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Who’s Laughing with Chris Rock?


Could you use a good laugh? Watch Chris Rock’s movies, standups, and TV show reruns. For a while, Chris was Mr. HBO. Plus, Everybody Hates Chris was a major hit.
Chris Rock’s brand of comedy is still solid. He always talks about edgy topics. How many times must networks censor his standup material?
You can’t watch Chris Rock on Comedy Central’s TV network unedited. Thank God for freedom of speech. It is vital that comedians represent the whole truth of society.
Although the truth hurts, the pain helps you grow. Ask any tall man and he’ll tell you how hard it is on your knees, legs, and feet. It’s called growing pains for good reason.

Chris Rock grows on you. Like beer, you have to acquire a taste for his comedy. Sometimes, the comic’s jokes leave a bitter taste by design.
The celebrity doesn’t mind failing, and that’s why he’s successful. I admire how Chris has excelled despite being poor. What is more, he makes a handsome profit from his struggles, because he discusses poverty in memorable scenes and sketches.
Have you seen Head of State? If Bernie Mac is the King of Comedy, then Chris Rock is President-Elect. Who can deny his influence?
Plenty of comedians study his every movement. His younger brother/ comic Tony Rock respects his hustle. Indeed, Chris Rock is a certified hustler.

Case in point, CB4 and Pootie Tang came out of nowhere. Making something out of nothing is what this comedic actor does best. The Hollywood idol doesn’t need a giant studio or distributor to create exceptional content.
Like Martin Lawrence and Chris Tucker, Chris Rock is in full effect. Longevity in the comedy world is atypical. Overall, Chris Rock can’t complain too much about his lucrative career. Amazingly, he continues creating relevant content.
Who’s laughing with Chris Rock?

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Why Sia Is Unique


Right now, Adele is making headlines for Hello and 25. And Rihanna is expected to release ANTI anytime. Finally, Sia will unveil her new album This Is Actingon January 29, 2016.
Listening to music is good for you. The next time you play a song, consider singing along. Currently, I’m Alive by Sia is on my playlist. I find myself reciting the words and humming the catchy tune. After closely examining the lyrics, I am impressed by the songwriting.
Sia won’t be forgotten. That’s for sure. Her style reminds me of Cher. She can belt out ballads with such great ease. Moreover, Sia is the most creative music artist out there.
I like Lady Gaga a lot, but Sia’s creativity is unmatchable. Kanye West can’t even express himself more creatively than Sia. Let me stress I’m not knocking anyone.

I only want to praise the Chandeliersinger’s gifts. It is wonderful listening to Sia. Who else can turn their voice into a trombone?
The Australian songstress isn’t bound by location. She built a strong fan base organically across continents. What is more, her lyrics contain meaning.
She serves a purpose. She’s not singing about sex or glorifying drug culture. Her music is about struggle and empowerment.
Did you know she’s collaborated with rappers Eminem and Kanye West on the songs Guts Over Fear and Wolves, respectively?

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Sia covers her face to remain mysterious. Who else does that? Almost all celebrities love placing their faces front and center.
“Selfies” are a new concept popularized by Kim Kardashian. The reality TV star “published” a book with pictures of her body in various poses.
Sia doesn’t seem to want fame. Who could blame her? However, the singer continues recording and performing because she realizes her incredible talent is a blessing. Sia is unique.

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Are You Watching Jessica Jones?


Are you watching Jessica Jones? I have watched the first three episodes. I decided to write a recap because it’s a dynamic viewing experience.

Disclaimer: even the most expensive diamonds contain flaws though. So, I’ll point out what I don’t like about Jessica Jones first.
To begin with, the storyline makes too many assumptions. If you’re unfamiliar with the comic book, you’ll have a hard time figuring out what’s happening.
Also, I didn’t like how the camera zooms and angles. Why is it necessary to show human bodies at a distance? For instance, when Jessica’s snapping pictures the people are too far away for you to appreciate their gestures and mannerisms. If I were an actor in the series, I would want my full face and body shown and you would too.
I believe the screenwriters are drunk with power. The barrier to entry for screenwriting restricts fantastic writers. Overall, I give the writing a C-, and the acting receives an A-.
I’m upset because although the series is good, it could be better.
Marvel’s Jessica Jones on Netflix may lack in some areas, but I still recommend watching it. I see a promising future for the series. Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Trish Walker were excellently casted. Krysten Ritter, Mike Colter, and Rachael Taylor are a good fit.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Furthermore, the plot and characters are intriguing. Watching Jessica Jones is a reliever from a difficult day. Finally, you see things from a different perspective with a unique feel.
Can you picture a world with the same set of lenses? In Marvel’s universe, there are superheroes. Superhero Jessica Jones is one in a million.
Unfortunately, there are villains too. The antihero Kilgrave can control people’s minds, including Jessica’s head. What’s amazing is Kilgrave can do this telepathically. In the first episode, Hope Shlottman shoots and kills her parents in point blank range while under Kilgrave’s remote control.
Apparently, Jessie’s best friend/ talk show host Trish Walker has history with Kilgrave as well. But, Trish foolishly exposes his existence to her audience.
Kilgrave sends a Boy in Blue out to murder the babe. Luckily, she survives police brutality. In the nick of time, Jessica injects Trish with sleep antihesia. You see, the superhero discovers that’s Kilgrave’s weakness is sleep anesthesia after talking to Dr. Karuta. What is your weakness?

