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How Rihanna Is Everything and Everywhere


Rihanna’s roots sprout up from Barbados. When the platinum music artist crossed over from overseas, she brought the Rihanna Navy along for cruising. Because of a smashing hit streak, the mononymous entertainer has turned into Miss International.
Currently, Celebrity Net Worth calculates Rihanna’s value at $140 million. All I know is their accountants better have counted every dollar bill, because there are serious repercussions for inaccuracies. All jokes aside, Rihanna has built her very own version of Imperial Rome.
Think about it. Rihanna is everything and everywhere. She’s not only accepted and supported by Main Street but also financed by Wall Street. What corporation doesn’t want to license her name or get her endorsement?

Moreover, internationally Rihanna’s market value seems infinite. How did this all happen? I believe she learned from the best: Jay Z, Beyoncé, and Britney Spears.
You see, Jay Z and Beyoncé remain relevant despite fierce competition. And Britney Spears meant the world to music. You must learn from past success and mistakes.
Rihanna reveals just enough to make you want more. She was the reason I watched Battleship. The celebrity can’t mess up.
Okay, everybody can mess up sometimes. But, you rarely see Badgirl Riri off her game. She is dedicated to her craft. The glitz and glamor of Hollywood won’t distract her from destiny.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

That’s why the singer is prolifically producing supreme content. Do I agree with her every move? Of course I don’t.
I disagree with her addressing some detractors directly. There are times she put people in check that weren’t in her league. Still, standing up for your cause is good practice. I believe when you reach Rihanna’s level you start seeing things differently.
In a nutshell, Rihanna is everything and everywhere by design. Her success is not by accident. Right now, the world is hers.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Bill Gates Britney Spears Celebrities Entertainment Guru Jay Inspiration Jazz Kenny G Marilyn Manson Microsoft Music Musicians poetry positivity safer world Saxophones Saxophonist Smooth Jazz

How Saxophonist Kenny G Perfected Smooth Jazz


I learned how to write poetry in the 5th grade. My teachers entered my poems into statewide contests. Fortunately I won a few of those.
Poetry stretches the creative mind and imagination. Picture life without words, rhythm, metaphors, and pentameters. How would you make sense of living and reality?
While growing up, I rarely listened to rock or rap music. I played jazz in my old portable CD player. Do you remember the Walkman?
Right after listening to Kenny G, I would write poetry because the saxophonist inspired me. Inspirational music serves multiple purposes. First of all, more souls seek daily inspiration. Second, motivational music itself cures boredom, frustration, and negativity.
Has Kenny G even played a negative note? Kenny mostly orchestrates positive moods, good spirits, and good vibrations. What is more, his long and illustrious career speaks volumes about his musical influence.
By my 15thbirthday- early 2000s, I heard every Kenny G album in existence. There is still something magical about saxophones. The jazz musician breathes life into his instruments.
Kenny G is a poet who specializes in smooth jazz on the soprano saxophone. His style is similar to the magnetic Adam Levine. He makes his hardware sound like Christina Aguilera.
Kenny G built his fandom by becoming the Microsoft of smooth jazz. Yes, Bill Gates created a monopoly with Windows. And, in the same way, Kenny G was the foremost saxophonist.
Christmas 2000, my mother asked me “What do you want for a present?” I’ll never forget receiving more than what I asked for. My parents gave me the Britney Spears Oops!…I Did It Again album, a stereo, and a Yamaha keyboard. I’ve always loved music since a youngster because music improves your quality of life.

Wouldn’t the world be a safer place if more young people listened to Kenny G and smooth jazz instead of Marilyn Manson?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Apple Britney Spears Celebs Christina Aguilera Entertainment Facebook. Fans followers Google Hollywood likes Music Oprah Winfrey Super Bowl Super Bowl commercials The Voice Twitter YouTube

What Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera Meant to Music


Before YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter were invented, Britney Spears was a monarch social butterfly. Before Apple announced iPhones or Google created Androids, the Disney princess’s number was first in Oprah Winfrey’s Rolodex. Before technology changed the music business, Britney Spears was unquestionably the most famous person alive.
Strike while the iron’s hot
Britney Spears didn’t waste time showcasing talent, revealing assets, and selling sexuality. From the beginning, the celebrity understood branding and secured lucrative endorsements. Who can forget the critically acclaimed Pepsi Super Bowl commercial, which solidified her brand’s identity?
If Justin Timberlake’s President, then Britney’s Chancellor. Supporters are still waiting for a Britney and Justin collaboration. A duet together would propel both Spears and Timberlake.

 Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

People purchased Britney Spears’ merchandise because they identified with Britney’s background and personality. Always smiling, the superstar personified happiness. Moreover, the music artist clearly appreciated her fandom.
Name your favorite Britney Spears’ music videos, albums, and concerts.
Christina Aguilera

The sensational singer/ incredible vocalist Christina Aguilera is music’s Jennie Barbara Eden. There’s a reason why Xtina was a judge for ‘The Voice.’ Musicians respect the superstar’s ability to control pitch like Mick Jagger and Adam Levine. The entertainer isn’t a Maroon 5 member or Rolling Stone but she’s a powerful songstress.
Xtina will soon pass 14 million Twitter followers and the celebrity currently has 26 million Facebook likes. Aguilera collects social media friends like Coca-Cola collects bottle caps. Furthermore, Christina reaches millions with her wonderful performances and beautiful songs. You can’t deny Christina Aguilera’s strong effect.
Once upon a time, there was a bitter rivalry between Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. There’s still a remnant of competition among the celebrities. The young entertainers fueled the entertainment business with their fuel-efficient drives and ferocities.

Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera meant the world to the music industry.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Adam Levine Alicia Keys Alyssa Milano Avril Lavigne Britney Spears Diddy Jessica Simpson Julianne Hough Justin Bieber Katy Perry Lindsay Lohan Nicole Scherzinger Proactiv Serena Williams

Give Them Some Skin: Proactiv Celebrities

How many celebrities hire dermatologists and image consultants? They have to pay the piper because Hollywood demands glitz and glamor. That’s why many celebs endorse Proactiv.
All teenagers face acne. WebMD says adults can get acne as well. Proactiv found how to capitalize on human nature. After all, young adults are companies’ main target audience.
It makes perfect sense for Katy Perry and others to speak on the acne cream’s behalf. Imagine if you were under a microscope like most celebrities. What if you were a model?
Give Them Some Skin
You’ve seen the commercials promising to pop pimples and solve your problems. Your favorite celebrity comes on the screen and convinces you to give them some skin. And by skin, I mean cash money and credit card numbers.
It seems superficial but Hollywood obsesses over vain stuff like body weights and sizes 0. Unfortunately, it comes with the territory. In show business they calculate your self worth differently than Joel Osteen and Rick Warren.
Have you ever tried Proactiv’s products? There’s nothing wrong with cleansing and exfoliating your skin. The body is the temple.
The following celebrities have endorsed Proactiv.
 Julianne Hough

Nicole Scherzinger

Vanessa Williams

Mandy Moore

Jenna Fischer

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jessica Simpson

Alyssa Milano

Lindsay Lohan

Adam Levine


Serena Williams

Britney Spears

Alicia Keys

Avril Lavigne

Justin Bieber

Katy Perry

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

Beyoncé Britney Spears Celebs Coke Drake Endorsements JLo Justin Timberlake Katy Perry Kelly Clarkson LeBron James Pepsi Peyton Manning Ryan Seacrest Serena Williams Taylor Swift Tiger Woods

Pepsi Vs. Coke Celebrities


Celebrity endorsements are very valuable. Brands are built on the backs of athletes and entertainers. That’s why as a celebrity it’s important to know your worth.
Pepsi Co. and Coca Cola rule the soft-drink world. Because of their marketing campaigns, these beverages have worldwide recognition. They also have a stable of celebrities to ride.
Pepsi has a great position because it owns Gatorade. But Coke owns Vitamin Water and Sprite. So, there is a legitimate rivalry brewing.
These celebrities have endorsed Pepsi and Coke products…
Katy Perry

Britney Spears

Tiger Woods

Justin Timberlake

Peyton Manning

Serena Williams


Taylor Swift

Jennifer Lopez

Ryan Seacrest


LeBron James

50 Cent

Kelly Clarkson

Next time when you drink Pepsi or Coke, think about your favorite celebrity. Are you guys drinking the same soda?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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