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Why Sia Is Unique


Right now, Adele is making headlines for Hello and 25. And Rihanna is expected to release ANTI anytime. Finally, Sia will unveil her new album This Is Actingon January 29, 2016.
Listening to music is good for you. The next time you play a song, consider singing along. Currently, I’m Alive by Sia is on my playlist. I find myself reciting the words and humming the catchy tune. After closely examining the lyrics, I am impressed by the songwriting.
Sia won’t be forgotten. That’s for sure. Her style reminds me of Cher. She can belt out ballads with such great ease. Moreover, Sia is the most creative music artist out there.
I like Lady Gaga a lot, but Sia’s creativity is unmatchable. Kanye West can’t even express himself more creatively than Sia. Let me stress I’m not knocking anyone.

I only want to praise the Chandeliersinger’s gifts. It is wonderful listening to Sia. Who else can turn their voice into a trombone?
The Australian songstress isn’t bound by location. She built a strong fan base organically across continents. What is more, her lyrics contain meaning.
She serves a purpose. She’s not singing about sex or glorifying drug culture. Her music is about struggle and empowerment.
Did you know she’s collaborated with rappers Eminem and Kanye West on the songs Guts Over Fear and Wolves, respectively?

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Sia covers her face to remain mysterious. Who else does that? Almost all celebrities love placing their faces front and center.
“Selfies” are a new concept popularized by Kim Kardashian. The reality TV star “published” a book with pictures of her body in various poses.
Sia doesn’t seem to want fame. Who could blame her? However, the singer continues recording and performing because she realizes her incredible talent is a blessing. Sia is unique.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actors agents arts careers Celebrities Celebrity entertainers Guru Jay Hollywood Julliard Kerry Washington managers Movies Nicole Beharie performers Scandal Sleepy Hollow talent theatre TV shows

Is Nicole Beharie the Next Kerry Washington?


I watch Sleepy Hollow occasionally mainly because I’ve got crush on Nicole Beharie. If Nicole doesn’t renew her contract, then the show wouldn’t last another episode. Did you know Nicole Beharie went to Julliard?
She’s highly educated and accomplished in and out of Hollywood. That’s why I know she can be the next Kerry Washington. Beharie recently turned 30, and she’s getting sexier year after year.
Hopefully, the fine actress doesn’t let her ego enlarge. The best policy is humility. Careers are ruined because actors think they’re irreplaceable. Give Beharie the benefit of doubt since she isn’t boastful.
In the next 3 years I expect Nikki to start filming mega budget movies. Why can’t she star as the lead sometimes? You see show business is about making connections and networking. Have faith in Nicole because she has developed fruitful relationships.
Ironically, Scandal helped Kerry Washington’s career blossom. She’s received more opportunities since signing up for the show. Beharie is in a superior position to transition heavily into movies.

If I were managing Nicole, she’d be hotter than pancakes in Africa. Agents notoriously hold entertainers back. Often times promoters look out only for themselves at the expense of their clients.

Nicole Beharie is too talented to be on the B list. I believe she’s an A list actress with bad representation. For Nicole to advance, she needs to pick Kerry Washington’s brain. People purposely give bad advice because they want to sabotage you.
Look around and ask yourself do you really need that person in your entourage. Nicole Beharie doesn’t necessarily have to become the next Kerry Washington. She could choose a different direction.
Nicole can make People’s front cover. She can take number 1 on Maxim’s Hot 100. Actors must pay their dues. Is Nicole Beharie paying to play?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Avril Lavigne Canadians Celebs Drake Guru Jay Justin Bieber Music Musicians PETA celebs Philadelphia natives Pink Pink Vs. Avril Lavigne Punk Rock Singers Songs talent videos Who is the best?

Pink Vs. Avril Lavigne

Do you want to rock out with Pink or Avril Lavigne? What are your favorite Pink and Avril Lavigne songs and music videos? Pink gets up in your face, while Avril plays hard to get. It feels like they’re both 40 year olds because their careers have been huge successes.
I believe Pink is the best performer. She’ll do anything to please the crowd. Still, Lavigne is more popular because of her Canadian roots.
You see this happens all the time. Talented Canadians take over the entertainment world. Take Drake and Justin Bieber for instance.
If Justin were from Boston instead of Toronto, he’d have an average career. I’m not advocating becoming a Canadian citizen. All I am saying is Avril has a significant advantage over Pink because of her background.
Pink originates from the city of Brotherly Love. Philadelphia proudly calls her daughter. The great musician represents her hometown well.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

If blondes have more fun, that explains why Avril is always jumping. Like Pink she controls crowds by pandering to their desires. But I want to rock out with Avril because she’s more energetic.

Plus, Avril Lavigne is sexier. In the entertainment industry, sex appeal counts. Pink is sexy too, but in a different way.
Now I like Pink’s style because she grinds harder than most entertainers. Her music videos are better. However, I appreciate Avril’s consistency. You never know what to expect from Pink.
Pink is worth watching though, because she executes daring stunts. Do you remember when she sang while being suspended in the air at the Grammys? I believe Pink can fly!
On a serious tip, Pink makes socially relevant music. She champions causes such as animal rights. Did you notice she’s wearing a PETA shirt in the photo? Avril Lavigne is also a PETA supporter.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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