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What Makes Kerry Washington Special

Actresses come and go in Hollywoodland. Sometimes the most talented stars are unfairly mistreated by “showbusinessmen.” Still, you can’t deny the preciousness of a diamond in the rough.

How amazing is Kerry Washington? Let’s appreciate her offerings and sacrifices to the entertainment industry. Her body of work is a work of art.
I will explain what makes Kerry Washington special. Kerry became a top 5 TV actressafter a successful movie career. Without question, her value as an actor has quadruple since Scandal. Approximately 7 million viewers watch the popular legal/political TV drama.
I encourage you to watch Kerry Washington’s movies. Like Halle Berry, she sacrificed higher salaries for the sake of creating superior content. For example, she was underpaid for both the Last King of Scotland and Ray.
Additionally, I recommend watching Lakeview Terrace. I’ve seen the film at least 3 times. You’ll enjoy her back and forth with Samuel L. Jackson.

Kerry Washington’s Django Unchained performance was off the chain. As a disclaimer, this movie isn’t for everybody. Django was designed to be controversial.
The hot actress plays the hell out of roles. She was the shit in I Think I Love My Wife, although Gina Torres got the best line. When Washington is in a film, her presence is always felt.
Kerry is still out of sight. She doesn’t need makeup. Does she look gorgeous or what?
You see what makes her special is a rare combination of talent and beauty. Kerry Washington is similar to Scarlett Johansson and Angelina Jolie. All three are terrific thespians and sex symbols.
You need tough skin to succeed in Tinseltown.
You must learn how to deal with rejection and brush up on your politics. Celebrities aren’t measured with the same stick as common folk.

The uncommon Kerry Washington has brushed up on political events. Few actresses achieve her level of fame, while staying levelheaded. That’s what makes her special.

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Wesley Snipes: Back in Action


Wesley Snipes is back in action. Right now, you can watch Wesley in the new hit TV show The Player. The Hollywood king has made a triumph return to filming. 

Every actor respects him because he’s the best. He is charismatic and dynamic. Who remembers Money Train, Liberty Stands Still, and Murder at 1600?
If studio executives want an amazing talent, they know where to find Wesley. Snipes usually plays good guys, but’s he’s also proven he can act “bad.” For instance, in Sugar Hill, Snipes stars as a narcotics kingpin.
Plus, he entertains everybody by showcasing his martial arts techniques. Sylvester Stallone is extremely lucky Snipes signed up for Expendables 3. But Blade is his calling card.
In addition, the actor is a convincing athlete. The Fan and White Men Can’t Jump are prime examples. Who can compete with Wesley’s unique filmography?

Mother and daughter appreciate his fine art. After watching at least 20 Wesley Snipes movies, I’ve never seen a flop. Wesley flips, but he doesn’t flop.
It’s a shame Mo Better’ Blues is the only movie he filmed with Denzel Washington. Hollywood needs to get its act together (pun intended). Wouldn’t you rather see a supreme actor instead of another superhero blockbuster?

Moviegoers are owed movie stars. Although I like watching Wesley Snipes every week in The Player, I’d prefer seeing him in more movies.
Actors are the gel that lubricates a movie’s wheel. You can’t reinvent the wheel. Also, if ain’t broke don’t fix it.
I’m in favor of top actors taking pay cuts only if CEOs take them too. This greedy business of finding cheap talent and giving corporate bonuses needs to stop. It is severely affecting the quality and experience of the show.

In a nutshell, we should anticipate the next Wesley Snipes and not the new Spider-Man.
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