common.
Nowadays, most celebrities stay in one square. There are exceptions like Lady Gaga, Jamie Foxx, and Jennifer Lopez. On a side note, who could have predicted Lady Gaga would kill it on American Horror Story (pun intended)?
As Halloween approaches, can you guess your favorite celebrity’s costume? Should Zooey Deschanel dress up as Megan Fox and vice versa? Whatever they choose, they will look amazing in it.

To my main point, Zooey Deschanel deserves an Emmy because she’s the best at her job. As a comedic actress in the lead role, who beats Deschanel on popularity? New Girlattracts more viewers than Inside Amy Schumer and Veep combined.

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30 Minutes or Less Aziz Ansari Celebrity comedy Comedy Central Famous South Carolinians Funny Guru Jay Jay Z Kanye West Netflix Parks & Recreation Rock Star Standup Comedians This Is the End

Why Aziz Ansari Is A Rock Star Of Comedy


Someone in my family, I won’t name who, repeatedly mistakes the identities of Aziz Ansari and Kal Penn. They share similarities, but there is a distinction. If you haven’t seen Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, you’re only missing out on one of the top 10 comedy movies of all time. I could write an eBook on Harold and Kumar 1, 2, and 3. But, I remind you Aziz Ansari is not the character “Kumar.”
Ansari is a phenomenal standup comedian and actor. Right now you can find his specials on Netflix along with every Parks & Recreation episode. Plus, he is the bomb in 30 Minutes or Less.

I’ve seen all his standups and can attest to his rock star status. The South Carolina native takes you there and everywhere. There is a reason why he’s seen chauffeuring model chicks in that Jay Z and Kanye West music video.

After graduating from New York University, he entered the funny business with all smiles. Frowns are rarely seen coming across his face unless it’s part of a sketch. Like me, he’s a student of comedy, but he practices what he preaches in front of crowds north of 10,000 people. He is a teacher, but not a guru.
Seriously, Aziz is a rock star. I believe Eddie Murphy became the first rock star of comedy. And Aziz is probably the 19th one.

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Like him, I’m a Millennial. And I believe he does our generation proud. Ironically, Aziz dominates this digital age by not boasting.
I hope to write blogs as great as his joke telling. His comedy pays homage to Richard Pryor, George Carlin, and Dave Chappelle with an original spin. Who’s watching his Comedy Central Intimate Moments for a Sensual Evening exclusive?

In 4 words: This is the End.

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Actors Actress American Crime Blackish Bloodline Celebrity Derek Emmys Game of Thrones Guru Jay Hollywood Stars House of Cards Mad Men Netflix Nurse Jackie Ray Donovan Red Carpet Scandal TV TV shows

Who’s Watching the Emmys? Guru Jay’s Preview


Before the Emmys air tonight celebrities are preparing speeches, making last minute adjustments, and putting on their final touches. Celebs can’t neglect a single detail because they might lose treasured scripts. Advertisers are evaluating endorsements. If their Hollywood stars gleam, we’ll see new contracts.
Here’s an analogy for college students. What the Oscars are to movies, the Emmys are to television. TV buffs should tune in tonight.
These are the most talented nominees ever. This year Netflix was the game changer. Netflix earned 34 nominations. Are you a House of Cards, Bloodline, and Derek fan? How couldn’t they nominate a President?
Have you noticed how many prominent movie stars recently received TV shows? It’s great for TV but bad for movies. Unfortunately, it appears actors are being overworked.

Emilia Clarke from Game of Thrones earned Best Supporting Actress in a Drama. Also, I expect the HBO TV show will win more awards than all others. Without Game of Thrones, TV would be pointless.
Both Blackish and Empire were nominated. Anthony Anderson received a nod for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series, while Taraji P. Henson was chosen for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama. Everything Lee Daniels touches turns to gold. So, I believe Henson will come away victorious.
3 months ago I proposed this question: Who is the funniest Amy? The Emmys may answer my inquiry since Amy Poehler and Amy Schumer are competing for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series. I’m not Nostradamus. Edie Falco from Nurse Jackie could get it?
Why do the Emmys nominate new and outgoing shows? Also, an established show like Scandal should collect honors before newbie American Crime. Mad Men and Boardwalk Empire deserved recognition while they aired.

Even casual viewers will enjoy seeing Hollywood stars at the Emmys @ 8 PM.

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